/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Other licenses: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Commercial licenses for this work are available. These replace the above * ASL 2.0 and offer limited warranties, support, maintenance, and commercial * database integrations. * * For more information, please visit: http://www.jooq.org/licenses * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package org.jooq.util.jdbc; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jooq.DSLContext; import org.jooq.Field; import org.jooq.Schema; import org.jooq.Sequence; import org.jooq.Table; import org.jooq.UniqueKey; import org.jooq.impl.DSL; import org.jooq.util.AbstractDatabase; import org.jooq.util.ArrayDefinition; import org.jooq.util.CatalogDefinition; import org.jooq.util.ColumnDefinition; import org.jooq.util.DataTypeDefinition; import org.jooq.util.DefaultDataTypeDefinition; import org.jooq.util.DefaultRelations; import org.jooq.util.DefaultSequenceDefinition; import org.jooq.util.DomainDefinition; import org.jooq.util.EnumDefinition; import org.jooq.util.PackageDefinition; import org.jooq.util.RoutineDefinition; import org.jooq.util.SchemaDefinition; import org.jooq.util.SequenceDefinition; import org.jooq.util.TableDefinition; import org.jooq.util.UDTDefinition; /** * The JDBC database * * @author Lukas Eder */ public class JDBCDatabase extends AbstractDatabase { private List<Schema> schemas; @Override protected DSLContext create0() { return DSL.using(getConnection()); } @Override protected void loadPrimaryKeys(DefaultRelations relations) throws SQLException { } @Override protected void loadUniqueKeys(DefaultRelations relations) throws SQLException { for (Schema schema : getSchemasFromMeta()) { SchemaDefinition s = getSchema(schema.getName()); if (s != null) { for (Table<?> table : schema.getTables()) { TableDefinition t = getTable(s, table.getName()); if (t != null) { UniqueKey<?> key = table.getPrimaryKey(); if (key != null) { for (Field<?> field : key.getFields()) { ColumnDefinition c = t.getColumn(field.getName()); relations.addPrimaryKey("PK_" + key.getTable().getName(), c); } } } } } } } @Override protected void loadForeignKeys(DefaultRelations relations) throws SQLException { } @Override protected void loadCheckConstraints(DefaultRelations r) throws SQLException { } @Override protected List<CatalogDefinition> getCatalogs0() throws SQLException { List<CatalogDefinition> result = new ArrayList<CatalogDefinition>(); result.add(new CatalogDefinition(this, "", "")); return result; } @Override protected List<SchemaDefinition> getSchemata0() throws SQLException { List<SchemaDefinition> result = new ArrayList<SchemaDefinition>(); for (Schema schema : getSchemasFromMeta()) { result.add(new SchemaDefinition(this, schema.getName(), "")); } return result; } private List<Schema> getSchemasFromMeta() { if (schemas == null) { schemas = new ArrayList<Schema>(); for (Schema schema : create().meta().getSchemas()) if (getInputSchemata().contains(schema.getName())) schemas.add(schema); } return schemas; } @Override protected List<SequenceDefinition> getSequences0() throws SQLException { List<SequenceDefinition> result = new ArrayList<SequenceDefinition>(); for (Schema schema : getSchemasFromMeta()) { for (Sequence<?> sequence : schema.getSequences()) { SchemaDefinition sd = getSchema(schema.getName()); DataTypeDefinition type = new DefaultDataTypeDefinition( this, sd, sequence.getDataType().getTypeName() ); result.add(new DefaultSequenceDefinition( sd, sequence.getName(), type)); } } return result; } @Override protected List<TableDefinition> getTables0() throws SQLException { List<TableDefinition> result = new ArrayList<TableDefinition>(); for (Schema schema : getSchemasFromMeta()) { SchemaDefinition sd = getSchema(schema.getName()); if (sd != null) { for (Table<?> table : schema.getTables()) { result.add(new JDBCTableDefinition(sd, table)); } } } return result; } @Override protected List<EnumDefinition> getEnums0() throws SQLException { List<EnumDefinition> result = new ArrayList<EnumDefinition>(); return result; } @Override protected List<DomainDefinition> getDomains0() throws SQLException { List<DomainDefinition> result = new ArrayList<DomainDefinition>(); return result; } @Override protected List<UDTDefinition> getUDTs0() throws SQLException { List<UDTDefinition> result = new ArrayList<UDTDefinition>(); return result; } @Override protected List<ArrayDefinition> getArrays0() throws SQLException { List<ArrayDefinition> result = new ArrayList<ArrayDefinition>(); return result; } @Override protected List<RoutineDefinition> getRoutines0() throws SQLException { List<RoutineDefinition> result = new ArrayList<RoutineDefinition>(); return result; } @Override protected List<PackageDefinition> getPackages0() throws SQLException { List<PackageDefinition> result = new ArrayList<PackageDefinition>(); return result; } }