package com.haskforce.utils; import; import com.haskforce.index.HaskellModuleIndex; import com.haskforce.psi.*; import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElementResolveResult; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile; import com.intellij.psi.PsiNamedElement; import; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; /** * General util class. Provides methods for finding named nodes in the Psi tree. */ public class HaskellUtil { /** * Finds name definition across all Haskell files in the project. All * definitions are found when name is null. */ @NotNull public static List<FoundDefinition> findDefinitionNode(@NotNull Project project, @Nullable String name, @NotNull PsiNamedElement e) { // Guess where the name could be defined by lookup up potential modules. // TODO This removing duplicates, for example importing the same module twice. Fair enough final List<HaskellPsiUtil.Import> potentialModules = getPotentialDefinitionModuleNames(e, HaskellPsiUtil.parseImports(e.getContainingFile())); final Set<String> potentialModuleNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (HaskellPsiUtil.Import i : potentialModules) { potentialModuleNames.add(i.module); } List<FoundDefinition> results = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); final String qPrefix = getQualifiedPrefix(e); final PsiFile psiFile = e.getContainingFile().getOriginalFile(); if (psiFile instanceof HaskellFile) { List<PsiNamedElement> result = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); findDefinitionNode((HaskellFile)psiFile, name, e, result); addFoundDefinition(result, null, results); } for (HaskellPsiUtil.Import potentialModule : potentialModules) { List<PsiNamedElement> result = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); List<HaskellFile> files = HaskellModuleIndex.getFilesByModuleName(project, potentialModule.module, GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project)); for (HaskellFile f : files) { final boolean returnAllReferences = name == null; final boolean inLocalModule = f != null && qPrefix == null && f.equals(psiFile); final boolean inImportedModule = f != null && potentialModuleNames.contains(f.getModuleName()); if (returnAllReferences || inLocalModule || inImportedModule) { findDefinitionNode(f, name, e, result); findDefinitionNodeInExport(project, f, name, e, result); } } addFoundDefinition(result, potentialModule, results); } return results; } /** * Find definitions that have been re-exported. * * <code> * module Foo (module Bar, foo) where * import Bar * import Baz (foo) * </code> */ private static void findDefinitionNodeInExport(@NotNull Project project, HaskellFile f, @Nullable String name, @Nullable PsiNamedElement e, List<PsiNamedElement> result) { List<HaskellPsiUtil.Import> imports = HaskellPsiUtil.parseImports(f); for (HaskellExport export : PsiTreeUtil.findChildrenOfType(f, HaskellExport.class)) { boolean exportFn = export.getQvar() != null && export.getQvar().getQvarid() != null && export.getQvar().getQvarid().getVarid().getName().equals(name); String moduleName = exportFn ? getModule(export.getQvar().getQvarid().getConidList()) : export.getModuletoken() != null && export.getQconid() != null ? export.getQconid().getText() : null; if (!exportFn && moduleName == null) continue; for (HaskellPsiUtil.Import imprt : imports) { if (moduleName != null && !moduleName.equals(imprt.module) && !moduleName.equals(imprt.alias)) continue; boolean hidden = imprt.getHidingNames() != null && ArrayUtil.contains(name, imprt.getHidingNames()); boolean notImported = imprt.getImportedNames() != null && !ArrayUtil.contains(name, imprt.getImportedNames()); if (hidden || notImported) continue; for (HaskellFile f2 : HaskellModuleIndex.getFilesByModuleName(project, imprt.module, GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project))) { findDefinitionNode(f2, name, e, result); findDefinitionNodeInExport(project, f2, name, e, result); } } } } /** * Finds a name definition inside a Haskell file. All definitions are found when name * is null. */ public static void findDefinitionNode(@Nullable HaskellFile file, @Nullable String name, @Nullable PsiNamedElement e, @NotNull List<PsiNamedElement> result) { if (file == null) return; // We only want to look for classes that match the element we are resolving (e.g. varid, conid, etc.) final Class<? extends PsiNamedElement> elementClass; if (e instanceof HaskellVarid) { elementClass = HaskellVarid.class; } else if (e instanceof HaskellConid) { elementClass = HaskellConid.class; } else { elementClass = PsiNamedElement.class; } final boolean isType = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(e, HaskellGendecl.class) != null; Collection<PsiNamedElement> namedElements = PsiTreeUtil.findChildrenOfType(file, elementClass); for (PsiNamedElement namedElement : namedElements) { if ((name == null || name.equals(namedElement.getName())) && definitionNode(namedElement)) { result.add(namedElement); } else if (isType && name != null && name.equals(namedElement.getName()) && typeNode(name, namedElement)) { result.add(namedElement); } } } private static boolean typeNode(@NotNull String name, @NotNull PsiNamedElement e) { HaskellDatadecl datadecl = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(e, HaskellDatadecl.class); if (datadecl != null) { return datadecl.getTypeeList().get(0).getAtypeList().get(0).getText().equals(name); } HaskellNewtypedecl newtypedecl = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(e, HaskellNewtypedecl.class); if (newtypedecl != null && newtypedecl.getTycon() != null) { return name.equals(newtypedecl.getTycon().getConid().getName()); } HaskellTypedecl typedecl = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(e, HaskellTypedecl.class); if (typedecl != null) { return name.equals(typedecl.getTypeeList().get(0).getAtypeList().get(0).getText()); } HaskellClassdecl classdecl = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(e, HaskellClassdecl.class); if (classdecl != null && classdecl.getCtype() != null) { HaskellCtype ctype = classdecl.getCtype(); while (ctype.getCtype() != null) { ctype = ctype.getCtype(); } if (ctype.getTypee() == null) return false; HaskellAtype haskellAtype = ctype.getTypee().getAtypeList().get(0); return haskellAtype.getOqtycon() != null && haskellAtype.getOqtycon().getQtycon() != null && name.equals(haskellAtype.getOqtycon().getQtycon().getTycon().getConid().getName()); } return false; } /** * Finds a name definition inside a Haskell file. All definitions are found when name * is null. */ @NotNull public static List<PsiNamedElement> findDefinitionNodes(@Nullable HaskellFile haskellFile, @Nullable String name) { List<PsiNamedElement> ret = ContainerUtil.newArrayList(); findDefinitionNode(haskellFile, name, null, ret); return ret; } /** * Finds name definitions that are within the scope of a file, including imports (to some degree). */ @NotNull public static List<PsiNamedElement> findDefinitionNodes(@NotNull HaskellFile psiFile) { return findDefinitionNodes(psiFile, null); } /** * Tells whether a named node is a definition node based on its context. * * Precondition: Element is in a Haskell file. */ public static boolean definitionNode(@NotNull PsiNamedElement e) { if (e instanceof HaskellVarid) return definitionNode((HaskellVarid)e); if (e instanceof HaskellConid) return definitionNode((HaskellConid)e); return false; } public static boolean definitionNode(@NotNull HaskellConid e) { final HaskellConstr constr = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(e, HaskellConstr.class); final HaskellCon con; if (constr != null) { con = constr.getCon(); } else { final HaskellNewconstr newconstr = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(e, HaskellNewconstr.class); con = newconstr == null ? null : newconstr.getCon(); } final HaskellConid conid = con == null ? null : con.getConid(); return e.equals(conid); } public static boolean definitionNode(@NotNull HaskellVarid e) { final PsiElement parent = e.getParent(); if (parent == null) return false; // If we are in a variable declaration (which has a type signature), return true. if (HaskellPsiUtil.isType(parent, HaskellTypes.VARS)) return true; // Now we have to figure out if the current varid, e, is the first top-level declaration in the file. // Check each top-level declaration. When we find the first one that matches our element's name we'll return // true if the elements are equal, false otherwise. final String name = e.getName(); final PsiFile file = e.getContainingFile(); if (!(file instanceof HaskellFile)) return false; final HaskellBody body = ((HaskellFile)file).getBody(); if (body == null) return false; for (PsiElement child : body.getChildren()) { // If we hit a declaration with a type signature, this shouldn't match our element's name. if (child instanceof HaskellGendecl) { final HaskellVars vars = ((HaskellGendecl)child).getVars(); if (vars == null) continue; // If it matches our elements name, return false. for (HaskellVarid varid : vars.getVaridList()) { if (name.equals(varid.getName())) return false; } } else if (child instanceof HaskellFunorpatdecl) { final HaskellFunorpatdecl f = (HaskellFunorpatdecl)child; final HaskellVarop varop = f.getVarop(); // Check if the function is defined as infix. if (varop != null) { final HaskellVarid varid = varop.getVarid(); if (varid != null && name.equals(varid.getName())) { return e.equals(varid); } } else { // If there is a pat in the declaration then there should only be one since the only case of having // more than one is when using a varop, which was already accounted for above. List<HaskellPat> pats = f.getPatList(); if (pats.size() == 1 && pats.get(0).getVaridList().contains(e)) return true; // There can be multiple varids in a declaration, so we'll need to grab the first one. List<HaskellVarid> varids = f.getVaridList(); if (varids.size() > 0) { final HaskellVarid varid = varids.get(0); if (name.equals(varid.getName())) { return e.equals(varid); } } } } } return false; } /** * Tells whether a node is a definition node based on its context. */ public static boolean definitionNode(@NotNull ASTNode node) { final PsiElement element = node.getPsi(); return element instanceof PsiNamedElement && definitionNode((PsiNamedElement)element); } @Nullable public static String getQualifiedPrefix(@NotNull PsiElement e) { final PsiElement q = getParentOfType(e, HaskellQcon.class, HaskellQvar.class); if (q == null) { return null; } final String qText = q.getText(); final int lastDotPos = qText.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotPos == -1) { return null; } return qText.substring(0, lastDotPos); } /** * Helper method to avoid the compiler warning. * See */ @SafeVarargs @Nullable public static <T extends PsiElement> T getParentOfType(@Nullable final PsiElement element, @NotNull final Class<? extends T>... classes) { return PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, classes); } @NotNull public static List<HaskellPsiUtil.Import> getPotentialDefinitionModuleNames(@NotNull PsiElement e, @NotNull List<HaskellPsiUtil.Import> imports) { final String qPrefix = getQualifiedPrefix(e); if (qPrefix == null) { return imports; } List<HaskellPsiUtil.Import> result = new ArrayList<HaskellPsiUtil.Import>(2); for (HaskellPsiUtil.Import anImport : imports) { if (qPrefix.equals(anImport.module) || qPrefix.equals(anImport.alias)) { result.add(anImport); } } return result; } public static @Nullable PsiElement lookForFunOrPatDeclWithCorrectName( @NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull String matcher){ /** * A FunOrPatDecl with as parent haskellbody is one of the 'leftmost' function declarations. * Those should not be taken into account, the definition will already be found from the stub. * It will cause problems if we also start taking those into account over here. */ if (element instanceof HaskellFunorpatdecl && ! (element.getParent() instanceof HaskellBody)) { PsiElement[] children = element.getChildren(); for (PsiElement child : children) { if (child instanceof HaskellVarid) { PsiElement psiElement = checkForMatchingVariable(child,matcher); if (psiElement != null){ return psiElement; } } if (child instanceof HaskellPat){ HaskellPat pat = (HaskellPat)child; List<HaskellVarid> varIds = extractAllHaskellVarids(pat); for (HaskellVarid varId : varIds) { if (varId.getName().matches(matcher)){ return varId; }; } } } } return null; } public static List<HaskellVarid> extractAllHaskellVarids(HaskellPat pat) { List<HaskellVarid> varidList = pat.getVaridList(); List<HaskellPat> patList = pat.getPatList(); for (HaskellPat haskellPat : patList) { varidList.addAll(haskellPat.getVaridList()); } return varidList; } private static PsiElement checkForMatchingVariable(PsiElement child, String matcher) { HaskellVarid haskellVarid = (HaskellVarid) child; if (haskellVarid.getName().matches(matcher)) { return child; } else { return null; } } public static boolean isInsideBody(@NotNull PsiElement position) { HaskellGendecl haskellGendecl = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(position, HaskellGendecl.class); return haskellGendecl != null; } public static @NotNull List<PsiElement> matchWhereClausesInScope( @NotNull PsiNamedElement myElement, String name) { return checkWhereClausesInScopeForVariableDeclaration(myElement, name); } public static @NotNull List<PsiElement> getAllDefinitionsInWhereClausesInScope( @NotNull PsiElement myElement) { return checkWhereClausesInScopeForVariableDeclaration(myElement, ".+"); } private static @NotNull List<PsiElement> checkWhereClausesInScopeForVariableDeclaration( @NotNull PsiElement myElement, String matcher) { List<PsiElement> results = Lists.newArrayList(); PsiElement parent = myElement.getParent(); do { if (parent instanceof HaskellRhs) { HaskellRhs rhs = (HaskellRhs) parent; PsiElement where = rhs.getWhere(); if (where == null) { parent = parent.getParent(); continue; } else { PsiElement psiElement = checkWhereClause(where, matcher); if (psiElement != null) { results.add(psiElement); } } } parent = parent.getParent(); } while (! (parent instanceof HaskellBody) && ! (parent == null)); return results; } private static @Nullable PsiElement checkWhereClause(@NotNull PsiElement where, String matcher) { PsiElement nextSibling = where.getNextSibling(); while(nextSibling != null){ if(nextSibling instanceof HaskellFunorpatdecl) { PsiElement psiElement = HaskellUtil.lookForFunOrPatDeclWithCorrectName(nextSibling, matcher); if (psiElement != null){ return psiElement; } } nextSibling = nextSibling.getNextSibling(); } return null; } public static @NotNull List<PsiElement> matchLocalDefinitionsInScope(PsiElement element, String name){ return checkLocalDefinitionsForVariableDeclarations(element,name); } public static @NotNull List<PsiElement> getAllDefinitionsInScope(PsiElement element){ return checkLocalDefinitionsForVariableDeclarations(element,".+"); } private static @NotNull List<PsiElement> checkLocalDefinitionsForVariableDeclarations(PsiElement element, String matcher){ List<PsiElement> results = Lists.newArrayList(); PsiElement parent = element; do { /** * This whole function needs to be re-evaluated, it's getting too much if,if,if. The logic * is getting extremely unclear. There should be tests for all (identified) cases so the refactor * should be feasible. */ if (parent instanceof HaskellNewtypedecl){ HaskellNewtypedecl haskellNewtypedecl = (HaskellNewtypedecl) parent; List<HaskellTyvar> tyvarList = haskellNewtypedecl.getTyvarList(); for (HaskellTyvar haskellTyvar : tyvarList) { HaskellVarid varId = haskellTyvar.getVarid(); if (varId.getName().matches(matcher)){ results.add(varId); } } } PsiElement prevSibling = parent.getPrevSibling(); while (prevSibling != null) { PsiElement possibleMatch = HaskellUtil.lookForFunOrPatDeclWithCorrectName(prevSibling, matcher); if (possibleMatch != null) { results.add(possibleMatch); } if (prevSibling instanceof HaskellPat && parent instanceof HaskellExp) { List<HaskellVarid> varIds = HaskellUtil.extractAllHaskellVarids((HaskellPat) prevSibling); for (HaskellVarid varId : varIds) { if (varId.getName().matches(matcher)) { results.add(varId); } } } if (prevSibling instanceof HaskellVarid){ HaskellVarid varId = (HaskellVarid) prevSibling; if (varId.getName().matches(matcher)){ results.add(varId); } } prevSibling = prevSibling.getPrevSibling(); } parent = parent.getParent(); } while(! (parent instanceof PsiFile)); return results; } public static List<PsiElement> matchGlobalNamesUnqualified(List<FoundDefinition> namedElements) { List<PsiElement> results = Lists.newArrayList(); for (FoundDefinition possibleReferences : namedElements) { if (possibleReferences.imprt == null || !possibleReferences.imprt.isQualified) { //noinspection ObjectAllocationInLoop results.add(possibleReferences.element); } } return results; } public static List<PsiElementResolveResult> matchGlobalNamesQualified( List<FoundDefinition> namedElements, String qualifiedCallName){ List<PsiElementResolveResult> results = Lists.newArrayList(); for (FoundDefinition possibleReference : namedElements) { if(possibleReference.imprt != null && possibleReference.imprt.alias != null && possibleReference.imprt.alias.equals(qualifiedCallName)){ results.add(new PsiElementResolveResult(possibleReference.element)); } } return results; } public static @NotNull String getModuleName(@NotNull PsiElement element) { HaskellFile containingFile = (HaskellFile)element.getContainingFile(); if (containingFile == null){ return ""; } String moduleName = containingFile.getModuleName(); if(moduleName != null){ return moduleName; } else { return ""; } } private static void addFoundDefinition(List<PsiNamedElement> result, HaskellPsiUtil.Import imprt, List<FoundDefinition> results) { for (PsiNamedElement element : result) { results.add(new FoundDefinition(element, imprt)); } } /** * Returns the textual representation of a qualified module. * * eg. From {@code A.B.C.d} return {@code A.B.C} */ @Nullable private static String getModule(@NotNull List<HaskellConid> conids) { if (conids.isEmpty()) return null; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (HaskellConid cid : conids) { b.append(cid.getName()); b.append("."); } b.setLength(b.length() - 1); return b.toString(); } public static class FoundDefinition { @NotNull public PsiNamedElement element; @Nullable public HaskellPsiUtil.Import imprt; public FoundDefinition(@NotNull PsiNamedElement element, @Nullable HaskellPsiUtil.Import imprt) { this.element = element; this.imprt = imprt; } } }