package org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.statemachine.custom.figures; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Insets; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.mapmode.MapModeUtil; import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.common.figure.node.RectangularShadowBorder; import; /** * Rounded shadow border, extends RectangularShadowBorder otherwise problem in * hierarchy of figures Works with borderwidth of 3 and arcwidth of 20 * * @author David * */ public class RoundedShadowBorder extends RectangularShadowBorder { int borderwidth; int arcwidth; public RoundedShadowBorder(Color color) { super(3, color); this.borderwidth = 3; arcwidth = 20; setWidth(1); } /** * Method for determining the inset the border will take up on the shape. * * @param figure * Figure that will be inset from the border * @return Insets the Insets for the border on the given figure. */ @Override public Insets getInsets(IFigure figure) { Insets insetsNew = super.getInsets(figure); = 0; insetsNew.left = 0; insetsNew.bottom = MapModeUtil.getMapMode(figure).DPtoLP(insetsNew.bottom + borderwidth); insetsNew.right = MapModeUtil.getMapMode(figure).DPtoLP(insetsNew.right + borderwidth); return insetsNew; } /** * @see org.eclipse.draw2d.Border#paint(IFigure, Graphics, Insets) */ @Override public void paint(IFigure figure, Graphics graphics, Insets insets) { // draw the normal line border tempRect.setBounds(getPaintRectangle(figure, insets)); if(getWidth() % 2 == 1) { tempRect.width--; tempRect.height--; } tempRect.shrink(getWidth() / 2 + 1, getWidth() / 2 + 1).translate(-1, -1); graphics.setLineWidth(getWidth()); if(getColor() != null) graphics.setForegroundColor(getColor()); graphics.drawRoundRectangle(tempRect, arcwidth, arcwidth); graphics.setBackgroundColor(getColor()); // graphics.drawArc(tempRect.x+tempRect.width-arcwidth+borderwidth, // tempRect.y+borderwidth, // arcwidth, arcwidth, 0, 50); graphics.drawArc(tempRect.x + tempRect.width - arcwidth + borderwidth, tempRect.y + borderwidth, arcwidth - 1, arcwidth - 1, 0, 40); // graphics.drawArc(tempRect.x+tempRect.width-arcwidth+borderwidth, // tempRect.y+borderwidth, // arcwidth-2, arcwidth-2, 0, 20); // graphics.drawArc(tempRect.x+tempRect.width-arcwidth+borderwidth, // tempRect.y+borderwidth+tempRect.height-arcwidth, arcwidth, arcwidth, // 270, 90); graphics.drawArc(tempRect.x + tempRect.width - arcwidth + borderwidth, tempRect.y + borderwidth + tempRect.height - arcwidth, arcwidth - 1, arcwidth - 1, 270, 90); graphics.drawArc(tempRect.x + tempRect.width - arcwidth + borderwidth, tempRect.y + borderwidth + tempRect.height - arcwidth, arcwidth - 2, arcwidth - 2, 270, 90); graphics.drawArc(tempRect.x + tempRect.width - arcwidth + borderwidth, tempRect.y + borderwidth + tempRect.height - arcwidth, arcwidth - 3, arcwidth - 3, 270, 90); // graphics.drawArc(tempRect.x+borderwidth, // tempRect.y+borderwidth+tempRect.height-arcwidth, // arcwidth, arcwidth, 220, 50); graphics.drawArc(tempRect.x + borderwidth, tempRect.y + borderwidth + tempRect.height - arcwidth, arcwidth - 1, arcwidth - 1, 230, 40); // graphics.drawArc(tempRect.x+borderwidth, // tempRect.y+borderwidth+tempRect.height-arcwidth, // arcwidth-2, arcwidth-2, 240, 20); graphics.fillRectangle(tempRect.x + tempRect.width + 1, tempRect.y + arcwidth - 2 * borderwidth - 4, borderwidth, tempRect.height - arcwidth + borderwidth); graphics.fillRectangle(tempRect.x + arcwidth - 2 * borderwidth - 4, tempRect.y + tempRect.height + 1, tempRect.width - arcwidth + borderwidth, borderwidth); } }