package com.mongodb.hvdf.channels; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI; import com.mongodb.hvdf.MongoBackedService; import com.mongodb.hvdf.configuration.ChannelServiceConfiguration; import; import; import com.mongodb.hvdf.util.JSONParam; import com.mongodb.hvdf.util.MongoDBCommands; import com.yammer.dropwizard.config.Configuration; @ServiceImplementation( name = "DefaultChannelService", dependencies = { }, configClass = ChannelServiceConfiguration.class) public class DefaultChannelService extends MongoBackedService implements ChannelService, ChannelTaskScheduler{ private static final String CHANNEL_CONFIG = "hvdf_channels_"; private final ReentrantReadWriteLock channelLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final Map<String, Channel> channelMap = new HashMap<String, Channel>(); private final Map<String, Map<String, List<ScheduledFuture<?>>>> tasks = new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<ScheduledFuture<?>>>>(); private final ScheduledExecutorService taskExecutor; private final ChannelServiceConfiguration config; public DefaultChannelService( final MongoClientURI dbUri, final ChannelServiceConfiguration config){ super(dbUri, config); this.config = config; if(this.config.channel_task_thread_pool_size > 0){ this.taskExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool( this.config.channel_task_thread_pool_size); } else { this.taskExecutor = null; } } @Override public Channel getChannel(String feedName, String channelName) { // Take the read lock and see if the channel exists Channel channel = null; String fullName = feedName + "-" + channelName; channelLock.readLock().lock(); try{ channel = channelMap.get(fullName); } finally{ channelLock.readLock().unlock(); } if(channel == null){ DBObject channelConfig = getChannelConfiguration(feedName, channelName); channelLock.writeLock().lock(); try{ // make sure it wasnt created between locks channel = channelMap.get(fullName); if(channel == null){ // if still isn't there, build it DB database = getFeedDatabase(feedName); channel = new SimpleChannel(database, feedName, channelName); channel.configure(channelConfig, this); channelMap.put(fullName, channel); } } finally{ channelLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } return channel; } private DB getFeedDatabase(String feedName) { // screech will need to manage having separate servers // configurable for individual feeds, for now it uses // the server configured for all of them. return this.client.getDB(feedName); } private DBCollection getChannelConfigCollection(String feedName) { DB configDb = this.client.getDB("config"); return configDb.getCollection(CHANNEL_CONFIG + feedName); } @Override public DBObject getChannelConfiguration(String feedName, String channelName) { DBCollection configColl = getChannelConfigCollection(feedName); return configColl.findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", channelName)); } @Override public void configureChannel(String feedName, String channelName, JSONParam channelConfig) { // Now store the channel config persistently DBCollection configColl = getChannelConfigCollection(feedName); BasicDBObject newConfig = new BasicDBObject(); newConfig.putAll(channelConfig.toDBObject()); newConfig.put("_id", channelName); // NOTE : Switched to using a command for this update since we want // to store index configuration natively, but they often contain periods // in their field names. Using a command avoids the client side checking // which prohibits this and allows use of the "config" db on the server. // // configColl.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", channelName), newConfig, true, false); MongoDBCommands.update(configColl, new BasicDBObject("_id", channelName), newConfig, true, false); } @Override public void shutdown(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { // If this instance is running tasks, then schedule it if(this.taskExecutor != null){ this.taskExecutor.shutdown(); } // TODO: Flush all channels to ensure any batching etc completes // call to the channel service super.shutdown(timeout, unit);; } @Override public Configuration getConfiguration() { return this.config; } @Override public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleTask( String feedName, String channelName, ChannelTask task, long msPeriod) { // If this instance is running tasks, then schedule it if(this.taskExecutor != null){ List<ScheduledFuture<?>> channelList = getChannelTaskList(feedName, channelName); ScheduledFuture<?> handle = this.taskExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay( task, msPeriod, msPeriod, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); channelList.add(handle); return handle; } return null; } @Override public void cancelAllForChannel(String feedName, String channelName) { List<ScheduledFuture<?>> channelList = getChannelTaskList(feedName, channelName); for(ScheduledFuture<?> toCancel : channelList){ toCancel.cancel(false); } } private List<ScheduledFuture<?>> getChannelTaskList(String feedName, String channelName){ Map<String, List<ScheduledFuture<?>>> feedList = this.tasks.get(feedName); if(feedList == null){ feedList = new HashMap<String, List<ScheduledFuture<?>>>(); this.tasks.put(feedName, feedList); } List<ScheduledFuture<?>> channelList = feedList.get(channelName); if(channelList == null){ channelList = new ArrayList<ScheduledFuture<?>>(); feedList.put(channelName, channelList); } return channelList; } }