package com.mongodb.hvdf.interceptors; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.hvdf.api.Sample; import com.mongodb.hvdf.api.SampleError; import com.mongodb.hvdf.api.ServiceException; import com.mongodb.hvdf.channels.ChannelInterceptor; import com.mongodb.hvdf.configuration.PluginConfiguration; public class RequiredFieldsInterceptor extends ChannelInterceptor{ public RequiredFieldsInterceptor(PluginConfiguration config){ } @Override public void pushSample(DBObject sample, boolean isList, BasicDBList resultIds) { if(sample != null && isList){ for(Object sampleObj : (BasicDBList)sample){ validate((BasicDBObject) sampleObj, resultIds); } } else{ validate((BasicDBObject)sample, resultIds); } // Call forward the interceptor chain, isList, resultIds); } private void validate(BasicDBObject document, BasicDBList resultIds){ if(document != null){ // First check/retrieve the timestamp long timestamp = 0; Object tsObj = document.get(Sample.TS_KEY); if(tsObj == null){ timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); document.put(Sample.TS_KEY, timestamp); } else{ try{ // Timestamp must be a Long timestamp = (Long)tsObj; } catch(ClassCastException ccex){ try{ // If not a Long, but other Number, convert timestamp = ((Number)tsObj).longValue(); document.put(Sample.TS_KEY, timestamp); } catch(Exception ex){ throw new ServiceException("Illegal type for timestamp", SampleError.INVALID_SAMPLE).set(Sample.TS_KEY, tsObj); } } } } } }