package org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.core.sasheditor.internal.preferences; public interface ITabTooltipPreferences { /** * Constant used in Eclipse preferences */ public String isTooltipEnable = "isTooltipEnable"; public String isTooltipForCurrentTabShown = "isTooltipForCurrentTabShown"; public String scaledFactor = "scaledFactor"; public String tooltipAutoCloseDelay = "tooltipAutoCloseDelay"; /** * Is the tooltip Enable ? * If true, tooltip are displayed. * If false, they are not displayed. * * @return */ public abstract boolean isTooltipEnable(); /** * Is an tooltip shown when the flied tabs is the tab for the cuurently shown diagram ? * If true, the tooltip is shown. * If false, the tooltip is not shown. * * @return */ public abstract boolean isTooltipForCurrentTabShown(); /** * * @return */ public abstract float getScaledFactor(); /** * * @return */ public int getIntScaledFactor(); /** * Return the delay used to close automatically the tooltip. * @return The delay in millisecond or -1 if there is no delay. */ public abstract int getTooltipAutoCloseDelay(); }