/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.temporal.object; import org.geotools.util.Utilities; import org.geotools.util.SimpleInternationalString; import org.opengis.temporal.PeriodDuration; import org.opengis.util.InternationalString; /** * Uses the format specified by ISO 8601 for exchanging information * about the duration of a period. * * @author Mehdi Sidhoum (Geomatys) * * * * @source $URL$ */ public class DefaultPeriodDuration extends DefaultDuration implements PeriodDuration { private static final InternationalString DESIGNATOR = new SimpleInternationalString("P"); private InternationalString years; private InternationalString months; private InternationalString weeks; private InternationalString days; private static final InternationalString TIME_INDICATOR = new SimpleInternationalString("T"); private InternationalString hours; private InternationalString minutes; private InternationalString seconds; /** * Creates a new instances of PeriodDuration. * @param years * @param months * @param weeks * @param days * @param hours * @param minutes * @param seconds */ public DefaultPeriodDuration(InternationalString years, InternationalString months, InternationalString week, InternationalString days, InternationalString hours, InternationalString minutes, InternationalString seconds) { this.years = years; this.months = months; this.weeks = week; this.days = days; this.hours = hours; this.minutes = minutes; this.seconds = seconds; } /** * Creates a new instance of PeriodDuration from a long value passed in parameter. * if the long contains milliseconds, this will be ignored because there is no MilliSeconds specified in the string format PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, see ISO 8601. * @param durationInMilliSeconds */ public DefaultPeriodDuration(long durationInMilliSeconds) { long yearMS = 31536000000L; long monthMS = 2628000000L; long weekMS = 604800000L; long dayMS = 86400000L; long hourMS = 3600000L; long minMS = 60000L; long secondMS = 1000L; InternationalString _years = null; InternationalString _months = null; InternationalString _week = null; InternationalString _days = null; InternationalString _hours = null; InternationalString _minutes = null; InternationalString _seconds = null; long temp = durationInMilliSeconds / yearMS; if (temp >= 1) { _years = new SimpleInternationalString(String.valueOf(temp)); durationInMilliSeconds -= temp * yearMS; } this.years = _years; temp = durationInMilliSeconds / monthMS; if (temp >= 1) { _months = new SimpleInternationalString(String.valueOf(temp)); durationInMilliSeconds -= temp * monthMS; } this.months = _months; temp = durationInMilliSeconds / weekMS; if (temp >= 1) { _week = new SimpleInternationalString(String.valueOf(temp)); durationInMilliSeconds -= temp * weekMS; } this.weeks = _week; //we look if the gap is more than one day (86400000 ms) temp = durationInMilliSeconds / dayMS; if (temp >= 1) { _days = new SimpleInternationalString(String.valueOf(temp)); durationInMilliSeconds -= temp * dayMS; } this.days = _days; temp = durationInMilliSeconds / hourMS; if (temp >= 1) { _hours = new SimpleInternationalString(String.valueOf(temp)); durationInMilliSeconds -= temp * hourMS; } this.hours = _hours; temp = durationInMilliSeconds / minMS; if (temp >= 1) { _minutes = new SimpleInternationalString(String.valueOf(temp)); durationInMilliSeconds -= temp * minMS; } this.minutes = _minutes; temp = durationInMilliSeconds / secondMS; if (temp >= 1) { _seconds = new SimpleInternationalString(String.valueOf(temp)); durationInMilliSeconds -= temp * secondMS; } this.seconds = _seconds; /*if (durationInMilliSeconds != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PeriodDuration can't be found at the Millisecond precision in the pattern PnYnMnDTnHnMnS specified by ISO 8601."); }*/ } /** * A mandatory element which designates that the returned string * represents the duration of a period. */ public InternationalString getDesignator() { return DESIGNATOR; } /** * A positive integer, followed by the character "Y", * which indicated the number of years in the period. */ public InternationalString getYears() { return years; } /** * A positive integer, followed by the character "M", * which indicated the number of months in the period. */ public InternationalString getMonths() { return months; } /** * A positive integer, followed by the character "D", * which indicated the number of days in the period. */ public InternationalString getDays() { return days; } /** * Included whenever the sequence includes values for * units less than a day. */ public InternationalString getTimeIndicator() { return TIME_INDICATOR; } /** * A positive integer, followed by the character "H", * which indicated the number of hours in the period. */ public InternationalString getHours() { return hours; } /** * A positive integer, followed by the character "M", * which indicated the number of minutes in the period. */ public InternationalString getMinutes() { return minutes; } /** * A positive integer, followed by the character "S", * which indicated the number of seconds in the period. */ public InternationalString getSeconds() { return seconds; } public void setYears(InternationalString years) { this.years = years; } public void setMonths(InternationalString months) { this.months = months; } public void setDays(InternationalString days) { this.days = days; } public void setHours(InternationalString hours) { this.hours = hours; } public void setMinutes(InternationalString minutes) { this.minutes = minutes; } public void setSeconds(InternationalString seconds) { this.seconds = seconds; } public InternationalString getWeek() { return weeks; } public void setWeek(InternationalString week) { this.weeks = week; } /** * Returns a duration in long. note there is no starting instant to accurate the returned value. * @return */ public long getTimeInMillis() { String periodDescription = this.toString(); long yearMS = 31536000000L; long monthMS = 2628000000L; long weekMS = 604800000L; long dayMS = 86400000L; long hourMS = 3600000L; long minMS = 60000L; long secondMS = 1000L; long response = 0; //removing the 'P' character periodDescription = periodDescription.substring(1); //if the period contains years (31536000000 ms) the response will be incremented if (periodDescription.indexOf('Y') != -1) { int nbYear = Integer.parseInt(periodDescription.substring(0, periodDescription.indexOf('Y'))); response += nbYear * yearMS; periodDescription = periodDescription.substring(periodDescription.indexOf('Y') + 1); } //if the period contains months (2628000000 ms) if ((periodDescription.indexOf('M') != -1 && (periodDescription.indexOf('T') == -1)) || ((periodDescription.indexOf('T') != -1) && (periodDescription.indexOf('M') < periodDescription.indexOf('T')) && ((periodDescription.indexOf('M') != -1)))) { int nbMonth = Integer.parseInt(periodDescription.substring(0, periodDescription.indexOf('M'))); response += nbMonth * monthMS; periodDescription = periodDescription.substring(periodDescription.indexOf('M') + 1); } //if the period contains weeks (604800000 ms) if (periodDescription.indexOf('W') != -1) { int nbWeek = Integer.parseInt(periodDescription.substring(0, periodDescription.indexOf('W'))); response += nbWeek * weekMS; periodDescription = periodDescription.substring(periodDescription.indexOf('W') + 1); } //if the period contains days (86400000 ms) if (periodDescription.indexOf('D') != -1) { int nbDay = Integer.parseInt(periodDescription.substring(0, periodDescription.indexOf('D'))); response += nbDay * dayMS; periodDescription = periodDescription.substring(periodDescription.indexOf('D') + 1); } // removing 'T' character if exists if (periodDescription.indexOf('T') != -1) { periodDescription = periodDescription.substring(1); } //if the period contains hours (3600000 ms) if (periodDescription.indexOf('H') != -1) { int nbHour = Integer.parseInt(periodDescription.substring(0, periodDescription.indexOf('H'))); response += nbHour * hourMS; periodDescription = periodDescription.substring(periodDescription.indexOf('H') + 1); } //if the period contains minutes (60000 ms) if (periodDescription.indexOf('M') != -1) { int nbMin = Integer.parseInt(periodDescription.substring(0, periodDescription.indexOf('M'))); response += nbMin * minMS; periodDescription = periodDescription.substring(periodDescription.indexOf('M') + 1); } //if the period contains seconds (1000 ms) if (periodDescription.indexOf('S') != -1) { int nbSec = Integer.parseInt(periodDescription.substring(0, periodDescription.indexOf('S'))); response += nbSec * secondMS; periodDescription = periodDescription.substring(periodDescription.indexOf('S') + 1); } if (periodDescription.length() != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The period duration string is malformed"); } return response; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object object) { if (object == this) { return true; } if (object instanceof DefaultPeriodDuration) { final DefaultPeriodDuration that = (DefaultPeriodDuration) object; return Utilities.equals(this.days, that.days) && Utilities.equals(this.hours, that.hours) && Utilities.equals(this.minutes, that.minutes) && Utilities.equals(this.months, that.months) && Utilities.equals(this.seconds, that.seconds) && Utilities.equals(this.years, that.years); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 5; hash = 37 * hash + (this.days != null ? this.days.hashCode() : 0); hash = 37 * hash + (this.hours != null ? this.hours.hashCode() : 0); hash = 37 * hash + (this.minutes != null ? this.minutes.hashCode() : 0); hash = 37 * hash + (this.months != null ? this.months.hashCode() : 0); hash = 37 * hash + (this.seconds != null ? this.seconds.hashCode() : 0); hash = 37 * hash + (this.years != null ? this.years.hashCode() : 0); return hash; } @Override /** * Returns a duration value String in format 8601. the pattern is PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. */ public String toString() { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append(DESIGNATOR); if (years != null) { s.append(years).append("Y"); } if (months != null) { s.append(months).append("M"); } if (weeks != null) { s.append(weeks).append("W"); } if (days != null) { s.append(days).append("D"); } if (hours != null || minutes != null || seconds != null) { s.append(TIME_INDICATOR); } if (hours != null) { s.append(hours).append("H"); } if (minutes != null) { s.append(minutes).append("M"); } if (seconds != null) { s.append(seconds).append("S"); } return s.toString(); } }