package com.interview.linklist; /** * * Given two linklist shuffle merge them. * e.g head1 = {1->3->5} * head2 = {2->4} * result = {1->2->3->4->5} * Test cases * head1 is null and head2 is not * head2 is null and head1 is not * both are null * more nodes in head1 than head2 * more nodes in head2 than head1 * @author tusroy * */ public class ShuffleMerge { public Node shuffleMergeRecursive(Node head1, Node head2){ if(head1 == null){ return head2; } if(head2 == null){ return head1; } Node recur = null; recur = shuffleMergeRecursive(,; = head2; = recur; return head1; } /** Size of list 1 is smaller, equal and larger than list 2 */ public Node shuffleMerge(Node head1, Node head2){ if(head1 == null || head2 == null){ return head2; } Node tempHead = head1; Node prev = null; while(head1 != null && head2 != null){ Node temp =; Node temp1 =; = head2; = temp; prev = head2; head2 = temp1; head1 = temp; } if(head2 != null){ = head2; } return tempHead; } public static void main(String args[]){ LinkList ll = new LinkList(); Node head1 = null; Node head2 = null; head1 = ll.addNode(1, head1); head1 = ll.addNode(3, head1); head1 = ll.addNode(5, head1); head1 = ll.addNode(7, head1); head1 = ll.addNode(9, head1); head2 = ll.addNode(2, head2); head2 = ll.addNode(4, head2); head2 = ll.addNode(6, head2); head2 = ll.addNode(8, head2); head2 = ll.addNode(10, head2); head2 = ll.addNode(12, head2); head2 = ll.addNode(14, head2); ShuffleMerge sm = new ShuffleMerge(); Node result = sm.shuffleMerge(head1, head2); ll.printList(result); } }