package com.mongodb.hvdf.async; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI; import com.mongodb.MongoException; import com.mongodb.hvdf.MongoBackedService; import com.mongodb.hvdf.api.ServiceException; import com.mongodb.hvdf.configuration.AsyncServiceConfiguration; import; import; import com.yammer.dropwizard.config.Configuration; @ServiceImplementation( name = "DefaultAsyncService", dependencies = { }, configClass = AsyncServiceConfiguration.class) public class DefaultAsyncService extends MongoBackedService implements AsyncService{ private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultAsyncService.class); private AsyncTaskExecutor executor; private final DBCollection recoveryColl; private final AsyncServiceConfiguration config; private final String signature; private Timer recoveryTimer; // Worker registration private short workerTaskTypeId; private AsyncWorker worker; private volatile boolean shutdown = false; public DefaultAsyncService(final MongoClientURI dbUri, final AsyncServiceConfiguration config){ super(dbUri, config); this.config = config; this.recoveryColl = this.database.getCollection(config.recovery_collection_name); this.recoveryColl.createIndex( new BasicDBObject(RecoveryRecord.STATE_KEY, 1)); // Get the identifier for this processor instance if(config.service_signature.isEmpty() == true){ signature = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); } else { signature = config.service_signature; } // If the processing thread pool is configured, create an executor final int threadCount = config.processing_thread_pool_size; if(threadCount > 0){ createExecutor(threadCount); } else { this.executor = null; } // If recovery is enabled, set the recovery timer if(this.executor != null && config.recovery_poll_time >= 0){ this.recoveryTimer = new Timer(); this.recoveryTimer.schedule( new RecoveryTimerTask(this), config.recovery_poll_time); } else { this.recoveryTimer = null; } } // from TimerTask public void recoverTasks() { synchronized(recoveryTimer){ if(this.worker != null && !this.shutdown){ // While there are tasks to process, then keep doing them RecoveryRecord recoveredTask = getTaskToRecover(); while(recoveredTask != null){ this.executor.execute(new AsyncReplayTask(this.worker, recoveredTask)); if(this.shutdown) recoveredTask = null; else recoveredTask = getTaskToRecover(); } } try{ this.recoveryTimer.schedule( new RecoveryTimerTask(this), config.recovery_poll_time); } catch(Exception e) {/* ignore due to cancelled timer */} } } private RecoveryRecord getTaskToRecover() { DBObject document = null; // If configured to recover failed tasks, prefer these if(this.config.failure_recovery_timeout > 0){ // Grab a qualifying task and update to processing document = this.recoveryColl.findAndModify( RecoveryRecord.findTimedOut( this.workerTaskTypeId, this.config.failure_recovery_timeout), RecoveryRecord.oldestFirst(), RecoveryRecord.updateAsProcessing(this.signature)); } // If no timed out task is found, look for an available if(document == null){ document = this.recoveryColl.findAndModify( RecoveryRecord.findEligible( this.workerTaskTypeId, this.config.max_task_failures), RecoveryRecord.oldestFirst(), RecoveryRecord.updateAsProcessing(this.signature)); } else{ logger.warn("Recovering timed out task : {}", document); } if(document != null){ return new RecoveryRecord(document); } return null; } @Override public void submitTask(RecoverableAsyncTask task) { // Get the recovery RecoveryRecord record = task.getRecoveryRecord(); // If we intend to process, write the recovery record if(isProcessingLocally()){ record.markAsProcessing(this.signature); } try{ // needs to be journaled this.recoveryColl.insert(record.toDBObject()); } catch(MongoException ex){ // If we failed to write at all, this is a complete // failure, we need to flow this out to the caller // or try to do the post synchronously throw ServiceException.wrap(ex, AsyncError.CANNOT_WRITE_RECOVERY_RECORD); } // If this is a processor instance, post it to the executor if(isProcessingLocally()){ this.executor.execute(task); } } @Override public void taskRejected(RecoverableAsyncTask task) { // These are the only types of tasks RecoverableAsyncTask asyncTask = (RecoverableAsyncTask)task; if(this.config.persist_rejected_tasks == true && asyncTask.synchronousOnReject() == false){ // Need to flag it as available for processing RecoveryRecord record = asyncTask.getRecoveryRecord(); this.recoveryColl.update( RecoveryRecord.findById(record), RecoveryRecord.updateAsAvailable()); } else { // if not queuing, then run this task synchronously // which will block the original submitter Throwable taskException = null; try{; } catch(Exception e) { taskException = e; } executor.afterExecute(asyncTask, taskException); } } @Override public void taskComplete(RecoverableAsyncTask task) { RecoveryRecord record = task.getRecoveryRecord(); // The processor has completed a task, so it needs to be // cleared in the task collection this.recoveryColl.remove(RecoveryRecord.findById(record)); } @Override public void taskFailed(RecoverableAsyncTask task, Throwable cause) { RecoveryRecord record = task.getRecoveryRecord(); // The worker failed a task, attempt to write/record the failure // Mark it as failed and increment a counter. this.recoveryColl.update( RecoveryRecord.findById(record), RecoveryRecord.updateAsFailed()); } @Override public void registerRecoveryService( AsyncTaskType taskTypeId, AsyncWorker worker) { // At this time we only have a single task type // TODO : will need to be a map when multiple types are supported this.workerTaskTypeId =; this.worker = worker; } @Override public Configuration getConfiguration() { return this.config; } @Override public void shutdown(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { logger.debug("Shutting down async service [{}]....", timeout); // Cancel any impending recovery task if(this.recoveryTimer != null){ this.shutdown = true; this.recoveryTimer.cancel(); synchronized(recoveryTimer){} } // Shut down the task executor if one exists if(this.executor != null){ this.executor.shutdown(); try { this.executor.awaitTermination(timeout, unit); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("Wait for shutdown interrupted, shutting down now !"); List<Runnable> incompleteList = this.executor.shutdownNow(); for(Runnable incompleteItem : incompleteList){ taskRejected((RecoverableAsyncTask) incompleteItem); } } } // Call through for cleanup on MongoDB connection super.shutdown(timeout, unit); } private void createExecutor(int threadCount) { // Create the right queue type for the configured size final int maxQueueSize = config.async_tasks_max_queue_size; BlockingQueue<Runnable> taskQueue = null; if(maxQueueSize <= 0){ taskQueue = new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(); } else { taskQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(maxQueueSize); } // Setup the thread pool executor this.executor = new AsyncTaskExecutor(this, threadCount, threadCount, (BlockingQueue<Runnable>) taskQueue); } private boolean isProcessingLocally() { return this.executor != null; } }