package com.interview.tree; class Count{ int size; } /** * * A SumTree is a Binary Tree where the value of a node is equal to sum of the nodes present * in its left subtree and right subtree */ public class SumTree { public boolean isSumTree(Node root){ Count count = new Count(); return isSumTree(root,count); } private boolean isSumTree(Node root,Count count){ if(root == null){ return true; } if(root.left == null && root.right == null){ count.size =; return true; } Count leftCount = new Count(); Count rightCount = new Count(); boolean isLeft = isSumTree(root.left,leftCount); boolean isRight = isSumTree(root.right,rightCount); count.size = + leftCount.size + rightCount.size; return isLeft && isRight && == (leftCount.size + rightCount.size); } public static void main(String args[]){ ConstructTreeFromInOrderPreOrder ctf = new ConstructTreeFromInOrderPreOrder(); int inorder[] = {4,10,6,46,11,13,2}; int preorder[] = {46,10,4,6,13,11,2}; Node root = ctf.createTree(inorder, preorder); SumTree st = new SumTree(); System.out.println(st.isSumTree(root)); } }