package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.bbox; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Point; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import; public class SourceButton { private int x = 0; private int y = 30; private ImageIcon enlargeImage; private ImageIcon shrinkImage; private ImageIcon imageMapnik; private ImageIcon imageOsmarender; private ImageIcon imageCycleMap; private boolean isEnlarged = false; private int currentMap = MAPNIK; public static final int HIDE_OR_SHOW = 1; public static final int MAPNIK = 2; public static final int OSMARENDER = 3; public static final int CYCLEMAP = 4; public SourceButton() { enlargeImage = ImageProvider.get("layer-switcher-maximize.png"); shrinkImage = ImageProvider.get("layer-switcher-minimize.png"); imageMapnik = ImageProvider.get("blue_Mapnik.png"); imageOsmarender = ImageProvider.get("blue_Osmarender.png"); imageCycleMap = ImageProvider.get("blue_CycleMap.png"); } public void paint(Graphics g) { if (isEnlarged) { if (currentMap == MAPNIK) { g.drawImage(imageMapnik.getImage(), g.getClipBounds().width - imageMapnik.getIconWidth(), y, null); }else if(currentMap == CYCLEMAP){ g.drawImage(imageCycleMap.getImage(), g.getClipBounds().width - imageCycleMap.getIconWidth(), y, null); } else { g.drawImage(imageOsmarender.getImage(), g.getClipBounds().width - imageMapnik.getIconWidth(), y, null); } if (shrinkImage != null) { this.x = g.getClipBounds().width - shrinkImage.getIconWidth(); g.drawImage(shrinkImage.getImage(), x, y, null); } } else { if (enlargeImage != null) { this.x = g.getClipBounds().width - enlargeImage.getIconWidth(); g.drawImage(enlargeImage.getImage(), x, y, null); } } } public void toggle() { this.isEnlarged = !this.isEnlarged; } public int hit(Point point) { if (isEnlarged) { if (x < point.x && point.x < x + shrinkImage.getIconWidth()) { if (y < point.y && point.y < y + shrinkImage.getIconHeight()) { return HIDE_OR_SHOW; } } else if (x - imageMapnik.getIconWidth() < point.x && point.x < x) { if (y < point.y && point.y < y + imageMapnik.getIconHeight() / 3) { currentMap = OSMARENDER; return OSMARENDER; } else if (y + imageMapnik.getIconHeight() / 3 < point.y && point.y < y + imageMapnik.getIconHeight() *2/3) { currentMap = MAPNIK; return MAPNIK; } else if (y + imageMapnik.getIconHeight()* 2/3 < point.y && point.y < y + imageMapnik.getIconHeight()) { currentMap = CYCLEMAP; return CYCLEMAP; } } } else { if (x < point.x && point.x < x + enlargeImage.getIconWidth()) { if (y < point.y && point.y < y + enlargeImage.getIconHeight()) { return HIDE_OR_SHOW; } } } return 0; } /** * One of the constants OSMARENDER,MAPNIK or CYCLEMAP */ public void setMapStyle (int style) { currentMap = (style < 2 || style > 4) ? MAPNIK : style; } }