/* * Copyright 2010-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.test.ConfigurationKind; import java.awt.*; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class PackageGenTest extends CodegenTestCase { @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); createEnvironmentWithMockJdkAndIdeaAnnotations(ConfigurationKind.JDK_ONLY); } public void testPSVM() throws Exception { loadText("fun main(args: Array<String>) { }"); Method main = generateFunction(); Object[] args = new Object[] {ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY}; main.invoke(null, args); } public void testReturnOne() throws Exception { loadText("fun f() : Int { return 42; }"); Method main = generateFunction(); Object returnValue = main.invoke(null); assertEquals(new Integer(42), returnValue); } public void testReturnA() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a : Int) = a"); Method main = generateFunction(); Object returnValue = main.invoke(null, 50); assertEquals(new Integer(50), returnValue); } public void testCurrentTime() throws Exception { loadText("fun f() : Long { return System.currentTimeMillis(); }"); Method main = generateFunction(); long actual = (Long) main.invoke(null); long expected = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = Math.abs(actual - expected); assertTrue( "Difference with current time: " + diff + " (this test is a bad one: it may fail even if the generated code is correct)", diff <= 100 ); } public void testIdentityHashCode() throws Exception { loadText("fun f(o: Any) : Int { return System.identityHashCode(o); }"); Method main = generateFunction(); Object o = new Object(); int returnValue = (Integer) main.invoke(null, o); assertEquals(returnValue, System.identityHashCode(o)); } public void testSystemOut() throws Exception { loadText("fun f() : Any? { return System.out; }"); Method main = generateFunction(); Object returnValue = main.invoke(null); assertEquals(returnValue, System.out); } public void testBoxedInt() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a: Int?) = if (a != null) a else 239"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(610, main.invoke(null, 610)); assertEquals(239, main.invoke(null, new Object[]{null})); } public void testIntBoxed() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s: String): Int? = Integer.getInteger(s, 239)"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(239, main.invoke(null, "no.such.system.property")); } public void testBoxConstant() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(): Int? = 239"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(239, main.invoke(null)); } public void testBoxVariable() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(): Int? { var x = 239; return x; }"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(239, main.invoke(null)); } public void testAugAssign() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a: Int): Int { var x = a; x += 5; return x; }"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(10, main.invoke(null, 5)); } public void testBooleanNot() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(b: Boolean): Boolean = !b"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(true, main.invoke(null, false)); assertEquals(false, main.invoke(null, true)); } public void testBooleanNotJump() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a: Int) : Int = if (!(a < 5)) a else 0"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(6, main.invoke(null, 6)); assertEquals(0, main.invoke(null, 4)); } public void testAnd() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a : Int): Boolean = a > 0 && a/0 > 0"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(false, main.invoke(null, 0)); boolean hadException = false; try { main.invoke(null, 5); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if (e.getTargetException() instanceof ArithmeticException) { hadException = true; } } assertTrue(hadException); } public void testOr() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a : Int): Boolean = a > 0 || a/0 > 0"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(true, main.invoke(null, 5)); boolean hadException = false; try { main.invoke(null, 0); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { if (e.getTargetException() instanceof ArithmeticException) { hadException = true; } } assertTrue(hadException); } public void testJavaConstructor() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(): StringBuilder = StringBuilder()"); Method main = generateFunction(); Object result = main.invoke(null); assertTrue(result instanceof StringBuilder); } public void testJavaConstructorWithParameters() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(): StringBuilder = StringBuilder(\"beer\")"); Method main = generateFunction(); StringBuilder result = (StringBuilder) main.invoke(null); assertEquals("beer", result.toString()); } public void testJavaEquals() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s1: String, s2: String) = s1 == s2"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, main.invoke(null, new String("kotlin"), new String("kotlin"))); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, main.invoke(null, new String("kotlin"), new String("ceylon"))); } public void testJavaNotEquals() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s1: String, s2: String) = s1 != s2"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, main.invoke(null, new String("kotlin"), new String("kotlin"))); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, main.invoke(null, new String("kotlin"), new String("ceylon"))); } public void testJavaEqualsNull() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s1: String?, s2: String?) = s1 == s2"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, main.invoke(null, null, null)); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, main.invoke(null, "kotlin", null)); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, main.invoke(null, null, "kotlin")); } public void testEqualsNullLiteral() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s: String?) = s == null"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, main.invoke(null, new Object[] { null })); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, main.invoke(null, "kotlin")); } public void testTripleEq() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s1: String?, s2: String?) = s1 === s2"); Method main = generateFunction(); String s1 = new String("kotlin"); String s2 = new String("kotlin"); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, main.invoke(null, s1, s1)); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, main.invoke(null, s1, s2)); } public void testTripleNotEq() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s1: String?, s2: String?) = s1 !== s2"); Method main = generateFunction(); String s1 = new String("kotlin"); String s2 = new String("kotlin"); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, main.invoke(null, s1, s1)); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, main.invoke(null, s1, s2)); } public void testStringPlus() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s1: String, s2: String) = s1 + s2"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals("kotlinLang", main.invoke(null, "kotlin", "Lang")); } public void testStringPlusChained() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s1: String, s2: String, s3: String) = s1 + s2 + s3"); String text = generateToText(); int firstStringBuilderCreation = text.indexOf("NEW java/lang/StringBuilder"); assertEquals(-1, text.indexOf("NEW java/lang/StringBuilder", firstStringBuilderCreation + 1)); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals("kotlin Lang", main.invoke(null, "kotlin", " ", "Lang")); } public void testStringPlusEq() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s: String) : String { var result = s; result += s; return result; } "); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals("JarJar", main.invoke(null, "Jar")); } public void testStringCompare() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s1: String, s2: String) = s1 < s2"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, main.invoke(null, "Ceylon", "Java")); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, main.invoke(null, "Kotlin", "Java")); } public void testElvis() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(s: String?) = s ?: \"null\""); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals("kotlin", main.invoke(null, "kotlin")); assertEquals("null", main.invoke(null, new Object[] { null })); } public void testElvisInt() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a: Int?): Int = a ?: 239"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(610, main.invoke(null, 610)); assertEquals(239, main.invoke(null, new Object[]{null})); } public void testVarargs() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo() = java.util.Arrays.asList(\"IntelliJ\", \"IDEA\")"); Method main = generateFunction(); List<?> list = (List<?>) main.invoke(null); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("IntelliJ", "IDEA"), list); } public void testFieldRead() throws Exception { loadText("import java.awt.*; fun foo(c: GridBagConstraints) = c.gridx"); Method main = generateFunction(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 239; assertEquals(239, main.invoke(null, c)); } public void testFieldWrite() throws Exception { loadText("import java.awt.*; fun foo(c: GridBagConstraints) { c.gridx = 239 }"); Method main = generateFunction(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); main.invoke(null, c); assertEquals(239, c.gridx); } public void testFieldIncrement() throws Exception { loadText("import java.awt.*; fun foo(c: GridBagConstraints) { c.gridx++; return; }"); Method main = generateFunction(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 609; main.invoke(null, c); assertEquals(610, c.gridx); } public void testFieldAugAssign() throws Exception { loadText("import java.awt.*; fun foo(c: GridBagConstraints) { c.gridx *= 2; return; }"); Method main = generateFunction(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridx = 305; main.invoke(null, c); assertEquals(610, c.gridx); } public void testIncrementAsLastOperation() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo() { var a = 0; a++; }"); generateFunction(); // make sure we're not falling off end of code } public void testArrayRead() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(c: Array<String>) = c[0]"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals("main", main.invoke(null, new Object[]{new String[]{"main"}})); } public void testArrayWrite() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(c: Array<String>) { c[0] = \"kotlin\"; }"); Method main = generateFunction(); String[] array = new String[] { null }; main.invoke(null, new Object[] { array }); assertEquals("kotlin", array[0]); } public void testArrayAugAssign() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(c: Array<Int>) { c[0] *= 2 }"); Method main = generateFunction(); Integer[] data = new Integer[] { 5 }; main.invoke(null, new Object[] { data }); assertEquals(10, data[0].intValue()); } public void testArrayAugAssignLong() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(c: LongArray) { c[0] *= 2.toLong() }"); Method main = generateFunction(); long[] data = new long[] { 5 }; main.invoke(null, new Object[] { data }); assertEquals(10L, data[0]); } public void testArrayNewNullable() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo() = arrayOfNulls<Int>(4)"); Method main = generateFunction(); Integer[] result = (Integer[]) main.invoke(null); assertEquals(4, result.length); } public void testFloatArrayNew() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo() = FloatArray(4)"); Method main = generateFunction(); float[] result = (float[]) main.invoke(null); assertEquals(4, result.length); } public void testArraySize() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a: Array<Int>) = a.size"); Method main = generateFunction(); Object[] args = new Object[] { new Integer[4] }; int result = (Integer) main.invoke(null, args); assertEquals(4, result); } public void testIntArraySize() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a: IntArray) = a.size"); Method main = generateFunction(); Object[] args = new Object[] { new int[4] }; int result = (Integer) main.invoke(null, args); assertEquals(4, result); } public void testIntRange() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo() = 1..10"); Method main = generateFunction(); Object result = main.invoke(null); Method contains = result.getClass().getMethod("contains", Integer.TYPE); assertTrue((Boolean) contains.invoke(result, 1)); assertTrue((Boolean) contains.invoke(result, 10)); assertFalse((Boolean) contains.invoke(result, 11)); } public void testSubstituteJavaMethodTypeParameters() throws Exception { loadText("import java.util.*; fun foo(l: ArrayList<Int>) { l.add(10) }"); Method main = generateFunction(); ArrayList<Integer> l = new ArrayList<>(); main.invoke(null, l); assertEquals(10, l.get(0).intValue()); } public void testCallMethodDeclaredInSuperclass() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(sb: StringBuilder) = sb.get(0)"); Method main = generateFunction(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("x"); assertEquals('x', ((Character) main.invoke(null, sb)).charValue()); } public void testPutBooleanAsVoid() throws Exception { loadText("class C(val x: Int) { init { x > 0 } } fun box() { val c = C(0) } "); Method main = generateFunction(); main.invoke(null); // must not fail } public void testJavaInterfaceMethod() throws Exception { loadText("import java.util.*; fun foo(l: ArrayList<String>) { l.add(\"foo\") }"); Method main = generateFunction(); ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); main.invoke(null, list); assertEquals("foo", list.get(0)); } public void testArrayAccessForArrayList() throws Exception { loadText("import java.util.*; fun foo(l: ArrayList<String>) { l[0] = \"Kotlin\" + l[0]; }"); Method main = generateFunction(); ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("Language"); main.invoke(null, list); assertEquals("KotlinLanguage", list.get(0)); } public void testEscapeSequence() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo() = \"a\\nb\\$\""); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals("a\nb$", main.invoke(null)); } public void testStringTemplate() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a: String) = \"IntelliJ $a Rulezzz\""); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals("IntelliJ IDEA Rulezzz", main.invoke(null, "IDEA")); } public void testExplicitCallOfBinaryOpIntrinsic() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a: Int) = a.plus(1)"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(2, ((Integer) main.invoke(null, 1)).intValue()); } public void testExplicitCallOfUnaryMinusIntrinsic() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a: Int) = a.unaryMinus()"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(-1, ((Integer) main.invoke(null, 1)).intValue()); } public void testExplicitCallOfBooleanNotIntrinsic() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a: Boolean) = a.not()"); Method main = generateFunction(); assertEquals(false, ((Boolean) main.invoke(null, true)).booleanValue()); } public void testAppendArrayToString() throws Exception { loadText("fun foo(a: String, b: Array<String>) = a + b"); Method main = generateFunction(); String[] args = new String[] { "foo", "bar" }; //noinspection ImplicitArrayToString assertEquals("s" + args.toString(), main.invoke(null, "s", args)); } }