package soottocfg.cfg.optimization; import; import soottocfg.cfg.expression.BinaryExpression; import soottocfg.cfg.expression.BinaryExpression.BinaryOperator; import soottocfg.cfg.expression.Expression; import soottocfg.cfg.expression.IdentifierExpression; import soottocfg.cfg.expression.IteExpression; import soottocfg.cfg.expression.TupleAccessExpression; import soottocfg.cfg.expression.UnaryExpression; import soottocfg.cfg.expression.UnaryExpression.UnaryOperator; import soottocfg.cfg.expression.literal.BooleanLiteral; import soottocfg.cfg.expression.literal.IntegerLiteral; import soottocfg.cfg.expression.literal.NullLiteral; import soottocfg.cfg.variable.Variable; //import soottocfg.cfg.type.ReferenceType; /** * Evaluate expressions statically if possible. * Mostly still TODO. Right now only expressions over boolean literals are handled. * * @author rodykers * */ public class ExpressionEvaluator { public static Expression simplify(Expression e) { if (e instanceof BinaryExpression) { return simplify((BinaryExpression) e); } else if (e instanceof BooleanLiteral) { return e.deepCopy(); } else if (e instanceof IdentifierExpression) { return e.deepCopy(); } else if (e instanceof IntegerLiteral) { return e.deepCopy(); } else if (e instanceof IteExpression) { return simplify((IteExpression) e); } else if (e instanceof UnaryExpression) { return simplify((UnaryExpression) e); } else if (e instanceof NullLiteral) { return e.deepCopy(); } else if (e instanceof TupleAccessExpression) { return e.deepCopy(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("unexpected expression type: " + e); } } public static Expression simplify(BinaryExpression e) { Expression left = simplify(e.getLeft()); Expression right = simplify(e.getRight()); if (left instanceof IntegerLiteral && right instanceof IntegerLiteral) { int res = evalBinop(e.getOp(), ((IntegerLiteral)left).getValue().intValue(), ((IntegerLiteral)right).getValue().intValue()); return new IntegerLiteral(e.getSourceLocation(), res); } else if (left instanceof BooleanLiteral && right instanceof BooleanLiteral) { int a = ((BooleanLiteral)left).getValue() ? 1 : 0; int b = ((BooleanLiteral)right).getValue() ? 1 : 0; int res = evalBinop(e.getOp(), a, b); return new BooleanLiteral(e.getSourceLocation(), res==1); } else if (left instanceof IdentifierExpression && right instanceof IdentifierExpression) { Variable leftVar = ((IdentifierExpression)left).getVariable(); Variable rightVar = ((IdentifierExpression)right).getVariable(); // for the case a==a and a!=a if (leftVar.equals(rightVar)) { if (e.getOp()==BinaryOperator.Eq) { return BooleanLiteral.trueLiteral(); } else if (e.getOp()==BinaryOperator.Ne) { return BooleanLiteral.falseLiteral(); } } else if (leftVar.isUnique() && rightVar.isUnique()) { //unique variable cannot be equal if (e.getOp()==BinaryOperator.Eq) { return BooleanLiteral.falseLiteral(); } else if (e.getOp()==BinaryOperator.Ne) { return BooleanLiteral.trueLiteral(); } } } return new BinaryExpression(e.getSourceLocation(), e.getOp(),left, right); } private static int evalBinop(BinaryOperator op, int a, int b) { switch (op) { case And: return (a==1 && b==1) ? 1 : 0; case BAnd: return a & b; case BOr: return a | b; case Div: return a / b; case Eq: return a == b ? 1 : 0; case Ge: return a >= b ? 1 : 0; case Gt: return a > b ? 1 : 0; case Implies: return (a==0|| b==1) ? 1 : 0; case Le: return a <= b ? 1 : 0; case Lt: return a < b ? 1 : 0; case Minus: return a - b; case Mod: return a % b; case Mul: return a * b; case Ne: return a != b ? 1 : 0; case Or: return (a==1 || b==1) ? 1 : 0; case Plus: return a + b; case PoLeq: break; case Shl: return a << b; case Shr: return a >> b; case Ushr: return a >>> b; case Xor: return a ^ b; default: break; } throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: "+op); } public static Expression simplify(IteExpression e) { Expression cond = simplify(e.getCondition()); Expression thenExpr = simplify(e.getCondition()); Expression elseExpr = simplify(e.getCondition()); if (cond instanceof BooleanLiteral) { if (((BooleanLiteral)cond).getValue()) { return thenExpr; } else { return elseExpr; } } return new IteExpression(e.getSourceLocation(), cond, thenExpr, elseExpr); } public static Expression simplify(UnaryExpression e) { Expression inner = simplify(e.getExpression()); switch (e.getOp()) { case LNot: if (inner instanceof BooleanLiteral) { if (((BooleanLiteral)inner).getValue()) { return BooleanLiteral.falseLiteral(); } else { return BooleanLiteral.trueLiteral(); } } break; case Neg: if (inner instanceof IntegerLiteral) { return new IntegerLiteral(e.getSourceLocation(), -1*(((IntegerLiteral)inner).getValue()).intValue()); } break; default: break; } return new UnaryExpression(e.getSourceLocation(), e.getOp(), inner); } public static Optional<Object> eval(Expression e) { if (e instanceof BinaryExpression) { return eval((BinaryExpression) e); } else if (e instanceof BooleanLiteral) { return eval((BooleanLiteral) e); } else if (e instanceof IdentifierExpression) { return eval((IdentifierExpression) e); } else if (e instanceof IntegerLiteral) { return eval((IntegerLiteral) e); } else if (e instanceof IteExpression) { return eval((IteExpression) e); } else if (e instanceof UnaryExpression) { return eval((UnaryExpression) e); } else if (e instanceof NullLiteral) { return eval((NullLiteral) e); } else if (e instanceof TupleAccessExpression) { return eval((TupleAccessExpression) e); } else { throw new RuntimeException("unexpected expression type: " + e); } } public static Optional<Object> eval(BinaryExpression e) { Optional<Object> left = eval(e.getLeft()); Optional<Object> right = eval(e.getRight()); switch (e.getOp()) { case And: if ( (left.isPresent() && !(Boolean) left.get()) || (right.isPresent() && !(Boolean) right.get())) return Optional.of((Object) false); else if (left.isPresent() && right.isPresent()) return Optional.of((Object) ((Boolean) left.get() && (Boolean) right.get())); else return Optional.absent(); case Or: if ( (left.isPresent() && (Boolean) left.get()) || (right.isPresent() && (Boolean) right.get())) return Optional.of((Object) true); else if (left.isPresent() && right.isPresent()) return Optional.of((Object) ((Boolean) left.get() || (Boolean) right.get())); else return Optional.absent(); case Xor: if (left.isPresent() && right.isPresent()) return Optional.of((Object) ((Boolean) left.get() ^ (Boolean) right.get())); else return Optional.absent(); case Implies: if (left.isPresent() && !(Boolean) left.get()) return Optional.of((Object) true); else if (left.isPresent() && right.isPresent()) return right; else return Optional.absent(); case Eq: if (right.isPresent() && right.get() instanceof NullLiteral) { // This hack confirms that SatAliasing01 and 02 fail with inlining // because this class is not implemented. // ReferenceType rt = (ReferenceType) e.getLeft().getType(); // if (rt.toString().equals("A")) // return Optional.of(true); // TODO We need a bit of data flow analysis here... } break; // TODO all other cases default: break; } return Optional.absent(); } public static Optional<Object> eval(BooleanLiteral e) { return Optional.of((Object) e.getValue()); } public static Optional<Object> eval(UnaryExpression e) { if (e.getOp() == UnaryOperator.LNot) { Optional<Object> neg = eval(e.getExpression()); if (neg.isPresent()) return Optional.of((Object) !(Boolean) neg.get()); } return Optional.absent(); } public static Optional<Object> eval(IdentifierExpression e) { return Optional.absent(); } public static Optional<Object> eval(IntegerLiteral e) { return Optional.absent(); } public static Optional<Object> eval(IteExpression ite) { return Optional.absent(); } public static Optional<Object> eval(NullLiteral e) { // not sure what to put in the optional here... using the expression for now return Optional.of((Object) e); } public static Optional<Object> eval(TupleAccessExpression e) { return Optional.absent(); } }