// License: GPL. Copyright 2007 by Immanuel Scholz and others package org.openstreetmap.josm.actions; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.marktr; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.trn; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.AddCommand; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ChangeCommand; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.DeleteCommand; import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.SequenceCommand; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.UndoRedoHandler; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.DataSet; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.OsmPrimitive; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Relation; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.RelationMember; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.TigerUtils; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.ExtendedDialog; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Shortcut; public class JoinAreasAction extends JosmAction { // This will be used to commit commands and unite them into one large command sequence at the end private LinkedList<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<Command>(); private int cmdsCount = 0; // HelperClass // Saves a node and two positions where to insert the node into the ways private static class NodeToSegs implements Comparable<NodeToSegs> { public int pos; public Node n; public double dis; public NodeToSegs(int pos, Node n, LatLon dis) { this.pos = pos; this.n = n; this.dis = n.getCoor().greatCircleDistance(dis); } public int compareTo(NodeToSegs o) { if(this.pos == o.pos) return (this.dis - o.dis) > 0 ? 1 : -1; return this.pos - o.pos; } @Override public int hashCode() { return pos; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof NodeToSegs) return compareTo((NodeToSegs) o) == 0; else return false; } } // HelperClass // Saves a relation and a role an OsmPrimitve was part of until it was stripped from all relations private static class RelationRole { public final Relation rel; public final String role; public RelationRole(Relation rel, String role) { this.rel = rel; this.role = role; } @Override public int hashCode() { return rel.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof RelationRole)) return false; RelationRole otherMember = (RelationRole) other; return otherMember.role.equals(role) && otherMember.rel.equals(rel); } } // Adds the menu entry, Shortcuts, etc. public JoinAreasAction() { super(tr("Join overlapping Areas"), "joinareas", tr("Joins areas that overlap each other"), Shortcut.registerShortcut("tools:joinareas", tr("Tool: {0}", tr("Join overlapping Areas")), KeyEvent.VK_J, Shortcut.GROUP_EDIT, Shortcut.SHIFT_DEFAULT), true); } /** * Gets called whenever the shortcut is pressed or the menu entry is selected * Checks whether the selected objects are suitable to join and joins them if so */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LinkedList<Way> ways = new LinkedList<Way>(Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedWays()); if (ways.isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("Please select at least one closed way that should be joined.")); return; } // Too many ways if(ways.size() > 2) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("Only up to two areas can be joined at the moment.")); return; } List<Node> allNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Way way: ways) { if(!way.isClosed()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("\"{0}\" is not closed and therefore cannot be joined.", way.getName())); return; } allNodes.addAll(way.getNodes()); } // TODO: Only display this warning when nodes outside dataSourceArea are deleted Area dataSourceArea = Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().getDataSourceArea(); if (dataSourceArea != null) { for (Node node: allNodes) { if (!dataSourceArea.contains(node.getCoor())) { int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(Main.parent, trn("The selected way has nodes outside of the downloaded data region.", "The selected ways have nodes outside of the downloaded data region.", ways.size()) + "\n" + tr("This can lead to nodes being deleted accidentally.") + "\n" + tr("Are you really sure to continue?"), tr("Please abort if you are not sure"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); if (option != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) return; break; } } } if(joinAreas(ways.getFirst(), ways.getLast())) { Main.map.mapView.repaint(); DataSet ds = Main.main.getCurrentDataSet(); ds.fireSelectionChanged(); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("No intersection found. Nothing was changed.")); } } /** * Will join two overlapping areas * @param Way First way/area * @param Way Second way/area * @return boolean Whether to display the "no operation" message */ private boolean joinAreas(Way a, Way b) { // Fix self-overlapping first or other errors boolean same = a.equals(b); boolean hadChanges = false; if(!same) { if(checkForTagConflicts(a, b)) return true; // User aborted, so don't warn again hadChanges = joinAreas(a, a); hadChanges = joinAreas(b, b) || hadChanges; } ArrayList<OsmPrimitive> nodes = addIntersections(a, b); if(nodes.size() == 0) return hadChanges; commitCommands(marktr("Added node on all intersections")); // Remove ways from all relations so ways can be combined/split quietly ArrayList<RelationRole> relations = removeFromRelations(a); if(!same) { relations.addAll(removeFromRelations(b)); } // Don't warn now, because it will really look corrupted boolean warnAboutRelations = relations.size() > 0; Collection<Way> allWays = splitWaysOnNodes(a, b, nodes); // Find all nodes and inner ways save them to a list Collection<Node> allNodes = getNodesFromWays(allWays); Collection<Way> innerWays = findInnerWays(allWays, allNodes); // Join outer ways Way outerWay = joinOuterWays(allWays, innerWays); // Fix Multipolygons if there are any Collection<Way> newInnerWays = fixMultigons(innerWays, outerWay); // Delete the remaining inner ways if(innerWays != null && innerWays.size() > 0) { cmds.add(DeleteCommand.delete(Main.map.mapView.getEditLayer(), innerWays, true)); } commitCommands(marktr("Delete Ways that are not part of an inner multipolygon")); // We can attach our new multipolygon relation and pretend it has always been there addOwnMultigonRelation(newInnerWays, outerWay, relations); fixRelations(relations, outerWay); commitCommands(marktr("Fix relations")); stripTags(newInnerWays); makeCommitsOneAction( same ? marktr("Joined self-overlapping area") : marktr("Joined overlapping areas") ); if(warnAboutRelations) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, tr("Some of the ways were part of relations that have been modified. Please verify no errors have been introduced.")); } return true; } /** * Checks if tags of two given ways differ, and presents the user a dialog to solve conflicts * @param Way First way to check * @param Way Second Way to check * @return boolean True if not all conflicts could be resolved, False if everything's fine */ private boolean checkForTagConflicts(Way a, Way b) { ArrayList<Way> ways = new ArrayList<Way>(); ways.add(a); ways.add(b); // FIXME: This is mostly copied and pasted from CombineWayAction.java and one day should be moved into tools Map<String, Set<String>> props = new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(); for (Way w : ways) { for (String key: w.keySet()) { if (!props.containsKey(key)) { props.put(key, new TreeSet<String>()); } props.get(key).add(w.get(key)); } } Way ax = new Way(a); Way bx = new Way(b); Map<String, JComboBox> components = new HashMap<String, JComboBox>(); JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); for (Entry<String, Set<String>> e : props.entrySet()) { if (TigerUtils.isTigerTag(e.getKey())) { String combined = TigerUtils.combineTags(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); ax.put(e.getKey(), combined); bx.put(e.getKey(), combined); } else if (e.getValue().size() > 1) { if("created_by".equals(e.getKey())) { ax.put("created_by", "JOSM"); bx.put("created_by", "JOSM"); } else { JComboBox c = new JComboBox(e.getValue().toArray()); c.setEditable(true); p.add(new JLabel(e.getKey()), GBC.std()); p.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10), GBC.std()); p.add(c, GBC.eol()); components.put(e.getKey(), c); } } else { String val = e.getValue().iterator().next(); ax.put(e.getKey(), val); bx.put(e.getKey(), val); } } if (components.isEmpty()) return false; // No conflicts found ExtendedDialog ed = new ExtendedDialog(Main.parent, tr("Enter values for all conflicts."), new String[] {tr("Solve Conflicts"), tr("Cancel")}); ed.setButtonIcons(new String[] {"dialogs/conflict.png", "cancel.png"}); ed.setContent(p); ed.showDialog(); if (ed.getValue() != 1) return true; // user cancel, unresolvable conflicts for (Entry<String, JComboBox> e : components.entrySet()) { String val = e.getValue().getEditor().getItem().toString(); ax.put(e.getKey(), val); bx.put(e.getKey(), val); } cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(a, ax)); cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(b, bx)); commitCommands(marktr("Fix tag conflicts")); return false; } /** * Will find all intersection and add nodes there for two given ways * @param Way First way * @param Way Second way * @return ArrayList<OsmPrimitive> List of new nodes */ private ArrayList<OsmPrimitive> addIntersections(Way a, Way b) { boolean same = a.equals(b); int nodesSizeA = a.getNodesCount(); int nodesSizeB = b.getNodesCount(); // We use OsmPrimitive here instead of Node because we later need to split a way at these nodes. // With OsmPrimitve we can simply add the way and don't have to loop over the nodes ArrayList<OsmPrimitive> nodes = new ArrayList<OsmPrimitive>(); ArrayList<NodeToSegs> nodesA = new ArrayList<NodeToSegs>(); ArrayList<NodeToSegs> nodesB = new ArrayList<NodeToSegs>(); for (int i = (same ? 1 : 0); i < nodesSizeA - 1; i++) { for (int j = (same ? i + 2 : 0); j < nodesSizeB - 1; j++) { // Avoid re-adding nodes that already exist on (some) intersections if(a.getNode(i).equals(b.getNode(j)) || a.getNode(i+1).equals(b.getNode(j))) { nodes.add(b.getNode(j)); continue; } else if(a.getNode(i).equals(b.getNode(j+1)) || a.getNode(i+1).equals(b.getNode(j+1))) { nodes.add(b.getNode(j+1)); continue; } LatLon intersection = getLineLineIntersection( a.getNode(i) .getEastNorth().east(), a.getNode(i) .getEastNorth().north(), a.getNode(i+1).getEastNorth().east(), a.getNode(i+1).getEastNorth().north(), b.getNode(j) .getEastNorth().east(), b.getNode(j) .getEastNorth().north(), b.getNode(j+1).getEastNorth().east(), b.getNode(j+1).getEastNorth().north()); if(intersection == null) { continue; } // Create the node. Adding them to the ways must be delayed because we still loop over them Node n = new Node(intersection); cmds.add(new AddCommand(n)); nodes.add(n); // The distance is needed to sort and add the nodes in direction of the way nodesA.add(new NodeToSegs(i, n, a.getNode(i).getCoor())); if(same) { nodesA.add(new NodeToSegs(j, n, a.getNode(j).getCoor())); } else { nodesB.add(new NodeToSegs(j, n, b.getNode(j).getCoor())); } } } addNodesToWay(a, nodesA); if(!same) { addNodesToWay(b, nodesB); } return nodes; } /** * Finds the intersection of two lines * @return LatLon null if no intersection was found, the LatLon coordinates of the intersection otherwise */ static private LatLon getLineLineIntersection( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4) { if (!Line2D.linesIntersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)) return null; // Convert line from (point, point) form to ax+by=c double a1 = y2 - y1; double b1 = x1 - x2; double c1 = x2*y1 - x1*y2; double a2 = y4 - y3; double b2 = x3 - x4; double c2 = x4*y3 - x3*y4; // Solve the equations double det = a1*b2 - a2*b1; if(det == 0) return null; // Lines are parallel return Main.proj.eastNorth2latlon(new EastNorth( (b1*c2 - b2*c1)/det, (a2*c1 -a1*c2)/det )); } /** * Inserts given nodes with positions into the given ways * @param Way The way to insert the nodes into * @param Collection<NodeToSegs> The list of nodes with positions to insert */ private void addNodesToWay(Way a, ArrayList<NodeToSegs> nodes) { Way ax=new Way(a); Collections.sort(nodes); int numOfAdds = 1; for(NodeToSegs n : nodes) { ax.addNode(n.pos + numOfAdds, n.n); numOfAdds++; } cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(a, ax)); } /** * Commits the command list with a description * @param String The description of what the commands do */ private void commitCommands(String description) { switch(cmds.size()) { case 0: return; case 1: Main.main.undoRedo.add(cmds.getFirst()); break; default: Command c = new SequenceCommand(tr(description), cmds); Main.main.undoRedo.add(c); break; } cmds.clear(); cmdsCount++; } /** * Removes a given OsmPrimitive from all relations * @param OsmPrimitive Element to remove from all relations * @return ArrayList<RelationRole> List of relations with roles the primitives was part of */ private ArrayList<RelationRole> removeFromRelations(OsmPrimitive osm) { ArrayList<RelationRole> result = new ArrayList<RelationRole>(); for (Relation r : Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().getRelations()) { if (r.isDeleted()) { continue; } for (RelationMember rm : r.getMembers()) { if (rm.getMember() != osm) { continue; } Relation newRel = new Relation(r); List<RelationMember> members = newRel.getMembers(); members.remove(rm); newRel.setMembers(members); cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(r, newRel)); RelationRole saverel = new RelationRole(r, rm.getRole()); if(!result.contains(saverel)) { result.add(saverel); } break; } } commitCommands(marktr("Removed Element from Relations")); return result; } /** * This is a hacky implementation to make use of the splitWayAction code and * should be improved. SplitWayAction needs to expose its splitWay function though. */ private Collection<Way> splitWaysOnNodes(Way a, Way b, Collection<OsmPrimitive> nodes) { ArrayList<Way> ways = new ArrayList<Way>(); ways.add(a); if(!a.equals(b)) { ways.add(b); } List<OsmPrimitive> affected = new ArrayList<OsmPrimitive>(); for (Way way : ways) { nodes.add(way); Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().setSelected(nodes); nodes.remove(way); new SplitWayAction().actionPerformed(null); cmdsCount++; affected.addAll(Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedWays()); } return osmprim2way(affected); } /** * Converts a list of OsmPrimitives to a list of Ways * @param Collection<OsmPrimitive> The OsmPrimitives list that's needed as a list of Ways * @return Collection<Way> The list as list of Ways */ static private Collection<Way> osmprim2way(Collection<OsmPrimitive> ways) { Collection<Way> result = new ArrayList<Way>(); for(OsmPrimitive w: ways) { if(w instanceof Way) { result.add((Way) w); } } return result; } /** * Returns all nodes for given ways * @param Collection<Way> The list of ways which nodes are to be returned * @return Collection<Node> The list of nodes the ways contain */ private Collection<Node> getNodesFromWays(Collection<Way> ways) { Collection<Node> allNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); for(Way w: ways) { allNodes.addAll(w.getNodes()); } return allNodes; } /** * Finds all inner ways for a given list of Ways and Nodes from a multigon by constructing a polygon * for each way, looking for inner nodes that are not part of this way. If a node is found, all ways * containing this node are added to the list * @param Collection<Way> A list of (splitted) ways that form a multigon * @param Collection<Node> A list of nodes that belong to the multigon * @return Collection<Way> A list of ways that are positioned inside the outer borders of the multigon */ private Collection<Way> findInnerWays(Collection<Way> multigonWays, Collection<Node> multigonNodes) { Collection<Way> innerWays = new ArrayList<Way>(); for(Way w: multigonWays) { Polygon poly = new Polygon(); for(Node n: (w).getNodes()) { poly.addPoint(latlonToXY(n.getCoor().lat()), latlonToXY(n.getCoor().lon())); } for(Node n: multigonNodes) { if(!(w).containsNode(n) && poly.contains(latlonToXY(n.getCoor().lat()), latlonToXY(n.getCoor().lon()))) { getWaysByNode(innerWays, multigonWays, n); } } } return innerWays; } // Polygon only supports int coordinates, so convert them private int latlonToXY(double val) { return (int)Math.round(val*1000000); } /** * Finds all ways that contain the given node. * @param Collection<Way> A list to which matching ways will be added * @param Collection<Way> A list of ways to check * @param Node The node the ways should be checked against */ private void getWaysByNode(Collection<Way> innerWays, Collection<Way> w, Node n) { for(Way way : w) { if(!(way).containsNode(n)) { continue; } if(!innerWays.contains(way)) { innerWays.add(way); // Will need this later for multigons } } } /** * Joins the two outer ways and deletes all short ways that can't be part of a multipolygon anyway * @param Collection<OsmPrimitive> The list of all ways that belong to that multigon * @param Collection<Way> The list of inner ways that belong to that multigon * @return Way The newly created outer way */ private Way joinOuterWays(Collection<Way> multigonWays, Collection<Way> innerWays) { ArrayList<Way> join = new ArrayList<Way>(); for(Way w: multigonWays) { // Skip inner ways if(innerWays.contains(w)) { continue; } if(w.getNodesCount() <= 2) { cmds.add(new DeleteCommand(w)); } else { join.add(w); } } commitCommands(marktr("Join Areas: Remove Short Ways")); return closeWay(joinWays(join)); } /** * Ensures a way is closed. If it isn't, last and first node are connected. * @param Way the way to ensure it's closed * @return Way The joined way. */ private Way closeWay(Way w) { if(w.isClosed()) return w; Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().setSelected(w); Way wnew = new Way(w); wnew.addNode(wnew.firstNode()); cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(w, wnew)); commitCommands(marktr("Closed Way")); return (Way)(Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedWays().toArray())[0]; } /** * Joins a list of ways (using CombineWayAction and ReverseWayAction if necessary to quiet the former) * @param ArrayList<Way> The list of ways to join * @return Way The newly created way */ private Way joinWays(ArrayList<Way> ways) { if(ways.size() < 2) return ways.get(0); // This will turn ways so all of them point in the same direction and CombineAction won't bug // the user about this. Way a = null; for(Way b : ways) { if(a == null) { a = b; continue; } if(a.getNode(0).equals(b.getNode(0)) || a.getNode(a.getNodesCount()-1).equals(b.getNode(b.getNodesCount()-1))) { Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().setSelected(b); new ReverseWayAction().actionPerformed(null); cmdsCount++; } a = b; } Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().setSelected(ways); // TODO: It might be possible that a confirmation dialog is presented even after reversing (for // "strange" ways). If the user cancels this, makeCommitsOneAction will wrongly consume a previous // action. Make CombineWayAction either silent or expose its combining capabilities. new CombineWayAction().actionPerformed(null); cmdsCount++; return (Way)(Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedWays().toArray())[0]; } /** * Finds all ways that may be part of a multipolygon relation and removes them from the given list. * It will automatically combine "good" ways * @param Collection<Way> The list of inner ways to check * @param Way The newly created outer way * @return ArrayList<Way> The List of newly created inner ways */ private ArrayList<Way> fixMultigons(Collection<Way> uninterestingWays, Way outerWay) { Collection<Node> innerNodes = getNodesFromWays(uninterestingWays); Collection<Node> outerNodes = outerWay.getNodes(); // The newly created inner ways. uninterestingWays is passed by reference and therefore modified in-place ArrayList<Way> newInnerWays = new ArrayList<Way>(); // Now we need to find all inner ways that contain a remaining node, but no outer nodes // Remaining nodes are those that contain to more than one way. All nodes that belong to an // inner multigon part will have at least two ways, so we can use this to find which ways do // belong to the multigon. ArrayList<Way> possibleWays = new ArrayList<Way>(); wayIterator: for(Way w : uninterestingWays) { boolean hasInnerNodes = false; for(Node n : w.getNodes()) { if(outerNodes.contains(n)) { continue wayIterator; } if(!hasInnerNodes && innerNodes.contains(n)) { hasInnerNodes = true; } } if(!hasInnerNodes || w.getNodesCount() < 2) { continue; } possibleWays.add(w); } // This removes unnecessary ways that might have been added. removeAlmostAlikeWays(possibleWays); removePartlyUnconnectedWays(possibleWays); // Join all ways that have one start/ending node in common Way joined = null; outerIterator: do { joined = null; for(Way w1 : possibleWays) { if(w1.isClosed()) { if(!wayIsCollapsed(w1)) { uninterestingWays.remove(w1); newInnerWays.add(w1); } joined = w1; possibleWays.remove(w1); continue outerIterator; } for(Way w2 : possibleWays) { // w2 cannot be closed, otherwise it would have been removed above if(!waysCanBeCombined(w1, w2)) { continue; } ArrayList<Way> joinThem = new ArrayList<Way>(); joinThem.add(w1); joinThem.add(w2); uninterestingWays.removeAll(joinThem); possibleWays.removeAll(joinThem); // Although we joined the ways, we cannot simply assume that they are closed joined = joinWays(joinThem); uninterestingWays.add(joined); possibleWays.add(joined); continue outerIterator; } } } while(joined != null); return newInnerWays; } /** * Removes almost alike ways (= ways that are on top of each other for all nodes) * @param ArrayList<Way> the ways to remove almost-duplicates from */ private void removeAlmostAlikeWays(ArrayList<Way> ways) { Collection<Way> removables = new ArrayList<Way>(); outer: for(int i=0; i < ways.size(); i++) { Way a = ways.get(i); for(int j=i+1; j < ways.size(); j++) { Way b = ways.get(j); List<Node> revNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(b.getNodes()); Collections.reverse(revNodes); if(a.getNodes().equals(b.getNodes()) || a.getNodes().equals(revNodes)) { removables.add(a); continue outer; } } } ways.removeAll(removables); } /** * Removes ways from the given list whose starting or ending node doesn't * connect to other ways from the same list (it's like removing spikes). * @param ArrayList<Way> The list of ways to remove "spikes" from */ private void removePartlyUnconnectedWays(ArrayList<Way> ways) { List<Way> removables = new ArrayList<Way>(); for(Way a : ways) { if(a.isClosed()) { continue; } boolean connectedStart = false; boolean connectedEnd = false; for(Way b : ways) { if(a.equals(b)) { continue; } if(b.isFirstLastNode(a.firstNode())) { connectedStart = true; } if(b.isFirstLastNode(a.lastNode())) { connectedEnd = true; } } if(!connectedStart || !connectedEnd) { removables.add(a); } } ways.removeAll(removables); } /** * Checks if a way is collapsed (i.e. looks like <---->) * @param Way A *closed* way to check if it is collapsed * @return boolean If the closed way is collapsed or not */ private boolean wayIsCollapsed(Way w) { if(w.getNodesCount() <= 3) return true; // If a way contains more than one node twice, it must be collapsed (only start/end node may be the same) Way x = new Way(w); int count = 0; for(Node n : w.getNodes()) { x.removeNode(n); if(x.containsNode(n)) { count++; } if(count == 2) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if two ways share one starting/ending node * @param Way first way * @param Way second way * @return boolean Wheter the ways share a starting/ending node or not */ private boolean waysCanBeCombined(Way w1, Way w2) { if(w1.equals(w2)) return false; if(w1.getNode(0).equals(w2.getNode(0))) return true; if(w1.getNode(0).equals(w2.getNode(w2.getNodesCount()-1))) return true; if(w1.getNode(w1.getNodesCount()-1).equals(w2.getNode(0))) return true; if(w1.getNode(w1.getNodesCount()-1).equals(w2.getNode(w2.getNodesCount()-1))) return true; return false; } /** * Will add own multipolygon relation to the "previously existing" relations. Fixup is done by fixRelations * @param Collection<Way> List of already closed inner ways * @param Way The outer way * @param ArrayList<RelationRole> The list of relation with roles to add own relation to */ private void addOwnMultigonRelation(Collection<Way> inner, Way outer, ArrayList<RelationRole> rels) { if(inner.size() == 0) return; // Create new multipolygon relation and add all inner ways to it Relation newRel = new Relation(); newRel.put("type", "multipolygon"); for(Way w : inner) { newRel.addMember(new RelationMember("inner", w)); } cmds.add(new AddCommand(newRel)); // We don't add outer to the relation because it will be handed to fixRelations() // which will then do the remaining work. Collections are passed by reference, so no // need to return it rels.add(new RelationRole(newRel, "outer")); //return rels; } /** * Adds the previously removed relations again to the outer way. If there are multiple multipolygon * relations where the joined areas were in "outer" role a new relation is created instead with all * members of both. This function depends on multigon relations to be valid already, it won't fix them. * @param ArrayList<RelationRole> List of relations with roles the (original) ways were part of * @param Way The newly created outer area/way */ private void fixRelations(ArrayList<RelationRole> rels, Way outer) { ArrayList<RelationRole> multiouters = new ArrayList<RelationRole>(); for(RelationRole r : rels) { if( r.rel.get("type") != null && r.rel.get("type").equalsIgnoreCase("multipolygon") && r.role.equalsIgnoreCase("outer") ) { multiouters.add(r); continue; } // Add it back! Relation newRel = new Relation(r.rel); newRel.addMember(new RelationMember(r.role, outer)); cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(r.rel, newRel)); } Relation newRel = null; switch(multiouters.size()) { case 0: return; case 1: // Found only one to be part of a multipolygon relation, so just add it back as well newRel = new Relation(multiouters.get(0).rel); newRel.addMember(new RelationMember(multiouters.get(0).role, outer)); cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(multiouters.get(0).rel, newRel)); return; default: // Create a new relation with all previous members and (Way)outer as outer. newRel = new Relation(); for(RelationRole r : multiouters) { // Add members for(RelationMember rm : r.rel.getMembers()) if(!newRel.getMembers().contains(rm)) { newRel.addMember(rm); } // Add tags for (String key : r.rel.keySet()) { newRel.put(key, r.rel.get(key)); } // Delete old relation cmds.add(new DeleteCommand(r.rel)); } newRel.addMember(new RelationMember("outer", outer)); cmds.add(new AddCommand(newRel)); } } /** * @param Collection<Way> The List of Ways to remove all tags from */ private void stripTags(Collection<Way> ways) { for(Way w: ways) { stripTags(w); } commitCommands(marktr("Remove tags from inner ways")); } /** * @param Way The Way to remove all tags from */ private void stripTags(Way x) { if(x.getKeys() == null) return; Way y = new Way(x); for (String key : x.keySet()) { y.remove(key); } cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(x, y)); } /** * Takes the last cmdsCount actions back and combines them into a single action * (for when the user wants to undo the join action) * @param String The commit message to display */ private void makeCommitsOneAction(String message) { UndoRedoHandler ur = Main.main.undoRedo; cmds.clear(); int i = Math.max(ur.commands.size() - cmdsCount, 0); for(; i < ur.commands.size(); i++) { cmds.add(ur.commands.get(i)); } for(i = 0; i < cmds.size(); i++) { ur.undo(); } commitCommands(message == null ? marktr("Join Areas Function") : message); cmdsCount = 0; } @Override protected void updateEnabledState() { if (getCurrentDataSet() == null) { setEnabled(false); } else { updateEnabledState(getCurrentDataSet().getSelected()); } } @Override protected void updateEnabledState(Collection<? extends OsmPrimitive> selection) { setEnabled(selection != null && !selection.isEmpty()); } }