package org.kisst.props4j; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class Parser { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleProps.class); private final File file; private final BufferedReader inp; private char lastchar; private boolean eof=false; private boolean useLastChar=false; private int line=1; private int pos=0; public Parser(Reader inp, File f) { this.file=f; if (inp instanceof BufferedReader) this.inp=(BufferedReader) inp; else this.inp=new BufferedReader(inp); } public Parser(InputStream inpstream) { this(new InputStreamReader(inpstream), null); } //private File getFile() { return file; } private File getPath(String path) { if (file==null) return new File(path); else if (file.isDirectory()) return new File(file,path); else return new File(file.getParent(), path); } private char getLastChar() { return lastchar; } private boolean eof() {return eof; } private void unread() { useLastChar=true; } private char read() { if (useLastChar) { useLastChar=false; return lastchar; } int ch; try { do { ch =; } while (ch=='\r'); // ignore all carriage returns } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParseException(e); } if (ch=='\n') { line++; pos=0; } else pos++; if (ch<0) eof=true; else lastchar=(char)ch; return lastchar; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String readIdentifier() { skipWhitespaceAndComments(); StringBuilder result=new StringBuilder(); while (! eof()){ char ch=read(); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch=='_') result.append(ch); else { unread(); break; } } return result.toString(); } private String readIdentifierPath() { skipWhitespaceAndComments(); StringBuilder result=new StringBuilder(); while (! eof()){ char ch=read(); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch=='.' || ch=='_') result.append(ch); else { unread(); break; } } return result.toString(); } private String readDoubleQuotedString() { return readUntil("\"").trim(); } //private String readSingleQuotedString() { return readUntil("\'").trim(); } private String readUnquotedString() { return readUntil("\n").trim(); } private String readUntil(String endchars) { StringBuilder result=new StringBuilder(); while (! eof()){ char ch=read(); if (eof()) break; if (ch=='\\') { ch=read(); if (eof()) break; if (ch!='\n') result.append(ch); } else { if (endchars.indexOf(ch)>=0) break; result.append(ch); } } if (eof()) { if (result.length()==0) return null; } return result.toString(); } private void skipWhitespaceAndComments() { while (! eof()){ char ch=read(); if (ch=='#') { skipLine(); continue; } if (ch!=' ' && ch!='\t' && ch!='\n' && ch!='\r') { unread(); return; } } } private void skipLine() { while (! eof()){ char ch=read(); if (ch=='\n') break; } } public class ParseException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ParseException(String message) { super("Parse exception: file "+file+", line:"+line+" pos: "+pos+": "+message); } public ParseException(Exception e) { super("Parse exception: file "+file+", line:"+line+" pos: "+pos+": "+e.getMessage(), e); } } private Object readObject() { return readObject(null, null); } private Object readObject(SimpleProps parent, String name) { skipWhitespaceAndComments(); while (! eof()){ char ch=read(); if (eof()) return null; if (ch == '{' ) { return readMap(parent, name); } else if (ch == '[' ) return readList(); else if (ch == '(' ) return readParamList(); else if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n') continue; else if (ch=='"') return replaceVars(readDoubleQuotedString(), parent, name); else if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch=='/' || ch=='.' || ch==':' || ch=='$') { String result=ch+readUnquotedString(); if (parent==null || name==null) return result; return replaceVars(result,parent, name); } else if (ch=='@') return readSpecialObject(); } return null; } private String replaceVars(String str, Props props, String logname) { if (logname==null) throw new RuntimeException(str+"\t"+props); if (str.startsWith("dynamic:")) return str; int pos=str.indexOf("${"); if (pos<0) return str; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int pos0=0; while (pos>=0) { int pos2=str.indexOf("}",pos); if (pos2<0) throw new ParseException("${ without ending }"); result.append(str.subSequence(pos0, pos)); String var=str.substring(pos+2,pos2); boolean toLowerCase=false; boolean toUpperCase=false; if (var.endsWith("?lower_case")) { var=var.substring(0, var.length()-11); toLowerCase = true; } if (var.endsWith("?upper_case")) { var=var.substring(0, var.length()-11); toUpperCase = true; } String value= searchValue(var, props); if (value==null) { logger.error("In ***"+logname+" could not substitute variable ${"+var+"} in expression "+str); value="??"+var+"??"; } if (toLowerCase) value=value.toLowerCase(); else if (toUpperCase) value=value.toUpperCase(); result.append(value); pos0=pos2+1; pos=str.indexOf("${",pos0); } result.append(str.substring(pos0));"Variable substitution for var {} from {} to "+result.toString(), logname, str); return result.toString(); } private String searchValue(String var, Props props) { if (var.trim().startsWith("ENV:")) { var=var.trim().substring(4); String result = System.getProperty(var); if (result!=null) return result; return System.getenv(var); } Props p=props; String value=null; while (p!=null) { value=p.getString(var, null); // TODO: should also work if not a String if (value!=null) break; p=p.getParent(); } return value; } private Object readSpecialObject() { String type=readUntil("(;").trim(); if (type.equals("file")) { String filename=readUntil(")").trim(); return getPath(filename); } else if (type.equals("null")) return null; else throw new ParseException("Unknown special object type @"+type); } private Object readList() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } private Object readParamList() { // A paramlist is like a list, but may also contain keyword parameters // TODO: currently it is just like an object with parenthesis Object result=readObject(); skipWhitespaceAndComments(); if (getLastChar()!=')') throw new ParseException("parameter list should end with )"); return result; } private SimpleProps readMap(SimpleProps parent, String name) { SimpleProps map=new SimpleProps(parent, name); fillMap(map); return map; } public void fillMap(SimpleProps map) { while (! eof()) { skipWhitespaceAndComments(); char ch=read(); if (ch=='}') break; // map has ended else if (ch=='@'){ String cmd=readIdentifierPath(); if (cmd.equals("include")) include(map,this); continue; } else if (ch==';') continue; // ignore else if (Character.isLetter(ch) || ch=='_') { unread(); String key=readIdentifierPath(); skipWhitespaceAndComments(); if (getLastChar() == '=' || getLastChar() ==':' ) { SimpleProps keyparent=map.getParentForKeyWithCreate(key); map.put(key, readObject(keyparent, key)); } else if (getLastChar() == '+') { char ch2 = read(); if (ch2 != '=') throw new ParseException("+ should only be used in +="); throw new ParseException("+= not yet supported"); } else throw new ParseException("field assignment "+key+" in map "+map.getFullName()+" should have =, : or +=, not "+ch); } else if (eof()) break; else throw new ParseException("when parsing map "+map.getFullName()+" unexpected character "+getLastChar()); } } private void include(SimpleProps map, Parser inp) { boolean recurse=false; String postfix=null; Object o=readObject(); File f=null; if (o instanceof File) f=(File) o; else if (o instanceof String) { String name=(String) o; if (name.indexOf("${")>0) name=replaceVars(name,map,"@include"); int pos=name.indexOf("**/*"); if (pos>0) { postfix=name.substring(pos+4); recurse=true; name=name.substring(0,pos); } pos=name.indexOf('*'); if (pos>0) { postfix=name.substring(pos+1); name=name.substring(0,pos); } f=inp.getPath(name); } else throw ParseException("unknown type of object to include "+o); if (f.isFile()) map.load(f); else if (f.isDirectory()) includeDir(map, f, postfix, recurse); } private void includeDir(SimpleProps map, File dir, String postfix, boolean recurse) { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); // TODO: filter for (File f2: files) { if (f2.isDirectory() && recurse) includeDir(map, f2, postfix, recurse); else { if (postfix!=null && ! f2.getName().endsWith(postfix)) continue; if (f2.isFile()) map.load(f2); } } } }