package org.kisst.jms; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import javax.jms.Destination; import javax.jms.JMSException; import javax.jms.Message; import javax.jms.MessageConsumer; import javax.jms.MessageProducer; import javax.jms.Queue; import javax.jms.QueueBrowser; import javax.jms.Session; import javax.jms.TextMessage; import org.kisst.gft.LogService; import org.kisst.props4j.Props; import org.kisst.util.TemplateUtil; import org.kisst.util.TimeWindowList; import org.kisst.util.exception.FunctionalException; import org.kisst.util.exception.HasDetails; import org.kisst.util.exception.MappedStateException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class JmsListener implements Runnable { private final static Logger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(JmsListener.class); private final JmsSystem system; private MessageHandler handler; private final Props props; public final String queue; public final String errorqueue; public final boolean useJmsPropsForErrorMessages; //public final String retryqueue; private final int receiveErrorRetries; private final int receiveErrorRetryDelay; private final long interval; private final TimeWindowList forbiddenTimes; private Session session = null; private Queue destination = null; private MessageConsumer consumer = null; private boolean browseMode=true; private boolean running=false; private String messageId=null; Thread thread; public JmsListener(JmsSystem system, MessageHandler handler, Props props, Object context) { this.system=system; this.props=props; this.handler=handler; this.interval=props.getLong("interval",5000); this.queue=TemplateUtil.processTemplate(props.getString("queue"), context); this.errorqueue=TemplateUtil.processTemplate(props.getString("errorqueue"), context); //this.retryqueue=TemplateUtil.processTemplate(props.getString("retryqueue"), context); this.receiveErrorRetries = props.getInt("receiveErrorRetries", 1000); this.receiveErrorRetryDelay = props.getInt("receiveErrorRetryDelay", 60000); this.useJmsPropsForErrorMessages=props.getBoolean("useJmsPropsForErrorMessages", true); String timewindow=props.getString("forbiddenTimes", null); if (timewindow==null) this.forbiddenTimes=null; else this.forbiddenTimes=new TimeWindowList(timewindow); } public String getStatus() { if (messageId!=null) return "WORKING "+messageId; if (! running) return "STOPPED"; if (browseMode) return "PAUZED"; return "LISTENING"; } public boolean isActive() { return running && ! browseMode; } public String toString() { return "JmsListener("+queue+")"; } public boolean isForbiddenTime() { return forbiddenTimes!=null && forbiddenTimes.isTimeInWindow(); } public synchronized void start() {"Starting Listener {}",this); if (thread!=null) logger.warn("Listener already started"); else { running=true; thread=new Thread(this); thread.start(); } } public void stop() {"Stopping Listener {}",this); running=false; Thread t=thread; if (t!=null) { try { t.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e);}"Stopped Listener {}",this); } } public void run() { // Always start in browse mode, to check for stop messages // If one would receive the stop message, other threads/machines might temporarily // not see it, and pick-up the next message"Started Listener on queue {}",queue); enterBrowseMode(); try { while (running) { Message message=null; message = getMessage(); if (message!=null) { try { this.messageId=message.getJMSMessageID(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("handling message {}",message.getJMSMessageID()); handleMessage(message); } finally { this.messageId=null; } } } } catch (Throwable e) { // DLL link errors logger.error("Unrecoverable error during listening, stopped listening", e); String hostName="unknown"; try { hostName =; } catch (UnknownHostException e1) {/* ignore, is only nice to have info for logging purposes */ } LogService.log("error", "StoppingListener", "Listener", hostName, "Unrecoverable error during listening, stopped listening thread "+thread.getName()+" on host "+ hostName+": "+e.getMessage()); if (props.getBoolean("exitOnUnrecoverableListenerError", false)) System.exit(1); } finally { thread=null; running=false;"Stopped listening to queue {}", queue); closeSession(); } } private Message getMessage() throws JMSException { if (isForbiddenTime()) { logger.debug("Sleeping for {} millisecs because of forbiddenTime", interval); sleepSomeTime(interval); return null; } int retryCount=0; try { if (checkBrowseMode()) return null; openConsumer(); Message message = consumer.receive(interval); if (message!=null) { if (ControlMessage.isStopMessage(message)) {"Received a stop message on queue {}, rolling back the stop message",queue); session.rollback(); // put the message back on the queue closeSession(); // recover the session so it will see the stop message enterBrowseMode(); return null; } else if (ControlMessage.isStartMessage(message)) {"Ignoring a received a start message on queue {}, because is already started",queue); session.commit(); // remove the start message return null; } return message; } retryCount=0; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error when receiving JMS message on queue "+queue, e); if (retryCount++ > receiveErrorRetries) throw new RuntimeException("too many receive retries for queue "+queue); closeSession();"sleeping for "+receiveErrorRetryDelay+" milliseconds for retrying listening to "+queue); sleepSomeTime(receiveErrorRetryDelay); } return null; } private void enterBrowseMode() {"Entering browse mode on queue {}",queue); browseMode=true; } /** * Will browse the top of the queue for starting or stopping messages * If multiple starting/stopping message are available all but the last will be removed * If the last message is a start message it will be removed as well */ private boolean checkBrowseMode() { if (! browseMode) return false; QueueBrowser browser=null; ArrayList<String> removeList=new ArrayList<String>(); try { openSession(); browser = session.createBrowser(destination); logger.debug("browsing for a message"); Enumeration<?> e = browser.getEnumeration(); Message lastMessage=null; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Message msg = (Message) e.nextElement(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("browsing message with id {}, content {}",msg.getJMSMessageID(),((TextMessage) msg).getText()); if (ControlMessage.isStopMessage(msg) || ControlMessage.isStartMessage(msg)) { if (lastMessage!=null) {"Removing control message from queue {} because there is a newer control messages",queue); removeList.add(lastMessage.getJMSMessageID()); } lastMessage=msg; } else break; } if (lastMessage==null) // there were no control message on queue, no reason to stay in browsemode browseMode=false; else if (ControlMessage.isStopMessage(lastMessage)) { sleepSomeTime(this.interval); } else if (ControlMessage.isStartMessage(lastMessage)) { // startMessage may be removed"Removing start message from queue {} because it is the last control message",queue); removeList.add(lastMessage.getJMSMessageID()); browseMode=false; } closeSession(); if (!removeMessages(removeList)) { logger.warn("Could not remove some messages, so staying in browse mode",queue); browseMode=true; } if (! browseMode)"Exiting browse mode on queue {}",queue); return browseMode; } catch (JMSException e) { throw JmsUtil.wrapJMSException(e); } finally { try { if (browser!=null) browser.close(); } catch (JMSException e) { throw JmsUtil.wrapJMSException(e); } } } private boolean removeMessages(ArrayList<String> removeList) { try { closeSession(); openSession(); //consumer.close(); for (String msgid:removeList) { String selector = "JMSMessageID='" +msgid+ "'"; logger.debug("Removing message [{}] from queue {} ",selector, queue); MessageConsumer cons2=null; try { cons2 = session.createConsumer(destination, selector); Message msg = cons2.receive(2000); if (msg==null) { logger.warn("Could not find for removal a message with id {} ",msgid); return false; } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { String body = ((TextMessage)msg).getText(); logger.debug("Removing message [{}] from queue {} with content: "+body,selector, queue); } session.commit(); } finally { if (cons2!=null) cons2.close(); } } closeSession(); } catch (JMSException e) { throw JmsUtil.wrapJMSException(e); } return true; } private void sleepSomeTime(long delay) { try { Thread.sleep(delay); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e1); } } private void closeSession() { if (session==null) return; try { if (consumer!=null) consumer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Ignoring error when trying to close already suspicious consumer",e); } consumer=null; try { session.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Ignoring error when trying to close already suspicious session",e); } session=null; } private void openSession() throws JMSException { if (session!=null) return; session = system.getConnection().createSession(true, Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED); destination = session.createQueue(queue); consumer=null; } private void openConsumer() throws JMSException { if (consumer!=null) return; openSession(); consumer = session.createConsumer(destination); } private void handleMessage(Message message) { boolean messageHandled = false; try { logger.debug("Handling {}",message.getJMSMessageID()); handler.handle(new JmsMessage(message)); messageHandled = true; } catch (Exception e) { try { String code="TECHERR"; if (e instanceof FunctionalException) code="FUNCERR"; String text=null; if (message instanceof TextMessage) text=code+": "+e.getMessage()+". When handling JMS message "+((TextMessage) message).getText(); else text=code+": "+e.getMessage()+". When handling JMS message of type "+ message.getClass(); if (e instanceof HasDetails) text+=((HasDetails)e).getDetails(); logger.error(text,e); if (e instanceof JMSException) { Exception linked = ((JMSException) e).getLinkedException(); if (e!=null) logger.error("LinkedException: ", linked); } putInErrorQueue(message, e); messageHandled=true; } catch (JMSException e2) { throw JmsUtil.wrapJMSException(e2); } } finally { // The check for messageHandled is necessary because a Throwable error will not put the message on the error queue // so the message should not be committed in this case. if (message!=null && messageHandled) { try { logger.debug("committing session with message {}", message.getJMSMessageID()); session.commit(); } catch (JMSException e) { throw JmsUtil.wrapJMSException(e); } } } } private void putInErrorQueue(Message message, Exception e) throws JMSException { String equeue=errorqueue; //if (e instanceof RetryableException) // queue=retryqueue; Destination errordestination = session.createQueue(equeue+system.sendParams); MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(errordestination); Message errmsg=JmsUtil.cloneMessage(session, message); if (useJmsPropsForErrorMessages && e instanceof MappedStateException) { JmsUtil.prepareDestinationForJmsHeaders(errordestination); Object prevTry = errmsg.getObjectProperty("state_TIME"); String prevdate="unknowndate"; if (prevTry instanceof String) prevdate=(String) prevTry; MappedStateException me = (MappedStateException) e; me.addState("INPUT_QUEUE", queue); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_SSS"); String timestamp=formatter.format(new Date()); for (String key: me.getKeys()) { String value=null; try{ value=me.getState(key); key="state_"+key; if (value==null || value.length()==0) continue; Object oldValue=errmsg.getObjectProperty(key); if (oldValue!=null) { if (key.equals("state_ACTION") || key.equals("state_ERROR") || ! oldValue.equals(value) ) errmsg.setObjectProperty(key+"_"+prevdate, oldValue);// remember old value with a key that should be unique } errmsg.setStringProperty(key, value); } catch (RuntimeException e2) { logger.warn("could not set JMS property ["+key+"] to value ["+value+"]",e2); } } errmsg.setStringProperty("state_TIME", timestamp); } producer.send(errmsg); producer.close(); String id = errmsg.getJMSMessageID(); if (id.startsWith("ID:")) id=id.substring(3);"message sent to error queue {} with id {}",equeue,id); } }