/* * Copyright 2000-2012 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.haskforce.jps; /* * Downloaded from https://github.com/Atsky/haskell-idea-plugin on 7 May * 2014. */ import com.haskforce.jps.model.HaskellBuildOptions; import com.haskforce.jps.model.JpsHaskellBuildOptionsExtension; import com.haskforce.jps.model.JpsHaskellModuleType; import com.haskforce.utils.SystemUtil; import com.intellij.execution.ExecutionException; import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.BuilderCategory; import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.ModuleLevelBuilder; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.jps.ModuleChunk; import org.jetbrains.jps.builders.DirtyFilesHolder; import org.jetbrains.jps.builders.java.JavaSourceRootDescriptor; import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.CompileContext; import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.ModuleBuildTarget; import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.ProjectBuildException; import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.messages.BuildMessage; import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.messages.CompilerMessage; import org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.messages.ProgressMessage; import org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * First stop that does any work in the Cabal builder. */ public class CabalBuilder extends ModuleLevelBuilder { // Messages go to the log available in Help -> Show log in finder, // "build-log" subdirectory. private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(CabalBuilder.class); public CabalBuilder() { super(BuilderCategory.TRANSLATOR); } /** * Build the project including all modules with Cabal. */ public ExitCode build(final CompileContext context, final ModuleChunk chunk, final DirtyFilesHolder<JavaSourceRootDescriptor, ModuleBuildTarget> dirtyFilesHolder, final OutputConsumer outputConsumer) throws ProjectBuildException { try { for (JpsModule module : chunk.getModules()) { // Builder gets called for pure java projects as well. Silently // skip those since processMessage() of error will halt the // entire compilation. Funny.. if (!module.getModuleType().equals(JpsHaskellModuleType.INSTANCE)) { continue; } HaskellBuildOptions buildOptions = JpsHaskellBuildOptionsExtension.getOrCreateExtension(module.getProject()).getOptions(); // If we're not using Cabal, don't use Cabal. if (!buildOptions.myUseCabal || buildOptions.myUseStack) { continue; } File cabalFile = getCabalFile(module); if (cabalFile == null) { context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage("cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, "Can not find cabal file in " + getContentRootPath(module))); continue; } //noinspection ObjectAllocationInLoop CabalJspInterface cabal = new CabalJspInterface(cabalFile, buildOptions); //noinspection ObjectAllocationInLoop if (buildOptions.myUseCabalSandbox) { if (runSandboxInit(context, module, cabal, cabalFile)) return ExitCode.ABORT; } if (buildOptions.myInstallCabalDependencies) { if (runInstallDependencies(context, module, cabal)) return ExitCode.ABORT; } if (runConfigure(context, module, cabal)) return ExitCode.ABORT; if (runBuild(context, module, cabal)) return ExitCode.ABORT; } return ExitCode.OK; } catch (IOException e) { processCabalError(context, e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { processCabalError(context, e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { processCabalError(context, e); } return ExitCode.ABORT; } private static void processCabalError(final CompileContext context, final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage("cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, e.getMessage())); } /** * Runs cabal build. */ private static boolean runBuild(CompileContext context, JpsModule module, CabalJspInterface cabal) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { context.processMessage(new ProgressMessage("cabal build")); context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage("cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, "Start build")); Process buildProcess = cabal.build(); processOut(context, buildProcess, module); if (buildProcess.waitFor() != 0) { context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage("cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, "build errors.")); return true; } return false; } /** * Runs cabal configure. */ private static boolean runConfigure(CompileContext context, JpsModule module, CabalJspInterface cabal) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage("cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, "Start configure")); Process configureProcess = cabal.configure(); processOut(context, configureProcess, module); if (configureProcess.waitFor() != 0) { context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage( "cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, "configure failed.")); return true; } return false; } /** * Runs cabal install --only-dependencies */ private static boolean runInstallDependencies(CompileContext context, JpsModule module, CabalJspInterface cabal) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { if (!installDependenciesRequired(cabal)) { return false; } context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage("cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, "Install dependencies")); Process installDependenciesProcess = cabal.installDependencies(); processOut(context, installDependenciesProcess, module, true); if (installDependenciesProcess.waitFor() != 0) { context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage( "cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, "install dependencies failed.")); return true; } return false; } private static boolean installDependenciesRequired(CabalJspInterface cabal) throws IOException, ExecutionException { Process dryRun = cabal.installDependencies(true); Iterator<String> dryRunOut = collectOutput(dryRun); String line; while (dryRunOut.hasNext()) { line = dryRunOut.next(); // TODO: Is there a more elegant way to do this? if (line.contains("already installed")) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Runs cabal sandbox init */ private static boolean runSandboxInit(CompileContext context, JpsModule module, CabalJspInterface cabal, File cabalFile) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { // If sandbox already exists, no need to run init - just bail out. if (new File(cabalFile.getParent(), "cabal.sandbox.config").isFile()) { return false; } context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage("cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, "Create sandbox")); Process sandboxProcess = cabal.sandboxInit(); if (sandboxProcess.waitFor() != 0) { context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage( "cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, "sandbox init failed.")); return true; } return false; } /** * Parses output from cabal and signals errors/warnings to the IDE. */ private static void processOut(CompileContext context, Process process, JpsModule module) { processOut(context, process, module, false); } private static void processOut(CompileContext context, Process process, JpsModule module, boolean logAll) { final String warningPrefix = "Warning: "; final String cabalPrefix = "cabal: "; boolean oneBehind = false; String line = ""; Iterator<String> processOut = collectOutput(process); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(1000); Pattern compiledPattern = Pattern.compile("^([^:]+):(\\d+):(\\d+:)?(.*$)?", Pattern.MULTILINE); Pattern progressPattern = Pattern.compile("^\\[(\\d+) of (\\d+)\\]"); while (processOut.hasNext() || oneBehind) { if (oneBehind) { oneBehind = false; } else { line = processOut.next(); } // See comment after this method for example warning message. Matcher matcher = compiledPattern.matcher(line); Matcher progressMatcher = progressPattern.matcher(line); if (line.startsWith(warningPrefix)) { // Cabal warnings. String text = line.substring(warningPrefix.length()) + SystemUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR + processOut.next(); //noinspection ObjectAllocationInLoop context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage("cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING, text)); } else if (line.startsWith(cabalPrefix)) { // Unknown cabal messages. Exit code will tell if they were // errors. Just forward to user. String text = line.substring(cabalPrefix.length()) + SystemUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR + processOut.next(); //noinspection ObjectAllocationInLoop context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage("cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING, text)); } else if (matcher.find()) { // GHC Messages String file = matcher.group(1); long lineNum = Long.parseLong(matcher.group(2)); // We might not have a column, but if we do it ends with a colon. // Make sure to filter that colon out. long colNum = matcher.group(3) == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(matcher.group(3).substring(0, matcher.group(3).length() - 1)); msg.setLength(0); msg.append(matcher.group(4)); while (processOut.hasNext()) { line = processOut.next(); if (line.endsWith("warning generated.") || line.trim().length() == 0) { break; } if (line.startsWith("[") || line.startsWith("In-place")) { // Fresh line starting, save to process next. oneBehind = true; break; } msg.append(line).append(SystemUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR); } // RootPath necessary for reasonable error messages by Intellij. String sourcePath = getContentRootPath(module) + File.separator + file.replace('\\', File.separatorChar); // GHC emits warning messages that look like: // File.hs:line:column: Warning.. // Messages that do not start with "Warning" are errors. Other // tools (happy for example) do not emit columns and messages // not starting with "Warning" can still be warnings. Assume // tools without column information warn. // // If our assumption is wrong that will be corrected by the // return value from cabal build. If we assume the opposite we // will halt working builds with a (faulty) error. BuildMessage.Kind kind = matcher.group(4).trim().startsWith("Warning") || matcher.group(3) == null ? BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING : BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR; final String trimmedMessage = msg.toString().trim(); if (trimmedMessage.isEmpty()) { // DEBUG code for #31. //noinspection ObjectAllocationInLoop context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage( "ghc", BuildMessage.Kind.WARNING, "INTERNAL HaskForce ERROR: Got an empty compiler message from:\n" + msg + "\nWith line:\n" + line + '\n', sourcePath, -1L, -1L, -1L, lineNum, colNum)); } else { //noinspection ObjectAllocationInLoop context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage( "ghc", kind, trimmedMessage, sourcePath, -1L, -1L, -1L, lineNum, colNum)); } } else if (logAll) { //noinspection ObjectAllocationInLoop context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage("cabal", BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, processOut.next())); } else if (progressMatcher.find()) { // Update progress tracker. Seems pretty coarse-grained. int fileNum = Integer.parseInt(progressMatcher.group(1)); int totalFiles = Integer.parseInt(progressMatcher.group(2)); if (totalFiles != 0) { context.setDone((float) fileNum / totalFiles); } } if (context.getCancelStatus().isCanceled()) { LOG.info("Build cancelled, terminating.."); process.destroy(); break; } } } /* Path warning: cabal: The program 'happy' version >=1.17 is required but it could not be found Example warning: Preprocessing library feldspar-language- [74 of 92] Compiling Feldspar.Core.UntypedRepresentation ( src/Feldspar/Core/UntypedRepresentation.hs, dist/build/Feldspar/Core/UntypedRepresentation.o ) src/Feldspar/Core/UntypedRepresentation.hs:483:5: Warning: Pattern match(es) are overlapped In an equation for `typeof': typeof e = ... [74 of 92] Compiling Feldspar.Core.UntypedRepresentation ( src/Feldspar/Core/UntypedRepresentation.hs, dist/build/Feldspar/Core/UntypedRepresentation.p_o ) <same warning again> Example errors: src/Main.hs:14:3: Could not deduce (ToJSON (ModulePragma l0)) arising from a use of `toJSON' from the context (ToJSON l0) bound by the instance declaration at src/Main.hs:14:3-38 Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (ToJSON (ModulePragma l0)) In the third argument of `vector-', namely `toJSON arg3_a4Di' In a stmt of a 'do' block: vector- mv_a4Dn 2 (toJSON arg3_a4Di) In the first argument of `vector-', namely `do { mv_a4Dn <- vector- 7; vector- mv_a4Dn 0 (toJSON arg1_a4Dg); vector- mv_a4Dn 1 (toJSON arg2_a4Dh); vector- mv_a4Dn 2 (toJSON arg3_a4Di); .... }' src/Main.hs.. Happy error: Preprocessing library haskell-src-exts- src/Language/Haskell/Exts/InternalParser.ly:962: Parse error Nothing to do error: Peters-MacBook-Air-472:haskell-src-exts pj$ cabal build -j5 Building haskell-src-exts- Preprocessing library haskell-src-exts- In-place registering haskell-src-exts- Preprocessing test suite 'test' for haskell-src-exts- Peters-MacBook-Air-472:haskell-src-exts pj$ */ private static Iterator<String> collectOutput(Process process) { final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); return new Iterator<String>() { String line = null; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return fetch() != null; } private String fetch() { if (line == null) { try { line = reader.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return line; } @Override public String next() throws NoSuchElementException { String result = fetch(); line = null; return result; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } /** * Searches for the cabal file in the module top directory. */ private static File getCabalFile(JpsModule module) { String pathname = getContentRootPath(module); //noinspection ConstantConditions for (File file : new File(pathname).listFiles()) { if (file.getName().endsWith(".cabal")) { return file; } } return null; } private static String getContentRootPath(JpsModule module) { String url = module.getContentRootsList().getUrls().get(0); return url.substring("file://".length()); } /** * Reports that we can compile hs and lhs files. */ @Override public List<String> getCompilableFileExtensions() { return Arrays.asList("hs", "lhs"); } @Override public String toString() { return getPresentableName(); } @NotNull public String getPresentableName() { return "Cabal builder"; } }