package; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.geotools.util.WeakHashSet; import org.geotools.util.logging.Logging; /** * * @author kengu * * * @source $URL$ */ public abstract class EStructureInfo<T extends EStructureInfo<?>> { /** The logger for the {@link EStructureInfo} class */ protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(EStructureInfo.class); protected boolean isValid = false; protected boolean isDisposed = false; protected boolean isAvailable = true; /** * Create fair reentrant lock, ensuring that the longest waiting thread * is granted access once current thread released the object */ protected ReentrantLock eLock = new ReentrantLock(true); /** * Set of weakly referenced {@link EStructureInfo} listeners */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected WeakHashSet<EFeatureListener> eListeners = new WeakHashSet<EFeatureListener>(EFeatureListener.class); /** * Cached {@link EFeatureStatus#SUCCESS success status}. */ protected final EFeatureStatus SUCCESS = EFeatureUtils.newStatus(this, EFeatureStatus.SUCCESS, null, null); /** Cached hints */ protected EFeatureHints eHints; /** Cached {@link EFeatureContext} id */ protected String eContextID; /** Weak reference to {@link EFeatureContextFactory} instance */ protected WeakReference<EFeatureContextFactory> eFactory; /** Weak reference to {@link EFeatureContext} instance */ protected WeakReference<EFeatureContext> eContext; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Default constructor */ protected EStructureInfo() { /*NOP*/ } /** * Structure copy constructor. * <p> * This method copies the structure into given context. * </p> * <b>NOTE</b>: This method only adds a one-way reference from * copied instance to given {@link EFeatureContext context}. * </p> * @param eStructureInfo - copy from this {@link EStructureInfo} instance * @param eContextInfo - copy into context of this structure */ protected EStructureInfo(EStructureInfo<T> eStructureInfo, EStructureInfo<?> eContextInfo) { // // -------------------------------------------------- // Copy states // -------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: State 'isDisposed' is not copied to allow // recreation. // -------------------------------------------------- // this.isValid = eStructureInfo.isValid; this.isAvailable = eStructureInfo.isAvailable; // // Copy creation hints // this.eHints = eStructureInfo.eHints; // // Copy context // this.eContext = eContextInfo.eContext; this.eFactory = eContextInfo.eFactory; this.eContextID = eContextInfo.eContextID; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // EStructureInfo methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Get {@link EFeatureContext#eContextID() context ID}. * * @return a {@link EFeatureContext#eContextID() context ID}. */ public final String eContextID() { return eContextID; } /** * Get {@link EFeatureContext context} which this structure belongs. * * @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #isValid() invalid}, * {@link #isDisposed() disposed} or not found. */ public final EFeatureContext eContext() { return eContext(true); } /** * Check if this is a <i>prototype</i>. * <p> * A prototype have an {@link EFeatureContextInfo} as it's * {@link EStructureInfo#eParentInfo() parent structure}. */ public final boolean isPrototype() { // // If context is an prototype, all structures are prototypes, // else, only EFeatureInfo structure can be prototypes when // the parent structure is the context structure. // return eContext(true).isPrototype() || (this instanceof EFeatureInfo) && (eParentInfo(true) instanceof EFeatureContextInfo); } /** * Get {@link EFeatureContextFactory} instance. * @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #isValid() invalid}, * {@link #isDisposed() disposed} or not found. */ public final EFeatureContextFactory eFactory() { return eFactory(true); } /** * Get parent structure. */ public final T eParentInfo() { return eParentInfo(true); } /** * Check if {@link EStructureInfo structure} is available. * <p> * A structure is only available if it is valid, not disposed * and explicitly made available. * </p> * @return <code>true</code> if available. * * @see {@link #setAvailable(boolean)} */ public boolean isAvailable() { return isAvailable && isValid(); } /** * Set available state. * <p> * * @param isAvailable - next available state */ public final void setAvailable(boolean isAvailable) { this.isAvailable = isAvailable; } /** * Get {@link EFeatureHints hints} */ public EFeatureHints eHints() { return eHints; } /** * Check if {@link EStructureInfo structure} is valid. * <p> * * @return <code>true</code> if valid. */ public final boolean isValid() { return isValid && !isDisposed; } /** * Invalidate the structure. * <p> * @param deep - if <code>true</code>, this and all it's * children is invalidated. */ public final void invalidate(boolean deep){ isValid = false; doInvalidate(deep); } /** * Check if {@link EStructureInfo structure} is disposed. * @return <code>true</code> if disposed. */ public boolean isDisposed() { return isDisposed; } /** * Dispose this {@link EStructureInfo structure} and all it's children. */ protected void dispose() { isDisposed = true; doDispose(); eFactory = null; eContext = null; eListeners.clear(); eListeners=null; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // EStructureInfoListener support methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Add {@link EFeatureListener} instance. * <p> * <strong>NOTE</strong>: This listener is stored as a {@link WeakReference weak reference}, * allowing the garbage collector to reclaim it when no hard references to it exist. At this * point, the listener is automatically removed from this object. * </p> */ public final void addListener(EFeatureListener<?> eListener) { eListeners.add(eListener); } /** * Remove {@link EFeatureListener} instance. * <p> * <strong>NOTE</strong>: This listener is stored as a {@link WeakReference weak reference}, * allowing the garbage collector to reclaim it when no hard references to it exist. At this * point, the listener is automatically removed from this object. * </p> */ public final void removeListener(EFeatureListener<?> eListener) { eListeners.remove(eListener); } public void eNotify(Object source, int property, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { for(EFeatureListener<Object> it : eListeners) { it.onChange(source, property, oldValue, newValue); } } public void eLock() { eLock.lock(); } public void eUnlock() { eLock.unlock(); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // EStructureInfo implementation methods // ----------------------------------------------------- protected abstract void doDispose(); protected abstract T eParentInfo(boolean checkIsValid); protected abstract void doInvalidate(boolean deep); protected void doDetach() { /*NOP*/ } protected void doAdapt() { /*NOP*/ } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) protected void fireOnChange(int property, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { // // Make a copy of current list, allowing concurrent modifications // List<EFeatureListener> eList = new ArrayList<EFeatureListener>(eListeners); for (EFeatureListener it : eList) { it.onChange(this, property, oldValue, newValue); } } /** * Check if a {@link EFeatureContext} instance with given * {@link EFeatureContext#eContextID() registry id} is cached by this, or * the EFeatureContext {@link #eFactory() factory}. * </p> * @param eContextID - the {@link EFeatureContext#eContextID() registry id} * @return <code>true</code> if cached. */ protected boolean isCached(String eContextID) { EFeatureContext eThis = null; if( !(eContext==null || eContext.get()==null) ) { eThis = eContext.get(); } if(eThis!=null) { return eThis.eContextID().equals(eContextID); } return eFactory(false).contains(eContextID); } /** * Get {@link EFeatureContextFactory} instance. * <p> * @param checkIsValid - if <code>true</code>, the method verifies that * this {@link EStructureInfo structure} is valid. If invalid, * an {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown. * </p> * @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #isDisposed() disposed} or not found. */ protected EFeatureContextFactory eFactory(boolean checkIsValid) { verify(checkIsValid); if(eFactory==null || eFactory.get()==null) { eFactory = new WeakReference<EFeatureContextFactory>(EFeatureContextFactory.eDefault()); if(eFactory.get()==null) { invalidate(true); throw new IllegalStateException("EFeatureContextFactory '" + "' not found"); } } return eFactory.get(); } /** * Get {@link EFeatureContext} instance counterpart. * <p> * @param checkIsValid - if <code>true</code>, the method verifies that * this {@link EFeaturePackageInfo structure} is valid. If invalid, * an {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown. * </p> * @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #isDisposed() disposed} or not found. */ protected EFeatureContext eContext(boolean checkIsValid) { verify(checkIsValid); if(eContext==null || eContext.get()==null) { eContext = new WeakReference<EFeatureContext>( eFactory(false).eContext(eContextID)); if(eContext.get()==null) { invalidate(true); throw new IllegalStateException("EFeatureContext '" + eContextID + "' not found"); } } return eContext.get(); } protected void eAdapt(EStructureInfo<?> eStructure) { // // Detach from current context? // if(eContext(false)!=eStructure.eContext(false)) { // // Forward to implementation // doDetach(); } // // // Update context information // eContext = eStructure.eContext; eContextID = eStructure.eContextID; // // Forward // doAdapt(); } /** * Verify that state is available */ protected void verify() throws IllegalStateException { verify(false); } /** * Verify that state is available */ protected void verify(boolean checkIsValid) throws IllegalStateException { if(isDisposed) throw new IllegalStateException(this + " is disposed"); if(checkIsValid && !isValid) throw new IllegalStateException(this + " is not valid. Please validate the structure."); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Static EStructureInfo helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------- protected static EFeatureStatus failure(Object source, String context, String message) { StackTraceElement[] stack = EFeatureUtils.getStackTrace(1); StackTraceElement trace = stack[0]; message = trace.getClassName() + "[" + context+ "]#" + trace.getMethodName() + "(): " + message; LOGGER.warning(message); return EFeatureUtils.newStatus(source, EFeatureStatus.FAILURE, message, stack); } protected static final EFeatureStatus failure(Object source, String context, String message, Throwable cause) { StackTraceElement[] stack = EFeatureUtils.getStackTrace(1); StackTraceElement trace = stack[0]; message = trace.getClassName() + "[" + context+ "]#" + trace.getMethodName() + "(): " + message; LOGGER.warning(message); if(cause==null) { return EFeatureUtils.newStatus(source, EFeatureStatus.FAILURE, message, stack); } return EFeatureUtils.newStatus(source, EFeatureStatus.FAILURE, message, cause); } protected final EFeatureStatus structureIsValid(String context) { isValid = true; StackTraceElement trace = EFeatureUtils.getStackTraceElement(0,1); String msg = "Structure is valid: " + trace.getClassName() + "[" + context + "]#" + trace.getMethodName()+"()"; return success(msg); } protected final EFeatureStatus success(String message) { LOGGER.fine(message); return SUCCESS.clone(message); } }