package net.jangaroo.jooc.mvnplugin; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import; import java.util.*; /** * Mojo to compile Jangaroo sources from during the test-compile phase. * * @goal testCompile * @phase test-compile * @requiresDependencyResolution test * @threadSafe */ @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration", "UnusedPrivateField"}) public class TestCompilerMojo extends AbstractCompilerMojo { /** * Output directory for all generated ActionScript3 test files to compile. * * @parameter expression="${}/generated-test-sources/joo" */ private File generatedTestSourcesDirectory; /** * Test output directory into whose joo/classes sub-directory compiled classes are generated. * * @parameter expression="${}" */ private File testOutputDirectory; /** * Location of Jangaroo test resources of this module (including compiler output, usually under "joo/") to be added * to the webapp. This property is used for <code>war</code> packaging type (actually, all packaging types * but <code>jangaroo</code>) as {@link #getOutputDirectory}. * Defaults to ${}/jangaroo-test-output/ * * @parameter expression="${}/jangaroo-test-output/" */ private File testPackageSourceDirectory; /** * Source directory to scan for files to compile. * * @parameter expression="${}" */ private File sourceDirectory; /** * Source directory to scan for test files to compile. * * @parameter expression="${}" */ private File testSourceDirectory; /** * A list of test inclusion filters for the compiler. * * @parameter */ private Set<String> testIncludes = new HashSet<String>(); /** * A list of test exclusion filters for the compiler. * * @parameter */ private Set<String> testExcludes = new HashSet<String>(); /** * Temporary output directory for compiled classes to be packaged into a single *.js file. * * @parameter expression="${}/temp/jangaroo-test-output/classes" */ private File tempTestClassesOutputDirectory; /** * This parameter specifies the path and name of the output file containing all * compiled classes, relative to the testOutputDirectory. * * @parameter expression="joo/${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}-test.classes.js" */ private String moduleTestClassesJsFile; /** * Set this to 'true' to bypass unit tests entirely. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, especially if you * enable it using the "maven.test.skip" property, because maven.test.skip disables both running the * tests and compiling the tests. Consider using the skipTests parameter instead. * * @parameter expression="${maven.test.skip}" */ protected boolean skip; /** * * @return null as API stub generation does not make sense for test sources */ @Override protected File getApiOutputDirectory() { return null; } protected List<File> getCompileSourceRoots() { return Arrays.asList(testSourceDirectory, generatedTestSourcesDirectory); } protected File getOutputDirectory() { return isJangarooPackaging() ? testOutputDirectory : testPackageSourceDirectory; } protected File getTempClassesOutputDirectory() { return tempTestClassesOutputDirectory; } @Override protected Set<String> getIncludes() { return testIncludes; } @Override protected Set<String> getExcludes() { return testExcludes; } public String getModuleClassesJsFileName() { return moduleTestClassesJsFile; } @Override protected List<File> getActionScriptClassPath() { final List<File> classPath = new ArrayList<File>(getMavenPluginHelper().getActionScriptClassPath(true)); classPath.add(0, sourceDirectory); classPath.add(0, getGeneratedSourcesDirectory()); return classPath; } @Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if(!skip) { super.execute(); } } }