package com.interview.string; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * * Given two strings tells if anagram of first is substring of another * Keep map of characters in array1 and keep checking if array2 has these characters. * main string : a b a c a b b and looking for a a b b c when 3rd a is encountered * we move index to second a and start from there. * * Another idea is to keep a sorted linklist of string in comparison. Whenever a new character * is to be added remove last character from linklist and add this new one. */ public class AnagramOfFirstAsSubstring { public boolean isSubString(char str1[], char str2[]) { int index = 0; int curLen = 0; Map<Character, Integer> count = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < str1.length; i++) { incrementCount(str1[i], count); } Map<Character, Integer> currentCount = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); Map<Character, Integer> pos = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); while (index < str2.length) { if (containsAndUpdate(currentCount, count, str2[index], pos, index)) { index++; curLen++; } else { Integer p = pos.get(str2[index]); if (p != null) { curLen = index - p; index = p; } else { index++; } currentCount.clear(); pos.clear(); } if (curLen == str1.length) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean containsAndUpdate(Map<Character, Integer> currentCount, Map<Character, Integer> count, Character ch, Map<Character, Integer> pos, int index) { if (count.containsKey(ch)) { if(currentCount.containsKey(ch)) { if (currentCount.get(ch) < count.get(ch)) { if (currentCount.get(ch) == 1) { pos.put(ch, index); } currentCount.put(ch, currentCount.get(ch) + 1); return true; } }else{ currentCount.put(ch, 1); pos.put(ch,index); return true; } } return false; } private void incrementCount(Character ch, Map<Character, Integer> count) { if (count.containsKey(ch)) { int c = count.get(ch); count.put(ch, c + 1); } else { count.put(ch, 1); } } public static void main(String args[]){ char str1[] = "aaabccde".toCharArray(); char str2[] = "tbcdaacaaecbd".toCharArray(); AnagramOfFirstAsSubstring ana = new AnagramOfFirstAsSubstring(); System.out.println(ana.isSubString(str1, str2)); } }