package org.kisst.jms; import java.util.Enumeration; import javax.jms.*; import org.kisst.util.ReflectionUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class JmsUtil { private final static Logger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(JmsUtil.class); public static Message cloneMessage(Session session, Message src ) { try { Message dest; if( src instanceof BytesMessage ) { dest = session.createBytesMessage(); int len = (int) ((BytesMessage) src ).getBodyLength(); byte[] msg = new byte[ len ]; ( (BytesMessage) src ).readBytes( msg ); ( (BytesMessage) dest ).writeBytes( msg ); } else if( src instanceof TextMessage ) { dest = session.createTextMessage(); ( (TextMessage) dest).setText( ( (TextMessage) src).getText() ); } else if( src.getClass().getName().equals("") ) { dest = session.createTextMessage(); ( (TextMessage) dest).setText( ""); } else throw new RuntimeException( "Unsupported message format: "+ src.getClass().getName() ); if( src.getJMSMessageID() != null ) dest.setJMSMessageID( src.getJMSMessageID() ); if( src.getJMSCorrelationID() != null ) dest.setJMSCorrelationID( src.getJMSCorrelationID() ); if( src.getJMSReplyTo() != null ) dest.setJMSReplyTo( src.getJMSReplyTo() ); if( src.getJMSType() != null ) dest.setJMSType( src.getJMSType() ); dest.setJMSDeliveryMode( src.getJMSDeliveryMode() ); dest.setJMSExpiration( src.getJMSExpiration() ); dest.setJMSPriority( src.getJMSPriority() ); dest.setJMSRedelivered( src.getJMSRedelivered() ); dest.setJMSTimestamp( src.getJMSTimestamp() ); Enumeration<?> properties = src.getPropertyNames(); while( properties.hasMoreElements() ) { String key = (String) properties.nextElement(); if( key.startsWith( "JMSX" ) ) continue; // don't clone the JMS_IBM_Character_Set property since this won't work in MQ7.5 // Because we get a DetailedJMSException: JMSCMQ1006: The value for 'JMS_IBM_Character_Set':'IBM01140' is not valid. // see if (key.startsWith("JMS_IBM_Character_Set")) continue; try { dest.setObjectProperty( key, src.getObjectProperty( key ) ); } catch (Exception e2) { logger.warn("could not set JMS property ["+key+"] to value ["+src.getObjectProperty(key)+"]",e2); } } return dest; } catch (JMSException e) { throw wrapJMSException(e);} } public static RuntimeException wrapJMSException(JMSException e) { Exception linked = e.getLinkedException(); if (linked!=null && linked!=e) return new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()+"\nLinkedException: "+linked.getMessage(),e); return new RuntimeException(e); } public static void prepareDestinationForJmsHeaders(Destination dest) { if (! dest.getClass().getName().equals("")) return; try { ReflectionUtil.invoke(dest, "setTargetClient", new Object[]{0}); } catch (Exception e) { /* ignore */ } } }