/* * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 * * LICENSE: Eclipse Public License v1.0 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package com.ibm.gaiandb.vti; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException; import org.apache.derby.iapi.store.access.Qualifier; import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor; import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLChar; import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLInteger; import org.apache.derby.vti.IFastPath; import org.apache.derby.vti.VTIEnvironment; import com.ibm.db2j.AbstractVTI; import com.ibm.db2j.PluralizableVTI; import com.ibm.gaiandb.Logger; /** * This is a dummy VTI example with the following characteristics: * - it *does not* make use of AbstractVTI's disk caching capabilities. * - it can expose multiple different data sources via a single GaianDB data source wrapper, because their structures are homogeneous. * -> Using a single wrapper makes configuration simpler to manage and reduces Java heap usage. * -> To enable this, the class must implement interface PluralizableVTI and method getEndpointIDs() and the "PLURALIZED" option must be set for the data source wrapper * -> Optionally, the class may implement the method PluralizableVTI.getEndpointConstantColumns() to allow GaianDB to perform predicate/policy filtering early * * @author DavidVyvyan */ public class SamplePluralizedVTI extends AbstractVTI implements PluralizableVTI { // Use PROPRIETARY notice if class contains a main() method, otherwise use COPYRIGHT notice. public static final String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE = "(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2014"; private static final Logger logger = new Logger( "SamplePluralizedVTI", 30 ); private int usrCPU, sysCPU = 5; private String dsIP; private int agentID; private final String DS_IP1 = "", DS_IP2 = ""; private final int AGENT_ID1 = 1, AGENT_ID2 = 7; private final Map<String, DataValueDescriptor[]> endpointConstants = new HashMap<String, DataValueDescriptor[]>(); // The default value below will show up if the getEndpointIDs() method is not called by GaianDB (if PLURALIZED option is not set). private String endpointID = "UNSET_ENDPOINT_ID:0"; private int rowCount = 0; public SamplePluralizedVTI(String vtiArgs) throws Exception { super(vtiArgs, "SamplePluralizedVTI"); endpointConstants.put( DS_IP1+':'+AGENT_ID1, new DataValueDescriptor[] { new SQLChar(DS_IP1), new SQLInteger(AGENT_ID1) } ); endpointConstants.put( DS_IP2+':'+AGENT_ID2, new DataValueDescriptor[] { new SQLChar(DS_IP2), new SQLInteger(AGENT_ID2) } ); } // The end-point instance ID is passed as first argument of the String[] in this method @Override public void setArgs(String[] args) throws Exception { logger.logInfo("Entered setArgs(), args are: " + Arrays.asList(args) ); if ( null != args && 0 < args.length ) { if ( null != args[0] ) endpointID = args[0]; } // only interested in args[0] }; // Compute result in this method @Override public boolean executeAsFastPath() throws StandardException, SQLException { int indexOfColon = null == endpointID ? -1 : endpointID.indexOf(':'); dsIP = -1 == indexOfColon ? endpointID : endpointID.substring(0, indexOfColon); agentID = -1 == indexOfColon ? -1 : Integer.parseInt( endpointID.substring(indexOfColon+1) ); usrCPU = agentID * 10; return true; } // GaianDB extract rows by calling this method repeatedly @Override public int nextRow(DataValueDescriptor[] arg0) throws StandardException, SQLException { logger.logDetail("Entered nextRow(), rowCount = " + rowCount + (4 < rowCount ? ", returning SCAN_COMPLETED" : ", getting row") ); if ( 4 < rowCount ) return IFastPath.SCAN_COMPLETED; arg0[0] = new SQLInteger( usrCPU++ ); arg0[1] = new SQLInteger( sysCPU ); arg0[2] = new SQLChar("Non-rectified IP"); //new SQLChar( dsIP ); <= this value is meant to be a constant endpoint value, so GaianDB should rectify it anyway arg0[3] = new SQLInteger( null ); //new SQLInteger( agentID ); // <= this value is meant to be a constant endpoint value, so GaianDB should rectify it anyway rowCount++; return IFastPath.GOT_ROW; } // PluralizableVTI methods - used to re-factor/generalise/simplify data source wrapper configurations // Note each endpointID will appear as a suffix in the GDB_LEAF column when querying the logical table augmented with the provenance columns. @Override public Set<String> getEndpointIDs() { return endpointConstants.keySet(); } @Override public DataValueDescriptor[] getEndpointConstants(String endpointID) { return endpointConstants.get( endpointID ); } // Qualifyable interface - used to process predicates against our columns - // Note that predicates on our *constant* columns (e.g. for each pluralizable instance) should ideally be processed above by GaianDB (if we passed // the constant instances up with getEndpointConstantColumns()) - however it does little harm to test/filter them again here just in case. @Override public void setQualifiers(VTIEnvironment vtie, Qualifier[][] qual) throws SQLException { } @Override public int getRowCount() throws Exception { return rowCount; } // Empty local heap resources for this instance and set them to null if possible @Override public void close() throws SQLException { super.close(); endpointConstants.clear(); } // VTICosting methods - used for JOIN optimisations @Override public double getEstimatedCostPerInstantiation(VTIEnvironment arg0) throws SQLException { return 0; } @Override public double getEstimatedRowCount(VTIEnvironment arg0) throws SQLException { return 0; } @Override public boolean supportsMultipleInstantiations(VTIEnvironment arg0) throws SQLException { return false; } @Override public boolean isBeforeFirst() throws SQLException { return 0 == rowCount; } }