/* * Copyright 2010-2017 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.kotlin.parsing; import com.intellij.lang.PsiBuilder; import com.intellij.lang.WhitespacesBinders; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType; import com.intellij.psi.tree.TokenSet; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtKeywordToken; import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens; import static org.jetbrains.kotlin.KtNodeTypes.*; import static org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens.*; import static org.jetbrains.kotlin.parsing.KotlinParsing.AnnotationParsingMode.*; public class KotlinParsing extends AbstractKotlinParsing { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(KotlinParsing.class); private static final TokenSet TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION_FIRST = TokenSet.create( TYPE_ALIAS_KEYWORD, INTERFACE_KEYWORD, CLASS_KEYWORD, OBJECT_KEYWORD, FUN_KEYWORD, VAL_KEYWORD, PACKAGE_KEYWORD); private static final TokenSet DECLARATION_FIRST = TokenSet.orSet(TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION_FIRST, TokenSet.create(INIT_KEYWORD, GET_KEYWORD, SET_KEYWORD, CONSTRUCTOR_KEYWORD)); private static final TokenSet CLASS_NAME_RECOVERY_SET = TokenSet.orSet(TokenSet.create(LT, LPAR, COLON, LBRACE), TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION_FIRST); private static final TokenSet TYPE_PARAMETER_GT_RECOVERY_SET = TokenSet.create(WHERE_KEYWORD, LPAR, COLON, LBRACE, GT); private static final TokenSet PARAMETER_NAME_RECOVERY_SET = TokenSet.create(COLON, EQ, COMMA, RPAR, VAL_KEYWORD, VAR_KEYWORD); private static final TokenSet PACKAGE_NAME_RECOVERY_SET = TokenSet.create(DOT, EOL_OR_SEMICOLON); private static final TokenSet IMPORT_RECOVERY_SET = TokenSet.create(AS_KEYWORD, DOT, EOL_OR_SEMICOLON); private static final TokenSet TYPE_REF_FIRST = TokenSet.create(LBRACKET, IDENTIFIER, LPAR, HASH, DYNAMIC_KEYWORD); private static final TokenSet RECEIVER_TYPE_TERMINATORS = TokenSet.create(DOT, SAFE_ACCESS); private static final TokenSet VALUE_PARAMETER_FIRST = TokenSet.orSet(TokenSet.create(IDENTIFIER, LBRACKET, VAL_KEYWORD, VAR_KEYWORD), MODIFIER_KEYWORDS); private static final TokenSet LAMBDA_VALUE_PARAMETER_FIRST = TokenSet.orSet(TokenSet.create(IDENTIFIER, LBRACKET), MODIFIER_KEYWORDS); private static final TokenSet SOFT_KEYWORDS_AT_MEMBER_START = TokenSet.create(CONSTRUCTOR_KEYWORD, INIT_KEYWORD); private static final TokenSet ANNOTATION_TARGETS = TokenSet.create( FILE_KEYWORD, FIELD_KEYWORD, GET_KEYWORD, SET_KEYWORD, PROPERTY_KEYWORD, RECEIVER_KEYWORD, PARAM_KEYWORD, SETPARAM_KEYWORD, DELEGATE_KEYWORD); static KotlinParsing createForTopLevel(SemanticWhitespaceAwarePsiBuilder builder) { KotlinParsing kotlinParsing = new KotlinParsing(builder); kotlinParsing.myExpressionParsing = new KotlinExpressionParsing(builder, kotlinParsing); return kotlinParsing; } private static KotlinParsing createForByClause(SemanticWhitespaceAwarePsiBuilder builder) { SemanticWhitespaceAwarePsiBuilderForByClause builderForByClause = new SemanticWhitespaceAwarePsiBuilderForByClause(builder); KotlinParsing kotlinParsing = new KotlinParsing(builderForByClause); kotlinParsing.myExpressionParsing = new KotlinExpressionParsing(builderForByClause, kotlinParsing) { @Override protected boolean parseCallWithClosure() { if (builderForByClause.getStackSize() > 0) { return super.parseCallWithClosure(); } return false; } @Override protected KotlinParsing create(SemanticWhitespaceAwarePsiBuilder builder) { return createForByClause(builder); } }; return kotlinParsing; } private KotlinExpressionParsing myExpressionParsing; private KotlinParsing(SemanticWhitespaceAwarePsiBuilder builder) { super(builder); } /* * [start] kotlinFile * : preamble toplevelObject* [eof] * ; */ void parseFile() { PsiBuilder.Marker fileMarker = mark(); parsePreamble(); while (!eof()) { parseTopLevelDeclaration(); } checkUnclosedBlockComment(); fileMarker.done(KT_FILE); } private void checkUnclosedBlockComment() { if (TokenSet.create(BLOCK_COMMENT, DOC_COMMENT).contains(myBuilder.rawLookup(-1))) { int startOffset = myBuilder.rawTokenTypeStart(-1); int endOffset = myBuilder.rawTokenTypeStart(0); CharSequence tokenChars = myBuilder.getOriginalText().subSequence(startOffset, endOffset); if (!(tokenChars.length() > 2 && tokenChars.subSequence(tokenChars.length() - 2, tokenChars.length()).toString().equals("*/"))) { PsiBuilder.Marker marker = myBuilder.mark(); marker.error("Unclosed comment"); marker.setCustomEdgeTokenBinders(WhitespacesBinders.GREEDY_RIGHT_BINDER, null); } } } void parseTypeCodeFragment() { PsiBuilder.Marker marker = mark(); parseTypeRef(); checkForUnexpectedSymbols(); marker.done(TYPE_CODE_FRAGMENT); } void parseExpressionCodeFragment() { PsiBuilder.Marker marker = mark(); myExpressionParsing.parseExpression(); checkForUnexpectedSymbols(); marker.done(EXPRESSION_CODE_FRAGMENT); } void parseBlockCodeFragment() { PsiBuilder.Marker marker = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker blockMarker = mark(); if (at(PACKAGE_KEYWORD) || at(IMPORT_KEYWORD)) { PsiBuilder.Marker err = mark(); parsePreamble(); err.error("Package directive and imports are forbidden in code fragments"); } myExpressionParsing.parseStatements(); checkForUnexpectedSymbols(); blockMarker.done(BLOCK); marker.done(BLOCK_CODE_FRAGMENT); } void parseLambdaExpression() { myExpressionParsing.parseFunctionLiteral(/* preferBlock = */ false, /* collapse = */false); } void parseScript() { PsiBuilder.Marker fileMarker = mark(); parsePreamble(); PsiBuilder.Marker scriptMarker = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker blockMarker = mark(); myExpressionParsing.parseStatements(/*isScriptTopLevel = */true); checkForUnexpectedSymbols(); blockMarker.done(BLOCK); scriptMarker.done(SCRIPT); fileMarker.done(KT_FILE); } private void checkForUnexpectedSymbols() { while (!eof()) { errorAndAdvance("Unexpected symbol"); } } /* *preamble * : fileAnnotationList? packageDirective? import* * ; */ private void parsePreamble() { PsiBuilder.Marker firstEntry = mark(); /* * fileAnnotationList * : fileAnnotations* */ parseFileAnnotationList(FILE_ANNOTATIONS_BEFORE_PACKAGE); /* * packageDirective * : modifiers "package" SimpleName{"."} SEMI? * ; */ PsiBuilder.Marker packageDirective = mark(); parseModifierList(DEFAULT, TokenSet.EMPTY); if (at(PACKAGE_KEYWORD)) { advance(); // PACKAGE_KEYWORD parsePackageName(); firstEntry.drop(); consumeIf(SEMICOLON); packageDirective.done(PACKAGE_DIRECTIVE); } else { // When package directive is omitted we should not report error on non-file annotations at the beginning of the file. // So, we rollback the parsing position and reparse file annotation list without report error on non-file annotations. firstEntry.rollbackTo(); parseFileAnnotationList(FILE_ANNOTATIONS_WHEN_PACKAGE_OMITTED); packageDirective = mark(); packageDirective.done(PACKAGE_DIRECTIVE); // this is necessary to allow comments at the start of the file to be bound to the first declaration packageDirective.setCustomEdgeTokenBinders(DoNotBindAnything.INSTANCE, null); } parseImportDirectives(); } /* SimpleName{"."} */ private void parsePackageName() { PsiBuilder.Marker qualifiedExpression = mark(); boolean simpleName = true; while (true) { if (myBuilder.newlineBeforeCurrentToken()) { errorWithRecovery("Package name must be a '.'-separated identifier list placed on a single line", PACKAGE_NAME_RECOVERY_SET); break; } if (at(DOT)) { advance(); // DOT qualifiedExpression.error("Package name must be a '.'-separated identifier list"); qualifiedExpression = mark(); continue; } PsiBuilder.Marker nsName = mark(); boolean simpleNameFound = expect(IDENTIFIER, "Package name must be a '.'-separated identifier list", PACKAGE_NAME_RECOVERY_SET); if (simpleNameFound) { nsName.done(REFERENCE_EXPRESSION); } else { nsName.drop(); } if (!simpleName) { PsiBuilder.Marker precedingMarker = qualifiedExpression.precede(); qualifiedExpression.done(DOT_QUALIFIED_EXPRESSION); qualifiedExpression = precedingMarker; } if (at(DOT)) { advance(); // DOT if (simpleName && !simpleNameFound) { qualifiedExpression.drop(); qualifiedExpression = mark(); } else { simpleName = false; } } else { break; } } qualifiedExpression.drop(); } /* * import * : "import" SimpleName{"."} ("." "*" | "as" SimpleName)? SEMI? * ; */ private void parseImportDirective() { assert _at(IMPORT_KEYWORD); PsiBuilder.Marker importDirective = mark(); advance(); // IMPORT_KEYWORD if (closeImportWithErrorIfNewline(importDirective, "Expecting qualified name")) { return; } if (!at(IDENTIFIER)) { PsiBuilder.Marker error = mark(); skipUntil(TokenSet.create(EOL_OR_SEMICOLON)); error.error("Expecting qualified name"); importDirective.done(IMPORT_DIRECTIVE); consumeIf(SEMICOLON); return; } PsiBuilder.Marker qualifiedName = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker reference = mark(); advance(); // IDENTIFIER reference.done(REFERENCE_EXPRESSION); while (at(DOT) && lookahead(1) != MUL) { advance(); // DOT if (closeImportWithErrorIfNewline(importDirective, "Import must be placed on a single line")) { qualifiedName.drop(); return; } reference = mark(); if (expect(IDENTIFIER, "Qualified name must be a '.'-separated identifier list", IMPORT_RECOVERY_SET)) { reference.done(REFERENCE_EXPRESSION); } else { reference.drop(); } PsiBuilder.Marker precede = qualifiedName.precede(); qualifiedName.done(DOT_QUALIFIED_EXPRESSION); qualifiedName = precede; } qualifiedName.drop(); if (at(DOT)) { advance(); // DOT assert _at(MUL); advance(); // MUL if (at(AS_KEYWORD)) { PsiBuilder.Marker as = mark(); advance(); // AS_KEYWORD if (closeImportWithErrorIfNewline(importDirective, "Expecting identifier")) { as.drop(); return; } consumeIf(IDENTIFIER); as.error("Cannot rename all imported items to one identifier"); } } if (at(AS_KEYWORD)) { advance(); // AS_KEYWORD if (closeImportWithErrorIfNewline(importDirective, "Expecting identifier")) { return; } expect(IDENTIFIER, "Expecting identifier", TokenSet.create(SEMICOLON)); } consumeIf(SEMICOLON); importDirective.done(IMPORT_DIRECTIVE); importDirective.setCustomEdgeTokenBinders(null, TrailingCommentsBinder.INSTANCE); } private boolean closeImportWithErrorIfNewline(PsiBuilder.Marker importDirective, String errorMessage) { if (myBuilder.newlineBeforeCurrentToken()) { error(errorMessage); importDirective.done(IMPORT_DIRECTIVE); return true; } return false; } private void parseImportDirectives() { PsiBuilder.Marker importList = mark(); if (!at(IMPORT_KEYWORD)) { // this is necessary to allow comments at the start of the file to be bound to the first declaration importList.setCustomEdgeTokenBinders(DoNotBindAnything.INSTANCE, null); } while (at(IMPORT_KEYWORD)) { parseImportDirective(); } importList.done(IMPORT_LIST); } /* * toplevelObject * : package * : class * : extension * : function * : property * : typeAlias * : object * ; */ private void parseTopLevelDeclaration() { if (at(SEMICOLON)) { advance(); // SEMICOLON return; } PsiBuilder.Marker decl = mark(); ModifierDetector detector = new ModifierDetector(); parseModifierList(detector, DEFAULT, TokenSet.EMPTY); IElementType keywordToken = tt(); IElementType declType = null; if (keywordToken == CLASS_KEYWORD || keywordToken == INTERFACE_KEYWORD) { declType = parseClass(detector.isEnumDetected()); } else if (keywordToken == FUN_KEYWORD) { declType = parseFunction(); } else if (keywordToken == VAL_KEYWORD || keywordToken == VAR_KEYWORD) { declType = parseProperty(); } else if (keywordToken == TYPE_ALIAS_KEYWORD) { declType = parseTypeAlias(); } else if (keywordToken == OBJECT_KEYWORD) { parseObject(NameParsingMode.REQUIRED, true); declType = OBJECT_DECLARATION; } else if (at(LBRACE)) { error("Expecting a top level declaration"); parseBlock(); declType = FUN; } if (declType == null) { errorAndAdvance("Expecting a top level declaration"); decl.drop(); } else { closeDeclarationWithCommentBinders(decl, declType, true); } } /* * (modifier | annotation)* */ boolean parseModifierList( @NotNull AnnotationParsingMode annotationParsingMode, @NotNull TokenSet noModifiersBefore ) { return parseModifierList(null, annotationParsingMode, noModifiersBefore); } /** * (modifier | annotation)* * * Feeds modifiers (not annotations) into the passed consumer, if it is not null * * @param noModifiersBefore is a token set with elements indicating when met them * that previous token must be parsed as an identifier rather than modifier */ boolean parseModifierList( @Nullable Consumer<IElementType> tokenConsumer, @NotNull AnnotationParsingMode annotationParsingMode, @NotNull TokenSet noModifiersBefore ) { return doParseModifierList(tokenConsumer, MODIFIER_KEYWORDS, annotationParsingMode, noModifiersBefore); } private boolean parseFunctionTypeValueParameterModifierList() { return doParseModifierList(null, RESERVED_VALUE_PARAMETER_MODIFIER_KEYWORDS, NO_ANNOTATIONS, NO_MODIFIER_BEFORE_FOR_VALUE_PARAMETER); } private boolean parseTypeModifierList() { return doParseModifierList(null, TYPE_MODIFIER_KEYWORDS, DEFAULT, TokenSet.EMPTY); } private boolean parseTypeArgumentModifierList() { return doParseModifierList(null, TYPE_ARGUMENT_MODIFIER_KEYWORDS, NO_ANNOTATIONS, TokenSet.create(COMMA, COLON, GT)); } private boolean doParseModifierList( @Nullable Consumer<IElementType> tokenConsumer, @NotNull TokenSet modifierKeywords, @NotNull AnnotationParsingMode annotationParsingMode, @NotNull TokenSet noModifiersBefore ) { PsiBuilder.Marker list = mark(); boolean empty = true; while (!eof()) { if (at(AT) && annotationParsingMode.allowAnnotations) { parseAnnotationOrList(annotationParsingMode); } else if (tryParseModifier(tokenConsumer, noModifiersBefore, modifierKeywords)) { // modifier advanced } else { break; } empty = false; } if (empty) { list.drop(); } else { list.done(MODIFIER_LIST); } return !empty; } private boolean tryParseModifier( @Nullable Consumer<IElementType> tokenConsumer, @NotNull TokenSet noModifiersBefore, @NotNull TokenSet modifierKeywords ) { PsiBuilder.Marker marker = mark(); if (atSet(modifierKeywords)) { IElementType lookahead = lookahead(1); if (lookahead != null && !noModifiersBefore.contains(lookahead)) { IElementType tt = tt(); if (tokenConsumer != null) { tokenConsumer.consume(tt); } advance(); // MODIFIER marker.collapse(tt); return true; } } marker.rollbackTo(); return false; } /* * fileAnnotationList * : ("[" "file:" annotationEntry+ "]")* * ; */ private void parseFileAnnotationList(AnnotationParsingMode mode) { if (!mode.isFileAnnotationParsingMode) { LOG.error("expected file annotation parsing mode, but:" + mode); } PsiBuilder.Marker fileAnnotationsList = mark(); if (parseAnnotations(mode)) { fileAnnotationsList.done(FILE_ANNOTATION_LIST); } else { fileAnnotationsList.drop(); } } /* * annotations * : (annotation | annotationList)* * ; */ boolean parseAnnotations(AnnotationParsingMode mode) { if (!parseAnnotationOrList(mode)) return false; while (parseAnnotationOrList(mode)) { // do nothing } return true; } /* * annotation * : "@" (annotationUseSiteTarget ":")? unescapedAnnotation * ; * * annotationList * : "@" (annotationUseSiteTarget ":")? "[" unescapedAnnotation+ "]" * ; * * annotationUseSiteTarget * : "file" * : "field" * : "property" * : "get" * : "set" * : "param" * : "setparam" * ; */ private boolean parseAnnotationOrList(AnnotationParsingMode mode) { if (at(AT)) { IElementType nextRawToken = myBuilder.rawLookup(1); IElementType tokenToMatch = nextRawToken; boolean isTargetedAnnotation = false; if ((nextRawToken == IDENTIFIER || ANNOTATION_TARGETS.contains(nextRawToken)) && lookahead(2) == COLON) { tokenToMatch = lookahead(3); isTargetedAnnotation = true; } else if (lookahead(1) == COLON) { // recovery for "@:ann" isTargetedAnnotation = true; tokenToMatch = lookahead(2); } if (tokenToMatch == IDENTIFIER) { return parseAnnotation(mode); } else if (tokenToMatch == LBRACKET) { return parseAnnotationList(mode); } else { if (isTargetedAnnotation) { if (lookahead(1) == COLON) { errorAndAdvance("Expected annotation identifier after ':'", 2); // AT, COLON } else { errorAndAdvance("Expected annotation identifier after ':'", 3); // AT, (ANNOTATION TARGET KEYWORD), COLON } } else { errorAndAdvance("Expected annotation identifier after '@'", 1); // AT } } return true; } return false; } private boolean parseAnnotationList(AnnotationParsingMode mode) { assert _at(AT); PsiBuilder.Marker annotation = mark(); myBuilder.disableNewlines(); advance(); // AT if (!parseAnnotationTargetIfNeeded(mode)) { annotation.rollbackTo(); myBuilder.restoreNewlinesState(); return false; } assert _at(LBRACKET); advance(); // LBRACKET if (!at(IDENTIFIER) && !at(AT)) { error("Expecting a list of annotations"); } else { while (at(IDENTIFIER) || at(AT)) { if (at(AT)) { errorAndAdvance("No '@' needed in annotation list"); // AT continue; } parseAnnotation(DEFAULT); while (at(COMMA)) { errorAndAdvance("No commas needed to separate annotations"); } } } expect(RBRACKET, "Expecting ']' to close the annotation list"); myBuilder.restoreNewlinesState(); annotation.done(ANNOTATION); return true; } // Returns true if we should continue parse annotation private boolean parseAnnotationTargetIfNeeded(AnnotationParsingMode mode) { String expectedAnnotationTargetBeforeColon = "Expected annotation target before ':'"; if (at(COLON)) { // recovery for "@:ann" errorAndAdvance(expectedAnnotationTargetBeforeColon); // COLON return true; } KtKeywordToken targetKeyword = atTargetKeyword(); if (mode == FILE_ANNOTATIONS_WHEN_PACKAGE_OMITTED && !(targetKeyword == FILE_KEYWORD && lookahead(1) == COLON)) { return false; } if (lookahead(1) == COLON && targetKeyword == null && at(IDENTIFIER)) { // recovery for "@fil:ann" errorAndAdvance(expectedAnnotationTargetBeforeColon); // IDENTIFIER advance(); // COLON return true; } if (targetKeyword == null && mode.isFileAnnotationParsingMode) { parseAnnotationTarget(mode, FILE_KEYWORD); } else if (targetKeyword != null) { parseAnnotationTarget(mode, targetKeyword); } return true; } private void parseAnnotationTarget(AnnotationParsingMode mode, KtKeywordToken keyword) { if (keyword == FILE_KEYWORD && !mode.isFileAnnotationParsingMode && at(keyword) && lookahead(1) == COLON) { errorAndAdvance(AT.getValue() + keyword.getValue() + " annotations are only allowed before package declaration", 2); return; } String message = "Expecting \"" + keyword.getValue() + COLON.getValue() + "\" prefix for " + keyword.getValue() + " annotations"; PsiBuilder.Marker marker = mark(); if (!expect(keyword, message)) { marker.drop(); } else { marker.done(ANNOTATION_TARGET); } expect(COLON, message, TokenSet.create(IDENTIFIER, RBRACKET, LBRACKET)); } @Nullable private KtKeywordToken atTargetKeyword() { for (IElementType target : ANNOTATION_TARGETS.getTypes()) { if (at(target)) return (KtKeywordToken) target; } return null; } /* * annotation * : "@" (annotationUseSiteTarget ":")? unescapedAnnotation * ; * * unescapedAnnotation * : SimpleName{"."} typeArguments? valueArguments? * ; */ private boolean parseAnnotation(AnnotationParsingMode mode) { assert _at(IDENTIFIER) || (_at(AT) && !WHITE_SPACE_OR_COMMENT_BIT_SET.contains(myBuilder.rawLookup(1))); PsiBuilder.Marker annotation = mark(); boolean atAt = at(AT); if (atAt) { advance(); // AT } if (atAt && !parseAnnotationTargetIfNeeded(mode)) { annotation.rollbackTo(); return false; } PsiBuilder.Marker reference = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker typeReference = mark(); parseUserType(); typeReference.done(TYPE_REFERENCE); reference.done(CONSTRUCTOR_CALLEE); parseTypeArgumentList(); if (at(LPAR)) { myExpressionParsing.parseValueArgumentList(); } annotation.done(ANNOTATION_ENTRY); return true; } public enum NameParsingMode { REQUIRED, ALLOWED, PROHIBITED } public enum DeclarationParsingMode { TOP_LEVEL, CLASS_MEMBER, LOCAL } /* * class * : modifiers ("class" | "interface") SimpleName * typeParameters? * primaryConstructor? * (":" annotations delegationSpecifier{","})? * typeConstraints * (classBody? | enumClassBody) * ; * * primaryConstructor * : (modifiers "constructor")? ("(" functionParameter{","} ")") * ; * * object * : "object" SimpleName? primaryConstructor? ":" delegationSpecifier{","}? classBody? * ; */ private IElementType parseClassOrObject( boolean object, NameParsingMode nameParsingMode, boolean optionalBody, boolean enumClass ) { if (object) { assert _at(OBJECT_KEYWORD); } else { assert _atSet(CLASS_KEYWORD, INTERFACE_KEYWORD); } advance(); // CLASS_KEYWORD, INTERFACE_KEYWORD or OBJECT_KEYWORD if (nameParsingMode == NameParsingMode.REQUIRED) { expect(IDENTIFIER, "Name expected", CLASS_NAME_RECOVERY_SET); } else { assert object : "Must be an object to be nameless"; if (at(IDENTIFIER)) { if (nameParsingMode == NameParsingMode.PROHIBITED) { errorAndAdvance("An object expression cannot bind a name"); } else { assert nameParsingMode == NameParsingMode.ALLOWED; advance(); } } } boolean typeParametersDeclared = parseTypeParameterList(TYPE_PARAMETER_GT_RECOVERY_SET); PsiBuilder.Marker beforeConstructorModifiers = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker primaryConstructorMarker = mark(); boolean hasConstructorModifiers = parseModifierList(DEFAULT, TokenSet.EMPTY); // Some modifiers found, but no parentheses following: class has already ended, and we are looking at something else if (hasConstructorModifiers && !atSet(LPAR, LBRACE, COLON, CONSTRUCTOR_KEYWORD)) { beforeConstructorModifiers.rollbackTo(); return object ? OBJECT_DECLARATION : CLASS; } // We are still inside a class declaration beforeConstructorModifiers.drop(); boolean hasConstructorKeyword = at(CONSTRUCTOR_KEYWORD); if (hasConstructorKeyword) { advance(); // CONSTRUCTOR_KEYWORD } if (at(LPAR)) { parseValueParameterList(false, /* typeRequired = */ true, TokenSet.create(LBRACE, RBRACE)); primaryConstructorMarker.done(PRIMARY_CONSTRUCTOR); } else if (hasConstructorModifiers || hasConstructorKeyword) { // A comprehensive error message for cases like: // class A private : Foo // or // class A private { primaryConstructorMarker.done(PRIMARY_CONSTRUCTOR); if (hasConstructorKeyword) { error("Expecting primary constructor parameter list"); } else { error("Expecting 'constructor' keyword"); } } else { primaryConstructorMarker.drop(); } if (at(COLON)) { advance(); // COLON parseDelegationSpecifierList(); } OptionalMarker whereMarker = new OptionalMarker(object); parseTypeConstraintsGuarded(typeParametersDeclared); whereMarker.error("Where clause is not allowed for objects"); if (at(LBRACE)) { if (enumClass) { parseEnumClassBody(); } else { parseClassBody(); } } else if (!optionalBody) { PsiBuilder.Marker fakeBody = mark(); error("Expecting a class body"); fakeBody.done(CLASS_BODY); } return object ? OBJECT_DECLARATION : CLASS; } IElementType parseClass(boolean enumClass) { return parseClassOrObject(false, NameParsingMode.REQUIRED, true, enumClass); } void parseObject(NameParsingMode nameParsingMode, boolean optionalBody) { parseClassOrObject(true, nameParsingMode, optionalBody, false); } /* * enumClassBody * : "{" enumEntries (";" members)? "}" * ; */ private void parseEnumClassBody() { if (!at(LBRACE)) return; PsiBuilder.Marker body = mark(); myBuilder.enableNewlines(); advance(); // LBRACE if (!parseEnumEntries() && !at(RBRACE)) { error("Expecting ';' after the last enum entry or '}' to close enum class body"); } parseMembers(); expect(RBRACE, "Expecting '}' to close enum class body"); myBuilder.restoreNewlinesState(); body.done(CLASS_BODY); } /** * enumEntries * : enumEntry{","}? * ; * * @return true if enum regular members can follow, false otherwise */ private boolean parseEnumEntries() { while (!eof() && !at(RBRACE)) { switch (parseEnumEntry()) { case FAILED: // Special case without any enum entries but with possible members after semicolon if (at(SEMICOLON)) { advance(); return true; } else { return false; } case NO_DELIMITER: return false; case COMMA_DELIMITER: break; case SEMICOLON_DELIMITER: return true; } } return false; } private enum ParseEnumEntryResult { FAILED, NO_DELIMITER, COMMA_DELIMITER, SEMICOLON_DELIMITER } /* * enumEntry * : modifiers SimpleName ("(" arguments ")")? classBody? * ; */ private ParseEnumEntryResult parseEnumEntry() { PsiBuilder.Marker entry = mark(); parseModifierList(DEFAULT, TokenSet.create(COMMA, SEMICOLON, RBRACE)); if (!atSet(SOFT_KEYWORDS_AT_MEMBER_START) && at(IDENTIFIER)) { advance(); // IDENTIFIER if (at(LPAR)) { // Arguments should be parsed here // Also, "fake" constructor call tree is created, // with empty type name inside PsiBuilder.Marker initializerList = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker delegatorSuperCall = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker callee = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker typeReference = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker type = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker referenceExpr = mark(); referenceExpr.done(ENUM_ENTRY_SUPERCLASS_REFERENCE_EXPRESSION); type.done(USER_TYPE); typeReference.done(TYPE_REFERENCE); callee.done(CONSTRUCTOR_CALLEE); myExpressionParsing.parseValueArgumentList(); delegatorSuperCall.done(SUPER_TYPE_CALL_ENTRY); initializerList.done(INITIALIZER_LIST); } if (at(LBRACE)) { parseClassBody(); } boolean commaFound = at(COMMA); if (commaFound) { advance(); } boolean semicolonFound = at(SEMICOLON); if (semicolonFound) { advance(); } // Probably some helper function closeDeclarationWithCommentBinders(entry, ENUM_ENTRY, true); return semicolonFound ? ParseEnumEntryResult.SEMICOLON_DELIMITER : (commaFound ? ParseEnumEntryResult.COMMA_DELIMITER : ParseEnumEntryResult.NO_DELIMITER); } else { entry.rollbackTo(); return ParseEnumEntryResult.FAILED; } } /* * classBody * : ("{" members "}")? * ; */ private void parseClassBody() { PsiBuilder.Marker body = mark(); myBuilder.enableNewlines(); if (expect(LBRACE, "Expecting a class body")) { parseMembers(); expect(RBRACE, "Missing '}"); } myBuilder.restoreNewlinesState(); body.done(CLASS_BODY); } /** * members * : memberDeclaration* * ; */ private void parseMembers() { while (!eof() && !at(RBRACE)) { parseMemberDeclaration(); } } /* * memberDeclaration * : modifiers memberDeclaration' * ; * * memberDeclaration' * : companionObject * : secondaryConstructor * : function * : property * : class * : extension * : typeAlias * : anonymousInitializer * : object * ; */ private void parseMemberDeclaration() { if (at(SEMICOLON)) { advance(); // SEMICOLON return; } PsiBuilder.Marker decl = mark(); ModifierDetector detector = new ModifierDetector(); parseModifierList(detector, DEFAULT, TokenSet.EMPTY); IElementType declType = parseMemberDeclarationRest(detector.isEnumDetected(), detector.isDefaultDetected()); if (declType == null) { errorWithRecovery("Expecting member declaration", TokenSet.EMPTY); decl.drop(); } else { closeDeclarationWithCommentBinders(decl, declType, true); } } private IElementType parseMemberDeclarationRest(boolean isEnum, boolean isDefault) { IElementType keywordToken = tt(); IElementType declType = null; if (keywordToken == CLASS_KEYWORD || keywordToken == INTERFACE_KEYWORD) { declType = parseClass(isEnum); } else if (keywordToken == FUN_KEYWORD) { declType = parseFunction(); } else if (keywordToken == VAL_KEYWORD || keywordToken == VAR_KEYWORD) { declType = parseProperty(); } else if (keywordToken == TYPE_ALIAS_KEYWORD) { declType = parseTypeAlias(); } else if (keywordToken == OBJECT_KEYWORD) { parseObject(isDefault ? NameParsingMode.ALLOWED : NameParsingMode.REQUIRED, true); declType = OBJECT_DECLARATION; } else if (at(INIT_KEYWORD)) { advance(); // init if (at(LBRACE)) { parseBlock(); } else { mark().error("Expecting '{' after 'init'"); } declType = CLASS_INITIALIZER; } else if (at(CONSTRUCTOR_KEYWORD)) { parseSecondaryConstructor(); declType = SECONDARY_CONSTRUCTOR; } else if (at(LBRACE)) { error("Expecting member declaration"); parseBlock(); declType = FUN; } return declType; } /* * secondaryConstructor * : modifiers "constructor" valueParameters (":" constructorDelegationCall)? block * constructorDelegationCall * : "this" valueArguments * : "super" valueArguments */ private void parseSecondaryConstructor() { assert _at(CONSTRUCTOR_KEYWORD); advance(); // CONSTRUCTOR_KEYWORD TokenSet valueArgsRecoverySet = TokenSet.create(LBRACE, SEMICOLON, RPAR, EOL_OR_SEMICOLON, RBRACE); if (at(LPAR)) { parseValueParameterList(false, /*typeRequired = */ true, valueArgsRecoverySet); } else { errorWithRecovery("Expecting '('", TokenSet.orSet(valueArgsRecoverySet, TokenSet.create(COLON))); } if (at(COLON)) { advance(); // COLON PsiBuilder.Marker delegationCall = mark(); if (at(THIS_KEYWORD) || at(SUPER_KEYWORD)) { parseThisOrSuper(); myExpressionParsing.parseValueArgumentList(); } else { error("Expecting a 'this' or 'super' constructor call"); PsiBuilder.Marker beforeWrongDelegationCallee = null; if (!at(LPAR)) { beforeWrongDelegationCallee = mark(); advance(); // wrong delegation callee } myExpressionParsing.parseValueArgumentList(); if (beforeWrongDelegationCallee != null) { if (at(LBRACE)) { beforeWrongDelegationCallee.drop(); } else { beforeWrongDelegationCallee.rollbackTo(); } } } delegationCall.done(CONSTRUCTOR_DELEGATION_CALL); } else { // empty constructor delegation call PsiBuilder.Marker emptyDelegationCall = mark(); mark().done(CONSTRUCTOR_DELEGATION_REFERENCE); emptyDelegationCall.done(CONSTRUCTOR_DELEGATION_CALL); } if (at(LBRACE)) { parseBlock(); } } private void parseThisOrSuper() { assert _at(THIS_KEYWORD) || _at(SUPER_KEYWORD); PsiBuilder.Marker mark = mark(); advance(); // THIS_KEYWORD | SUPER_KEYWORD mark.done(CONSTRUCTOR_DELEGATION_REFERENCE); } /* * typeAlias * : modifiers "typealias" SimpleName typeParameters? "=" type * ; */ IElementType parseTypeAlias() { assert _at(TYPE_ALIAS_KEYWORD); advance(); // TYPE_ALIAS_KEYWORD expect(IDENTIFIER, "Type name expected", TokenSet.orSet(TokenSet.create(LT, EQ, SEMICOLON), TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION_FIRST)); parseTypeParameterList(TYPE_PARAMETER_GT_RECOVERY_SET); if (at(WHERE_KEYWORD)) { PsiBuilder.Marker error = mark(); parseTypeConstraints(); error.error("Type alias parameters can't have bounds"); } expect(EQ, "Expecting '='", TokenSet.orSet(TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION_FIRST, TokenSet.create(SEMICOLON))); parseTypeRef(); consumeIf(SEMICOLON); return TYPEALIAS; } /* * variableDeclarationEntry * : SimpleName (":" type)? * ; * * property * : modifiers ("val" | "var") * typeParameters? * (type ".")? * ("(" variableDeclarationEntry{","} ")" | variableDeclarationEntry) * typeConstraints * ("by" | "=" expression SEMI?)? * (getter? setter? | setter? getter?) SEMI? * ; */ private IElementType parseProperty() { return parseProperty(PropertyParsingMode.MEMBER_OR_TOPLEVEL); } public IElementType parseLocalProperty(boolean isScriptTopLevel) { return parseProperty(isScriptTopLevel ? PropertyParsingMode.SCRIPT_TOPLEVEL : PropertyParsingMode.LOCAL); } enum PropertyParsingMode { MEMBER_OR_TOPLEVEL(false, true), LOCAL(true, false), SCRIPT_TOPLEVEL(true, true); public final boolean desctructuringAllowed; public final boolean accessorsAllowed; PropertyParsingMode(boolean desctructuringAllowed, boolean accessorsAllowed) { this.desctructuringAllowed = desctructuringAllowed; this.accessorsAllowed = accessorsAllowed; } } public IElementType parseProperty(PropertyParsingMode mode) { assert (at(VAL_KEYWORD) || at(VAR_KEYWORD)); advance(); boolean typeParametersDeclared = at(LT) && parseTypeParameterList(TokenSet.create(IDENTIFIER, EQ, COLON, SEMICOLON)); TokenSet propertyNameFollow = TokenSet.create(COLON, EQ, LBRACE, RBRACE, SEMICOLON, VAL_KEYWORD, VAR_KEYWORD, FUN_KEYWORD, CLASS_KEYWORD); myBuilder.disableJoiningComplexTokens(); PsiBuilder.Marker receiver = mark(); boolean receiverTypeDeclared = parseReceiverType("property", propertyNameFollow); boolean multiDeclaration = at(LPAR); errorIf(receiver, multiDeclaration && receiverTypeDeclared, "Receiver type is not allowed on a destructuring declaration"); boolean isNameOnTheNextLine = eol(); PsiBuilder.Marker beforeName = mark(); if (multiDeclaration) { PsiBuilder.Marker multiDecl = mark(); parseMultiDeclarationName(propertyNameFollow); errorIf(multiDecl, !mode.desctructuringAllowed, "Destructuring declarations are only allowed for local variables/values"); } else { parseFunctionOrPropertyName(receiverTypeDeclared, "property", propertyNameFollow, /*nameRequired = */ true); } myBuilder.restoreJoiningComplexTokensState(); boolean noTypeReference = true; if (at(COLON)) { noTypeReference = false; PsiBuilder.Marker type = mark(); advance(); // COLON parseTypeRef(); errorIf(type, multiDeclaration, "Type annotations are not allowed on destructuring declarations"); } parseTypeConstraintsGuarded(typeParametersDeclared); if (!parsePropertyDelegateOrAssignment() && isNameOnTheNextLine && noTypeReference && !receiverTypeDeclared) { // Do not parse property identifier on the next line if declaration is invalid // In most cases this identifier relates to next statement/declaration beforeName.rollbackTo(); error("Expecting property name or receiver type"); return PROPERTY; } beforeName.drop(); if (mode.accessorsAllowed) { // It's only needed for non-local properties, because in local ones: // "val a = 1; b" must not be an infix call of b on "val ...;" myBuilder.enableNewlines(); boolean hasNewLineWithSemicolon = consumeIf(SEMICOLON) && myBuilder.newlineBeforeCurrentToken(); myBuilder.restoreNewlinesState(); if (!hasNewLineWithSemicolon) { AccessorKind accessorKind = parsePropertyGetterOrSetter(null); if (accessorKind != null) { parsePropertyGetterOrSetter(accessorKind); } if (!atSet(EOL_OR_SEMICOLON, RBRACE)) { if (getLastToken() != SEMICOLON) { errorUntil( "Property getter or setter expected", TokenSet.orSet(DECLARATION_FIRST, TokenSet.create(EOL_OR_SEMICOLON, LBRACE, RBRACE))); } } else { consumeIf(SEMICOLON); } } } return multiDeclaration ? DESTRUCTURING_DECLARATION : PROPERTY; } private boolean parsePropertyDelegateOrAssignment() { if (at(BY_KEYWORD)) { parsePropertyDelegate(); return true; } else if (at(EQ)) { advance(); // EQ myExpressionParsing.parseExpression(); return true; } return false; } /* * propertyDelegate * : "by" expression * ; */ private void parsePropertyDelegate() { assert _at(BY_KEYWORD); PsiBuilder.Marker delegate = mark(); advance(); // BY_KEYWORD myExpressionParsing.parseExpression(); delegate.done(PROPERTY_DELEGATE); } /* * (SimpleName (":" type){","}) */ public void parseMultiDeclarationName(TokenSet follow) { // Parsing multi-name, e.g. // val (a, b) = foo() myBuilder.disableNewlines(); advance(); // LPAR TokenSet recoverySet = TokenSet.orSet(PARAMETER_NAME_RECOVERY_SET, follow); if (!atSet(follow)) { while (true) { if (at(COMMA)) { errorAndAdvance("Expecting a name"); } else if (at(RPAR)) { error("Expecting a name"); break; } PsiBuilder.Marker property = mark(); parseModifierList(DEFAULT, TokenSet.create(COMMA, RPAR, COLON, EQ)); expect(IDENTIFIER, "Expecting a name", recoverySet); if (at(COLON)) { advance(); // COLON parseTypeRef(follow); } property.done(DESTRUCTURING_DECLARATION_ENTRY); if (!at(COMMA)) break; advance(); // COMMA } } expect(RPAR, "Expecting ')'", follow); myBuilder.restoreNewlinesState(); } private enum AccessorKind { GET, SET} /* * getterOrSetter * : modifiers ("get" | "set") * : * ( "get" "(" ")" * | * "set" "(" modifiers parameter ")" * ) functionBody * ; */ @Nullable private AccessorKind parsePropertyGetterOrSetter(@Nullable AccessorKind notAllowedKind) { PsiBuilder.Marker getterOrSetter = mark(); parseModifierList(DEFAULT, TokenSet.EMPTY); AccessorKind accessorKind; if (at(GET_KEYWORD)) { accessorKind = AccessorKind.GET; } else if (at(SET_KEYWORD)) { accessorKind = AccessorKind.SET; } else { getterOrSetter.rollbackTo(); return null; } if (accessorKind == notAllowedKind) { getterOrSetter.rollbackTo(); return null; } advance(); // GET_KEYWORD or SET_KEYWORD if (!at(LPAR)) { // Account for Jet-114 (val a : int get {...}) TokenSet ACCESSOR_FIRST_OR_PROPERTY_END = TokenSet.orSet(MODIFIER_KEYWORDS, TokenSet.create(AT, GET_KEYWORD, SET_KEYWORD, EOL_OR_SEMICOLON, RBRACE)); if (!atSet(ACCESSOR_FIRST_OR_PROPERTY_END)) { errorUntil("Accessor body expected", TokenSet.orSet(ACCESSOR_FIRST_OR_PROPERTY_END, TokenSet.create(LBRACE, LPAR, EQ))); } else { closeDeclarationWithCommentBinders(getterOrSetter, PROPERTY_ACCESSOR, false); return accessorKind; } } myBuilder.disableNewlines(); expect(LPAR, "Expecting '('", TokenSet.create(RPAR, IDENTIFIER, COLON, LBRACE, EQ)); if (accessorKind == AccessorKind.SET) { PsiBuilder.Marker parameterList = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker setterParameter = mark(); parseModifierList(DEFAULT, TokenSet.create(COMMA, COLON, RPAR)); expect(IDENTIFIER, "Expecting parameter name", TokenSet.create(RPAR, COLON, LBRACE, EQ)); if (at(COLON)) { advance(); // COLON parseTypeRef(); } setterParameter.done(VALUE_PARAMETER); parameterList.done(VALUE_PARAMETER_LIST); } if (!at(RPAR)) { errorUntil("Expecting ')'", TokenSet.create(RPAR, COLON, LBRACE, RBRACE, EQ, EOL_OR_SEMICOLON)); } if (at(RPAR)) { advance(); } myBuilder.restoreNewlinesState(); if (at(COLON)) { advance(); parseTypeRef(); } parseFunctionBody(); closeDeclarationWithCommentBinders(getterOrSetter, PROPERTY_ACCESSOR, false); return accessorKind; } @NotNull IElementType parseFunction() { return parseFunction(false); } /* * function * : modifiers "fun" typeParameters? * (type ".")? * SimpleName * typeParameters? functionParameters (":" type)? * typeConstraints * functionBody? * ; */ @Contract("false -> !null") IElementType parseFunction(boolean failIfIdentifierExists) { assert _at(FUN_KEYWORD); advance(); // FUN_KEYWORD // Recovery for the case of class A { fun| } if (at(RBRACE)) { error("Function body expected"); return FUN; } boolean typeParameterListOccurred = false; if (at(LT)) { parseTypeParameterList(TokenSet.create(LBRACKET, LBRACE, RBRACE, LPAR)); typeParameterListOccurred = true; } myBuilder.disableJoiningComplexTokens(); TokenSet functionNameFollow = TokenSet.create(LT, LPAR, RPAR, COLON, EQ); boolean receiverFound = parseReceiverType("function", functionNameFollow); if (at(IDENTIFIER) && failIfIdentifierExists) { myBuilder.restoreJoiningComplexTokensState(); return null; } // function as expression has no name parseFunctionOrPropertyName(receiverFound, "function", functionNameFollow, /*nameRequired = */ false); myBuilder.restoreJoiningComplexTokensState(); TokenSet valueParametersFollow = TokenSet.create(EQ, LBRACE, RBRACE, SEMICOLON, RPAR); if (at(LT)) { PsiBuilder.Marker error = mark(); parseTypeParameterList(TokenSet.orSet(TokenSet.create(LPAR), valueParametersFollow)); if (typeParameterListOccurred) { int offset = myBuilder.getCurrentOffset(); error.rollbackTo(); error = mark(); advance(offset - myBuilder.getCurrentOffset()); error.error("Only one type parameter list is allowed for a function"); } else { error.drop(); } typeParameterListOccurred = true; } if (at(LPAR)) { parseValueParameterList(false, /* typeRequired = */ false, valueParametersFollow); } else { error("Expecting '('"); } if (at(COLON)) { advance(); // COLON parseTypeRef(); } parseTypeConstraintsGuarded(typeParameterListOccurred); if (at(SEMICOLON)) { advance(); // SEMICOLON } else if (at(EQ) || at(LBRACE)) { parseFunctionBody(); } return FUN; } /* * (type "." | annotations)? */ private boolean parseReceiverType(String title, TokenSet nameFollow) { PsiBuilder.Marker annotations = mark(); boolean annotationsPresent = parseAnnotations(DEFAULT); int lastDot = lastDotAfterReceiver(); boolean receiverPresent = lastDot != -1; if (annotationsPresent) { if (receiverPresent) { annotations.rollbackTo(); } else { annotations.error("Annotations are not allowed in this position"); } } else { annotations.drop(); } if (!receiverPresent) return false; createTruncatedBuilder(lastDot).parseTypeRef(); if (atSet(RECEIVER_TYPE_TERMINATORS)) { advance(); // expectation } else { errorWithRecovery("Expecting '.' before a " + title + " name", nameFollow); } return true; } private int lastDotAfterReceiver() { if (at(LPAR)) { return matchTokenStreamPredicate( new FirstBefore( new AtSet(RECEIVER_TYPE_TERMINATORS), new AbstractTokenStreamPredicate() { @Override public boolean matching(boolean topLevel) { if (topLevel && definitelyOutOfReceiver()) { return true; } return topLevel && !at(QUEST) && !at(LPAR) && !at(RPAR); } } )); } else { return matchTokenStreamPredicate( new LastBefore( new AtSet(RECEIVER_TYPE_TERMINATORS), new AbstractTokenStreamPredicate() { @Override public boolean matching(boolean topLevel) { if (topLevel && (definitelyOutOfReceiver() || at(LPAR))) return true; if (topLevel && at(IDENTIFIER)) { IElementType lookahead = lookahead(1); return lookahead != LT && lookahead != DOT && lookahead != SAFE_ACCESS && lookahead != QUEST; } return false; } })); } } private boolean definitelyOutOfReceiver() { return atSet(EQ, COLON, LBRACE, RBRACE, BY_KEYWORD) || atSet(TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION_FIRST); } /* * IDENTIFIER */ private boolean parseFunctionOrPropertyName(boolean receiverFound, String title, TokenSet nameFollow, boolean nameRequired) { if (!nameRequired && atSet(nameFollow)) return true; // no name TokenSet recoverySet = TokenSet.orSet(nameFollow, TokenSet.create(LBRACE, RBRACE), TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION_FIRST); if (!receiverFound) { return expect(IDENTIFIER, "Expecting " + title + " name or receiver type", recoverySet); } else { return expect(IDENTIFIER, "Expecting " + title + " name", recoverySet); } } /* * functionBody * : block * : "=" element * ; */ private void parseFunctionBody() { if (at(LBRACE)) { parseBlock(); } else if (at(EQ)) { advance(); // EQ myExpressionParsing.parseExpression(); consumeIf(SEMICOLON); } else { error("Expecting function body"); } } /* * block * : "{" (expressions)* "}" * ; */ void parseBlock() { PsiBuilder.Marker block = mark(); myBuilder.enableNewlines(); expect(LBRACE, "Expecting '{' to open a block"); myExpressionParsing.parseStatements(); expect(RBRACE, "Expecting '}'"); myBuilder.restoreNewlinesState(); block.done(BLOCK); } /* * delegationSpecifier{","} */ private void parseDelegationSpecifierList() { PsiBuilder.Marker list = mark(); while (true) { if (at(COMMA)) { errorAndAdvance("Expecting a delegation specifier"); continue; } parseDelegationSpecifier(); if (!at(COMMA)) break; advance(); // COMMA } list.done(SUPER_TYPE_LIST); } /* * delegationSpecifier * : constructorInvocation // type and constructor arguments * : userType * : explicitDelegation * ; * * explicitDelegation * : userType "by" element * ; */ private void parseDelegationSpecifier() { PsiBuilder.Marker delegator = mark(); PsiBuilder.Marker reference = mark(); parseTypeRef(); if (at(BY_KEYWORD)) { reference.drop(); advance(); // BY_KEYWORD createForByClause(myBuilder).myExpressionParsing.parseExpression(); delegator.done(DELEGATED_SUPER_TYPE_ENTRY); } else if (at(LPAR)) { reference.done(CONSTRUCTOR_CALLEE); myExpressionParsing.parseValueArgumentList(); delegator.done(SUPER_TYPE_CALL_ENTRY); } else { reference.drop(); delegator.done(SUPER_TYPE_ENTRY); } } /* * typeParameters * : ("<" typeParameter{","} ">" * ; */ private boolean parseTypeParameterList(TokenSet recoverySet) { boolean result = false; if (at(LT)) { PsiBuilder.Marker list = mark(); myBuilder.disableNewlines(); advance(); // LT while (true) { if (at(COMMA)) errorAndAdvance("Expecting type parameter declaration"); parseTypeParameter(); if (!at(COMMA)) break; advance(); // COMMA } expect(GT, "Missing '>'", recoverySet); myBuilder.restoreNewlinesState(); result = true; list.done(TYPE_PARAMETER_LIST); } return result; } /* * typeConstraints * : ("where" typeConstraint{","})? * ; */ private void parseTypeConstraintsGuarded(boolean typeParameterListOccurred) { PsiBuilder.Marker error = mark(); boolean constraints = parseTypeConstraints(); errorIf(error, constraints && !typeParameterListOccurred, "Type constraints are not allowed when no type parameters declared"); } private boolean parseTypeConstraints() { if (at(WHERE_KEYWORD)) { parseTypeConstraintList(); return true; } return false; } /* * typeConstraint{","} */ private void parseTypeConstraintList() { assert _at(WHERE_KEYWORD); advance(); // WHERE_KEYWORD PsiBuilder.Marker list = mark(); while (true) { if (at(COMMA)) errorAndAdvance("Type constraint expected"); parseTypeConstraint(); if (!at(COMMA)) break; advance(); // COMMA } list.done(TYPE_CONSTRAINT_LIST); } /* * typeConstraint * : annotations SimpleName ":" type * ; */ private void parseTypeConstraint() { PsiBuilder.Marker constraint = mark(); parseAnnotations(DEFAULT); PsiBuilder.Marker reference = mark(); if (expect(IDENTIFIER, "Expecting type parameter name", TokenSet.orSet(TokenSet.create(COLON, COMMA, LBRACE, RBRACE), TYPE_REF_FIRST))) { reference.done(REFERENCE_EXPRESSION); } else { reference.drop(); } expect(COLON, "Expecting ':' before the upper bound", TokenSet.orSet(TokenSet.create(LBRACE, RBRACE), TYPE_REF_FIRST)); parseTypeRef(); constraint.done(TYPE_CONSTRAINT); } /* * typeParameter * : modifiers SimpleName (":" userType)? * ; */ private void parseTypeParameter() { if (atSet(TYPE_PARAMETER_GT_RECOVERY_SET)) { error("Type parameter declaration expected"); return; } PsiBuilder.Marker mark = mark(); parseModifierList(DEFAULT, TokenSet.create(GT, COMMA, COLON)); expect(IDENTIFIER, "Type parameter name expected", TokenSet.EMPTY); if (at(COLON)) { advance(); // COLON parseTypeRef(); } mark.done(TYPE_PARAMETER); } /* * type * : typeModifiers typeReference * ; * * typeReference * : functionType * : userType * : nullableType * : "dynamic" * ; * * nullableType * : typeReference "?" * ; */ void parseTypeRef() { parseTypeRef(TokenSet.EMPTY); } void parseTypeRef(TokenSet extraRecoverySet) { PsiBuilder.Marker typeRefMarker = parseTypeRefContents(extraRecoverySet); typeRefMarker.done(TYPE_REFERENCE); } // The extraRecoverySet is needed for the foo(bar<x, 1, y>(z)) case, to tell whether we should stop // on expression-indicating symbols or not private PsiBuilder.Marker parseTypeRefContents(TokenSet extraRecoverySet) { PsiBuilder.Marker typeRefMarker = mark(); parseTypeModifierList(); PsiBuilder.Marker typeElementMarker = mark(); IElementType lookahead = lookahead(1); IElementType lookahead2 = lookahead(2); boolean typeBeforeDot = true; if (at(IDENTIFIER) && !(lookahead == DOT && lookahead2 == IDENTIFIER) && lookahead != LT && at(DYNAMIC_KEYWORD)) { PsiBuilder.Marker dynamicType = mark(); advance(); // DYNAMIC_KEYWORD dynamicType.done(DYNAMIC_TYPE); } else if (at(IDENTIFIER) || at(PACKAGE_KEYWORD) || atParenthesizedMutableForPlatformTypes(0)) { parseUserType(); } else if (at(LPAR)) { PsiBuilder.Marker functionOrParenthesizedType = mark(); // This may be a function parameter list or just a prenthesized type advance(); // LPAR parseTypeRefContents(TokenSet.EMPTY).drop(); // parenthesized types, no reference element around it is needed if (at(RPAR)) { advance(); // RPAR if (at(ARROW)) { // It's a function type with one parameter specified // (A) -> B functionOrParenthesizedType.rollbackTo(); parseFunctionType(); } else { // It's a parenthesized type // (A) functionOrParenthesizedType.drop(); } } else { // This must be a function type // (A, B) -> C // or // (a : A) -> C functionOrParenthesizedType.rollbackTo(); parseFunctionType(); } } else { errorWithRecovery("Type expected", TokenSet.orSet(TOP_LEVEL_DECLARATION_FIRST, TokenSet.create(EQ, COMMA, GT, RBRACKET, DOT, RPAR, RBRACE, LBRACE, SEMICOLON), extraRecoverySet)); typeBeforeDot = false; } // Disabling token merge is required for cases like // Int?.(Foo) -> Bar myBuilder.disableJoiningComplexTokens(); typeElementMarker = parseNullableTypeSuffix(typeElementMarker); myBuilder.restoreJoiningComplexTokensState(); if (typeBeforeDot && at(DOT)) { // This is a receiver for a function type // A.(B) -> C // ^ PsiBuilder.Marker functionType = typeElementMarker.precede(); PsiBuilder.Marker receiverTypeRef = typeElementMarker.precede(); PsiBuilder.Marker receiverType = receiverTypeRef.precede(); receiverTypeRef.done(TYPE_REFERENCE); receiverType.done(FUNCTION_TYPE_RECEIVER); advance(); // DOT if (at(LPAR)) { parseFunctionTypeContents().drop(); } else { error("Expecting function type"); } functionType.done(FUNCTION_TYPE); } typeElementMarker.drop(); return typeRefMarker; } @NotNull private PsiBuilder.Marker parseNullableTypeSuffix(@NotNull PsiBuilder.Marker typeElementMarker) { // ?: is joined regardless of joining state while (at(QUEST) && myBuilder.rawLookup(1) != COLON) { PsiBuilder.Marker precede = typeElementMarker.precede(); advance(); // QUEST typeElementMarker.done(NULLABLE_TYPE); typeElementMarker = precede; } return typeElementMarker; } /* * userType * : simpleUserType{"."} * ; * * recovers on platform types: * - Foo! * - (Mutable)List<Foo>! * - Array<(out) Foo>! */ private void parseUserType() { PsiBuilder.Marker userType = mark(); if (at(PACKAGE_KEYWORD)) { PsiBuilder.Marker keyword = mark(); advance(); // PACKAGE_KEYWORD keyword.error("Expecting an element"); expect(DOT, "Expecting '.'", TokenSet.create(IDENTIFIER, LBRACE, RBRACE)); } PsiBuilder.Marker reference = mark(); while (true) { recoverOnParenthesizedWordForPlatformTypes(0, "Mutable", true); if (expect(IDENTIFIER, "Expecting type name", TokenSet.orSet(KotlinExpressionParsing.EXPRESSION_FIRST, KotlinExpressionParsing.EXPRESSION_FOLLOW, DECLARATION_FIRST))) { reference.done(REFERENCE_EXPRESSION); } else { reference.drop(); break; } parseTypeArgumentList(); recoverOnPlatformTypeSuffix(); if (!at(DOT)) { break; } if (lookahead(1) == LPAR && !atParenthesizedMutableForPlatformTypes(1)) { // This may be a receiver for a function type // Int.(Int) -> Int break; } PsiBuilder.Marker precede = userType.precede(); userType.done(USER_TYPE); userType = precede; advance(); // DOT reference = mark(); } userType.done(USER_TYPE); } private boolean atParenthesizedMutableForPlatformTypes(int offset) { return recoverOnParenthesizedWordForPlatformTypes(offset, "Mutable", false); } private boolean recoverOnParenthesizedWordForPlatformTypes(int offset, String word, boolean consume) { // Array<(out) Foo>! or (Mutable)List<Bar>! if (lookahead(offset) == LPAR && lookahead(offset + 1) == IDENTIFIER && lookahead(offset + 2) == RPAR && lookahead(offset + 3) == IDENTIFIER) { PsiBuilder.Marker error = mark(); advance(offset); advance(); // LPAR if (!word.equals(myBuilder.getTokenText())) { // something other than "out" / "Mutable" error.rollbackTo(); return false; } else { advance(); // IDENTIFIER('out') advance(); // RPAR if (consume) { error.error("Unexpected tokens"); } else { error.rollbackTo(); } return true; } } return false; } private void recoverOnPlatformTypeSuffix() { // Recovery for platform types if (at(EXCL)) { PsiBuilder.Marker error = mark(); advance(); // EXCL error.error("Unexpected token"); } } /* * (optionalProjection type){","} */ private PsiBuilder.Marker parseTypeArgumentList() { if (!at(LT)) return null; PsiBuilder.Marker list = mark(); tryParseTypeArgumentList(TokenSet.EMPTY); list.done(TYPE_ARGUMENT_LIST); return list; } boolean tryParseTypeArgumentList(TokenSet extraRecoverySet) { myBuilder.disableNewlines(); advance(); // LT while (true) { PsiBuilder.Marker projection = mark(); recoverOnParenthesizedWordForPlatformTypes(0, "out", true); // Currently we do not allow annotations on star projections and probably we should not // Annotations on other kinds of type arguments should be parsed as common type annotations (within parseTypeRef call) parseTypeArgumentModifierList(); if (at(MUL)) { advance(); // MUL } else { parseTypeRef(extraRecoverySet); } projection.done(TYPE_PROJECTION); if (!at(COMMA)) break; advance(); // COMMA } boolean atGT = at(GT); if (!atGT) { error("Expecting a '>'"); } else { advance(); // GT } myBuilder.restoreNewlinesState(); return atGT; } /* * functionType * : (type ".")? "(" parameter{","}? ")" "->" type? * ; */ private void parseFunctionType() { parseFunctionTypeContents().done(FUNCTION_TYPE); } private PsiBuilder.Marker parseFunctionTypeContents() { assert _at(LPAR) : tt(); PsiBuilder.Marker functionType = mark(); parseValueParameterList(true, /* typeRequired = */ true, TokenSet.EMPTY); expect(ARROW, "Expecting '->' to specify return type of a function type", TYPE_REF_FIRST); parseTypeRef(); return functionType; } private static final TokenSet NO_MODIFIER_BEFORE_FOR_VALUE_PARAMETER = TokenSet.create(COMMA, COLON, EQ, RPAR); /* * functionParameters * : "(" functionParameter{","}? ")" * ; * * functionParameter * : modifiers functionParameterRest * ; * * functionParameterRest * : parameter ("=" element)? * ; */ private void parseValueParameterList(boolean isFunctionTypeContents, boolean typeRequired, TokenSet recoverySet) { assert _at(LPAR); PsiBuilder.Marker parameters = mark(); myBuilder.disableNewlines(); advance(); // LPAR if (!at(RPAR) && !atSet(recoverySet)) { while (true) { if (at(COMMA)) { errorAndAdvance("Expecting a parameter declaration"); } else if (at(RPAR)) { error("Expecting a parameter declaration"); break; } if (isFunctionTypeContents) { if (!tryParseValueParameter(typeRequired)) { PsiBuilder.Marker valueParameter = mark(); parseFunctionTypeValueParameterModifierList(); parseTypeRef(); closeDeclarationWithCommentBinders(valueParameter, VALUE_PARAMETER, false); } } else { parseValueParameter(typeRequired); } if (at(COMMA)) { advance(); // COMMA } else { if (!at(RPAR)) error("Expecting comma or ')'"); if (!atSet(isFunctionTypeContents ? LAMBDA_VALUE_PARAMETER_FIRST : VALUE_PARAMETER_FIRST)) break; } } } expect(RPAR, "Expecting ')'", recoverySet); myBuilder.restoreNewlinesState(); parameters.done(VALUE_PARAMETER_LIST); } /* * functionParameter * : modifiers ("val" | "var")? parameter ("=" element)? * ; */ private boolean tryParseValueParameter(boolean typeRequired) { return parseValueParameter(true, typeRequired); } public void parseValueParameter(boolean typeRequired) { parseValueParameter(false, typeRequired); } private boolean parseValueParameter(boolean rollbackOnFailure, boolean typeRequired) { PsiBuilder.Marker parameter = mark(); parseModifierList(DEFAULT, NO_MODIFIER_BEFORE_FOR_VALUE_PARAMETER); if (at(VAR_KEYWORD) || at(VAL_KEYWORD)) { advance(); // VAR_KEYWORD | VAL_KEYWORD } if (!parseFunctionParameterRest(typeRequired) && rollbackOnFailure) { parameter.rollbackTo(); return false; } closeDeclarationWithCommentBinders(parameter, VALUE_PARAMETER, false); return true; } /* * functionParameterRest * : parameter ("=" element)? * ; */ private boolean parseFunctionParameterRest(boolean typeRequired) { boolean noErrors = true; // Recovery for the case 'fun foo(Array<String>) {}' // Recovery for the case 'fun foo(: Int) {}' if ((at(IDENTIFIER) && lookahead(1) == LT) || at(COLON)) { error("Parameter name expected"); if (at(COLON)) { // We keep noErrors == true so that unnamed parameters starting with ":" are not rolled back during parsing of functional types advance(); // COLON } else { noErrors = false; } parseTypeRef(); } else { expect(IDENTIFIER, "Parameter name expected", PARAMETER_NAME_RECOVERY_SET); if (at(COLON)) { advance(); // COLON parseTypeRef(); } else if (typeRequired) { errorWithRecovery("Parameters must have type annotation", PARAMETER_NAME_RECOVERY_SET); noErrors = false; } } if (at(EQ)) { advance(); // EQ myExpressionParsing.parseExpression(); } return noErrors; } @Override protected KotlinParsing create(SemanticWhitespaceAwarePsiBuilder builder) { return createForTopLevel(builder); } /*package*/ static class ModifierDetector implements Consumer<IElementType> { private boolean enumDetected = false; private boolean defaultDetected = false; @Override public void consume(IElementType item) { if (item == KtTokens.ENUM_KEYWORD) { enumDetected = true; } else if (item == KtTokens.COMPANION_KEYWORD) { defaultDetected = true; } } public boolean isEnumDetected() { return enumDetected; } public boolean isDefaultDetected() { return defaultDetected; } } enum AnnotationParsingMode { DEFAULT(false, true), FILE_ANNOTATIONS_BEFORE_PACKAGE(true, true), FILE_ANNOTATIONS_WHEN_PACKAGE_OMITTED(true, true), NO_ANNOTATIONS(false, false); boolean isFileAnnotationParsingMode; boolean allowAnnotations; AnnotationParsingMode( boolean isFileAnnotationParsingMode, boolean allowAnnotations ) { this.isFileAnnotationParsingMode = isFileAnnotationParsingMode; this.allowAnnotations = allowAnnotations; } } }