package org.kisst.gft.poller; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.kisst.gft.LogService; import org.kisst.gft.action.ActionList; import org.kisst.gft.admin.WritesHtml; import org.kisst.gft.filetransfer.FileCouldNotBeMovedException; import org.kisst.gft.filetransfer.FileServer; import org.kisst.gft.filetransfer.FileServerConnection; import org.kisst.gft.filetransfer.PollerTask; import org.kisst.gft.task.BasicTaskDefinition; import org.kisst.gft.task.Task; import org.kisst.props4j.Props; import org.kisst.util.TemplateUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class PollerJob extends BasicTaskDefinition implements WritesHtml { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PollerJob.class); private static Class<?> defaultAction=null; // TODO: better defaultAction public static void setDefaultAcion(Class<?> defaultAction) { PollerJob.defaultAction=defaultAction; } public interface Action extends org.kisst.gft.action.Action { public boolean deleteInProgressFile(); } private final Action flow; private final Poller parent; private final String dir; private final String moveToDir; private final String extension; private final String[] ignorePatterns; private final int maxNrofMoveTries; private final boolean deleteInProgressFile; private final boolean pollForEntireDirectories; private final boolean checkIfFileIsLocked; private final long minimumSize; // TODO: the map of known files should be cleared once a file disappears outside of the poller, // e.g. when it has been handled by a poller on another machine. private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Snapshot> known = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Snapshot>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> retries = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>(); private HashMap<String,String> ignoredFiles = new HashMap<String,String>(); private final FileServer fileserver; private final String logname; private final int maxNrofConsecutivePollProblems; private int delay; private boolean paused = false; private int runs = 0; private int successes = 0; private int errors = 0; private int nrofDetectedFiles=0; private int nrofIgnoredFiles=0; private int nrofInProgressFiles=0; private int nrofConsecutivePollProblems=0; public String currentFile; private PollerJobListener listener = new DummyListener(); public PollerJob(Poller parent,Props props) { super(parent.gft, props); this.flow=(Action) ActionList.createAction(gft, this, defaultAction); this.parent=parent; this.fileserver = null; // TODO: remove delay = props.getInt("delay", 10000); dir = TemplateUtil.processTemplate(props.getString("pollerDirectory"),gft.getContext()); String ext = props.getString("extension",null); if (ext!=null && ext.startsWith("*")) ext=ext.substring(1); this.extension=ext; String tmp = props.getString("ignorePatterns",null); if (tmp==null || tmp.trim().length()==0) this.ignorePatterns=new String[0]; else { String[] parts = tmp.split("[|]"); this.ignorePatterns=new String[parts.length]; for (int i=0; i<parts.length; i++) ignorePatterns[i]=parts[i].trim(); } moveToDir = TemplateUtil.processTemplate(props.getString("moveToDirectory"),gft.getContext()); deleteInProgressFile = props.getBoolean("deleteInProgressFile", flow.deleteInProgressFile()); pollForEntireDirectories = props.getBoolean("pollForEntireDirectories", false); checkIfFileIsLocked = props.getBoolean("checkIfFileIsLocked", false); minimumSize= props.getLong("minimumSize", 0); paused = props.getBoolean("paused", false); this.maxNrofConsecutivePollProblems=props.getInt("maxNrofMoveTries", 10); this.maxNrofMoveTries=props.getInt("maxNrofMoveTries", 3); if (pollForEntireDirectories) logname="directory"; else logname="file"; } @Override public Action getFlow() { return this.flow;} public FileServer getFileServer() { if (fileserver==null) return parent.getFileServer(); else return this.fileserver; } public void runOnce(FileServerConnection parentfsconn) { if (isPaused()) return; listener.updateGuiStatus(name, true); listener.updateGuiRuns(name, runs++); FileServerConnection fsconn = parentfsconn; boolean success=false; if (fileserver != null) fsconn = fileserver.openConnection(); try { pollOnce(fsconn); listener.updateGuiStatus(name, false); success=true; } finally { if (success) nrofConsecutivePollProblems=0; else { nrofConsecutivePollProblems++; if (nrofConsecutivePollProblems>maxNrofConsecutivePollProblems) LogService.log("error", "PausingPoller", getFullName(), dir, "Pausing pollerJob after "+nrofConsecutivePollProblems+" problems"); } if (fileserver != null && fsconn != null) fsconn.close(); } } public void setPaused(boolean paused) { this.paused = paused;"Folder {} pause = {}", dir, paused); } public String getFullName() { return parent.getName()+"."+name; } public String getShortName() { return name; } public String getName() { return parent.getName()+"."+name; } public String getDir() { return dir; } public String getMoveToDir() { return moveToDir; } public int getRuns() { return runs; } public int getSuccesses() { return successes; } public int getErrors() { return errors; } public boolean isPaused() { return paused || nrofConsecutivePollProblems>maxNrofConsecutivePollProblems || parent.isPaused(); } public int getNumberOfDetectedFiles() { return nrofDetectedFiles; } public int getNumberOfProblematicFiles() { return nrofIgnoredFiles; } public int getNumberOfInProgressFiles() { return nrofInProgressFiles; } public int getNumberOfConsecutiveProblems() { return nrofConsecutivePollProblems; } public synchronized void reset() { known.clear(); retries.clear(); nrofConsecutivePollProblems=0; } public void setListener(PollerJobListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } private void pollOnce(FileServerConnection fsconn) { // Verwerking voor een bestand in een directory HashMap<String,String> tmpIgnoredFiles=new HashMap<String,String>(); logger.debug("getting {}-list in directory {}", logname, dir); int tmpnrofIgnoredFiles=0; int tmpnrofDetectedFiles=0; for (String filename : fsconn.getDirectoryEntries(dir).keySet()) { if (".".equals(filename) || "..".equals(filename)) continue; if (extension!=null && ! filename.endsWith(extension)) continue; String pattern=ignoreFileByPattern(filename); if (pattern!=null) { tmpIgnoredFiles.put(filename, "this file fits the ignorePattern: "+pattern); continue; } tmpnrofDetectedFiles++; String reason = shouldFileBeIgnored(fsconn, filename); if (reason!=null) { tmpIgnoredFiles.put(filename, reason); tmpnrofIgnoredFiles++; continue; } " - {} {} gevonden, controleren tot er geen wijzigingen meer zijn.", logname, filename); if (isFileNotChangingAnymore(fsconn, filename)) processFile(fsconn, filename); } this.nrofDetectedFiles=tmpnrofDetectedFiles; this.nrofIgnoredFiles=tmpnrofIgnoredFiles; this.ignoredFiles=tmpIgnoredFiles; try { this.nrofInProgressFiles=fsconn.getDirectoryEntries(moveToDir).size()-2; } catch (Exception e) { this.nrofInProgressFiles=9999; } // signal problem (e.g. missing directory) } private String ignoreFileByPattern(String filename) { for (String pattern : ignorePatterns) { if (pattern.startsWith("*") && filename.endsWith(pattern.substring(1))) return pattern; else if (pattern.endsWith("*") && filename.startsWith(pattern.substring(0, pattern.length()-1))) return pattern; else if (filename.equals(pattern)) return pattern; } return null; } // override to prevent logging (unless there is an error). processFile will log which task is ececuted @Override protected void logStart(Task task) {} @Override protected void logCompleted(Task task) {} private void processFile(FileServerConnection fsconn, String filename) {" - {} {} is klaar om verplaatst te worden.",logname, dir + "/" + filename); PollerTask task=null; if (pollForEntireDirectories) task=new PollerTask(this, fsconn, dir + "/" + filename); else task=new PollerTask(this, fsconn, filename); task.startTransaction(); boolean completed=false; try { tryToMove(task); + " - "+logname+" " + filename + " is verplaatst naar " + moveToDir); run(task); completed = true; synchronized (this) { known.remove(filename); retries.remove(filename); } listener.updateGuiSuccess(name, successes++); String msg=deleteInProgressFile? " and then removed" :""; LogService.log("info", getFlow().getClass().getSimpleName(), getFullName(), filename, "Polled file is succesfully moved from "+dir+" to "+moveToDir+" and handled "+msg); } finally { if (completed) { task.commit(); if (deleteInProgressFile) task.deleteInProgressFile(); } else task.rollback(); } } private String shouldFileBeIgnored(FileServerConnection fsconn, String filename) { int nroftries=getTryCount(filename); if (nroftries >= maxNrofMoveTries ) return "this file has been tried to move too many times ("+nroftries+">"+maxNrofMoveTries+") (probably a file is in the way), it should not clog the logfile"; if (fsconn.isDirectory(dir + "/" + filename) && ! pollForEntireDirectories){ logger.debug("directory {} gevonden, deze wordt overgeslagen bij alleen file verwerking.", dir + "/" + filename); return "this file is a directory"; } return null; } private synchronized boolean isFileNotChangingAnymore(FileServerConnection fsconn, String filename) { Snapshot snapshot; if (pollForEntireDirectories) snapshot= new DirectorySnapshot(fsconn, dir + "/"+ filename); else snapshot= new FileSnapshot(fsconn, dir + "/"+ filename); Snapshot otherSnapshot = known.get(filename); if (otherSnapshot == null) { known.put(filename, snapshot); retries.put(filename, 1); return false; } if (snapshot.equals(otherSnapshot)) { long timestamp = new java.util.Date().getTime(); if (otherSnapshot.getTimestamp() + delay < timestamp) { if (checkIfFileIsLocked && fsconn.isLocked(dir+"/"+filename)) return false; if (minimumSize>0 && fsconn.fileSize(dir+"/"+filename)<minimumSize) return false; return true; } } else { known.put(filename, snapshot); retries.put(filename, 1); } return false; } private void tryToMove(PollerTask task) throws FileCouldNotBeMovedException { try { task.moveToInProgress(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.warn(getFullName()+" Could not move "+logname+" "+task.filename+" to " +moveToDir, e); rememberFailedMove(task.filename, e); if (e instanceof FileCouldNotBeMovedException) throw e; throw new FileCouldNotBeMovedException(task.filename, e); } } private int getTryCount(String filename) { Integer tmp = retries.get(filename); if (tmp==null)// test for null, because of unboxing return 0; return tmp; } private void rememberFailedMove(String filename, RuntimeException e) { int trycount=getTryCount(filename)+1; listener.updateGuiErrors(name, errors++); logger.debug("retrynummer {} van {}", trycount, filename); if (trycount < maxNrofMoveTries) { //LogService.log("WARN", "failed_move", getFullName(), "poller", "failed to move file "+filename+" to "+moveToDir); logger.warn(getFullName() + " - verplaatsen van file " + filename + " naar " + moveToDir + " is niet gelukt. Dit wordt later nog een keer geprobeerd."+e.getMessage()); } else { LogService.log("error", "MoveToInProgress", getFullName(), filename, "failed "+(trycount-1)+" times to move file from "+dir+" to "+moveToDir+": "+e.getMessage()); logger.error(getFullName() + " - verplaatsen van file " + filename + " naar " + moveToDir + " is niet gelukt niet na " + (trycount-1) + " keer proberen."); //known.remove(filename); // Zodat het weer vanaf begin opnieuw gaat, maar er is wel en Error gegeven. } retries.put(filename, trycount); } @Override public void writeHtml(PrintWriter out) { out.println("<h2>Active files</h2>"); if (retries.size()>0) { out.println("<table>"); out.println("\t<tr><td><b>file</b></td><td><b>retries</b></td></tr>"); for (String file : retries.keySet()) out.println("\t<tr><td>" + file + "</td><td>" + retries.get(file) + "</td></tr>"); out.println("</table>"); } out.println("no active files"); out.println("<h2>Ignored files</h2>"); if (ignoredFiles.size()>0) { out.println("<ul>"); for (String file : ignoredFiles.keySet()) out.println("<li>" + file + ": " + ignoredFiles.get(file) + "</li>"); out.println("</ul>"); } else out.println("no ignored files"); out.println("<h2>Ignore Patterns</h2>"); if (ignorePatterns!=null && ignoredFiles.size()>0) { out.println("<ul>"); for (String pat : ignorePatterns) out.println("<li>" + pat + "</li>"); out.println("</ul>"); } out.println("no ignore patterns"); } }