package com.haskforce.highlighting.annotation.external; import; import; import com.haskforce.cabal.completion.CabalFileFinder; import com.haskforce.cabal.lang.psi.CabalFile; import com.haskforce.cabal.query.BuildInfo; import com.haskforce.cabal.query.BuildInfoUtil; import com.haskforce.cabal.query.CabalQuery; import com.haskforce.features.intentions.IgnoreHLint; import com.haskforce.highlighting.annotation.HaskellAnnotationHolder; import com.haskforce.highlighting.annotation.HaskellProblem; import com.haskforce.highlighting.annotation.Problems; import com.haskforce.psi.HaskellFile; import com.haskforce.settings.ToolKey; import; import com.haskforce.utils.*; import com.haskforce.utils.ExecUtil.ExecError; import com.intellij.execution.configurations.GeneralCommandLine; import com.intellij.execution.configurations.ParametersList; import com.intellij.lang.annotation.Annotation; import com.intellij.notification.NotificationType; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import scala.Option; import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1; import scala.util.Either; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Encapsulation of HLint internals. Uses hlint --json for precise error regions. * Still functional with older hlints, but error regions are less precise. */ public class HLint { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(HLint.class); private static final VersionTriple HLINT_MIN_VERSION_WITH_JSON_SUPPORT = new VersionTriple(1, 9, 1); private static final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); @NotNull public static Problems lint(final @NotNull Project project, @NotNull String workingDirectory, @NotNull String file, @NotNull HaskellFile haskellFile) { final HaskellToolsConsole toolConsole = HaskellToolsConsole.get(project); final String hlintPath = ToolKey.HLINT_KEY.getPath(project); final String hlintFlags = ToolKey.HLINT_KEY.getFlags(project); if (hlintPath == null) return new Problems(); return parseProblems(toolConsole, workingDirectory, hlintPath, hlintFlags, file, haskellFile).fold( new AbstractFunction1<ExecError, Problems>() { @Override public Problems apply(ExecError e) { toolConsole.writeError(ToolKey.HLINT_KEY, e.getMessage()); NotificationUtil.displayToolsNotification( NotificationType.ERROR, project, "hlint", e.getMessage() ); return new Problems(); } }, FunctionUtil.<Problems>identity() ); } @NotNull public static Either<ExecError, Problems> parseProblems(final HaskellToolsConsole toolConsole, final @NotNull String workingDirectory, final @NotNull String path, final @NotNull String flags, final @NotNull String file, final @NotNull HaskellFile haskellFile) { return getVersion(toolConsole, workingDirectory, path).fold( new AbstractFunction1<ExecError, Either<ExecError, Problems>>() { @Override public Either<ExecError, Problems> apply(ExecError e) { return e.toLeft(); } }, new AbstractFunction1<VersionTriple, Either<ExecError, Problems>>() { @Override public Either<ExecError, Problems> apply(VersionTriple version) { final boolean useJson = version.gte(HLINT_MIN_VERSION_WITH_JSON_SUPPORT); final String[] params = getParams(file, haskellFile, useJson); return EitherUtil.rightMap(runHlint( toolConsole, workingDirectory, path, flags, params ), new AbstractFunction1<String, Problems>() { @Override public Problems apply(String stdout) { toolConsole.writeOutput(ToolKey.HLINT_KEY, stdout); if (useJson) return parseProblemsJson(stdout); return parseProblemsFallback(stdout); } }); } } ); } private static String[] getParams(@NotNull String file, @NotNull HaskellFile haskellFile, boolean useJson) { final List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(1); result.add(file); if (useJson) result.add("--json"); result.addAll(getParamsFromCabal(haskellFile)); return result.toArray(new String[0]); } private static List<String> getParamsFromCabal(@NotNull HaskellFile haskellFile) { return BuildInfoUtil.getExtensionOpts(BuildInfoUtil.getBuildInfo(haskellFile)); } /** * Parse problems from the hlint --json output. */ @NotNull public static Problems parseProblemsJson(@NotNull String stdout) { final Problem[] problems = gson.fromJson(stdout, Problem[].class); if (problems == null) { LOG.warn("Unable to parse hlint json output: " + stdout); return new Problems(); } return new Problems(problems); } /** * Parse a single problem from the old hlint output if json is not supported. */ @Nullable public static Problem parseProblemFallback(String lint) { List<String> split = StringUtil.split(lint, ":"); if (split.size() < 5) { return null; } int line = StringUtil.parseInt(split.get(1), 0); if (line == 0) { return null; } int column = StringUtil.parseInt(split.get(2), 0); if (column == 0) { return null; } String hint = StringUtil.split(split.get(4), "\n").get(0); split = StringUtil.split(lint, "\n"); split = ContainerUtil.subList(split, 2); split = StringUtil.split(StringUtil.join(split, "\n"), "Why not:"); if (split.size() != 2) { return null; } final String from = split.get(0).trim(); final String to = split.get(1).trim(); return new Problem("", "", hint, from, to, "", new String[]{}, "", line, column); } /** * Parse problems from the old hlint output if json is not supported. */ @NotNull public static Problems parseProblemsFallback(String stdout) { final List<String> lints = StringUtil.split(stdout, "\n\n"); Problems problems = new Problems(); for (String lint : lints) { ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(problems, parseProblemFallback(lint)); } return problems; } private static final Pattern HLINT_VERSION_REGEX = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)"); @NotNull private static Either<ExecError, VersionTriple> getVersion(HaskellToolsConsole toolConsole, String workingDirectory, String hlintPath) { return EitherUtil.rightFlatMap( runHlint(toolConsole, workingDirectory, hlintPath, "--version"), new AbstractFunction1<String, Either<ExecError, VersionTriple>>() { @Override public Either<ExecError, VersionTriple> apply(String version) { Matcher m = HLINT_VERSION_REGEX.matcher(version); if (!m.find()) { return new ExecError( "Could not parse version from hlint: '" + version + "'", null ).toLeft(); } return EitherUtil.right(new VersionTriple( Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt( )); } } ); } /** * Runs hlintProg with parameters if hlintProg can be executed. */ @NotNull private static Either<ExecError, String> runHlint(HaskellToolsConsole toolConsole, @NotNull String workingDirectory, @NotNull String hlintProg, @NotNull String hlintFlags, @NotNull String... params) { GeneralCommandLine commandLine = new GeneralCommandLine(); commandLine.setWorkDirectory(workingDirectory); commandLine.setExePath(hlintProg); ParametersList parametersList = commandLine.getParametersList(); // Required so that hlint won't report a non-zero exit status for lint issues. // Otherwise, ExecUtil.readCommandLine will return an error. parametersList.add("--no-exit-code"); parametersList.addParametersString(hlintFlags); parametersList.addAll(params); toolConsole.writeInput(ToolKey.HLINT_KEY, "Using working directory: " + workingDirectory); toolConsole.writeInput(ToolKey.HLINT_KEY, commandLine.getCommandLineString()); return ExecUtil.readCommandLine(commandLine); } public static class Problem extends HaskellProblem { public String decl; public String file; public String hint; public String from; public String to; public String module; public String[] note; public String severity; public int endLine; public int endColumn; public boolean useJson; /** * Provide a default constructor so gson objects will default to `useJson = true`. */ public Problem() { useJson = true; } public Problem(String decl, String file, String hint, String from, String to, String module, String[] note, String severity, int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn) { this.decl = decl; this.file = file; this.from = from; this.hint = hint; this.module = module; this.note = note; this.severity = severity; this.startLine = startLine; this.startColumn = startColumn; this.endLine = endLine; this.endColumn = endColumn; = to; } public Problem(String decl, String file, String hint, String from, String to, String module, String[] note, String severity, int startLine, int startColumn) { this(decl, file, hint, from, to, module, note, severity, startLine, startColumn, -1, -1); useJson = false; } public String getMessage() { return hint + (to == null || to.isEmpty() ? "" : ", why not: " + to); } protected void createAnnotation(@NotNull HaskellAnnotationHolder holder, int start, int end, @NotNull String message) { Annotation ann = holder.createWarningAnnotation(TextRange.create(start, end), message); if (ann != null) ann.registerFix(new IgnoreHLint(hint)); } @Override public void createAnnotations(@NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull HaskellAnnotationHolder holder) { final String text = file.getText(); final int start = getOffsetStart(text); final int end = getOffsetEnd(start, text); if (start == -1 || end == -1) { return; } if (useJson && hint.equals("Use camelCase")) { createUseCamelCaseAnnotations(text, start, end, holder); } else { createDefaultAnnotations(start, end, holder); } } public static final Pattern NON_CAMEL_CASE_REGEX = Pattern.compile("\\b\\w+_\\w+\\b"); public void createUseCamelCaseAnnotations(@NotNull String text, int start, int end, @NotNull HaskellAnnotationHolder holder) { final String section = text.substring(start, end); Matcher m = NON_CAMEL_CASE_REGEX.matcher(section); if (m.find()) { do { createAnnotation(holder, start + m.start(), start + m.end(), "Use camelCase"); } while (m.find()); } else { createDefaultAnnotations(start, end, holder); } } public void createDefaultAnnotations(int start, int end, @NotNull HaskellAnnotationHolder holder) { createAnnotation(holder, start, end, getMessage()); } public int getOffsetEnd(int offsetStart, String fileText) { final int offsetEnd = useJson ? StringUtil.lineColToOffset(fileText, endLine - 1, endColumn - 1) : getOffsetEndFallback(offsetStart, fileText); return offsetEnd == -1 ? fileText.length() : offsetEnd; } private static final Pattern WHITESPACE_REGEX = Pattern.compile("\\s+"); /** * Fallback to a crude guess if the json output is not available from hlint. */ public int getOffsetEndFallback(int offsetStart, String fileText) { int width = 0; int nonWhiteSpaceToFind = WHITESPACE_REGEX.matcher(from).replaceAll("").length(); int nonWhiteSpaceFound = 0; while (offsetStart + width < fileText.length()) { final char c = fileText.charAt(offsetStart + width); if (StringUtil.isLineBreak(c)) { break; } if (!StringUtil.isWhiteSpace(c)) { ++nonWhiteSpaceFound; } ++width; if (nonWhiteSpaceFound >= nonWhiteSpaceToFind) { break; } } return offsetStart + width; } } // TODO: VersionTriple may be useful in a util module or there may be an better existing implementation. public static class VersionTriple { private final int x; private final int y; private final int z; VersionTriple(final int x_, final int y_, final int z_) { x = x_; y = y_; z = z_; } public boolean eq(VersionTriple v) { return v != null && x == v.x && y == v.y && z == v.z; } public boolean gt(VersionTriple v) { return v != null && (x > v.x || x == v.x && (y > v.y || y == v.y && z > v.z)); } public boolean lt(VersionTriple v) { return v != null && (x < v.x || x == v.x && (y < v.y || y == v.y && z < v.z)); } public boolean gte(VersionTriple v) { return eq(v) || gt(v); } public boolean lte(VersionTriple v) { return eq(v) || lt(v); } } }