package com.github.dreamhead.moco; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.internal.ActualHttpServer; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.parser.HttpServerParser; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.parser.SocketServerParser; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.resource.Resource; import; import; import static; import static; import static; public final class MocoJsonRunner { public static HttpServer jsonHttpServer(final int port, final Resource resource) { checkArgument(port > 0, "Port must be greater than zero"); return parseHttpServer(checkNotNull(resource, "resource should not be null"), of(port)); } public static HttpServer jsonHttpServer(final Resource resource) { return parseHttpServer(checkNotNull(resource, "resource should not be null"), Optional.<Integer>absent()); } public static HttpsServer jsonHttpsServer(final Resource resource, final HttpsCertificate certificate) { checkNotNull(certificate, "Certificate should not be null"); ActualHttpServer httpsServer = (ActualHttpServer) Moco.httpsServer(certificate); return httpsServer.mergeServer((ActualHttpServer) parseHttpServer( checkNotNull(resource, "resource should not be null"), Optional.<Integer>absent())); } public static HttpsServer jsonHttpsServer(final int port, final Resource resource, final HttpsCertificate certificate) { checkArgument(port > 0, "Port must be greater than zero"); checkNotNull(certificate, "Certificate should not be null"); ActualHttpServer httpsServer = (ActualHttpServer) Moco.httpsServer(port, certificate); return httpsServer.mergeServer((ActualHttpServer) parseHttpServer( checkNotNull(resource, "resource should not be null"), of(port))); } public static SocketServer jsonSocketServer(final int port, final Resource resource) { checkArgument(port > 0, "Port must be greater than zero"); return jsonSocketServer(checkNotNull(resource, "resource should not be null"), of(port)); } public static SocketServer jsonSocketServer(final Resource resource) { return jsonSocketServer(checkNotNull(resource, "resource should not be null"), Optional.<Integer>absent()); } private static SocketServer jsonSocketServer(final Resource resource, final Optional<Integer> port) { SocketServerParser parser = new SocketServerParser(); return parser.parseServer(toStream(checkNotNull(resource, "resource should not be null")), port); } private static HttpServer parseHttpServer(final Resource resource, final Optional<Integer> port) { HttpServerParser parser = new HttpServerParser(); return parser.parseServer(toStream(resource), port); } private static InputStream toStream(final Resource resource) { Optional<Request> request = Optional.absent(); return checkNotNull(resource, "resource should not be null").readFor(request).toInputStream(); } private MocoJsonRunner() { } }