/* * @(#)LocatorLayouter.java * * Copyright (c) 1996-2010 The authors and contributors of JHotDraw. * You may not use, copy or modify this file, except in compliance with the * accompanying license terms. */ package org.jhotdraw.draw.layouter; import org.jhotdraw.geom.Dimension2DDouble; import org.jhotdraw.draw.locator.Locator; import org.jhotdraw.draw.*; import org.jhotdraw.draw.CompositeFigure; import java.awt.geom.*; /** * A layouter which lays out all children of a CompositeFigure according to their * LayoutLocator property.. * * * @author Werner Randelshofer * @version $Id$ */ public class LocatorLayouter implements Layouter { /** * LayoutLocator property used by the children to specify their location * relative to the compositeFigure. */ public static final AttributeKey<Locator> LAYOUT_LOCATOR = new AttributeKey<Locator>("layoutLocator",Locator.class,null); /** Creates a new instance. */ public LocatorLayouter() { } @Override public Rectangle2D.Double calculateLayout(CompositeFigure compositeFigure, Point2D.Double anchor, Point2D.Double lead) { Rectangle2D.Double bounds = null; for (Figure child : compositeFigure.getChildren()){ Locator locator = getLocator(child); Rectangle2D.Double r; if (locator == null) { r = child.getBounds(); } else { Point2D.Double p = locator.locate(compositeFigure); Dimension2DDouble d = child.getPreferredSize(); r = new Rectangle2D.Double(p.x, p.y, d.width, d.height); } if (! r.isEmpty()) { if (bounds == null) { bounds = r; } else { bounds.add(r); } } } return (bounds == null) ? new Rectangle2D.Double() : bounds; } @Override public Rectangle2D.Double layout(CompositeFigure compositeFigure, Point2D.Double anchor, Point2D.Double lead) { Rectangle2D.Double bounds = null; for (Figure child : compositeFigure.getChildren()) { Locator locator = getLocator(child); Rectangle2D.Double r; if (locator == null) { r = child.getBounds(); } else { Point2D.Double p = locator.locate(compositeFigure, child); Dimension2DDouble d = child.getPreferredSize(); r = new Rectangle2D.Double(p.x, p.y, d.width, d.height); } child.willChange(); child.setBounds( new Point2D.Double(r.getMinX(), r.getMinY()), new Point2D.Double(r.getMaxX(), r.getMaxY()) ); child.changed(); if (! r.isEmpty()) { if (bounds == null) { bounds = r; } else { bounds.add(r); } } } return (bounds == null) ? new Rectangle2D.Double() : bounds; } private Locator getLocator(Figure f) { return f.get(LAYOUT_LOCATOR); } }