/* * Copyright 2008-2016 MongoDB, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.mongodb.connection; import com.mongodb.ReadPreference; import com.mongodb.ServerAddress; import com.mongodb.TagSet; import com.mongodb.annotations.Immutable; import com.mongodb.selector.ReadPreferenceServerSelector; import com.mongodb.selector.WritableServerSelector; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import static com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions.notNull; import static java.lang.String.format; /** * Immutable snapshot state of a cluster. * * @since 3.0 */ @Immutable public class ClusterDescription { private final ClusterConnectionMode connectionMode; private final ClusterType type; private final List<ServerDescription> serverDescriptions; private final ClusterSettings clusterSettings; private final ServerSettings serverSettings; /** * Creates a new ClusterDescription. * * @param connectionMode whether to connect directly to a single server or to multiple servers * @param type what sort of cluster this is * @param serverDescriptions the descriptions of all the servers currently in this cluster */ public ClusterDescription(final ClusterConnectionMode connectionMode, final ClusterType type, final List<ServerDescription> serverDescriptions) { this(connectionMode, type, serverDescriptions, null, null); } /** * Creates a new ClusterDescription. * * @param connectionMode whether to connect directly to a single server or to multiple servers * @param type what sort of cluster this is * @param serverDescriptions the descriptions of all the servers currently in this cluster * @param clusterSettings the cluster settings * @param serverSettings the server settings * @since 3.4 */ public ClusterDescription(final ClusterConnectionMode connectionMode, final ClusterType type, final List<ServerDescription> serverDescriptions, final ClusterSettings clusterSettings, final ServerSettings serverSettings) { notNull("all", serverDescriptions); this.connectionMode = notNull("connectionMode", connectionMode); this.type = notNull("type", type); this.serverDescriptions = new ArrayList<ServerDescription>(serverDescriptions); this.clusterSettings = clusterSettings; this.serverSettings = serverSettings; } /** * Gets the cluster settings, which may be null if not provided. * * @return the cluster settings * @since 3.4 */ public ClusterSettings getClusterSettings() { return clusterSettings; } /** * Gets the server settings, which may be null if not provided. * * @return the server settings * @since 3.4 */ public ServerSettings getServerSettings() { return serverSettings; } /** * Return whether the cluster is compatible with the driver. * * @return true if the cluster is compatible with the driver. */ public boolean isCompatibleWithDriver() { for (final ServerDescription cur : serverDescriptions) { if (!cur.isCompatibleWithDriver()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns true if this cluster has at least one server that satisfies the given read preference. * * @param readPreference the non-null read preference * @return whether this cluster has at least one server that satisfies the given read preference * @since 3.3 */ public boolean hasReadableServer(final ReadPreference readPreference) { notNull("readPreference", readPreference); return !new ReadPreferenceServerSelector(readPreference).select(this).isEmpty(); } /** * Returns true if this cluster has at least one server that can be used for write operations. * * @return true if this cluster has at least one server that can be used for write operations * @since 3.3 */ public boolean hasWritableServer() { return !new WritableServerSelector().select(this).isEmpty(); } /** * Gets whether this cluster is connecting to a single server or multiple servers. * * @return the ClusterConnectionMode for this cluster */ public ClusterConnectionMode getConnectionMode() { return connectionMode; } /** * Gets the specific type of this cluster * * @return a ClusterType enum representing the type of this cluster */ public ClusterType getType() { return type; } /** * Returns an unmodifiable list of the server descriptions in this cluster description. * * @return an unmodifiable list of the server descriptions in this cluster description * @since 3.3 */ public List<ServerDescription> getServerDescriptions() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(serverDescriptions); } /** * Returns the Set of all server descriptions in this cluster, sorted by the String value of the ServerAddress of each one. * * @return the set of server descriptions * @deprecated Use {@link #getServerDescriptions()} instead */ @Deprecated public Set<ServerDescription> getAll() { Set<ServerDescription> serverDescriptionSet = new TreeSet<ServerDescription>(new Comparator<ServerDescription>() { @Override public int compare(final ServerDescription o1, final ServerDescription o2) { int val = o1.getAddress().getHost().compareTo(o2.getAddress().getHost()); if (val != 0) { return val; } return integerCompare(o1.getAddress().getPort(), o2.getAddress().getPort()); } private int integerCompare(final int p1, final int p2) { return (p1 < p2) ? -1 : ((p1 == p2) ? 0 : 1); } }); serverDescriptionSet.addAll(serverDescriptions); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(serverDescriptionSet); } /** * Returns the ServerDescription for the server at the given address * * @param serverAddress the ServerAddress for a server in this cluster * @return the ServerDescription for this server * @deprecated Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller */ @Deprecated public ServerDescription getByServerAddress(final ServerAddress serverAddress) { for (final ServerDescription cur : serverDescriptions) { if (cur.isOk() && cur.getAddress().equals(serverAddress)) { return cur; } } return null; } /** * While it may seem counter-intuitive that a MongoDB cluster can have more than one primary, it can in the case where the client's view * of the cluster is a set of mongos servers, any of which can serve as the primary. * * @return a list of servers that can act as primaries * @deprecated Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller */ @Deprecated public List<ServerDescription> getPrimaries() { return getServersByPredicate(new Predicate() { public boolean apply(final ServerDescription serverDescription) { return serverDescription.isPrimary(); } }); } /** * Get a list of all the secondaries in this cluster * * @return a List of ServerDescriptions of all the secondaries this cluster is currently aware of * @deprecated Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller */ @Deprecated public List<ServerDescription> getSecondaries() { return getServersByPredicate(new Predicate() { public boolean apply(final ServerDescription serverDescription) { return serverDescription.isSecondary(); } }); } /** * Get a list of all the secondaries in this cluster that match a given TagSet * * @param tagSet a Set of replica set tags * @return a List of ServerDescriptions of all the secondaries this cluster that match all of the given tags * @deprecated Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller */ @Deprecated public List<ServerDescription> getSecondaries(final TagSet tagSet) { return getServersByPredicate(new Predicate() { public boolean apply(final ServerDescription serverDescription) { return serverDescription.isSecondary() && serverDescription.hasTags(tagSet); } }); } /** * Gets a list of ServerDescriptions for all the servers in this cluster which are currently accessible. * * @return a List of ServerDescriptions for all servers that have a status of OK * @deprecated Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller */ @Deprecated public List<ServerDescription> getAny() { return getServersByPredicate(new Predicate() { public boolean apply(final ServerDescription serverDescription) { return serverDescription.isOk(); } }); } /** * Gets a list of all the primaries and secondaries in this cluster. * * @return a list of ServerDescriptions for all primary and secondary servers * @deprecated Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller */ @Deprecated public List<ServerDescription> getAnyPrimaryOrSecondary() { return getServersByPredicate(new Predicate() { public boolean apply(final ServerDescription serverDescription) { return serverDescription.isPrimary() || serverDescription.isSecondary(); } }); } /** * Gets a list of all the primaries and secondaries in this cluster that match the given replica set tags. * * @param tagSet a Set of replica set tags * @return a list of ServerDescriptions for all primary and secondary servers that contain all of the given tags * @deprecated Replace with a filter on ServerDescription in the caller */ @Deprecated public List<ServerDescription> getAnyPrimaryOrSecondary(final TagSet tagSet) { return getServersByPredicate(new Predicate() { public boolean apply(final ServerDescription serverDescription) { return (serverDescription.isPrimary() || serverDescription.isSecondary()) && serverDescription.hasTags(tagSet); } }); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } ClusterDescription that = (ClusterDescription) o; if (connectionMode != that.connectionMode) { return false; } if (type != that.type) { return false; } if (serverDescriptions.size() != that.serverDescriptions.size()) { return false; } if (!serverDescriptions.containsAll(that.serverDescriptions)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = connectionMode.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + type.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + serverDescriptions.hashCode(); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "ClusterDescription{" + "type=" + getType() + ", connectionMode=" + connectionMode + ", serverDescriptions=" + serverDescriptions + '}'; } /** * Returns a short, pretty description for this ClusterDescription. * * @return a String describing this cluster. */ public String getShortDescription() { StringBuilder serverDescriptions = new StringBuilder(); String delimiter = ""; for (final ServerDescription cur : this.serverDescriptions) { serverDescriptions.append(delimiter).append(cur.getShortDescription()); delimiter = ", "; } return format("{type=%s, servers=[%s]", type, serverDescriptions); } private interface Predicate { boolean apply(ServerDescription serverDescription); } private List<ServerDescription> getServersByPredicate(final Predicate predicate) { List<ServerDescription> membersByTag = new ArrayList<ServerDescription>(); for (final ServerDescription cur : serverDescriptions) { if (predicate.apply(cur)) { membersByTag.add(cur); } } return membersByTag; } }