/* * @(#)ODGEllipse.java * * Copyright (c) 2007 The authors and contributors of JHotDraw. * You may not use, copy or modify this file, except in compliance with the * accompanying license terms. */ package org.jhotdraw.samples.odg.figures; import org.jhotdraw.geom.Geom; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.jhotdraw.draw.handle.TransformHandleKit; import org.jhotdraw.draw.handle.ResizeHandleKit; import org.jhotdraw.draw.handle.Handle; import org.jhotdraw.draw.connector.Connector; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.util.*; import org.jhotdraw.draw.*; import static org.jhotdraw.samples.odg.ODGAttributeKeys.*; import org.jhotdraw.samples.odg.ODGAttributeKeys; import org.jhotdraw.samples.odg.Gradient; /** * ODGEllipse represents a ODG ellipse and a ODG circle element. * * @author Werner Randelshofer * @version $Id$ */ public class ODGEllipseFigure extends ODGAttributedFigure implements ODGFigure { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Ellipse2D.Double ellipse; /** * This is used to perform faster drawing and hit testing. */ @Nullable private transient Shape cachedTransformedShape; /** Creates a new instance. */ public ODGEllipseFigure() { this(0, 0, 0, 0); } public ODGEllipseFigure(double x, double y, double width, double height) { ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(x, y, width, height); ODGAttributeKeys.setDefaults(this); } // DRAWING @Override protected void drawFill(Graphics2D g) { g.fill(ellipse); //g.fill(getTransformedShape()); } @Override protected void drawStroke(Graphics2D g) { g.draw(ellipse); /* if (TRANSFORM.get(this) == null) { g.draw(ellipse); } else { AffineTransform savedTransform = g.getTransform(); g.transform(TRANSFORM.get(this)); g.draw(ellipse); g.setTransform(savedTransform); }*/ } // SHAPE AND BOUNDS public double getX() { return ellipse.x; } public double getY() { return ellipse.y; } public double getWidth() { return ellipse.getWidth(); } public double getHeight() { return ellipse.getHeight(); } @Override public Rectangle2D.Double getBounds() { return (Rectangle2D.Double) ellipse.getBounds2D(); } @Override public Rectangle2D.Double getDrawingArea() { Rectangle2D rx = getTransformedShape().getBounds2D(); Rectangle2D.Double r = (rx instanceof Rectangle2D.Double) ? (Rectangle2D.Double) rx : new Rectangle2D.Double(rx.getX(), rx.getY(), rx.getWidth(), rx.getHeight()); if (get(TRANSFORM) == null) { double g = ODGAttributeKeys.getPerpendicularHitGrowth(this, 1.0) * 2; Geom.grow(r, g, g); } else { double strokeTotalWidth = AttributeKeys.getStrokeTotalWidth(this, 1.0); double width = strokeTotalWidth / 2d; width *= Math.max(get(TRANSFORM).getScaleX(), get(TRANSFORM).getScaleY()); Geom.grow(r, width, width); } return r; } /** * Checks if a Point2D.Double is inside the figure. */ @Override public boolean contains(Point2D.Double p) { // XXX - This does not take the stroke width into account! return getTransformedShape().contains(p); } private Shape getTransformedShape() { if (cachedTransformedShape == null) { if (get(TRANSFORM) == null) { cachedTransformedShape = ellipse; } else { cachedTransformedShape = get(TRANSFORM).createTransformedShape(ellipse); } } return cachedTransformedShape; } @Override public void setBounds(Point2D.Double anchor, Point2D.Double lead) { ellipse.x = Math.min(anchor.x, lead.x); ellipse.y = Math.min(anchor.y, lead.y); ellipse.width = Math.max(0.1, Math.abs(lead.x - anchor.x)); ellipse.height = Math.max(0.1, Math.abs(lead.y - anchor.y)); } /** * Transforms the figure. * * @param tx the transformation. */ @Override public void transform(AffineTransform tx) { if (get(TRANSFORM) != null || (tx.getType() & (AffineTransform.TYPE_TRANSLATION)) != tx.getType()) { if (get(TRANSFORM) == null) { TRANSFORM.setClone(this, tx); } else { AffineTransform t = TRANSFORM.getClone(this); t.preConcatenate(tx); set(TRANSFORM, t); } } else { Point2D.Double anchor = getStartPoint(); Point2D.Double lead = getEndPoint(); setBounds( (Point2D.Double) tx.transform(anchor, anchor), (Point2D.Double) tx.transform(lead, lead)); if (get(FILL_GRADIENT) != null && !get(FILL_GRADIENT).isRelativeToFigureBounds()) { Gradient g = FILL_GRADIENT.getClone(this); g.transform(tx); set(FILL_GRADIENT, g); } if (get(STROKE_GRADIENT) != null && !get(STROKE_GRADIENT).isRelativeToFigureBounds()) { Gradient g = STROKE_GRADIENT.getClone(this); g.transform(tx); set(STROKE_GRADIENT, g); } } invalidate(); } @Override public void restoreTransformTo(Object geometry) { Object[] restoreData = (Object[]) geometry; ellipse = (Ellipse2D.Double) ((Ellipse2D.Double) restoreData[0]).clone(); TRANSFORM.setClone(this, (AffineTransform) restoreData[1]); FILL_GRADIENT.setClone(this, (Gradient) restoreData[2]); STROKE_GRADIENT.setClone(this, (Gradient) restoreData[3]); invalidate(); } @Override public Object getTransformRestoreData() { return new Object[]{ ellipse.clone(), TRANSFORM.getClone(this), FILL_GRADIENT.getClone(this), STROKE_GRADIENT.getClone(this),}; } // ATTRIBUTES // EDITING @Override public Collection<Handle> createHandles(int detailLevel) { LinkedList<Handle> handles = new LinkedList<Handle>(); switch (detailLevel % 2) { case 0: ResizeHandleKit.addResizeHandles(this, handles); break; case 1: TransformHandleKit.addTransformHandles(this, handles); break; default: break; } return handles; } // CONNECTING @Override public Connector findConnector(Point2D.Double p, ConnectionFigure prototype) { return null; // ODG does not support connectors } @Override public Connector findCompatibleConnector(Connector c, boolean isStartConnector) { return null; // ODG does not support connectors } // COMPOSITE FIGURES // CLONING @Override public ODGEllipseFigure clone() { ODGEllipseFigure that = (ODGEllipseFigure) super.clone(); that.ellipse = (Ellipse2D.Double) this.ellipse.clone(); that.cachedTransformedShape = null; return that; } // EVENT HANDLING @Override public boolean isEmpty() { Rectangle2D.Double b = getBounds(); return b.width <= 0 || b.height <= 0; } @Override public void invalidate() { super.invalidate(); cachedTransformedShape = null; } }