package; /* *EXHIBIT A - Sun Industry Standards Source License * *"The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry *Standards Source License Version 1.2 (the "License"); *You may not use this file except in compliance with the *License. You may obtain a copy of the *License at * *Software distributed under the License is distributed on *an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either *express or implied. See the License for the specific *language governing rights and limitations under the License. * *The Original Code is WBEM Services. * *The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: *Sun Microsystems, Inc. * *Portions created by: Sun Microsystems, Inc. *are Copyright (c) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * *All Rights Reserved. * *Contributor(s): Brian Schlosser * WBEM Solutions, Inc. */ //package javax.wbem.cim; import; import java.math.BigInteger; /** * Creates and instantiates an unsigned 64-bit integer object. The * CIMDataType class uses this class to instantiate valid CIM * data types. * * @author Sun Microsystems, Inc. * @since WBEM 1.0 */ public class UInt64 extends UInt implements Serializable, Comparable { final static long serialVersionUID = 200; /** * the maximum value this BigInteger can have */ public final static BigInteger MAX_VALUE = new BigInteger("18446744073709551615"); /** * the minimum value this BigInteger can have */ public final static BigInteger MIN_VALUE = new BigInteger("0"); /** * Constructor creates an unsigned 64-bit integer object for the specified * string. Only the bottom 64 bits are considered. * * @param sval the String to be represented as an unsigned 64-bit integer * object * @throws NumberFormatException if the number is out of range */ public UInt64(String sval) throws NumberFormatException { BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(sval); if ((bigInt.compareTo(MIN_VALUE) < 0) || (bigInt.compareTo(MAX_VALUE) > 0)) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } value = bigInt; } /** * Constructor creates an unsigned 64-bit integer object for the specified * array of bytes. Only the bottom 64 bits are considered. * * @param bval the byte array to be represented as an unsigned 64-bit * integer object * @throws NumberFormatException if the number is out of range */ public UInt64(byte[] bval) throws NumberFormatException { BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(bval); if ((bigInt.compareTo(MIN_VALUE) < 0) || (bigInt.compareTo(MAX_VALUE) > 0)) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } value = bigInt; } /** * Constructor creates an unsigned 64-bit integer object for the specified * int. Only the bottom 64 bits are considered. * * @param input the BigInteger to be represented as an unsigned 64-bit * integer object */ public UInt64(int input) { this(Integer.toString(input)); } /** * Constructor creates an unsigned 64-bit integer object for the specified * BigInteger. Only the bottom 64 bits are considered. * * @param input the BigInteger to be represented as an unsigned 64-bit * integer object */ public UInt64(BigInteger input) { BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(input.toString()); if ((bigInt.compareTo(MIN_VALUE) < 0) || (bigInt.compareTo(MAX_VALUE) > 0)) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } value = bigInt; } /** * Compares this unsigned 64-bit integer object with the specified object * for equality * * @param o the object to compare * @return true if the specified object is an unsigned 64-bit integer * object. Otherwise, false. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof UInt64)) { return false; } return (((UInt64)o).value.equals(this.value)); } /** * Gets the value as a <code>BigInteger</code> * * @return the add value BigInteger representation of this object */ public void add(BigInteger a) { // BigInteger a = new BigInteger(Integer.toString(shiftBy)); value = ((BigInteger)value).add(a); } /** * Gets the value as a <code>BigInteger</code> * * @return the divide value BigInteger representation of this object */ public void divide(long a) { BigInteger aa = new BigInteger(Long.toString(a)); value = ((BigInteger)value).divide(aa); } /** * Gets the value as a <code>BigInteger</code> * * Stores the value from the division * @return the remainder value BigInteger representation of this object */ public UInt64 divideAndRemainder(long a) { BigInteger aa = new BigInteger(Long.toString(a)); BigInteger[] b = ((BigInteger)value).divideAndRemainder(aa); if (b.length == 2) { value = b[0]; return new UInt64(b[1]); } else { return new UInt64(Integer.toString(-1)); } } /** * Gets the value as a <code>BigInteger</code> * * @return the divide value BigInteger representation of this object */ public void multiply(long a) { BigInteger aa = new BigInteger(Long.toString(a)); value = ((BigInteger)value).multiply(aa); } /** * Gets the value as a <code>BigInteger</code> * * @return the or value BigInteger representation of this object */ public void or(int shiftBy) { BigInteger a = new BigInteger(Integer.toString(shiftBy)); value = ((BigInteger)value).or(a); } /** * Gets the value as a <code>BigInteger</code> * * @return the shuift left BigInteger representation of this object */ public void shiftLeft(int shiftBy) { value = ((BigInteger)value).shiftLeft(shiftBy); } /** * Gets the value as a <code>BigInteger</code> * * @return the shuift right BigInteger representation of this object */ public void shiftRight(int shiftBy) { value = ((BigInteger)value).shiftRight(shiftBy); } /** * Gets the value as a <code>BigInteger</code> * * @return the BigInteger representation of this object */ public BigInteger bigIntValue() { return (BigInteger)value; } /** * Compares this UnsignedInt64 with the specified UnsignedInt64. * This method is provided in preference to individual methods for each of * the six boolean comparison operators * (<, ==, >, >=, !=, <=). The * suggested idiom for performing these comparisons is: * <tt>(x.compareTo(y)</tt> <<i>op</i>> <tt>0)</tt>, * where <<i>op</i>> is one of the six comparison operators. * * @param val Object to which this UnsignedInt64 is to be compared. Throws * a ClassCastException if the input object is not an * UnsignedInt64. * @return -1, 0 or 1 as this UnsignedInt64 is numerically less than, equal * to, or greater than <tt>val</tt>. */ public int compareTo(Object val) { BigInteger a = new BigInteger(val.toString()); return ((BigInteger)value).compareTo(a); } }