package com.github.dreamhead.moco; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.monitor.DefaultRequestHit; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.verification.AtLeastVerification; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.verification.AtMostVerification; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.verification.BetweenVerification; import com.github.dreamhead.moco.verification.TimesVerification; import static; public final class MocoRequestHit { public static RequestHit requestHit() { return new DefaultRequestHit(); } public static UnexpectedRequestMatcher unexpected() { return new UnexpectedRequestMatcher(); } public static VerificationMode never() { return times(0); } public static VerificationMode once() { return times(1); } public static VerificationMode times(final int count) { checkArgument(count >= 0, "Times count must not be less than zero"); return new TimesVerification(count); } public static VerificationMode atLeast(final int count) { checkArgument(count > 0, "Times count must be greater than zero"); return new AtLeastVerification(count); } public static VerificationMode atMost(final int count) { checkArgument(count > 0, "Times count must be greater than zero"); return new AtMostVerification(count); } public static VerificationMode between(final int min, final int max) { checkArgument(min >= 0, "Min should be greater than or equal to 0"); checkArgument(max > min, "Max should be greater than min"); return new BetweenVerification(min, max); } private MocoRequestHit() { } }