package net.jangaroo.utils; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. User: fwienber Date: 05.07.11 Time: 09:24 To change this template use File | Settings | * File Templates. */ public final class CompilerUtils { private static final Pattern ATTRIBUTE_NORMALIZED_WHITESPACE = Pattern.compile(" +"); // utility class, do not instantiate private CompilerUtils() { } public static String qName(String packageName, String className) { return packageName.length() == 0 ? className : packageName + "." + className; } public static String packageName(String qName) { int lastDotPos = qName.lastIndexOf('.'); return lastDotPos == -1 ? "" : qName.substring(0, lastDotPos); } public static String uncapitalize(String name) { if (name == null) { return null; } int capitalCount = 0; while (capitalCount < name.length() && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(capitalCount))) { capitalCount++; } int toLowerCount = capitalCount <= 1 || capitalCount == name.length() ? capitalCount : capitalCount - 1; return name.substring(0, toLowerCount).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) + name.substring(toLowerCount); } public static String className(String qName) { int lastDotPos = qName.lastIndexOf('.'); return lastDotPos == -1 ? qName : qName.substring(lastDotPos + 1); } public static File fileFromQName(String packageName, String className, File baseDirectory, String extension) { return fileFromQName(qName(packageName, className), baseDirectory, extension); } public static File fileFromQName(String qName, File baseDirectory, String extension) { char separatorChar = File.separatorChar; return new File(baseDirectory, fileNameFromQName(qName, separatorChar, extension)); } public static String fileNameFromQName(String qName, char separatorChar, String extension) { return qName.replace('.', separatorChar) + extension; } public static String qNameFromFile(File baseDirectory, File file) { String relativePath = getRelativePath(baseDirectory, file); return qNameFromRelativPath(relativePath); } public static String qNameFromRelativPath(String relativePath) { if (relativePath != null) { int lastDotPos = relativePath.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotPos != -1 && lastDotPos > relativePath.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar)) { return relativePath.substring(0, lastDotPos).replace(File.separatorChar, '.'); } } return null; } public static String getRelativePath(File baseDirectory, File file) { return getRelativePath(baseDirectory, file, true); } public static String getRelativePath(File baseDirectory, File file, boolean onlyBelowBaseDirectory) { try { return getRelativePath(baseDirectory.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator, file.getCanonicalPath(), File.separator, onlyBelowBaseDirectory); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not determine qualified name from file; the strange file is called " + file + " in " + baseDirectory, e); } } static String getRelativePathBelow(String canonicalBasePath, String canonicalPath) { if (canonicalPath.length() > canonicalBasePath.length() && canonicalPath.startsWith(canonicalBasePath)) { return canonicalPath.substring(canonicalBasePath.length()); } return null; } static String getRelativePath(String canonicalBasePath, String canonicalPath, String fileSeparator, boolean onlyBelowBaseDirectory) { String relativePath = getRelativePathBelow(canonicalBasePath, canonicalPath); if (relativePath == null && !onlyBelowBaseDirectory) { // construct with "..": String fileSeparatorAsRegExp = Pattern.quote(fileSeparator); String[] basePathParts = canonicalBasePath.split(fileSeparatorAsRegExp); String[] pathParts = canonicalPath.split(fileSeparatorAsRegExp, -1); int samePartCount = basePathParts.length; for (int i = 0; i < basePathParts.length; i++) { if (!basePathParts[i].equals(pathParts[i])) { samePartCount = i; break; } } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = samePartCount; i < basePathParts.length; i++) { builder.append("..").append(fileSeparator); } for (int i = samePartCount; i < pathParts.length; i++) { builder.append(pathParts[i]); if (i < pathParts.length - 1) { builder.append(fileSeparator); } } relativePath = builder.toString(); } return relativePath; } /** * Returns the directory path portion of a file specification string. * Matches the equally named unix command. * * @param filename the file path * @return The directory portion excluding the ending file separator. */ public static String dirname(String filename) { int i = filename.lastIndexOf(File.separator); return (i >= 0 ? filename.substring(0, i) : ""); } /** * Remove extension from filename. * ie * <pre> * foo.txt --> foo * a\b\c.jpg --> a\b\c * a\b\c --> a\b\c * </pre> * * @param filename the path of the file * @return the filename minus extension */ public static String removeExtension(final String filename) { String ext = extension(filename); if ("".equals(ext)) { return filename; } final int index = filename.lastIndexOf(ext) - 1; return filename.substring(0, index); } /** * Returns the extension portion of a file specification string. * This everything after the last dot '.' in the filename (NOT including * the dot). * * @param filename the file path * @return the extension of the file */ public static String extension(String filename) { // Ensure the last dot is after the last file separator int lastSep = filename.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar); int lastDot; if (lastSep < 0) { lastDot = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); } else { lastDot = filename.substring(lastSep + 1).lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot >= 0) { lastDot += lastSep + 1; } } if (lastDot >= 0 && lastDot > lastSep) { return filename.substring(lastDot + 1); } return ""; } /** * Produce a string in double quotes with backslash sequences in all the * right places. A backslash will be inserted within </, allowing JSON * text to be delivered in HTML. In JSON text, a string cannot contain a * control character or an unescaped quote or backslash. * * @param string A String * @return A String correctly formatted for insertion in a JSON text. */ public static String quote(String string) { if (string == null || string.length() == 0) { return "\"\""; } char b; char c = 0; int i; int len = string.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len + 4); String t; sb.append('"'); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { b = c; c = string.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\\': case '"': sb.append('\\'); sb.append(c); break; case '/': if (b == '<') { sb.append('\\'); } sb.append(c); break; case '\b': sb.append("\\b"); break; case '\t': sb.append("\\t"); break; case '\n': sb.append("\\n"); break; case '\f': sb.append("\\f"); break; case '\r': sb.append("\\r"); break; default: if (c < ' ' || (c >= '\u0080' && c < '\u00a0') || (c >= '\u2000' && c < '\u2100')) { t = "000" + Integer.toHexString(c); sb.append("\\u").append(t.substring(t.length() - 4)); } else { sb.append(c); } } } sb.append('"'); return sb.toString(); } public static String unquote(String quotedString) { // TODO: less naive implementation please! return quotedString != null && (quotedString.startsWith("'") && quotedString.endsWith("'") || quotedString.startsWith("\"") && quotedString.endsWith("\"")) ? quotedString.substring(1, quotedString.length() - 1) : null; } public static AS3Type guessType(String attributeValue) { attributeValue = attributeValue.trim(); try { long l = Long.parseLong(attributeValue); return l >= 0 ? AS3Type.UINT : AS3Type.INT; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Try again. } try { Double.parseDouble(attributeValue); return AS3Type.NUMBER; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Try again. } if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(attributeValue) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(attributeValue)) { return AS3Type.BOOLEAN; } // TODO: guess /.../ to be a RegExp? Guess date formats? Allow [a, b, ...] for Arrays? return null; } public static String denormalizeAttributeValue(String value) { if (value.contains("\n")) { return value; } Matcher matcher = ATTRIBUTE_NORMALIZED_WHITESPACE.matcher(value); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int pos = 0; while (matcher.find()) { result.append(value, pos, matcher.start()); result.append("\n"); result.append(value, matcher.start() + 1, matcher.end()); pos = matcher.end(); } result.append(value, pos, value.length()); return result.toString(); } }