/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Grameen Foundation USA * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * * See also http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html for an * explanation of the license and how it is applied. */ package org.mifos.application.accounting.util.helpers; public interface SimpleAccountingConstants { String LOADOFFICES = "loadOffices"; String LOADMAINACCOUNTS = "loadMainAccounts"; String LOADACCOUNTHEADS = "loadAccountHeads"; String SUBMIT = "submit"; String PREVIEW = "preview"; String PROCESS = "process"; String INACTIVE ="I"; String ACTIVE ="A"; String ENTER_GRETERTHAN="errors.greterthan"; // FIXME: add underbars for readability String LOADSUCCESS = "load_success"; String SUBMITSUCCESS = "submit_success"; String SUBMIT_FAILURE = "submit_failure"; String METHOD = "method"; String LOADMETHOD = "load"; String CANCELMETHOD = "cancel"; String SUBMITMETHOD = "submit"; String VALIDATEMETHOD = "validate"; String INVALID_TRXN_DATE = "errors.invaliddate"; String MANDATORYFIELDS = "errors.mandatoryselect"; String MANDATORYENTER = "errors.mandatoryenter"; String INVALIDDATE = "errors.invaliddate"; String INVALID_FUTURE = "errors.invaliddatefuture"; String INVALID_PAST = "errors.invaliddatepast"; String TRXNDATE = "simpleAccounting.trxnDate"; String TO_TRXNDATE = "simpleAccounting.toTrxnDate"; String FROM_TRXNDATE = "simpleAccounting.fromTrxnDate"; String VOUCHERDATE = "simpleAccounting.voucherDate"; String LASTPROCESSDATE = "simpleAccounting.lastProcessDate"; String PROCESSTILLDATE = "simpleAccounting.processTillDate"; String GROUPBY = "simpleAccounting.groupBy"; String FINANCIALYEAR = "simpleAccounting.financialYear"; String COANAME = "simpleAccounting.coaName"; String OPENBALANCE = "simpleAccounting.openBalance"; String TRXNTYPE = "simpleAccounting.trxnType"; String CASHDATE = "simpleAccounting.chequeDate"; String OFFICE_HIERARCHY = "simpleAccounting.officeHeirarchy"; String OFFICE = "simpleAccounting.office"; String MAIN_ACCOUNT = "simpleAccounting.mainAccount"; String DEBIT_ACCOUNT = "simpleAccounting.debitAccount"; String ACCOUNT_HEAD = "simpleAccounting.accountHead"; String CREDIT_ACCOUNT = "simpleAccounting.creditAccount"; String BRANCH_NAME="simpleAccounting.branch"; String AMOUNT = "simpleAccounting.amount"; String CHEQUE_NO = "simpleAccounting.chequeNo"; String CHEQUE_DATE = "simpleAccounting.chequeDate"; String BANK_NAME = "simpleAccounting.bankName"; String BANK_BRANCH = "simpleAccounting.bankBranch"; String TRXN_NOTES = "simpleAccounting.trxnNotes"; String VOUCHER_NOTES = "simpleAccounting.voucherNotes"; String BRANCHOFFICE = "simpleAccounting.branchoffice"; String ERRORS_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO = "errors.mustBeGreaterThanZero"; String PICKDATE = "pickDate"; String AUDIT = "simpleAccounting.audit"; String AUDIT_COMMENTS = "simpleAccounting.auditComments"; String INVALID_CHEQUE_DATE = "error.invaliddate"; String APPROVE ="approve"; String REJECT ="reject"; }