package edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2Exception; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.db.QtQueryResultType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.setfinder.query.ItemType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.setfinder.query.PanelType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.setfinder.query.PanelType.TotalItemOccurrences; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.setfinder.query.QueryDefinitionRequestType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.setfinder.query.ResultOutputOptionListType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.setfinder.query.ResultOutputOptionType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.util.QueryProcessorUtil; public class CheckSkipTempTable { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CheckSkipTempTable.class); public CheckSkipTempTable() { } public boolean getSkipTempTable(QueryDefinitionRequestType queryDefRequestType, ResultOutputOptionListType resultOutputList ) { boolean patientCountResultTypeFlag = false; boolean notMorethanOneResultType = false, samePanelTiming = true, itemWithStandardConcept = true; boolean totOccurencesMoreThanOne = false, accuracyScaleFlag = false; boolean totConceptCount = true, panelInvert = false; QueryProcessorUtil qpUtil = QueryProcessorUtil.getInstance(); int maxConceptCount = 40; try { String maxConceptCountStr = qpUtil.getCRCPropertyValue(QueryProcessorUtil.SINGLEPANEL_SKIPTEMPTABLE_MAXCONCEPT_PROPERTIES); if (maxConceptCountStr != null) { maxConceptCount = Integer.parseInt(maxConceptCountStr); } else {"Setfinder query without temp table defaulting [" + QueryProcessorUtil.SINGLEPANEL_SKIPTEMPTABLE_MAXCONCEPT_PROPERTIES + "] to 40 "); } } catch (I2B2Exception i2b2Ex) {"Setfinder query without temp table defaulting [" + QueryProcessorUtil.SINGLEPANEL_SKIPTEMPTABLE_MAXCONCEPT_PROPERTIES + "] to 40 "); } //skip table disabled in version 1.7 try { String queryGeneratorVersion = qpUtil .getCRCPropertyValue("edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.setfinder.querygenerator.version"); if (queryGeneratorVersion==null||queryGeneratorVersion.equalsIgnoreCase("1.7")) return false; } catch (I2B2Exception e) { return false; } //check query def query timing if (queryDefRequestType.getQueryDefinition().getQueryTiming() != null) { if (queryDefRequestType.getQueryDefinition().getQueryTiming().trim().length()>0) { if (!queryDefRequestType.getQueryDefinition().getQueryTiming().equalsIgnoreCase("ANY")) { log.debug("Setfinder query without temp table [Querydefinition's query timing is not ANY]"); return false; } } } //check if all panel are same timing and the concept in the panel are regular concepts String prevPanelTiming = null, currPanelTiming = null; List<PanelType> panelList = queryDefRequestType.getQueryDefinition().getPanel(); int conceptCount = 0; for (Iterator<PanelType> iterator = panelList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { PanelType panelType =; TotalItemOccurrences totOcc = panelType.getTotalItemOccurrences(); if (totOcc != null && totOcc.getValue()>1) { totOccurencesMoreThanOne = true; log.debug("Setfinder query without temp table panel's total occurences greater than 1 [ " + totOcc.getValue() + " ]"); break; } /*int accuracyScale = panelType.getPanelAccuracyScale(); if (accuracyScale > 0) { accuracyScaleFlag = true; log.debug("Setfinder query without temp table panel's accuracy scale greater than 1 [ " + accuracyScale + " ]"); break; }*/ //check if the panel timing is ANY currPanelTiming = panelType.getPanelTiming(); if (currPanelTiming != null && currPanelTiming.trim().length()>0) { if (!currPanelTiming.equalsIgnoreCase("ANY")) { log.debug("Setfinder query without temp table the panel timing not ANY, it is [" + currPanelTiming + "]"); samePanelTiming = false; break; } } int invert = panelType.getInvert(); if (invert > 0 ) { log.debug("Setfinder query without temp table the panel invert is ON"); panelInvert = true; break; } //check if the item in the panel is not special item if (panelType.getItem() != null) { List<ItemType> itemList = panelType.getItem(); for (Iterator<ItemType> itemIterator = itemList.iterator();itemIterator.hasNext();) { conceptCount++; ItemType item =; if (!item.getItemKey().trim().startsWith("\\")) { log.debug("Setfinder query without temp table special item check [" + item.getItemKey() + "]"); itemWithStandardConcept = false; break; } //check if the max concept count is reached if (conceptCount>maxConceptCount) { totConceptCount = false; log.debug("Setfinder query without temp table reached the max concept count maxCount [" + maxConceptCount + " ]"); } } } } //check if the result list has only the patient count xml if (resultOutputList != null && resultOutputList.getResultOutput() != null) { if (resultOutputList.getResultOutput().size()<=1) { notMorethanOneResultType = true; } for (Iterator<ResultOutputOptionType> iterator = resultOutputList.getResultOutput().iterator();iterator.hasNext();) { ResultOutputOptionType resultOutputType =; if (resultOutputType.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(QtQueryResultType.PATIENT_COUNT_XML)) { patientCountResultTypeFlag = true; break; } } } if (patientCountResultTypeFlag && notMorethanOneResultType && itemWithStandardConcept && samePanelTiming && totConceptCount && !totOccurencesMoreThanOne && !panelInvert && !accuracyScaleFlag) {"Setfinder query without temp table is [true]"); return true; } else { log.debug("Setfinder query without temp table [false]"); return false; } } }