package com.mongodb.hvdf.test.plugins; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.hvdf.api.Sample; import com.mongodb.hvdf.channels.ChannelInterceptor; import com.mongodb.hvdf.configuration.PluginConfiguration; public class AppendArrayInterceptor extends ChannelInterceptor { private static final String TARGET_FIELD_KEY = "push_field"; private static final String PUSH_VALUE_KEY = "push_value"; // The value to add to the array private String field = null; private Object value = new Integer(0); public AppendArrayInterceptor(PluginConfiguration configuration) { // get the field and value config field = configuration.get(TARGET_FIELD_KEY, String.class); value = configuration.get(PUSH_VALUE_KEY, Object.class); } @Override public void pushSample(DBObject sample, boolean isList, BasicDBList resultList) { if(sample != null && isList){ for(Object sampleObj : (BasicDBList)sample){ pushToDataField((DBObject) sampleObj); } } else{ pushToDataField((DBObject)sample); } // Call forward the interceptor chain, isList, resultList); } private void pushToDataField(DBObject sample){ DBObject data = (DBObject) sample.get(Sample.DATA_KEY); if(data == null){ data = new BasicDBObject(field, new BasicDBList()); sample.put(Sample.DATA_KEY, data); } BasicDBList list = null; Object targetObj = data.get(field); if(targetObj != null && targetObj instanceof BasicDBList){ list = (BasicDBList) targetObj; } else { list = new BasicDBList(); data.put(field, list); } list.add(value); } }