package com.interview.array; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Date 08/01/2015 * @author Tushar Roy * * Given an array, find longest increasing subsequence in nlogn time complexity * * References * * */ public class LongestIncreasingSubSequenceOlogNMethod { /** * Returns index in T for ceiling of s */ private int ceilIndex(int input[], int T[], int end, int s){ int start = 0; int middle; int len = end; while(start <= end){ middle = (start + end)/2; if(middle < len && input[T[middle]] < s && s <= input[T[middle+1]]){ return middle+1; }else if(input[T[middle]] < s){ start = middle+1; }else{ end = middle-1; } } return -1; } public int longestIncreasingSubSequence(int input[]){ int T[] = new int[input.length]; int R[] = new int[input.length]; for(int i=0; i < R.length ; i++) { R[i] = -1; } T[0] = 0; int len = 0; for(int i=1; i < input.length; i++){ if(input[T[0]] > input[i]){ //if input[i] is less than 0th value of T then replace it there. T[0] = i; }else if(input[T[len]] < input[i]){ //if input[i] is greater than last value of T then append it in T len++; T[len] = i; R[T[len]] = T[len-1]; }else{ //do a binary search to find ceiling of input[i] and put it there. int index = ceilIndex(input, T, len,input[i]); T[index] = i; R[T[index]] = T[index-1]; } } //this prints increasing subsequence in reverse order. System.out.print("Longest increasing subsequence "); int index = T[len]; while(index != -1) { System.out.print(input[index] + " "); index = R[index]; } System.out.println(); return len+1; } public static void main(String args[]){ //int input[] = {2,5,3,1,2,10,6,7,8}; int input[] = {3, 4, -1, 5, 8, 2, 3, 12, 7, 9, 10}; LongestIncreasingSubSequenceOlogNMethod lis = new LongestIncreasingSubSequenceOlogNMethod(); System.out.println("Maximum length " + lis.longestIncreasingSubSequence(input)); } }