package com.haskforce.codeInsight; import; import; import com.haskforce.HaskellIcons; import com.haskforce.HaskellLanguage; import com.haskforce.codeInsight.HaskellCompletionCacheLoader.Cache; import com.haskforce.codeInsight.HaskellCompletionCacheLoader.LookupElementWrapper; import com.haskforce.highlighting.annotation.external.GhcMod; import com.haskforce.highlighting.annotation.external.GhcModi; import com.haskforce.psi.*; import com.haskforce.utils.ExecUtil; import com.haskforce.utils.HaskellUtil; import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.*; import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.LookupElement; import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.LookupElementBuilder; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor; import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module; import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleUtilCore; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key; import com.intellij.openapi.util.UserDataHolder; import com.intellij.patterns.PlatformPatterns; import com.intellij.psi.*; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import com.intellij.util.Function; import com.intellij.util.ProcessingContext; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Future; /** * Fills the list of completions available on ctrl-space. */ public class HaskellCompletionContributor extends CompletionContributor { @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(HaskellCompletionContributor.class); private static String[] PRAGMA_TYPES = new String[]{ "LANGUAGE ", "OPTIONS_GHC ", "WARNING ", "DEPRECATED ", "INLINE ", "NOINLINE ", "INLINABLE ", "CONLIKE ", "RULES ", "ANN ", "LINE ", "SPECIALIZE ", "UNPACK ", "SOURCE "}; public static String[] getPragmaTypes() { return PRAGMA_TYPES.clone(); } public HaskellCompletionContributor() { extend(CompletionType.BASIC, PlatformPatterns.psiElement().withLanguage(HaskellLanguage.INSTANCE), new CompletionProvider<CompletionParameters>() { public void addCompletions(@NotNull CompletionParameters parameters, ProcessingContext context, @NotNull CompletionResultSet result) { PsiElement position = parameters.getPosition(); PsiFile file = parameters.getOriginalFile(); List<HaskellPsiUtil.Import> imports = HaskellPsiUtil.parseImports(file); Cache cache = getCache(file); // Completion methods should return either void or boolean. If boolean, then it should indicate // whether or not we were in the appropriate context. This is useful to determine if following // completions should be added. completeKeywordImport(position, result); completeKeywordQualified(position, result); if (completePragma(position, cache, result)) return; if (completeModuleImport(position, cache, result)) return; if (completeQualifiedNames(position, imports, cache, result)) return; if (completeNameImport(position, cache, result)) return; completeExpressionKeywords(position, result); completeLocalNames(position, imports, cache, result); completeFunctionLocalNames(position,result); } } ); } private static Cache getCache(PsiFile file) { return HaskellCompletionCacheLoader.get(file.getProject()).cache(); } public static void completeKeywordImport(@NotNull final PsiElement position, @NotNull final CompletionResultSet result) { if (PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(position, HaskellImpdecl.class) != null) return; HaskellBody body = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(position, HaskellBody.class); PsiElement root = body == null ? position.getContainingFile() : body; PsiElement topLevel = PsiTreeUtil.findPrevParent(root, position); // If we have spaces, then we are into an expression, definition, etc. and shouldn't provide completion. if (topLevel.getText().contains(" ")) return; for (PsiElement child : root.getChildren()) { if (PsiTreeUtil.instanceOf(child, HaskellPpragma.class, HaskellImpdecl.class, PsiWhiteSpace.class, PsiComment.class)) continue; // If something else other than the allowed elements appear before our element, don't provide completion. if (!child.equals(topLevel)) return; } result.addElement(LookupElementUtil.fromString("import ")); } public static void completeKeywordQualified(@NotNull final PsiElement position, @NotNull final CompletionResultSet result) { final PsiElement prevLeaf = PsiTreeUtil.prevVisibleLeaf(position); if (prevLeaf != null && prevLeaf.getText().equals("import")) { result.addElement(LookupElementUtil.fromString("qualified ")); } } private static String[] EXPRESSION_KEYWORDS = {"do", "if", "then", "else"}; public static void completeExpressionKeywords(@NotNull final PsiElement position, @NotNull final CompletionResultSet result) { if (PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(position, HaskellExp.class) == null) return; for (String keyword : EXPRESSION_KEYWORDS) { result.addElement(LookupElementUtil.fromString(keyword)); } } public static boolean completePragma(@NotNull final PsiElement position, @NotNull final Cache cache, @NotNull final CompletionResultSet result) { final PsiElement prevSibling = getPrevSiblingWhere(new Function<PsiElement, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean fun(PsiElement psiElement) { return !(psiElement instanceof PsiWhiteSpace); } }, position); // Pragma types. if (prevSibling != null && "{-#".equals(prevSibling.getText())) { addAllElements(result, LookupElementUtil.fromStrings(PRAGMA_TYPES)); } final PsiElement openPragma = getPrevSiblingWhere(new Function<PsiElement, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean fun(PsiElement psiElement) { return psiElement.getText().equals("{-#"); } }, position); final PsiElement pragmaTypeElement = getNextSiblingWhere(new Function<PsiElement, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean fun(PsiElement psiElement) { return !(psiElement instanceof PsiWhiteSpace); } }, openPragma); if (pragmaTypeElement == null) { return false; } final String pragmaType = pragmaTypeElement.getText(); if ("LANGUAGE".equals(pragmaType)) { addAllElements(result, cache.languageExtensions()); } else if ("OPTIONS_GHC".equals(pragmaType)) { // TODO: Workaround since completion autocompletes after the "-", so without this // we may end up completing -foo with --foo (inserting a "-"). final Set<String> flags = cache.ghcFlags(); if (flags != null) { if (position.getText().startsWith("-")) { addAllElements(result,, new Function<String, LookupElement>() { @Override public LookupElement fun(String s) { return LookupElementUtil.fromString(s.startsWith("-") ? s.substring(1) : s); } })); } else { addAllElements(result, LookupElementUtil.fromStrings(flags)); } } } return true; } public static boolean completeModuleImport(@NotNull final PsiElement position, @NotNull final Cache cache, @NotNull final CompletionResultSet result) { // TODO: Refactor this implementation. PsiElement el = position.getParent(); if (!(el instanceof HaskellConid)) { return false; } el = el.getParent(); if (!(el instanceof HaskellQconid)) { return false; } el = el.getParent(); if (!(el instanceof HaskellImpdecl)) { return false; } // Regardless of whether we actually have cache data to work with, we still want to return true // after this point since we've already identified that we are in the appropriate context. final Set<String> list = cache.visibleModules(); if (list != null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(0); el = position.getParent(); while (el != null) { el = el.getPrevSibling(); if (el != null) { builder.insert(0, el.getText()); } } final String partialModule = builder.toString(); Set<String> newLines = new HashSet<String>(0); for (String line : list) { if (line.startsWith(partialModule)) { String newLine = line.replace(partialModule, ""); final int firstDotPos = newLine.indexOf('.'); if (firstDotPos != -1) { newLine = newLine.substring(0, firstDotPos); } newLines.add(newLine); } } addAllElements(result, LookupElementUtil.fromStrings(newLines)); } return true; } public static boolean completeNameImport(@NotNull final PsiElement position, @NotNull final Cache cache, @NotNull final CompletionResultSet result) { // Ensure we are in an import name element. if (PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(position, HaskellImportt.class) == null) return false; HaskellImpdecl impdecl = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(position, HaskellImpdecl.class); if (impdecl == null) return true; HaskellQconid qconid = PsiTreeUtil.findChildOfType(impdecl, HaskellQconid.class); if (qconid == null) return true; final String module = qconid.getText(); final Set<LookupElementWrapper> cachedNames = cache.moduleSymbols().get(module); addAllElements(result, cachedNames); return true; } public static boolean completeFunctionLocalNames(@NotNull final PsiElement position, @NotNull final CompletionResultSet result){ List<PsiElement> allDefinitionsInScope = HaskellUtil.getAllDefinitionsInScope(position); for (PsiElement psiElement : allDefinitionsInScope) { result.addElement(LookupElementBuilder.create((PsiNamedElement)psiElement)); } List<PsiElement> allDefinitionsInWhereClausesInScope = HaskellUtil.getAllDefinitionsInWhereClausesInScope(position); for (PsiElement psiElement : allDefinitionsInWhereClausesInScope) { result.addElement(LookupElementBuilder.create((PsiNamedElement)psiElement)); } return true; } public static boolean completeQualifiedNames(@NotNull final PsiElement position, @NotNull final List<HaskellPsiUtil.Import> imports, @NotNull final Cache cacheHolder, @NotNull final CompletionResultSet result) { PsiElement el = position.getParent(); if (el == null) { return false; } el = el.getParent(); if (!(el instanceof HaskellQconid || el instanceof HaskellQvarid)) { return false; } final String qName = el.getText(); final int lastDotPos = qName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotPos == -1) { return false; } final String alias = qName.substring(0, lastDotPos); // Pull user-qualified names from cache. final Map<String, Set<LookupElementWrapper>> browseCache = cacheHolder.moduleSymbols(); if (browseCache != null) { final Iterable<HaskellPsiUtil.Import> filteredImports = Iterables.filter(imports, new Predicate<HaskellPsiUtil.Import>() { @Override public boolean apply(HaskellPsiUtil.Import anImport) { return anImport != null && alias.equals(anImport.alias); } }); final HaskellPsiUtil.Import anImport = Iterables.getFirst(filteredImports, null); if (anImport != null) { addAllElements(result, browseCache.get(anImport.module)); } } return true; } public static boolean completeLocalNames(@NotNull final PsiElement position, @NotNull final List<HaskellPsiUtil.Import> imports, @NotNull final Cache holder, @NotNull final CompletionResultSet result) { if (PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(position, HaskellExp.class) == null) { return false; } final Map<String, Set<LookupElementWrapper>> cachedNames = holder.moduleSymbols(); if (cachedNames == null) { return false; } for (HaskellPsiUtil.Import anImport : imports) { Set<LookupElementWrapper> names = cachedNames.get(anImport.module); if (names == null) continue; String[] importedNames = anImport.getImportedNames(); String[] hidingNames = anImport.getHidingNames(); for (LookupElementWrapper cachedName : names) { String lookupString = cachedName.get().getLookupString(); boolean noExplicitNames = importedNames == null; boolean isImportedName = importedNames != null && ArrayUtil.contains(lookupString, importedNames); boolean isHidingName = hidingNames != null && ArrayUtil.contains(lookupString, hidingNames); if ((noExplicitNames || isImportedName) && !isHidingName) { result.addElement(cachedName.get()); } } } return true; } /** * Helper to prevent having to do a null check before adding elements to the completion result. */ public static void addAllElements(CompletionResultSet result, List<LookupElement> elements) { if (elements != null) { result.addAllElements(elements); } } public static void addAllElements(CompletionResultSet result, Set<LookupElementWrapper> elements) { if (elements == null) return; for (LookupElementWrapper el : elements) { result.addElement(el.get()); } } @Nullable public static PsiElement getFirstElementWhere(Function<PsiElement, PsiElement> modify, Function<PsiElement, Boolean> where, PsiElement initialElement) { if (initialElement == null) { return null; } PsiElement result =; while (result != null) { if ( { return result; } result =; } return null; } @Nullable public static PsiElement getPrevSiblingWhere(Function<PsiElement, Boolean> f, PsiElement e) { return getFirstElementWhere(new Function<PsiElement, PsiElement>() { @Override public PsiElement fun(PsiElement psiElement) { return psiElement.getPrevSibling(); } }, f, e); } @Nullable public static PsiElement getNextSiblingWhere(Function<PsiElement, Boolean> f, PsiElement e) { return getFirstElementWhere(new Function<PsiElement, PsiElement>() { @Override public PsiElement fun(PsiElement psiElement) { return psiElement.getNextSibling(); } }, f, e); } /** * Adjust the error message when no lookup is found. */ @Nullable @Override public String handleEmptyLookup(@NotNull CompletionParameters parameters, final Editor editor) { return "HaskForce: no completion found."; } }