// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection; /** * This class implements all projections for French departements in the Caribbean Sea and * Indian Ocean using the UTM transvers Mercator projection and specific geodesic settings (7 parameters transformation algorithm). */ import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.EastNorth; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.LatLon; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.GBC; public class UTM_France_DOM implements Projection, ProjectionSubPrefs { private static String FortMarigotName = tr("Guadeloupe Fort-Marigot 1949"); private static String SainteAnneName = tr("Guadeloupe Ste-Anne 1948"); private static String MartiniqueName = tr("Martinique Fort Desaix 1952"); private static String Reunion92Name = tr("Reunion RGR92"); public static String[] utmGeodesicsNames = { FortMarigotName, SainteAnneName, MartiniqueName, Reunion92Name}; private Bounds FortMarigotBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(17.6,-63.25), new LatLon(18.5,-62.5)); private Bounds SainteAnneBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(15.8,-61.9), new LatLon(16.6,-60.9)); private Bounds MartiniqueBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(14.25,-61.25), new LatLon(15.025,-60.725)); private Bounds ReunionBounds = new Bounds( new LatLon(-25.92,37.58), new LatLon(-10.6, 58.27)); private Bounds[] utmBounds = { FortMarigotBounds, SainteAnneBounds, MartiniqueBounds, ReunionBounds}; private String FortMarigotEPSG = "EPSG::2969"; private String SainteAnneEPSG = "EPSG::2970"; private String MartiniqueEPSG = "EPSG::2973"; private String ReunionEPSG = "EPSG::2975"; private String[] utmEPSGs = { FortMarigotEPSG, SainteAnneEPSG, MartiniqueEPSG, ReunionEPSG}; /** * false east in meters (constant) */ private static final double Xs = 500000.0; /** * false north in meters (0 in northern hemisphere, 10000000 in southern * hemisphere) */ private static double Ys = 0; /** * origin meridian longitude */ protected double lg0; /** * UTM zone (from 1 to 60) */ private static int zone; /** * whether north or south hemisphere */ private boolean isNorth; public static final int DEFAULT_GEODESIC = 0; public static int currentGeodesic = DEFAULT_GEODESIC; /** * 7 parameters transformation */ private static double tx = 0.0; private static double ty = 0.0; private static double tz = 0.0; private static double rx = 0; private static double ry = 0; private static double rz = 0; private static double scaleDiff = 0; /** * precision in iterative schema */ public static final double epsilon = 1e-11; private void refresh7ParametersTranslation() { if (currentGeodesic == 0) { // UTM_20N_Guadeloupe_Fort_Marigot set7ParametersTranslation(new double[]{136.596, 248.148, -429.789}, new double[]{0, 0, 0}, 0, true, 20); } else if (currentGeodesic == 1) { // UTM_20N_Guadeloupe_Ste_Anne set7ParametersTranslation(new double[]{-472.29, -5.63, -304.12}, new double[]{0.4362, -0.8374, 0.2563}, 1.8984E-6, true, 20); } else if (currentGeodesic == 2) { // UTM_20N_Martinique_Fort_Desaix set7ParametersTranslation(new double[]{126.926, 547.939, 130.409}, new double[]{-2.78670, 5.16124, -0.85844}, 13.82265E-6 , true, 20); } else if (currentGeodesic == 3) { // UTM_40S_Reunion_RGR92 (translation only required for re-projections from Gauss-Laborde) set7ParametersTranslation(new double[]{789.524, -626.486, -89.904}, new double[]{0.6006, 76.7946, -10.5788}, -32.3241E-6 , false, 40); } } private void set7ParametersTranslation(double[] translation, double[] rotation, double scalediff, boolean north, int utmZone) { tx = translation[0]; ty = translation[1]; tz = translation[2]; rx = rotation[0]/206264.806247096355; // seconds to radian ry = rotation[1]/206264.806247096355; rz = rotation[2]/206264.806247096355; scaleDiff = scalediff; isNorth = north; Ys = isNorth ? 0.0 : 10000000.0; zone = utmZone; } public EastNorth latlon2eastNorth(LatLon p) { if (currentGeodesic != 3) { // translate ellipsoid GRS80 (WGS83) => reference ellipsoid geographic LatLon geo = GRS802Hayford(p); // reference ellipsoid geographic => UTM projection return MTProjection(geo, Ellipsoid.hayford.a, Ellipsoid.hayford.e); } else { // UTM_40S_Reunion_RGR92 LatLon geo = new LatLon(Math.toRadians(p.lat()), Math.toRadians(p.lon())); return MTProjection(geo, Ellipsoid.GRS80.a, Ellipsoid.GRS80.e); } } /** * Translate latitude/longitude in WGS84, (ellipsoid GRS80) to UTM * geographic, (ellipsoid Hayford) */ private LatLon GRS802Hayford(LatLon wgs) { double lat = Math.toRadians(wgs.lat()); // degree to radian double lon = Math.toRadians(wgs.lon()); // WGS84 geographic => WGS84 cartesian double N = Ellipsoid.GRS80.a / (Math.sqrt(1.0 - Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2 * Math.sin(lat) * Math.sin(lat))); double X = (N/* +height */) * Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(lon); double Y = (N/* +height */) * Math.cos(lat) * Math.sin(lon); double Z = (N * (1.0 - Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2)/* + height */) * Math.sin(lat); // translation double coord[] = invSevenParametersTransformation(X, Y, Z); // UTM cartesian => UTM geographic return Geographic(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], Ellipsoid.hayford); } /** * initializes from cartesian coordinates * * @param X * 1st coordinate in meters * @param Y * 2nd coordinate in meters * @param Z * 3rd coordinate in meters * @param ell * reference ellipsoid */ private LatLon Geographic(double X, double Y, double Z, Ellipsoid ell) { double norm = Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y); double lg = 2.0 * Math.atan(Y / (X + norm)); double lt = Math.atan(Z / (norm * (1.0 - (ell.a * ell.e2 / Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z))))); double delta = 1.0; while (delta > epsilon) { double s2 = Math.sin(lt); s2 *= s2; double l = Math.atan((Z / norm) / (1.0 - (ell.a * ell.e2 * Math.cos(lt) / (norm * Math.sqrt(1.0 - ell.e2 * s2))))); delta = Math.abs(l - lt); lt = l; } double s2 = Math.sin(lt); s2 *= s2; // h = norm / Math.cos(lt) - ell.a / Math.sqrt(1.0 - ell.e2 * s2); return new LatLon(lt, lg); } /** * initalizes from geographic coordinates * * @param coord geographic coordinates triplet * @param a reference ellipsoid long axis * @param e reference ellipsoid excentricity */ private EastNorth MTProjection(LatLon coord, double a, double e) { double n = 0.9996 * a; Ys = (coord.lat() >= 0.0) ? 0.0 : 10000000.0; double r6d = Math.PI / 30.0; //zone = (int) Math.floor((coord.lon() + Math.PI) / r6d) + 1; lg0 = r6d * (zone - 0.5) - Math.PI; double e2 = e * e; double e4 = e2 * e2; double e6 = e4 * e2; double e8 = e4 * e4; double C[] = { 1.0 - e2/4.0 - 3.0*e4/64.0 - 5.0*e6/256.0 - 175.0*e8/16384.0, e2/8.0 - e4/96.0 - 9.0*e6/1024.0 - 901.0*e8/184320.0, 13.0*e4/768.0 + 17.0*e6/5120.0 - 311.0*e8/737280.0, 61.0*e6/15360.0 + 899.0*e8/430080.0, 49561.0*e8/41287680.0 }; double s = e * Math.sin(coord.lat()); double l = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4.0 + coord.lat()/2.0) * Math.pow((1.0 - s) / (1.0 + s), e/2.0)); double phi = Math.asin(Math.sin(coord.lon() - lg0) / ((Math.exp(l) + Math.exp(-l)) / 2.0)); double ls = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4.0 + phi/2.0)); double lambda = Math.atan(((Math.exp(l) - Math.exp(-l)) / 2.0) / Math.cos(coord.lon() - lg0)); double north = C[0] * lambda; double east = C[0] * ls; for(int k = 1; k < 5; k++) { double r = 2.0 * k * lambda; double m = 2.0 * k * ls; double em = Math.exp(m); double en = Math.exp(-m); double sr = Math.sin(r)/2.0 * (em + en); double sm = Math.cos(r)/2.0 * (em - en); north += C[k] * sr; east += C[k] * sm; } east *= n; east += Xs; north *= n; north += Ys; return new EastNorth(east, north); } public LatLon eastNorth2latlon(EastNorth p) { if (currentGeodesic != 3) { MTProjection(p.east(), p.north(), zone, isNorth); LatLon geo = Geographic(p, Ellipsoid.hayford.a, Ellipsoid.hayford.e, 0.0 /* z */); // reference ellipsoid geographic => reference ellipsoid cartesian double N = Ellipsoid.hayford.a / (Math.sqrt(1.0 - Ellipsoid.hayford.e2 * Math.sin(geo.lat()) * Math.sin(geo.lat()))); double X = (N /*+ h*/) * Math.cos(geo.lat()) * Math.cos(geo.lon()); double Y = (N /*+ h*/) * Math.cos(geo.lat()) * Math.sin(geo.lon()); double Z = (N * (1.0-Ellipsoid.hayford.e2) /*+ h*/) * Math.sin(geo.lat()); // translation double coord[] = sevenParametersTransformation(X, Y, Z); // WGS84 cartesian => WGS84 geographic LatLon wgs = cart2LatLon(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], Ellipsoid.GRS80); return new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(wgs.lat()), Math.toDegrees(wgs.lon())); } else { // UTM_40S_Reunion_RGR92 LatLon geo = Geographic(p, Ellipsoid.GRS80.a, Ellipsoid.GRS80.e, 0.0 /* z */); double N = Ellipsoid.GRS80.a / (Math.sqrt(1.0 - Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2 * Math.sin(geo.lat()) * Math.sin(geo.lat()))); double X = (N /*+ h*/) * Math.cos(geo.lat()) * Math.cos(geo.lon()); double Y = (N /*+ h*/) * Math.cos(geo.lat()) * Math.sin(geo.lon()); double Z = (N * (1.0-Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2) /*+ h*/) * Math.sin(geo.lat()); LatLon wgs = cart2LatLon(X, Y, Z, Ellipsoid.GRS80); return new LatLon(Math.toDegrees(wgs.lat()), Math.toDegrees(wgs.lon())); } } /** * initializes new projection coordinates (in north hemisphere) * * @param east east from origin in meters * @param north north from origin in meters * @param zone zone number (from 1 to 60) * @param isNorth true in north hemisphere, false in south hemisphere */ private void MTProjection(double east, double north, int zone, boolean isNorth) { Ys = isNorth ? 0.0 : 10000000.0; double r6d = Math.PI / 30.0; lg0 = r6d * (zone - 0.5) - Math.PI; } public double scaleFactor() { return 1/Math.PI/2; } /** * initalizes from projected coordinates (Mercator transverse projection) * * @param coord projected coordinates pair * @param e reference ellipsoid excentricity * @param a reference ellipsoid long axis * @param z altitude in meters */ private LatLon Geographic(EastNorth coord, double a, double e, double z) { double n = 0.9996 * a; double e2 = e * e; double e4 = e2 * e2; double e6 = e4 * e2; double e8 = e4 * e4; double C[] = { 1.0 - e2/4.0 - 3.0*e4/64.0 - 5.0*e6/256.0 - 175.0*e8/16384.0, e2/8.0 + e4/48.0 + 7.0*e6/2048.0 + e8/61440.0, e4/768.0 + 3.0*e6/1280.0 + 559.0*e8/368640.0, 17.0*e6/30720.0 + 283.0*e8/430080.0, 4397.0*e8/41287680.0 }; double l = (coord.north() - Ys) / (n * C[0]); double ls = (coord.east() - Xs) / (n * C[0]); double l0 = l; double ls0 = ls; for(int k = 1; k < 5; k++) { double r = 2.0 * k * l0; double m = 2.0 * k * ls0; double em = Math.exp(m); double en = Math.exp(-m); double sr = Math.sin(r)/2.0 * (em + en); double sm = Math.cos(r)/2.0 * (em - en); l -= C[k] * sr; ls -= C[k] * sm; } double lon = lg0 + Math.atan(((Math.exp(ls) - Math.exp(-ls)) / 2.0) / Math.cos(l)); double phi = Math.asin(Math.sin(l) / ((Math.exp(ls) + Math.exp(-ls)) / 2.0)); l = Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4.0 + phi/2.0)); double lat = 2.0 * Math.atan(Math.exp(l)) - Math.PI / 2.0; double lt0; do { lt0 = lat; double s = e * Math.sin(lat); lat = 2.0 * Math.atan(Math.pow((1.0 + s) / (1.0 - s), e/2.0) * Math.exp(l)) - Math.PI / 2.0; } while(Math.abs(lat-lt0) >= epsilon); //h = z; return new LatLon(lat, lon); } /** * initializes from cartesian coordinates * * @param X 1st coordinate in meters * @param Y 2nd coordinate in meters * @param Z 3rd coordinate in meters * @param ell reference ellipsoid */ private LatLon cart2LatLon(double X, double Y, double Z, Ellipsoid ell) { double norm = Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y); double lg = 2.0 * Math.atan(Y / (X + norm)); double lt = Math.atan(Z / (norm * (1.0 - (ell.a * ell.e2 / Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z))))); double delta = 1.0; while (delta > epsilon) { double s2 = Math.sin(lt); s2 *= s2; double l = Math.atan((Z / norm) / (1.0 - (ell.a * ell.e2 * Math.cos(lt) / (norm * Math.sqrt(1.0 - ell.e2 * s2))))); delta = Math.abs(l - lt); lt = l; } double s2 = Math.sin(lt); s2 *= s2; // h = norm / Math.cos(lt) - ell.a / Math.sqrt(1.0 - ell.e2 * s2); return new LatLon(lt, lg); } /** * 7 parameters transformation * @param coord X, Y, Z in array * @return transformed X, Y, Z in array */ private double[] sevenParametersTransformation(double Xa, double Ya, double Za){ double Xb = tx + Xa*(1+scaleDiff) + Za*ry - Ya*rz; double Yb = ty + Ya*(1+scaleDiff) + Xa*rz - Za*rx; double Zb = tz + Za*(1+scaleDiff) + Ya*rx - Xa*ry; return new double[]{Xb, Yb, Zb}; } /** * 7 parameters inverse transformation * @param coord X, Y, Z in array * @return transformed X, Y, Z in array */ private double[] invSevenParametersTransformation(double Xa, double Ya, double Za){ double Xb = (1-scaleDiff)*(-tx + Xa + ((-tz+Za)*(-ry) - (-ty+Ya)*(-rz))); double Yb = (1-scaleDiff)*(-ty + Ya + ((-tx+Xa)*(-rz) - (-tz+Za)*(-rx))); double Zb = (1-scaleDiff)*(-tz + Za + ((-ty+Ya)*(-rx) - (-tx+Xa)*(-ry))); return new double[]{Xb, Yb, Zb}; } public String getCacheDirectoryName() { return this.toString(); } /** * Returns the default zoom scale in pixel per degree ({@see #NavigatableComponent#scale})) */ public double getDefaultZoomInPPD() { // this will set the map scaler to about 1000 m (in default scale, 1 pixel will be 10 meters) return 10.0; } public Bounds getWorldBoundsLatLon() { return utmBounds[currentGeodesic]; } public String toCode() { return utmEPSGs[currentGeodesic]; } @Override public int hashCode() { return getClass().getName().hashCode()+currentGeodesic; // our only real variable } @Override public String toString() { return (tr("UTM 20N (France)")); } public int getCurrentGeodesic() { return currentGeodesic; } public void setupPreferencePanel(JPanel p) { JComboBox prefcb = new JComboBox(utmGeodesicsNames); prefcb.setSelectedIndex(currentGeodesic); p.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); p.add(new JLabel(tr("UTM20 North Geodesic system")), GBC.std().insets(5,5,0,5)); p.add(GBC.glue(1, 0), GBC.std().fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL)); p.add(prefcb, GBC.eop().fill(GBC.HORIZONTAL)); p.add(GBC.glue(1, 1), GBC.eol().fill(GBC.BOTH)); } public Collection<String> getPreferences(JPanel p) { Object prefcb = p.getComponent(2); if(!(prefcb instanceof JComboBox)) return null; currentGeodesic = ((JComboBox)prefcb).getSelectedIndex(); refresh7ParametersTranslation(); return Collections.singleton(Integer.toString(currentGeodesic+1)); } public Collection<String> getPreferencesFromCode(String code) { for (int i=0; i < utmEPSGs.length; i++ ) if (utmEPSGs[i].endsWith(code)) return Collections.singleton(Integer.toString(i)); return null; } public void setPreferences(Collection<String> args) { currentGeodesic = DEFAULT_GEODESIC; if (args != null) { try { for(String s : args) { currentGeodesic = Integer.parseInt(s)-1; if(currentGeodesic < 0 || currentGeodesic > 3) { currentGeodesic = DEFAULT_GEODESIC; } break; } } catch(NumberFormatException e) {} } refresh7ParametersTranslation(); } }