package org.geotools.styling.builder; import org.geotools.Builder; import org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQL; import org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQLException; import org.geotools.filter.text.ecql.ECQL; import org.geotools.styling.Style; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; abstract class AbstractStyleBuilder<T> extends AbstractSLDBuilder<T> { public AbstractStyleBuilder(AbstractSLDBuilder<?> parent) { super(parent); } protected Expression literal(Object literal) { return FF.literal(literal); } protected Expression property(String name) { return; } protected Expression cqlExpression(String cql) { try { return ECQL.toExpression(cql); } catch (CQLException e) { // failed to parse as ecql, attempt to fall back on to CQL try { return CQL.toExpression(cql); } catch (CQLException e1) { // throw back original exception } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to build an expression out of CQL", e); } } protected Filter cqlFilter(String cql) { try { return ECQL.toFilter(cql); } catch (CQLException e) { // failed to parse as ecql, attempt to fall back on to CQL try { return CQL.toFilter(cql); } catch (CQLException e1) { // throw back original exception } throw new RuntimeException("Failed to build a filter out of CQL", e); } } @Override protected void buildSLDInternal(StyledLayerDescriptorBuilder sb) { // sb -> user layer -> user style -> init this throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Implementation missing"); } public Style buildStyle() { if (parent != null && parent instanceof AbstractStyleBuilder) { return ((AbstractStyleBuilder) parent).buildStyle(); } else { StyleBuilder sb = new StyleBuilder(); buildStyleInternal(sb); return sb.buildStyle(); } } public Object buildRoot() { if (parent != null) { return; } else { return build(); } } protected abstract void buildStyleInternal(StyleBuilder sb); protected void init(Builder<T> other) { reset(; } public AbstractStyleBuilder<T> unset() { reset(); unset = true; return this; } boolean isUnset() { return unset; } }