package org.caudexorigo.jdbc; import; import; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.caudexorigo.ErrorAnalyser; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class Db { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Db.class); private static final int MAX_TRIES = 0; public static void closeQuietly(Connection conn) { try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { // quiet } } public static void closeQuietly(ResultSet rs) { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { // quiet } } public static void closeQuietly(Statement stmt) { try { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { // quiet } } private Map<String, CallableStatementEntry> call_statement_cache; private Connection connection; private final DbInfo dbinfo; private boolean isActive; private boolean isOracle = false; private Map<String, PreparedStatementEntry> prep_statement_cache; private Statement statement; private Object mutex = new Object(); public Db(DbInfo dbinfo) { super(); this.dbinfo = dbinfo; init(); } protected boolean useStatementCache() { return dbinfo.getUseCache(); } public void beginTransaction() { try { validateConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (SQLException e) { isActive = false; throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public void commitTransaction() { try { validateConnection(); connection.commit(); connection.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (SQLException e) { isActive = false; throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public Connection getConnection() { validateConnection(); return connection; } public DbInfo getDbInfo() { return dbinfo; } public void rollbackTransaction() { try { // validateConnection(); connection.rollback(); connection.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (SQLException e) { isActive = false; throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void __closeQuietly(Connection conn) { closeQuietly(conn); isActive = false; conn = null; } private void bindParameter(PreparedStatement prepStatement, Object param, int index, int step) throws SQLException { // Have to handle null values seperately if (param != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Setting the '" + param + "' value in the statement at position " + (index + step)); } // If the object is our representation of a null value, then // handle it seperately if (param instanceof NullSQLType) { prepStatement.setNull(index + step, ((NullSQLType) param).getFieldType()); } else if (param instanceof String) { String s = (String) param; prepStatement.setString(index + step, s); } else if (param instanceof Boolean) { boolean b = ((Boolean) param).booleanValue(); prepStatement.setBoolean(index + 1, b); } else if (param instanceof Short) { short sh = ((Short) param).shortValue(); prepStatement.setShort(index + step, sh); } else if (param instanceof Integer) { int value = ((Integer) param).intValue(); prepStatement.setInt(index + 1, value); } else if (param instanceof Long) { long l = ((Long) param).longValue(); prepStatement.setLong(index + step, l); } else if (param instanceof Float) { float f = ((Float) param).floatValue(); prepStatement.setFloat(index + step, f); } else if (param instanceof Double) { double d = ((Double) param).doubleValue(); prepStatement.setDouble(index + step, d); } else if (param instanceof java.util.Date) { java.util.Date pdate = (java.util.Date) param; prepStatement.setTimestamp(index + step, new java.sql.Timestamp(pdate.getTime())); } else if (param instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) { prepStatement.setTimestamp(index + step, (java.sql.Timestamp) param); } else if (param instanceof java.sql.Date) { prepStatement.setDate(index + step, (java.sql.Date) param); } else if (param instanceof java.sql.Time) { prepStatement.setTime(index + step, (java.sql.Time) param); } else if (param instanceof org.caudexorigo.jdbc.SqlArray) { org.caudexorigo.jdbc.SqlArray arr_sql = (org.caudexorigo.jdbc.SqlArray) param; java.sql.Array arr_param = connection.createArrayOf(arr_sql.typeName, arr_sql.elements); prepStatement.setArray(index + step, arr_param); } else if (param instanceof byte[]) { prepStatement.setBytes(index + step, (byte[]) param); } else { prepStatement.setObject(index + step, param); } } else { // Can't use a null value in a prepared statement. If you want // to persist a null value, use the "NullSQLType" object to // represent this in the prepared statement.; // Try to use the generic NULL placeholder prepStatement.setNull(index + step, java.sql.Types.NULL); } } private CallableStatement buildCallableStatement(String spName, int param_lenght) { StringBuilder sql; if (isOracle) { sql = new StringBuilder("{ call ? := " + spName + "("); } else { sql = new StringBuilder("{call " + spName + "("); } for (int i = 0; i < param_lenght; i++) { sql.append("?"); if (i < (param_lenght - 1)) sql.append(","); } sql.append(")}"); try { CallableStatement cs = connection.prepareCall(sql.toString()); try { cs.setQueryTimeout(dbinfo.getQueryTimeout()); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("'setQueryTimeout(int)' is not yet implemented"); } return cs; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } private PreparedStatement buildPreparedStatment(String sql) { synchronized (mutex) { try { PreparedStatement prepStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); try { prepStatement.setQueryTimeout(dbinfo.getQueryTimeout()); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("'setQueryTimeout(int)' is not yet implemented"); } return prepStatement; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } private Statement buildStatement() { try { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); try { statement.setQueryTimeout(dbinfo.getQueryTimeout()); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("'setQueryTimeout(int)' is not yet implemented"); } return statement; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private String clobToString(Clob cl) { if (cl == null) return ""; StringBuilder strOut = new StringBuilder(); String aux; // We access to stream, as this way we don't have to use the // CLOB.length() which is slower... BufferedReader br = null; try { br = new BufferedReader(cl.getCharacterStream()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } try { while ((aux = br.readLine()) != null) strOut.append(aux); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return strOut.toString(); } private int executeCallableStatement(int retryCount, String spName, Object... params) { if (params == null) { params = new Object[0]; } validateConnection(); CallableStatement cs = getCallableStatement(spName, params.length); setCallableStatementParameters(cs, params); try { return cs.executeUpdate(); // run the stored procedure } catch (Throwable t) { if (isInTransaction() || (retryCount >= MAX_TRIES)) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } else { destroy(); log.warn("Error: '{}'. Will try to execute database command one more time", t.getMessage()); init(); return executeCallableStatement(++retryCount, spName, params); } } finally { if (!dbinfo.getUseCache()) { closeQuietly(cs); } } } private int executePreparedStatement(int retryCount, String sql, Object... params) { validateConnection(); PreparedStatement prepStatement = getPreparedStatement(sql); try { setPreparedStatementParameters(prepStatement, params); return prepStatement.executeUpdate(); } catch (Throwable t) { if (isInTransaction() || (retryCount >= MAX_TRIES)) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } else { destroy(); log.warn("Error: '{}'. Will try to execute database command one more time", t.getMessage()); init(); return executePreparedStatement(++retryCount, sql, params); } } finally { if (!dbinfo.getUseCache()) { closeQuietly(prepStatement); } } } protected int executePreparedStatement(PreparedStatement pstmt, Object... params) { try { setPreparedStatementParameters(pstmt, params); return pstmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } private int executeStatement(int retryCount, String sql) { validateConnection(); try { return statement.executeUpdate(sql); } catch (Throwable t) { if (isInTransaction() || (retryCount >= MAX_TRIES)) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } else { destroy(); log.warn("Error: '{}'. Will try to execute database command one more time", t.getMessage()); init(); return executeStatement(++retryCount, sql); } } } private ResultSet fetchResultSetWithCallableStatement(int retryCount, CallableStatement cs, Object... params) { if (params == null) { params = new Object[0]; } validateConnection(); try { if (isOracle) { // oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.CURSOR // public static final int CURSOR = -10; final int ORACLE_CURSOR = -10; cs.registerOutParameter(1, ORACLE_CURSOR); setCallableStatementParameters(cs, params); cs.execute(); return (ResultSet) cs.getObject(1); } else { setCallableStatementParameters(cs, params); return cs.executeQuery(); // run the stored procedure } } catch (Throwable t) { if (isInTransaction() || (retryCount >= MAX_TRIES)) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } else { destroy(); log.warn("Error: '{}'. Will try to execute database command one more time", t.getMessage()); init(); return fetchResultSetWithPreparedStatment(++retryCount, cs, params); } } } private ResultSet fetchResultSetWithPreparedStatment(int retryCount, PreparedStatement ps, Object... params) { validateConnection(); ResultSet rs = null; try { setPreparedStatementParameters(ps, params); rs = ps.executeQuery(); return (rs); } catch (Throwable t) { if (isInTransaction() || (retryCount >= MAX_TRIES)) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } else { destroy(); log.warn("Error: '{}'. Will try to execute database command one more time", t.getMessage()); init(); return fetchResultSetWithPreparedStatment(++retryCount, ps, params); } } } private ResultSet fetchResultSetWithStatment(int retryCount, String sql) { validateConnection(); ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = statement.executeQuery(sql); } catch (Throwable t) { if (isInTransaction() || (retryCount >= MAX_TRIES)) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } else { destroy(); log.warn("Error: '{}'. Will try to execute database command one more time", t.getMessage()); init(); return fetchResultSetWithStatment(++retryCount, sql); } } return (rs); } private synchronized CallableStatement getCallableStatement(String spName, int param_lenght) { if (dbinfo.getUseCache()) { synchronized (mutex) { String cacheKey = spName + param_lenght; CallableStatementEntry cse = call_statement_cache.get(cacheKey); if ((cse == null) || cse.isStale()) { if (cse != null) { closeQuietly(cse.get()); } CallableStatement cs = buildCallableStatement(spName, param_lenght); cse = new CallableStatementEntry(dbinfo.getTtl(), cs, cacheKey); call_statement_cache.put(cacheKey, cse); } return cse.get(); } } else { return buildCallableStatement(spName, param_lenght); } } PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(String sql) { if (dbinfo.getUseCache()) { synchronized (mutex) { PreparedStatementEntry pse = prep_statement_cache.get(sql); if ((pse == null) || pse.isStale()) { if (pse != null) { closeQuietly(pse.get()); } PreparedStatement ps = buildPreparedStatment(sql); pse = new PreparedStatementEntry(dbinfo.getTtl(), ps, sql); prep_statement_cache.put(sql, pse); } return pse.get(); } } else { return buildPreparedStatment(sql); } } private void init() { try { this.connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbinfo.getDriverUrl(), dbinfo.getUsername(), dbinfo.getPassword()); this.statement = buildStatement(); isActive = true; } catch (Throwable error) { log.error(error.getMessage()); isActive = false; } this.prep_statement_cache = new HashMap<String, PreparedStatementEntry>(); this.call_statement_cache = new HashMap<String, CallableStatementEntry>(); if ("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver".equals(dbinfo.getDriverClass())) { isOracle = true; } } private boolean isInTransaction() { try { return !connection.getAutoCommit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return false; } } private void setCallableStatementParameters(CallableStatement cs, Object... params) { try { validateStatement(cs, params); int step = 1; if (isOracle) { step = 2; } for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { Object param = params[i]; bindParameter(cs, param, i, step); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Store proc call failed: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void setPreparedStatementParameters(PreparedStatement prepStatement, Object[] params) throws SQLException { validateStatement(prepStatement, params); // Loop through each value, determine it's corresponding SQL type, // and stuff that value into the prepared statement. for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { Object param = params[i]; bindParameter(prepStatement, param, i, 1); } } private void validateConnection() { try { if ((connection != null) && !connection.getAutoCommit()) { return; } } catch (Throwable e) { Throwable r = ErrorAnalyser.findRootCause(e); log.error("Database Connection (in auto commit mode == false) is broken. Message: '{}'. Will try to create a new connection", r.getMessage()); __closeQuietly(connection); init(); } boolean isClosed = false; try { isClosed = connection.isClosed(); } catch (Throwable e) { isClosed = true; } if ((connection == null) || !isActive() || isClosed) { log.error("Database Connection to the configured database is broken. Will try to create a new connection"); __closeQuietly(connection); init(); } } private void validateStatement(PreparedStatement prepStatement, Object[] params) throws SQLException { // If we have a null value here, then bail. if ((params == null) || (prepStatement == null)) { String message = "Cannot prepare statement with null arguments."; log.error(message); throw new SQLException(message); } } protected void destroy() { closeQuietly(statement); Collection<PreparedStatementEntry> pres_lst = prep_statement_cache.values(); for (PreparedStatementEntry entry : pres_lst) { closeQuietly(entry.get()); } Collection<CallableStatementEntry> cs_lst = call_statement_cache.values(); for (CallableStatementEntry entry : cs_lst) { closeQuietly(entry.get()); } __closeQuietly(connection); } protected int executeCallableStatement(CallableStatement cs, Object... params) { if (params == null) { params = new Object[0]; } setCallableStatementParameters(cs, params); try { return cs.executeUpdate(); // run the stored procedure } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } } protected int executeCallableStatement(String spName) { return executeCallableStatement(0, spName, new Object[0]); } protected int executeCallableStatement(String spName, Object... params) { return executeCallableStatement(0, spName, params); } protected int executePreparedStatement(String sql, Object... params) { return executePreparedStatement(0, sql, params); } protected int executeStatement(String sql) { return executeStatement(0, sql); } public ResultSet fetchResultSetWithCallableStatement(CallableStatement cs) { return fetchResultSetWithCallableStatement(cs, new Object[0]); } public ResultSet fetchResultSetWithCallableStatement(CallableStatement cs, Object... params) { return fetchResultSetWithCallableStatement(0, cs, params); } public ResultSet fetchResultSetWithPreparedStatment(PreparedStatement ps, Object... params) { return fetchResultSetWithPreparedStatment(0, ps, params); } public ResultSet fetchResultSetWithStatment(String sql) { return fetchResultSetWithStatment(0, sql); } protected boolean isActive() { return isActive; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Db [dbinfo=%s]", dbinfo); } }