/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2002-2011, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.data.efeature.tests.unit.conditions; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.Condition; import org.geotools.data.efeature.EFeatureUtils; import org.geotools.data.efeature.query.EFeatureEncoderException; import org.geotools.data.efeature.tests.EFeatureData; import org.geotools.data.efeature.tests.EFeatureTestsFactory; import org.geotools.data.efeature.tests.EFeatureTestsPackage; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; /** * @author kengu - 14. juni 2011 * * * @source $URL$ */ public abstract class AbstractEAttributeValueTest extends AbstractEAttributeFilterTest<EFeatureData<Object, Geometry>> { // --------------------------------------------- // Unary operators // --------------------------------------------- /** The {@literal IS NULL} operator. */ public static final int IS_NULL = 1; // --------------------------------------------- // Binary operators // --------------------------------------------- /** The {@literal =} operator. */ public static final int EQUAL_TO = 2; /** The {@literal !=} operator. */ public static final int NOT_EQUAL_TO = 4; /** The {@literal <} operator. */ public static final int LESS_THAN = 8; /** The {@literal <=} operator. */ public static final int LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = 16; /** The {@literal >} operator. */ public static final int GREATER_THAN = 32; /** The {@literal >=} operator. */ public static final int GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = 64; /** The {@literal = IS LIKE} operator. */ public static final int IS_LIKE = 128; // --------------------------------------------- // Ternary operators // --------------------------------------------- /** The {@literal BETWEEN} operator. */ public static final int BETWEEN = 256; /** The {@literal OUTSIDE} operator. */ public static final int OUTSIDE = 512; // --------------------------------------------- // N-ary operators // --------------------------------------------- /** The {@literal = IS ID} operator. */ public static final int IS_ID = 1024; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Operation sets group on value type // ----------------------------------------------------- /** Booleans: {@link #EQUAL_TO} and {@link #NOT_EQUAL_TO} only */ public static final int BOOLEAN_OPS = EQUAL_TO | NOT_EQUAL_TO; /** Numbers: All except {@link #IS_LIKE} and {@link #UNARY_OPS}*/ public static final int NUMBER_OPS = EQUAL_TO | NOT_EQUAL_TO | LESS_THAN | LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO | GREATER_THAN | GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO | BETWEEN | OUTSIDE; /** Characters: All except {@link #IS_LIKE} and {@link #UNARY_OPS} */ public static final int CHARACTER_OPS = NUMBER_OPS; /** Dates: All except {@link #IS_LIKE} and {@link #UNARY_OPS} */ public static final int DATE_OPS = NUMBER_OPS; /** Strings: All operations */ public static final int STRING_OPS = NUMBER_OPS | IS_LIKE; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Cached tests specifications // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * {@link #IS_NULL} operation test specification. * <p> * This is a unary operation, only requiring a single test value (no filter value). */ public static final Tests IS_NULL_TESTS = new Tests(nameOf(IS_NULL), new Pass(true, 0)); /** * {@link #EQUAL_TO} operation test specification. * <p> * This is a binary operation requiring two equal values */ public static final Tests EQUAL_TO_TESTS = new Tests(nameOf(EQUAL_TO), new Pass(true,0,0)); /** * {@link #NOT_EQUAL_TO} operation test specification. * <p> * This is a binary operation, requiring two unequal values */ public static final Tests NOT_EQUAL_TO_TESTS = new Tests(nameOf(NOT_EQUAL_TO), new Pass(true,0,1)); /** * {@link #LESS_THAN} operation test specification. * <p> * This is a binary operation requiring two values, one less than the other */ public static final Tests LESS_THAN_TESTS = new Tests(nameOf(LESS_THAN), new Pass(true,0,1)); /** * {@link #LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO} operation test specification. * <p> * This is binary operation requiring two passes. First pass verifies * {@link #EQUAL_TO}, requiring one unique value. The second pass verifies * {@link #LESS_THAN}, requiring two values, one less than the other. */ public static final Tests LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_TESTS = new Tests( nameOf(LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO), EQUAL_TO_TESTS, LESS_THAN_TESTS); /** * {@link #GREATER_THAN} operation test specification. * <p> * This is a binary operation requiring two values, one greater than the other */ public static final Tests GREATER_THAN_TESTS = new Tests(nameOf(GREATER_THAN), new Pass(true,1,0)); /** * {@link #GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO} operation test specification. * <p> * This is binary operation requiring two passes. First pass verifies * {@link #EQUAL_TO}, requiring one unique value. The second pass verifies * {@link #GREATER_THAN}, requiring two values, one greater than the other. */ public static final Tests GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_TESTS = new Tests( nameOf(GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO), EQUAL_TO_TESTS, GREATER_THAN_TESTS); /** * {@link #IS_LIKE} operation test specification. * <p> * This is a binary operation requiring two values, where one match the other. */ public static final Tests IS_LIKE_TESTS = new Tests(nameOf(IS_LIKE), new Pass(true,0,3)); /** * {@link #BETWEEN} operation test specification. * <p> * This is a ternary operation requiring three values: two defining a range, * and the last inside this range. */ public static final Tests BETWEEN_TESTS = new Tests(nameOf(BETWEEN), new Pass(true,2,0,1)); /** * {@link #OUTSIDE} operation test specification. * <p> * This is a ternary operation requiring three values: two defining a range, * and the last outside this range. */ public static final Tests OUTSIDE_TESTS = new Tests(nameOf(OUTSIDE), new Pass(true,0,2,1)); /** * {@link #IS_ID} operation test specification. * <p> * This is a n-ary operation requiring N values, N>0. */ public static final Tests IS_ID_TESTS = new Tests(nameOf(IS_ID), new Pass(true,2,ALL)); // ----------------------------------------------------- // Cached tests // ----------------------------------------------------- public static final Tests[] TESTS = new Tests[]{ // // Unary operation tests // IS_NULL_TESTS, // // Binary operation tests // EQUAL_TO_TESTS,NOT_EQUAL_TO_TESTS, LESS_THAN_TESTS,LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_TESTS, GREATER_THAN_TESTS, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_TESTS, IS_LIKE_TESTS, // // Ternary operation tests // BETWEEN_TESTS,OUTSIDE_TESTS, // // N-ary operation tests // IS_ID_TESTS }; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Cached test values // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Cached <code>null</code> values */ protected static final Values NULLS[] = new Values[]{ new Values(IS_NULL,Object.class,null,null,null) }; /** * Cached boolean values */ protected static final Values BOOLEANS[] = new Values[]{ new Values(BOOLEAN_OPS,Boolean.class,Boolean.TRUE,Boolean.FALSE,Boolean.FALSE) }; /** * Cached primitive values */ protected static final Values NUMBERS[] = new Values[]{ new Values(NUMBER_OPS,Integer.class,Integer.MIN_VALUE,Integer.MAX_VALUE,new Integer(1)), new Values(NUMBER_OPS,Double.class,Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, new Double(1.0)), new Values(NUMBER_OPS,Float.class,Float.MIN_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE, new Float(1.0F)), new Values(NUMBER_OPS,Byte.class,Byte.MIN_VALUE, Byte.MAX_VALUE, new Byte((byte)1)), new Values(NUMBER_OPS,Short.class,Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE, new Short((short)1)), new Values(NUMBER_OPS,Long.class,Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE, new Long(1L)) }; /** * Cached date values */ protected static final Values DATES[] = new Values[]{ new Values(DATE_OPS,Integer.class, new Date(Long.MIN_VALUE), new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE), new Date(0)) }; /** * Cached character values */ protected static final Values CHARACTERS[] = new Values[]{ new Values(CHARACTER_OPS,Character.class,Character.MIN_VALUE,Character.MAX_VALUE,new Character((char)0)) }; /** * Cached string values */ protected static final Values STRINGS[] = new Values[]{ new Values(STRING_OPS,String.class,"ax","az","ay","a*") }; /** * Cached ID values */ public static final Values IDS[] = new Values[]{ new Values(IS_ID,Set.class,"F1","F100","F50") }; /** * Concatenation of all cached values */ protected static final Values VALUES[] = EFeatureUtils.concat(Values.class, NULLS, BOOLEANS, NUMBERS, DATES, CHARACTERS, STRINGS, IDS); /** * Cached {@link EAttribute} reference */ protected static final EAttribute eAttribute = EFeatureTestsPackage.eINSTANCE.getEFeatureData_Attribute(); // ----------------------------------------------------- // AbstractEAttributeValueTest instance members // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Operation ID */ protected final int operationID; /** * Operation index */ protected final int operationIndex; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * @param name */ public AbstractEAttributeValueTest(String name, int operationID) { // // Forward to AbstractEAttributeFilterTest // super(name); // // Save operation ID // this.operationID = operationID; // // Map operation ID to field index // this.operationIndex = indexOf(operationID); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // AbstractEAttributeFilterTest implementation // ----------------------------------------------------- @Override protected final EFeatureData<Object, Geometry> createFixture() { // // Create instance using the factory // return EFeatureTestsFactory.eINSTANCE.<Object, Geometry>createEFeatureData(); } @Override protected String getType(int value) { return VALUES[value].getType().getSimpleName(); } @Override protected String getOperationName() { return TESTS[operationIndex].name; } @Override protected boolean isOperand(int value) { return VALUES[value].isOperand(operationID); } @Override protected int getPassCount() { return TESTS[operationIndex].passes.length; } @Override protected int getValueCount() { return VALUES.length; } @Override protected boolean expect(int pass) { return TESTS[operationIndex].passes[pass].success; } @Override protected final Object getFilter(int value, int pass) { return VALUES[value].getFilter(TESTS[operationIndex].passes[pass]); } @Override protected final Object getTest(int value, int pass) { return VALUES[value].getTest(TESTS[operationIndex].passes[pass]); } @Override protected final void updateFixture(EFeatureData<Object, Geometry> eFixture, int value, int pass) { // // Update values // eFixture.setAttribute(getTest(value, pass)); } @Override protected final Condition createCondition(int value, int pass) throws EFeatureEncoderException { return createCondition(value, getFilter(value, pass)); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // AbstractEAttributeValueTest implementation methods // ----------------------------------------------------- protected abstract Condition createCondition(int value, Object filter) throws EFeatureEncoderException; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------- protected static final String nameOf(int operation) throws IllegalArgumentException { return nameOf(operation,AbstractEAttributeValueTest.class.getFields()); } }