package org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.statemachine.custom.commands; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.command.CommandResult; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.core.preferences.PreferencesHint; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateViewRequest; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.commands.core.command.AbstractTransactionalCommand; import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.View; import org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.statemachine.custom.helpers.Zone; public class CustomRegionMoveCommand extends AbstractTransactionalCommand { IAdaptable adaptableForTargetRegion; IAdaptable adaptableForRegionToMove; String dropLocation = Zone.RIGHT; PreferencesHint prefHints; CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor viewDescriptor; public CustomRegionMoveCommand(IAdaptable adaptableForTargetRegion, IAdaptable adaptableForRegionToMove, PreferencesHint prefHints, TransactionalEditingDomain domain, String label, String dropLocation) { super(domain, label, null); this.adaptableForTargetRegion = adaptableForTargetRegion; this.adaptableForRegionToMove = adaptableForRegionToMove; this.prefHints = prefHints; viewDescriptor = new ViewDescriptor(adaptableForRegionToMove, prefHints); // make sure the return object is available even before // executing/undoing/redoing setResult(CommandResult.newOKCommandResult(viewDescriptor)); this.dropLocation = dropLocation; } /* * Essentially performs a resize of the region to be removed so that * neighbouring regions are updated accordingly, then resets the zone of * neighbouring regions and finally remove the region */ @Override protected CommandResult doExecuteWithResult(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor, IAdaptable info) throws ExecutionException { // adapt the view of the existing region View targetRegion = (View)adaptableForTargetRegion.getAdapter(View.class); // adapt the view of the dropped region View regionToMove = (View)adaptableForRegionToMove.getAdapter(View.class); // manage the fake removal of regionToMove View compartment = (View)regionToMove.eContainer(); if(compartment.getChildren().size() != 1) { int regionWidth = Zone.getWidth(regionToMove); int regionHeight = Zone.getHeight(regionToMove); String s = Zone.getZone(regionToMove); List<View> neighbours = null; if(Zone.isRight(s)) { neighbours = Zone.getRegionLeftBorderOutsideNeighbours(regionToMove); Iterator<View> it = neighbours.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { View view =; // for each of these we add regionWidth to their width int width = Zone.getWidth(view); width += regionWidth; Zone.setWidth(view, width); } } else if(Zone.isLeft(s)) { neighbours = Zone.getRegionRightBorderOutsideNeighbours(regionToMove); Iterator<View> it = neighbours.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { View view =; // for each of these we add regionWidth to their width and // translate their x of // -regionWidth int width = Zone.getWidth(view); width += regionWidth; Zone.setWidth(view, width); int x = Zone.getX(view); x -= regionWidth; Zone.setX(view, x); } } else if(Zone.isTop(s)) { neighbours = Zone.getRegionBottomBorderOutsideNeighbours(regionToMove); Iterator<View> it = neighbours.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { View view =; // for each of these we add regionHeight to their height and // -regionHeight to their // y int height = Zone.getHeight(view); height += regionHeight; Zone.setHeight(view, height); int y = Zone.getY(view); y -= regionHeight; Zone.setY(view, y); } } else if(Zone.isBottom(s)) { neighbours = Zone.getRegionTopBorderOutsideNeighbours(regionToMove); Iterator<View> it = neighbours.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { View view =; // for each of these we add regionHeight to their height int height = Zone.getHeight(view); height += regionHeight; Zone.setHeight(view, height); } } // set the zone accordingly // get its counterpart Zone.resetRegionCounterpartZone(regionToMove); } // now perform the move // get targetRegion bounds (i.e. the space which needs to be divided) int height = Zone.getHeight(targetRegion); int width = Zone.getWidth(targetRegion); int x = Zone.getX(targetRegion); int y = Zone.getY(targetRegion); // the test itself and change of bounds if(Zone.isRight(dropLocation)) { // the new region zone should reflect that of other branch Zone.copyZone(targetRegion, regionToMove); // now set new region as RIGHT Zone.setRight(regionToMove); // and existing region to LEFT Zone.setLeft(targetRegion); // shrink width of existing region width *= 0.5; Zone.setWidth(targetRegion, width); // new region will have same height and width Zone.setWidth(regionToMove, width); Zone.setHeight(regionToMove, height); // set new region to location (x+width,y) (existing region is not // moved) Zone.setX(regionToMove, x + width); Zone.setY(regionToMove, y); } else if(Zone.isLeft(dropLocation)) { // the new region zone should reflect that of existing region Zone.copyZone(targetRegion, regionToMove); // now set new region as LEFT Zone.setLeft(regionToMove); // and existing region to RIGHT Zone.setRight(targetRegion); // shrink width of existing region width *= 0.5; Zone.setWidth(targetRegion, width); // new region will have same height and width Zone.setWidth(regionToMove, width); Zone.setHeight(regionToMove, height); // set existing region to location (x+width,y) and new region at // (x,y) Zone.setX(targetRegion, x + width); Zone.setX(regionToMove, x); Zone.setY(regionToMove, y); } else if(Zone.isBottom(dropLocation)) { // the new region zone should reflect that of existing region Zone.copyZone(targetRegion, regionToMove); // now set new region as BOTTOM Zone.setBottom(regionToMove); // and existing region to TOP Zone.setTop(targetRegion); // shrink height of existing region height *= 0.5; Zone.setHeight(targetRegion, height); // new region will have same height and width Zone.setWidth(regionToMove, width); Zone.setHeight(regionToMove, height); // set new region to location (x,y+height) (existing region is not // moved) Zone.setX(regionToMove, x); Zone.setY(regionToMove, y + height); } else if(Zone.isTop(dropLocation)) { // the new region zone should reflect that of existing region Zone.copyZone(targetRegion, regionToMove); // now set new region as TOP Zone.setTop(regionToMove); // and existing region to BOTTOM Zone.setBottom(targetRegion); // shrink height of existing region height *= 0.5; Zone.setHeight(targetRegion, height); // new region will have same height and width Zone.setWidth(regionToMove, width); Zone.setHeight(regionToMove, height); // set existing region to location (x,y+height) and new region at // (x,y) Zone.setY(targetRegion, y + height); Zone.setX(regionToMove, x); Zone.setY(regionToMove, y); } viewDescriptor.setView(regionToMove); return CommandResult.newOKCommandResult(); } }