package com.github.dreamhead.moco; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.internal.ActualHttpServer; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.internal.ActualSocketServer; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.internal.MocoHttpServer; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.internal.MocoSocketServer; import static; public abstract class Runner { public static void running(final HttpServer httpServer, final Runnable runnable) throws Exception { doRunning(runner(checkNotNull(httpServer)), checkNotNull(runnable)); } public static void running(final HttpsServer httpServer, final Runnable runnable) throws Exception { doRunning(runner(checkNotNull(httpServer)), checkNotNull(runnable)); } public static void running(final SocketServer server, final Runnable runnable) throws Exception { doRunning(runner(checkNotNull(server)), checkNotNull(runnable)); } private static void doRunning(final Runner server, final Runnable runnable) throws Exception { try { server.start();; } finally { server.stop(); } } public static Runner runner(final HttpServer server) { return new MocoHttpServer((ActualHttpServer) checkNotNull(server, "Server should not be null")); } public static Runner runner(final SocketServer server) { return new MocoSocketServer((ActualSocketServer) checkNotNull(server, "Server should not be null")); } public abstract void start(); public abstract void stop(); }