package net.jangaroo.exml.mojo; import; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import static; import static org.apache.commons.lang.CharEncoding.UTF_8; /** * A Mojo to make all exml target class file with the same name as the exml file explicitly as baseClass of the exml class * @goal exml-target-to-base * @phase generate-sources * @requiresDependencyResolution * @threadSafe */ public class ExmlTargetToBaseClassMojo extends AbstractExmlMojo { public static final String PRIVATE_PREFIX = "private"; public static final String PROTECTED_PREFIX = "protected"; public static final String INTERNAL_PREFIX = "internal"; public static final String PUBLIC_PREFIX = "public"; public static final String STATIC_PREFIX = "static"; public static final String FUNCTION_LOWER_CASE = "function"; public static final String CONST = "const"; public static final String VAR = "var"; public static final String FUNCTION_UPPER_CASE = "Function"; public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length > 0) { String sourceDirPath = args[0]; File sourceDir = new File(sourceDirPath); new ExmlTargetToBaseClassMojo().execute(sourceDir); } } @Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if (!isExmlProject()) { getLog().info("not an EXML project, skipping base class conversion"); return; } execute(getSourceDirectory()); execute(getTestSourceDirectory()); } private void execute(File sourceDir) { if (sourceDir != null && sourceDir.exists()) { int fixedExmls = 0; for (final File exmlFile : listFiles(sourceDir, new String[]{"exml"}, true)) { File targetFile = findTargetFileWithSameName(exmlFile); if (targetFile == null) { continue; //no target file with same name found } File baseFile = renameTargetToBase(targetFile); if (baseFile == null) { continue; //rename failed } try { fixBaseClassName(exmlFile, baseFile); addBaseClassDeclaration(exmlFile, baseFile); logTargetClassesWithStatics(exmlFile, baseFile); fixedExmls++; } catch (IOException e) { getLog().error("Fixing of class name failed", e); } } getLog().info("Number of fixed exml/AS pair: " + fixedExmls); } } //fix the class name in the base class file itself private void fixBaseClassName(File exmlFile, File baseFile) throws IOException { String baseClassContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(baseFile, UTF_8); //fix the class declaration String oldClassDeclarationPattern = "class\\s+" + getName(exmlFile); baseClassContent = baseClassContent.replaceAll(oldClassDeclarationPattern, "class " + getName(baseFile)); //fix the constructor String oldConstructorPattern = "public\\s+function\\s+" + getName(exmlFile); baseClassContent = baseClassContent.replaceAll(oldConstructorPattern, "public function " + getName(baseFile)); FileUtils.write(baseFile, baseClassContent, UTF_8); getLog().info("baseClass name fixed in : " + baseFile.getAbsolutePath()); } //add the baseClass declaration in the exml private void addBaseClassDeclaration(File exmlFile, File baseFile) throws IOException { String exmlContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(exmlFile, UTF_8); int i = exmlContent.indexOf("<exml:"); int j = exmlContent.indexOf(">", i); String exmlBefore = exmlContent.substring(0, i); String exmlDeclaration = exmlContent.substring(i, j + 1); //remove the baseClass declaration (unnecessary but there are such codes, e.g. PremularBase.exml) if (exmlDeclaration.indexOf("baseClass") > 0) { exmlDeclaration = exmlDeclaration.replaceAll("baseClass[\\s\\S]*?\"[\\s\\S]*?\"[\r\n\\s]*", ""); } String exmlAfter = exmlContent.substring(j + 1); if (exmlDeclaration.endsWith("/>")) { exmlDeclaration = exmlDeclaration.substring(0, exmlDeclaration.length() - 2); exmlDeclaration += "\r\nbaseClass=\"" + getName(baseFile) + "\"/>"; } else { exmlDeclaration = exmlDeclaration.substring(0, exmlDeclaration.length() - 1); exmlDeclaration += "\r\nbaseClass=\"" + getName(baseFile) + "\">"; } exmlContent = exmlBefore + exmlDeclaration + exmlAfter; FileUtils.write(exmlFile, exmlContent, UTF_8); getLog().info("baseClass declaration added to: " + exmlFile.getAbsolutePath()); } private void logTargetClassesWithStatics(File exmlFile, File baseFile) throws IOException { List<String> baseClassLines = FileUtils.readLines(baseFile, UTF_8); List<String> staticList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String line : baseClassLines) { String staticName = null; String staticType = null; List<String> tokens = getRelevantTokens(line); if (tokens.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (tokens.get(0).equals(FUNCTION_LOWER_CASE)) { staticName = tokens.get(1).split("\\(")[0]; staticType = FUNCTION_UPPER_CASE; } else if (tokens.get(0).equals(CONST) || tokens.get(0).equals(VAR)) { String[] constNameAndTypeTokens = tokens.get(1).split(":"); staticName = constNameAndTypeTokens[0]; staticType = constNameAndTypeTokens.length > 1 ? constNameAndTypeTokens[1] : "Object"; //handle "public static const bla:blub=" (without space between type and "=") staticType = staticType.split("=")[0]; //handle "public static var bla:blub; (without value) staticType = staticType.split(";")[0]; } if (staticName != null) { staticList.add(staticType + " " + staticName); } } if (!staticList.isEmpty()) { getLog().info("The renamed target file " + baseFile.getAbsolutePath() + " has static members: " + staticList); } } /** * get all strings after "function" or "const" including "function" or "const" * empty list if the visibility is "private" * * @param line the given line * @return empty list if the visibility is "private" */ private List<String> getRelevantTokens(String line) { String cleanLine = line.trim().replaceAll("\\s+", " "); //what if "public static const bla : blub" (space before ":" and after)? cleanLine = cleanLine.replaceAll(" :", ":"); cleanLine = cleanLine.replaceAll(" :", ":"); List<String> lineTokens = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(cleanLine.split(" "))); if (lineTokens.contains(PRIVATE_PREFIX) || !lineTokens.contains(STATIC_PREFIX)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } lineTokens.remove(PUBLIC_PREFIX); lineTokens.remove(PROTECTED_PREFIX); lineTokens.remove(INTERNAL_PREFIX); lineTokens.remove(STATIC_PREFIX); return lineTokens; } private File findTargetFileWithSameName(final File exmlFile) { File[] files = exmlFile.getParentFile().listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { //check if there is a as file in the same directory as the exml file String targetFileName = getName(exmlFile) + ".as"; @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return targetFileName.equals(name); } }); if (files.length == 1) { getLog().info(exmlFile.getName() + " and " + files[0].getName() + " found in " + exmlFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()); return files[0]; } else { if (files.length > 1) { getLog().warn("There is more than one target AS file with same name in the directory like " + exmlFile.getAbsolutePath()); } return null; } } private File renameTargetToBase(File targetFile) { File baseClassFile = new File(targetFile.getAbsolutePath().replace(".as", "")); if (targetFile.renameTo(baseClassFile)) { getLog().info("Target file " + targetFile.getName() + " is renamed to " + baseClassFile.getName() + " in " + baseClassFile.getParent()); return baseClassFile; } else { getLog().error("Renaming to " + baseClassFile.getAbsolutePath() + " failed"); return null; } } private String getName(File file) { String[] nameAndExtension = file.getName().split("\\."); if (nameAndExtension.length != 2) { getLog().warn("Cannot compute the name of the file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); return null; } return nameAndExtension[0]; } }