package com.github.dreamhead.moco; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.monitor.QuietMonitor; import; import; import; import; import; import static com.github.dreamhead.moco.internal.ApiUtils.mergeMonitor; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; public final class MocoRest { public static RestServer restServer(final int port, final MocoConfig... configs) { checkArgument(port > 0, "Port must be greater than zero"); checkNotNull(configs, "Config should not be null"); return new ActualRestServer(of(port), Optional.<HttpsCertificate>absent(), new QuietMonitor(), configs); } public static RestServer restServer(final int port, final MocoMonitor monitor, final MocoConfig... configs) { checkArgument(port > 0, "Port must be greater than zero"); checkNotNull(configs, "Config should not be null"); return new ActualRestServer(of(port), Optional.<HttpsCertificate>absent(), checkNotNull(monitor, "Monitor should not be null"), configs); } public static RestServer restServer(final int port, final MocoMonitor monitor, final MocoMonitor monitor2, final MocoMonitor... monitors) { checkArgument(port > 0, "Port must be greater than zero"); return new ActualRestServer(of(port), Optional.<HttpsCertificate>absent(), mergeMonitor(checkNotNull(monitor, "Monitor should not be null"), checkNotNull(monitor2, "Monitor should not be null"), monitors)); } public static RestIdMatcher anyId() { return RestIdMatchers.anyId(); } public static SubResourceSettingBuilder id(final String id) { return new ActualSubResourceSettingBuilder(eq(checkId(id))); } public static SubResourceSettingBuilder id(final RestIdMatcher id) { return new ActualSubResourceSettingBuilder(checkNotNull(id, "ID matcher should not be null")); } public static RestSettingBuilder get(final String id) { return get(eq(checkId(id))); } public static RestSettingBuilder get() { return all(HttpMethod.GET); } public static RestSettingBuilder get(final RestIdMatcher idMatcher) { return single(HttpMethod.GET, checkNotNull(idMatcher, "ID Matcher should not be null")); } public static RestSettingBuilder post() { return all(HttpMethod.POST); } public static RestSettingBuilder put(final RestIdMatcher idMatcher) { return single(HttpMethod.PUT, checkNotNull(idMatcher, "ID Matcher should not be null")); } public static RestSettingBuilder put(final String id) { return put(eq(checkId(id))); } public static RestSettingBuilder delete(final RestIdMatcher idMatcher) { return single(HttpMethod.DELETE, checkNotNull(idMatcher, "ID Matcher should not be null")); } public static RestSettingBuilder delete(final String id) { return delete(eq(checkId(id))); } public static RestSettingBuilder head() { return all(HttpMethod.HEAD); } public static RestSettingBuilder head(final RestIdMatcher idMatcher) { return single(HttpMethod.HEAD, checkNotNull(idMatcher, "ID Matcher should not be null")); } public static RestSettingBuilder head(final String id) { return head(eq(checkId(id))); } public static RestSettingBuilder patch(final RestIdMatcher idMatcher) { return single(HttpMethod.PATCH, checkNotNull(idMatcher, "ID Matcher should not be null")); } public static RestSettingBuilder patch(final String id) { return patch(eq(checkId(id))); } private MocoRest() { } }