package edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2Exception; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.db.DataSourceLookup; public class DataSourceLookupHelper { /** log **/ protected final static Log log = LogFactory .getLog(DataSourceLookupHelper.class); private DataSourceLookupDAO dsLookupDao = null; public DataSourceLookupHelper() throws I2B2Exception { dsLookupDao = DataSourceLookupDAOFactory.getDataSourceLookupDAO(); } public DataSourceLookupDAO getLookupDAO() { return dsLookupDao; } public DataSourceLookup matchDataSource(String hiveId, String projectId, String ownerId) throws I2B2Exception { DataSourceLookup matchedDataSourceLookup = null; List<DataSourceLookup> dataSourceLookupList = null; if (projectId == null) { throw new I2B2Exception( " Project id is null, could not perform datasource lookup for given domain[" + hiveId + "] and owner[" + ownerId + "]"); } if (projectId.equals("@")) { matchedDataSourceLookup = matchHiveOwner(hiveId, ownerId); return matchedDataSourceLookup; } // check if project id contains subprojects, if so then query by first // level subproject if (projectId.endsWith("/") == false) { projectId += "/"; } if (projectId.startsWith("/") == false) { projectId = "/" + projectId; } String[] projectSplit = projectId.split("/"); String filterProjectId = ""; if (projectSplit.length > 2) { filterProjectId = "/" + projectSplit[1] + "/" + projectSplit[2] + "/"; } else { filterProjectId = "/" + projectSplit[1] + "/"; } dataSourceLookupList = dsLookupDao.getDbLookupByHiveProjectOwner( hiveId, filterProjectId, ownerId); // if the project path with two level fails then try with one level if (dataSourceLookupList.size() < 1) { filterProjectId = "/" + projectSplit[1] + "/"; dataSourceLookupList = dsLookupDao.getDbLookupByHiveProjectOwner( hiveId, filterProjectId, ownerId); } if (dataSourceLookupList.size() > 0) { DataSourceLookup matchedDataSource = null; int projectLevel = projectId.length(); boolean matchedFlag = false; String parentProjectId = null; while ((projectLevel = projectId.lastIndexOf('/', projectLevel)) > 0) { parentProjectId = projectId.substring(0, projectLevel + 1); log.debug("Trying with project id :" + parentProjectId); matchedDataSource = match(parentProjectId, ownerId, dataSourceLookupList); if (matchedDataSource != null) { matchedFlag = true; break; } projectLevel = projectId.lastIndexOf('/', projectLevel - 1); } if (matchedFlag) { if (ownerId.equalsIgnoreCase(matchedDataSource.getOwnerId())) {"Located DataSource for hiveId=[" + hiveId + "] projectId=[" + parentProjectId + "] and ownerId =[" + ownerId + "]"); } else {"Located DataSource for hiveId=[" + hiveId + "] projectId=[" + parentProjectId + "]"); } return matchedDataSource; } else {"Could not match Project id=[" + projectId + "] Trying with hive =" + hiveId); matchedDataSourceLookup = matchHiveOwner(hiveId, ownerId); return matchedDataSourceLookup; } } else {"Could not match Project id=[" + projectId + "] Trying with hive =" + hiveId); matchedDataSourceLookup = matchHiveOwner(hiveId, ownerId); return matchedDataSourceLookup; } } private DataSourceLookup matchHiveOwner(String hiveId, String ownerId) throws I2B2Exception { DataSourceLookup matchedDataSourceLookup = null; // check for hive and owner (userid or @) List<DataSourceLookup> dataSourceLookupList = dsLookupDao .getDbLookupByHiveOwner(hiveId, ownerId); if (dataSourceLookupList.size() == 0) { throw new I2B2Exception("Could not locate hive= " + hiveId); } else if (dataSourceLookupList.size() > 0) { boolean matchedFlag = false; for (DataSourceLookup dsLookup : dataSourceLookupList) { if (dsLookup.getOwnerId() != null && dsLookup.getOwnerId().equalsIgnoreCase(ownerId)) { matchedDataSourceLookup = dsLookup; matchedFlag = true; break; } else if (dsLookup.getOwnerId() != null && dsLookup.getOwnerId().equals("@")) { matchedDataSourceLookup = dsLookup; } } if (matchedFlag) {"Located Datasource matching hive=[" + hiveId + "] and owner=[" + ownerId + "]"); } else if (matchedDataSourceLookup != null) {"Located Datasource matching hive=[" + hiveId + " and owner =[@]"); } else { throw new I2B2Exception( "Could not locate Datasource matching hive=[" + hiveId + "] and owner=[" + ownerId + " or @]"); } } return matchedDataSourceLookup; } private DataSourceLookup match(String searchProjectId, String owner, List<DataSourceLookup> dataSourceLookupList) { DataSourceLookup matchedDataSource = null; for (DataSourceLookup dataSourceLookup : dataSourceLookupList) { String lookupProjectId = dataSourceLookup.getProjectPath(); String lookupOwnerId = dataSourceLookup.getOwnerId(); if (searchProjectId.equalsIgnoreCase(lookupProjectId)) { matchedDataSource = dataSourceLookup; if (owner.equalsIgnoreCase(lookupOwnerId)) { break; } } } return matchedDataSource; } }