/* * Copyright 2010-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.jvm.diagnostics; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DeclarationDescriptor; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.rendering.*; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.MemberComparator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class DefaultErrorMessagesJvm implements DefaultErrorMessages.Extension { private static final DiagnosticParameterRenderer<ConflictingJvmDeclarationsData> CONFLICTING_JVM_DECLARATIONS_DATA = (data, context) -> { List<DeclarationDescriptor> renderedDescriptors = new ArrayList<>(); for (JvmDeclarationOrigin origin : data.getSignatureOrigins()) { DeclarationDescriptor descriptor = origin.getDescriptor(); if (descriptor != null) { renderedDescriptors.add(descriptor); } } renderedDescriptors.sort(MemberComparator.INSTANCE); RenderingContext.Impl renderingContext = new RenderingContext.Impl(renderedDescriptors); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (DeclarationDescriptor descriptor : renderedDescriptors) { sb.append(" ").append(Renderers.COMPACT.render(descriptor, renderingContext)).append("\n"); } return ("The following declarations have the same JVM signature (" + data.getSignature().getName() + data.getSignature().getDesc() + "):\n" + sb).trim(); }; private static final DiagnosticFactoryToRendererMap MAP = new DiagnosticFactoryToRendererMap("JVM"); static { MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.CONFLICTING_JVM_DECLARATIONS, "Platform declaration clash: {0}", CONFLICTING_JVM_DECLARATIONS_DATA); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.ACCIDENTAL_OVERRIDE, "Accidental override: {0}", CONFLICTING_JVM_DECLARATIONS_DATA); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.CONFLICTING_INHERITED_JVM_DECLARATIONS, "Inherited platform declarations clash: {0}", CONFLICTING_JVM_DECLARATIONS_DATA); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.JVM_STATIC_NOT_IN_OBJECT, "Only functions in named objects and companion objects of classes can be annotated with '@JvmStatic'"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.JVM_STATIC_ON_CONST_OR_JVM_FIELD, "'@JvmStatic' annotation is useless for const or '@JvmField' properties"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.OVERRIDE_CANNOT_BE_STATIC, "Override member cannot be '@JvmStatic' in object"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.OVERLOADS_WITHOUT_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS, "'@JvmOverloads' annotation has no effect for methods without default arguments"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.OVERLOADS_ABSTRACT, "'@JvmOverloads' annotation cannot be used on abstract methods"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.OVERLOADS_INTERFACE, "'@JvmOverloads' annotation cannot be used on interface methods"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.OVERLOADS_PRIVATE, "'@JvmOverloads' annotation has no effect on private declarations"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.OVERLOADS_LOCAL, "'@JvmOverloads' annotation cannot be used on local declarations"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME, "'@JvmName' annotation is not applicable to this declaration"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.ILLEGAL_JVM_NAME, "Illegal JVM name"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.VOLATILE_ON_VALUE, "'@Volatile' annotation cannot be used on immutable properties"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.VOLATILE_ON_DELEGATE, "'@Volatile' annotation cannot be used on delegated properties"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.SYNCHRONIZED_ON_ABSTRACT, "'@Synchronized' annotation cannot be used on abstract functions"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_CANNOT_BE_ABSTRACT, "External declaration can not be abstract"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_CANNOT_HAVE_BODY, "External declaration can not have a body"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_IN_INTERFACE, "Members of interfaces can not be external"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.EXTERNAL_DECLARATION_CANNOT_BE_INLINED, "Members of interfaces can not be external"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.POSITIONED_VALUE_ARGUMENT_FOR_JAVA_ANNOTATION, "Only named arguments are available for Java annotations"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.DEPRECATED_JAVA_ANNOTATION, "This annotation is deprecated in Kotlin. Use ''@{0}'' instead", Renderers.TO_STRING); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.NON_SOURCE_REPEATED_ANNOTATION, "Only annotations with SOURCE retention can be repeated on JVM version before 1.8"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.ANNOTATION_IS_NOT_APPLICABLE_TO_MULTIFILE_CLASSES, "Annotation ''@{0}'' is not applicable to the multi-file classes", Renderers.TO_STRING); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.NO_REFLECTION_IN_CLASS_PATH, "Call uses reflection API which is not found in compilation classpath. " + "Make sure you have kotlin-reflect.jar in the classpath"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.INTERFACE_CANT_CALL_DEFAULT_METHOD_VIA_SUPER, "Interfaces can't call Java default methods via super"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.SUBCLASS_CANT_CALL_COMPANION_PROTECTED_NON_STATIC, "Using non-JVM static members protected in the superclass companion is unsupported yet"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.WHEN_ENUM_CAN_BE_NULL_IN_JAVA, "Enum argument can be null in Java, but exhaustive when contains no null branch"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.JAVA_CLASS_ON_COMPANION, "The resulting type of this ''javaClass'' call is {0} and not {1}. " + "Please use the more clear ''::class.java'' syntax to avoid confusion", Renderers.RENDER_TYPE, Renderers.RENDER_TYPE ); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.JAVA_TYPE_MISMATCH, "Java type mismatch expected {1} but found {0}. Use explicit cast", Renderers.RENDER_TYPE, Renderers.RENDER_TYPE); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.DUPLICATE_CLASS_NAMES, "Duplicate JVM class name ''{0}'' generated from: {1}", Renderers.TO_STRING, Renderers.TO_STRING); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.UPPER_BOUND_CANNOT_BE_ARRAY, "Upper bound of a type parameter cannot be an array"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.INAPPLICABLE_JVM_FIELD, "{0}", Renderers.TO_STRING); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.JVM_SYNTHETIC_ON_DELEGATE, "'@JvmSynthetic' annotation cannot be used on delegated properties"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.STRICTFP_ON_CLASS, "'@Strictfp' annotation on classes is unsupported yet"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.SUPER_CALL_WITH_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS, "Super-calls with default arguments are not allowed. Please specify all arguments of ''super.{0}'' explicitly", Renderers.TO_STRING); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.TARGET6_INTERFACE_INHERITANCE, "Compiling ''{0}'' to JVM 1.8, but its superinterface ''{1}'' was compiled for JVM 1.6. " + "Method implementation inheritance is restricted for such cases. " + "Please make explicit overrides (abstract or concrete) for the following non-abstract members of ''{1}'': {2}", Renderers.NAME, Renderers.NAME, Renderers.TO_STRING); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.DEFAULT_METHOD_CALL_FROM_JAVA6_TARGET, "Super calls to Java default methods are deprecated in JVM target 1.6. Recompile with '-jvm-target 1.8'"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.INTERFACE_STATIC_METHOD_CALL_FROM_JAVA6_TARGET, "Calls to static methods in Java interfaces are deprecated in JVM target 1.6. Recompile with '-jvm-target 1.8'"); MAP.put(ErrorsJvm.INLINE_FROM_HIGHER_PLATFORM, "Cannot inline bytecode built with {0} into bytecode that is being built with {1}. Please specify proper ''-jvm-target'' option", Renderers.TO_STRING, Renderers.TO_STRING); } @NotNull @Override public DiagnosticFactoryToRendererMap getMap() { return MAP; } }