package net.jangaroo.exml.mojo; import net.jangaroo.exml.api.ExmlcException; import net.jangaroo.exml.compiler.Exmlc; import net.jangaroo.exml.config.ExmlConfiguration; import net.jangaroo.exml.config.ValidationMode; import net.jangaroo.jooc.api.CompileLog; import net.jangaroo.jooc.api.FilePosition; import net.jangaroo.jooc.api.Jooc; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * A Mojo to invoke the EXML compiler. */ public abstract class AbstractExmlCompileMojo extends AbstractExmlMojo { /** * The folder where the XSD Schema for this component suite will be generated * @parameter default-value="${}/generated-resources" */ private File generatedResourcesDirectory; /** * A switch to control EXML validation against EXML schema and generated component suite schemas. * It can take the values "off" to skip validation (default), "warn" to log a warning whenever a validation * error occurs, and "error" to stop the build with an error whenever validation errors occur. * @parameter defaultValue = "off" */ private String validationMode; /** * A list of inclusion filters for the compiler. * @parameter */ private Set<String> includes = new HashSet<String>(); /** * A list of exclusion filters for the compiler. * @parameter */ private Set<String> excludes = new HashSet<String>(); /** * Sets the granularity in milliseconds of the last modification * date for testing whether a source needs recompilation. * * @parameter expression="${lastModGranularityMs}" default-value="0" */ private int staleMillis; protected void useAllSources() { staleMillis = -1; } public File getGeneratedResourcesDirectory() { return generatedResourcesDirectory; } public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { File gSourcesDirectory = getGeneratedSourcesDirectory(); if (!gSourcesDirectory.exists()) { getLog().info("generating sources into: " + gSourcesDirectory.getPath()); getLog().debug("created " + gSourcesDirectory.mkdirs()); } if (!generatedResourcesDirectory.exists()) { getLog().info("generating resources into: " + generatedResourcesDirectory.getPath()); getLog().debug("created " + generatedResourcesDirectory.mkdirs()); } List<File> sourcePath = getSourcePath(); ExmlConfiguration exmlConfiguration = createExmlConfiguration(getActionScriptClassPath(), sourcePath, gSourcesDirectory); exmlConfiguration.setResourceOutputDirectory(generatedResourcesDirectory); exmlConfiguration.setSourceFiles(getMavenPluginHelper().computeStaleSources(sourcePath, includes, excludes, gSourcesDirectory, Exmlc.EXML_SUFFIX, Jooc.AS_SUFFIX, staleMillis)); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(validationMode)) { try { exmlConfiguration.setValidationMode(ValidationMode.valueOf(validationMode.toUpperCase())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new MojoFailureException("The specified EXML validation mode '" + validationMode + "' is unsupported. " + "Legal values are 'error', 'warn', and 'off'."); } } CompileLog compileLog = new MavenCompileLog(); exmlConfiguration.setLog(compileLog); Exmlc exmlc; try { getLog().debug("Exmlc configuration: " + exmlConfiguration); exmlc = new Exmlc(exmlConfiguration); executeExmlc(exmlc); } catch (ExmlcException e) { throw new MojoFailureException(e.toString(), e); } if (compileLog.hasErrors()) { throw new MojoFailureException("There were EXML compiler errors, see log for details."); } getProject().addCompileSourceRoot(gSourcesDirectory.getPath()); } private class MavenCompileLog implements CompileLog { private boolean hasErrors = false; @Override public void error(FilePosition position, String msg) { error(String.format("%s (%d): %s", position.getFileName(), position.getLine(), msg)); } @Override public void error(String msg) { hasErrors = true; getLog().error(msg); } @Override public void warning(FilePosition position, String msg) { warning(String.format("%s (%d): %s", position.getFileName(), position.getLine(), msg)); } @Override public void warning(String msg) { getLog().warn(msg); } @Override public boolean hasErrors() { return hasErrors; } } /** * Execute the exmlc parts that are needed by the concret mojo * @param exmlc the configured exmlc */ protected abstract void executeExmlc(Exmlc exmlc); protected abstract List<File> getSourcePath(); protected List<File> getActionScriptClassPath() { return getMavenPluginHelper().getActionScriptClassPath(false); } }