/** * This code originally by Tuomo Saarni. Obtained from: * * http://users.utu.fi/~tuiisa/Java/index.html * * under the following license: * * Here's some java sources I've made. Most codes are free to * download. If you use some of my sources just remember give me * the credits. */ package rbtree; /** * A <code>RedBlackTree</code> object is a Red-Black * tree. * <p/> * * @author Tuomo Saarni * @version 1.1, 08/16/01 */ public class RedBlackTree { /** * The root node of current tree. */ private RedBlackTreeNode root; /** * Constructs a new empty tree. */ public RedBlackTree() { root = null; } /** * Constructs a new tree with a root node x. * * @param x The root node of the tree. */ public RedBlackTree(RedBlackTreeNode x) { root = x; } /** * Inserts a node to the tree. * Runs in O(lg n) time. * * @param x The new node of the tree. * @throws NullPointerException If the parameter x is null. */ public void treeInsert(RedBlackTreeNode x) throws NullPointerException { RedBlackTreeNode y = null; RedBlackTreeNode z = this.root; while (z != null) { y = z; if (x.key() < z.key()) { z = z.left(); } else { z = z.right(); } } x.parentTo(y); if (y == null) { this.root = x; } else { if (x.key() < y.key()) { y.leftTo(x); } else { y.rightTo(x); } } x.setRed(); while (x != this.root && (x.parent()).isRed()) { if (x.parent() == ((x.parent()).parent()).left()) { y = ((x.parent()).parent()).right(); if (y != null && y.isRed()) { (x.parent()).setBlack(); y.setBlack(); ((x.parent()).parent()).setRed(); x = (x.parent()).parent(); } else { if (x == (x.parent()).right()) { x = x.parent(); leftRotate(x); } (x.parent()).setBlack(); ((x.parent()).parent()).setRed(); rightRotate((x.parent()).parent()); } } else { y = ((x.parent()).parent()).left(); if (y != null && y.isRed()) { (x.parent()).setBlack(); y.setBlack(); ((x.parent()).parent()).setRed(); x = (x.parent()).parent(); } else { if (x == (x.parent()).left()) { x = x.parent(); rightRotate(x); } (x.parent()).setBlack(); ((x.parent()).parent()).setRed(); leftRotate((x.parent()).parent()); } } } // End while (this.root).setBlack(); } /** * Rotates the tree from the node x to left. * Runs in Theta(n) time. * * @param x The node from which to start. */ private void leftRotate(RedBlackTreeNode x) { RedBlackTreeNode y = x.right(); x.rightTo(y.left()); if (y.left() != null) { (y.left()).parentTo(x); } y.parentTo(x.parent()); if (x.parent() == null) { this.root = y; } else { if (x == (x.parent()).left()) { (x.parent()).leftTo(y); } else { (x.parent()).rightTo(y); } } y.leftTo(x); x.parentTo(y); } /** * Rotates the tree from the node x to right. * Runs in Theta(n) time. * * @param x The node from which to start. */ private void rightRotate(RedBlackTreeNode x) { RedBlackTreeNode y = x.left(); x.leftTo(y.right()); if (y.right() != null) { (y.right()).parentTo(x); } y.parentTo(x.parent()); if (x.parent() == null) { this.root = y; } else { if (x == (x.parent()).right()) { (x.parent()).rightTo(y); } else { (x.parent()).leftTo(y); } } y.rightTo(x); x.parentTo(y); } /** * Deletes the given node from the tree. * Runs in O(lg n) time. * * @param z The node to be deleted of the tree. * @throws NullPointerException If the parameter z is null. */ public RedBlackTreeNode treeDelete(RedBlackTreeNode z) throws NullPointerException { RedBlackTreeNode x = new RedBlackTreeNode(0); RedBlackTreeNode y = new RedBlackTreeNode(0); RedBlackTreeNode sentinel = new RedBlackTreeNode(0); if (z.left() == null || z.right() == null) { y = z; } else { y = treeSuccessor(z); } // Now y != null, y = z or greater if (y.left() != null) { x = y.left(); } else { if (y.right() != null) { x = y.right(); } else { x = sentinel; } } x.parentTo(y.parent()); if (y.parent() == null) // if y is root { this.root = x; } else // y is not root { if (y == (y.parent()).left()) // if y = left[p[y]] { (y.parent()).leftTo(x); // then left[p[y]] <- x } else { (y.parent()).rightTo(x); } } if (y != z) { z.keyTo(y.key()); z.objectTo(y.object()); } if (y.isBlack()) { deleteFixup(x); } // Remove all references to sentinel // Otherwise sentinel can be 'seen' in the tree if (this.root != sentinel) { if ((sentinel.parent()).left() == sentinel) { (sentinel.parent()).leftTo(null); } if ((sentinel.parent()).right() == sentinel) { (sentinel.parent()).rightTo(null); } sentinel = null; } else { this.root = null; sentinel = null; } return y; } /** * Fixes the red-black tree after a deletion if needed. * * @param x The node from which to start. */ private void deleteFixup(RedBlackTreeNode x) { RedBlackTreeNode w = new RedBlackTreeNode(0); while (x != this.root && x.isBlack()) { if (x == (x.parent()).left()) //x is left son of its parent { w = (x.parent()).right(); // set w to refer x's parent's right son if (w.isRed()) { w.setBlack(); (x.parent()).setRed(); leftRotate(x.parent()); w = (x.parent()).right(); } if ((w.left() == null && w.right() == null) || (w.left() == null && w.right() != null && (w.right()).isBlack()) || (w.right() == null && w.left() != null && (w.left()).isBlack()) || (w.right() != null && w.left() != null && (w.right()).isBlack() && (w.left()).isBlack()) ) { w.setRed(); x = x.parent(); } else { if (w.right() != null && (w.right()).isBlack()) { (w.left()).setBlack(); w.setRed(); rightRotate(w); w = (x.parent()).right(); } if ((x.parent()).isBlack()) { w.setBlack(); } else { w.setRed(); } (x.parent()).setBlack(); if (w.right != null) // Otherwise its already black { (w.right()).setBlack(); } leftRotate(x.parent()); x = this.root; } } else { w = (x.parent()).left(); // set w to refer x's parent's right son if (w.isRed()) { w.setBlack(); (x.parent()).setRed(); rightRotate(x.parent()); w = (x.parent()).left(); } if ((w.left() == null && w.right() == null) || (w.left() == null && w.right() != null && (w.right()).isBlack()) || (w.right() == null && w.left() != null && (w.left()).isBlack()) || (w.right() != null && w.left() != null && (w.right()).isBlack() && (w.left()).isBlack()) ) { w.setRed(); x = x.parent(); } else { if (w.left() != null && (w.left()).isBlack()) { (w.right()).setBlack(); w.setRed(); leftRotate(w); w = (x.parent()).left(); } if ((x.parent()).isBlack()) { w.setBlack(); } else { w.setRed(); } (x.parent()).setBlack(); if (w.left != null) // Otherwise its already black { (w.left()).setBlack(); } rightRotate(x.parent()); x = this.root; } } } // End while x.setBlack(); } // End deleteFixup /** * Prints the keys of current tree in inorder (ascending). * Runs in Theta(n) time. * * @param x The node from which to start. */ public void inorderTreeWalk(RedBlackTreeNode x, String space) { if (!(x == null)) { System.out.println(space + x.key()); inorderTreeWalk(x.left(), space + " "); inorderTreeWalk(x.right(), space + " "); } } /** * Searches a node with key k starting from the node x which is usually the root. * If the node is not found returns <code>null</code> otherwise returns the pointer * to the current node.Runs in O(h) time where h is the height of the tree. Works recursively. * * @return The node with key k or <code>null</code>. * @param x The node from which to start, usually the root. * @param k The key of the wanted node. */ public RedBlackTreeNode treeSearch(RedBlackTreeNode x, int k) { assert (k == x.key()); if (x == null || k == x.key()) { return x; } //assert false; if (k < x.key()) { return treeSearch(x.left(), k); } else { return treeSearch(x.right(), k); } } /** * Searches a node with key k starting from the node x which is usually the root. * If the node is not found returns <code>null</code> otherwise returns the pointer * to the current node. Runs in O(h) time where h is the height of the tree. Works iteratively. * * @return The node with key k or <code>null</code>. * @param x The node from which to start, usually the root. * @param k The key of the wanted node. */ public RedBlackTreeNode iterativeTreeSearch(RedBlackTreeNode x, int k) { while (!(x == null) && k != x.key()) { if (k < x.key()) { x = x.left(); } else { x = x.right(); } } return x; } /** * Searches a node with smallest key starting from the node x which is usually the root. * Runs in O(h) time where h is the height of the tree. * * @return The node with the smallest key. * @throws NullPointerException If the parameter x is null. * @param x The node from which to start, usually the root. */ public RedBlackTreeNode treeMinimum(RedBlackTreeNode x) throws NullPointerException { while (x.left() != null) { x = x.left(); } return x; } /** * Searches a node with biggest key starting from the node x which is usually the root. * Runs in O(h) time where h is the height of the tree. * * @return The node with the biggest key. * @throws NullPointerException If the parameter x is null. * @param x The node from which to start, usually the root. */ public RedBlackTreeNode treeMaximum(RedBlackTreeNode x) throws NullPointerException { while (x.right() != null) { x = x.right(); } return x; } /** * Searches the successor node of the key x. * Runs in O(h) time where h is the height of the tree. * * @return The successor node. * @throws NullPointerException If the parameter x is null. * @param x The node from which successor is wanted. */ public RedBlackTreeNode treeSuccessor(RedBlackTreeNode x) throws NullPointerException { if (x.right() != null) { return treeMinimum(x.right()); } RedBlackTreeNode y = x.parent(); while (y != null && x.equals(y.right())) { x = y; y = y.parent(); } return y; } /** * Searches the predessor node of the key x. * Runs in O(h) time where h is the height of the tree. * * @return The predessor node. * @throws NullPointerException If the parameter x is null. * @param x The node from which predessor is wanted. */ public RedBlackTreeNode treePredessor(RedBlackTreeNode x) throws NullPointerException { if (x.left() != null) { return treeMaximum(x.left()); } RedBlackTreeNode y = x.parent(); while (y != null && x.equals(y.left())) { x = y; y = y.parent(); } return y; } /** * Returns the root of the tree. * * @return The root of the tree. */ public RedBlackTreeNode root() { return this.root; } } // End class RedBlackTree