/* * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 * * LICENSE: Eclipse Public License v1.0 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package com.ibm.gaiandb; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory; import java.lang.management.ThreadInfo; import java.lang.management.ThreadMXBean; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.InterfaceAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipFile; import org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl; import com.ibm.db2j.AbstractVTI; import com.ibm.db2j.GaianTable; import com.ibm.gaiandb.apps.HttpQueryInterface; import com.ibm.gaiandb.apps.MetricMonitor; import com.ibm.gaiandb.apps.SecurityClientAgent; import com.ibm.gaiandb.diags.GDBMessages; import com.ibm.gaiandb.tools.MQTTMessageStorer; import com.ibm.gaiandb.tools.SQLDerbyRunner; import com.ibm.gaiandb.udpdriver.common.SocketHelper; import com.ibm.gaiandb.udpdriver.server.UDPDriverServer; import com.ibm.gaiandb.utils.DriverWrapper; /** * @author DavidVyvyan */ public class GaianNode { // Use PROPRIETARY notice if class contains a main() method, otherwise use COPYRIGHT notice. public static final String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE = "(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2008"; private static final Logger logger = new Logger("GaianNode", 25); // static { // try { // System.out.println("Install path: " + INSTALL_PATH); // System.setProperty( "derby.system.home", INSTALL_PATH ); // "C:\\Code\\W5\\GAIANDB\\build\\GAIANDB_2.0" ); // } catch ( Exception e ) {} // } private static boolean showStartupTimes = false; private static final long initt = System.currentTimeMillis(); private static long[] t0 = { initt, initt }; private static long[] t1 = { -1, -1 }; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS CONSTANT (without also changing it in the build script) static final String GDB_VERSION = "2.1.8"; // This constant is referenced and updated by build script: gdbProjectBuilder.xml static final String GDB_TIMEBOMB = "-1"; // format is "dd/mm/yyyy" when enabled: This constant is referenced and updated by build script: gdbProjectBuilder.xml // Possible modes: // Standard node => UDP driver excluded from bytecode. Only TCP Derby driver handles transport and parsing // UDP node => No Derby server. UDP server started, however Derby is used in embedded mode for parsing/compilation/storage. // Lite node => No Derby server. No access to Derby structures, stored procedures, views etc. UDP driver must be included. // Hybrid node => Derby server and UDP server both start. This node can bridge queries between lite and standard nodes. // It makes no sense to start a node in lite mode if the GAIANDB jar does not include the UDP driver. // However it is possible to use the UDP driver instead of the Derby network server, yet still use Derby for query parsing/compilation/storage // Currently, one cannot start the node in UDP mode alone. The 3 other modes are possible. // These final statics are used to eliminate code at compile time if required. The Zelix ZKM trimmer will remove all unreferenced classes. public static final boolean IS_UDP_DRIVER_EXCLUDED_FROM_RELEASE = false; public static final boolean IS_SECURITY_EXCLUDED_FROM_RELEASE = true; static final String javaVersionS = System.getProperty("java.version"); // private static final String INSTALL_PATH = Util.getInstallPath(); private static final String BYTECODE_PATH = Util.getBytecodeLocation(); private static final String BYTECODE_PATH2 = BYTECODE_PATH.replaceFirst("GAIANDB.jar$", "GAIANDB-tools.jar"); // java version is "0" on Android static final boolean isJavaVersion6OrMore = -1 == javaVersionS.indexOf('.', 3) ? true : //( "0".equals(javaVersionS) ? true : false ) Float.parseFloat(javaVersionS.substring(0, javaVersionS.indexOf('.', 3))) >= 1.6; private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss"); static final String[] JAR_TSTAMPS = { sdf.format( new Date(new File(BYTECODE_PATH).lastModified()) ), sdf.format( new Date(new File(BYTECODE_PATH2).lastModified()) ) }; static final long[] JAR_SIZES = { new File(BYTECODE_PATH).length(), new File(BYTECODE_PATH2).length() }; static String GAIANDB_JAR_MD5 = Util.getFileMD5( BYTECODE_PATH ); // OTT ? private static final String VERSION_INFO = "java version \"" + javaVersionS + "\"\n" + System.getProperty("java.runtime.name") + " (build " + System.getProperty("java.runtime.version") + ")\n" + System.getProperty("java.vm.name") + " (build " + System.getProperty("java.vm.version") + ", " + System.getProperty("java.vm.info") + ")\n" + "\nGaianDB V" + GDB_VERSION + " - JAR sizes: " + Util.longArrayAsString(JAR_SIZES) + ", timestamps: " + Arrays.asList(JAR_TSTAMPS) +// ", MD5s: " + Arrays.asList(jarMD5s) + "\n\nFeatures Summary: Federated access to JDBC RDBMS tables and CSV Flat files using a logical table abstraction layer"+ ";\nA stored procedures management API, e.g. to set and view all logical tables and data sources in the network"+ ";\nSQL Prepared Statement caching; Connection Pooling; Buffered and batched multi-threaded record fetching"+ ";\nExplain queries to show a query's route and row counts on node; Constant Column definitions for contextual annotations of logical tables"+ ";\nDiscovery of other Gaian Nodes when 'MIN_DISCOVERED_CONNECTIONS' is set, with preferential attachment to highly connected nodes"+ ";\nAutonomic maintenance of 2-way connections, or re-discovery initiation upon loss of connections"+ ";\nAutomated dynamic management of SQL VIEWS for logical tables and their derivative definitions containing provenance columns or explain columns"+ ";\nA Policy plugin interface to manipulate the incoming SQL queries or filter returned records"+ ";\nFlexible GaianDB node discovery using config variable 'DISCOVERY_IP' to specify a broadcast mask or multicast group address"+ ";\nNew configuration parameters defining permitted hosts, denied hosts and cluster IDs to restrict connectivity between nodes"+ ";\nConnectivity resilience to variable network latency using property 'GAIAN_CONNECTIONS_CHECKER_HEARTBEAT_MS'"+ ";\nMQTT listener & Message Storer; Command line processor; Logging levels; In Memory Tables and Indexing"+ ";\nAbility to also access an Omnifind text index using com.ibm.db2j.ICAREST('<search_string>')"+ ";\nExcel Spreadsheet Data Source Type; 'Pass-through' SQL capability for insert/update/delete/call; Discovery Gateways for discovery across networks"+ ";\nAdvanced API calls: listnodes(), listflood(), addgateway()"+//, listltmatches()"+ ";\nAccess control to allow/disallow SQL API configuration and propagated writes"+ ";\nBasic security: User authentication and low-level automatic scrambling of passwords in the config file"+ ";\nDetection and cancellation of hanging queries (not mistaken for long-running queries)"+ ";\nPass-through sub-queries using 'GaianQuery': define exposed data sources on each node which the query will be executed against"+ ";\nPerformance metrics; Provenance columns: GAIAN_NODE, GAIAN_LEAF (queryable using option: 'with_provenance')"; private NetworkServerControl nsc = null; private static PreparedStatement procDefStatement = null; public static boolean isProcedureMightReturnResultSet(String procName) { if ( null == procDefStatement ) return true; ResultSet rs = null; try { procDefStatement.setString(1, procName); rs = procDefStatement.executeQuery(); if ( rs.next() && -1 == rs.getString(1).indexOf(" RESULT SETS ") ) return false; } catch (SQLException e) { logger.logException( GDBMessages.NODE_UNABLE_TO_RESOLVE_PROCEDURE_ERROR, "Unable to resolve procedure: " + procName, e); } finally { try { if ( null != rs ) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e1) {} } return true; // only return false if it exists and doesn't return a result set. } private static boolean isDerbyPortUsedByAnotherProcess = false; private static String exitRequest = null; // private static final String DERBY_EMBEDDED = "DERBY_EMBEDDED"; // private static final String DERBY_MQTT = "DERBY"; public static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost"; //public static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "was7.sdpdom.local"; public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 6414; //NetworkServerControl.DEFAULT_PORTNUMBER; private static final String DEFAULT_PROVENANCE_HOST = ""; static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG = GaianDBConfig.DEFAULT_CONFIG; static final String DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL = Logger.POSSIBLE_LEVELS[ Logger.LOG_DEFAULT ]; //private static final String CREATE_CONFIG_STORED_PROCEDURES_FILE = "createConfigProcedures.sql"; // Removed the feature below because it is equivalent to just run this from launchGaianServer.bat: SQLDerbyRunner -td@ -standalone -createdb initScript.sql // Not equivalent actually... this feature would execute the queries *before* the node would accept queries.. so it would be true initialisation... private static String gdbInitFileSQL = null; // = "gaiandb_init.sql"; static final String THREADNAME_WATCHDOG = "GaianNode Watchdog"; static final String THREADNAME_CONNECTIONS_CHECKER = "DB Connections checker"; static final String THREADNAME_NODE_SEEKER = "GaianNodeSeeker"; // Could add UDP driver and maybe the Message Storer listener thread names here in future... private static final Set<String> gdbThreadNamesOfPermanentThreads = new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList( THREADNAME_WATCHDOG, THREADNAME_CONNECTIONS_CHECKER, THREADNAME_NODE_SEEKER ) ); // Timeout used to repeat requests after a long-ish period of inactivity private final static int THROUGHPUT_SAMPLING_PERIOD = 1000; private final static int THROUGHPUT_PERIODS_PER_WATCHDOG_PERIOD = 5; public static final int WATCHDOG_POLL_TIMEOUT = THROUGHPUT_PERIODS_PER_WATCHDOG_PERIOD * THROUGHPUT_SAMPLING_PERIOD; // 5 seconds private static String USAGE = "\nUSAGE: GaianNode [-n <nodename>] [-p <gaian node port>] [-c <config file name>] [-mt <message broker topic>] [-log [<log level>]] [-console] [-g <gateways>] [-initscript <sql init file>]" + // [-w <working directory>]" + // [-lite]" + //[-h <provenance host>]" + // "\nDefault host: " + DEFAULT_PROVENANCE_HOST + ", '' means this node will let any host connect to it" + "\n" + "\n-n Node ID. Default is the local hostname." + "\n-p SQL/JDBC TCP Port number. Default: " + DEFAULT_PORT + // "\nDefault workspace: local/working directory. This is where the config file, database, log file and sysinfo file are located." + "\n-c Config file location. Default: " + DEFAULT_CONFIG + ".properties (must have '.properties' extention). This is the name of the config file for Gaian (in workspace dir)." + "\n-mt Message broker topic. Default: None. The GaianDB Message Storer will only be activated if a message broker topic is specified on the cmd line or in the config file." + // "\nDefault log file: " + DEFAULT_DB + ".log or " + DEFAULT_DB + "<portnumber>.log, in install directory (must have '.log' extention)" + "\n-log Log level. Default is: " + DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL + ", this can only be one of: " + Arrays.asList( Logger.POSSIBLE_LEVELS ) + ", and can otherwise be dynamically updated using the config file." + "\n-console Log to console. Logging is normally done to file gaiandbXXX.log (in working dir) by default. To log to System.out, use option: '-console'." + "\n-g List of Discovery Gateways. A discovery gateway is a node outside of your subnet that acts as a relay allowing you to join nodes in its network." + "\n-initscript File location of optional custom SQL initialisation script. For example this may setup logical or physical tables; or stored procedures/functions." + // "\n-w: allows you specify the folder that will hold: gaiandb.log, files and the node's database" + "\n" + "\nThe node starts in full Derby enabled mode unless flag '-lite' is specified, in which case no derby network server is started and the node uses an inbuilt minimal JDBC driver."; private String mNodeName = null; private int mPort = -1; private String mHost = null; private String mGateways = null; // private String mWorkspace = null; // Not supported - change the working directory in a launch script to achieve same result. private String mConfig = null; private String mLogLevel = null; private PrintStream mLogPrintStream = null; private String mLogFile = null; private static final String USER_DIR = System.getProperty("user.dir"); // GDB_WORKSPACE is the root location for the 'gaiandb' physical db folder, gaiandb.log and derby.properties; and the default location for gaiandb_config.properties private static String GDB_WORKSPACE = null; private static String LOG_DIR = null; // "/logs" public static final String getWorkspaceDir() { return GDB_WORKSPACE; } private static boolean isLiteNode = false; public static boolean isLite() { return false == IS_UDP_DRIVER_EXCLUDED_FROM_RELEASE && isLiteNode; } private static boolean isTestModeOn = false; public static boolean isInTestMode() { return isTestModeOn; } private static ThreadGroup gdbNodeThreadGroup = null, parentThreadGroup = null; public static final byte RUN_STATUS_ON = 0, RUN_STATUS_OFF = 1, RUN_STATUS_PENDING_ON = 2, RUN_STATUS_PENDING_OFF = 3; private static AtomicInteger runStatus = new AtomicInteger( RUN_STATUS_OFF ); public static byte getRunStatus() { // if ( RUN_STATUS_PENDING_OFF == runStatus ) // runStatus = isShutdownComplete() ? RUN_STATUS_OFF : RUN_STATUS_PENDING_OFF; return runStatus.byteValue(); } public static boolean isRunning() { return RUN_STATUS_ON == getRunStatus(); } // *ONLY* when RUN_STATUS_ON - otherwise watchdog won't exit public boolean isStarted() { return isRunning(); } // *ONLY* when RUN_STATUS_ON - otherwise watchdog won't exit public static boolean isShutdownCompleteOrPending() { final byte rs = getRunStatus(); return RUN_STATUS_OFF == rs || RUN_STATUS_PENDING_OFF == rs; } // Convenience method for code which may be wrapping GaianDB. // Should check that all GaianDB threads and all static structures of classes are cleaned up (or classes unloaded entirely) public static boolean isShutdownComplete() { return RUN_STATUS_OFF == getRunStatus(); // if ( null == gdbNodeThreadGroup ) return true; // // // Not all threads need (or even can) to be stopped - some are standard VM ones which can happily be left running for a later restart. // Thread[] gdbThreads = new Thread[ gdbNodeThreadGroup.activeCount() + 10 ]; // gdbNodeThreadGroup.enumerate( gdbThreads ); //// logger.logInfo("isShutdownComplete(): Threads remaining: " + Arrays.asList( gdbThreads )); // for ( Thread t : gdbThreads ) // if ( null != t && gdbThreadNamesOfPermanentThreads.contains( t.getName() ) ) return false; // // // TODO: MUST check here that all static structures in classes are cleaned up - for now we don't check... // return true; } public static boolean isNetworkDriverGDB() { return isLite() || GaianDBConfig.getNetworkDriver().equals( GaianDBConfig.GDBUDP ); // return isLite() || ( !IS_UDP_DRIVER_EXCLUDED_FROM_RELEASE && GaianDBConfig.getNetworkDriver().equals( GaianDBConfig.GDBUDP ) ); } private String mqttTopic = null; private MQTTMessageStorer messageStorer = null; private Connection mqttMessageStorerDBConnection = null; private boolean isMessageStorerAvailable = false; private static InetAddress localHostAddress; private static String gdbPID = "0"; // Initially unknown to the running process (-1 would mean the node wasn't running at all) public static int getPID() { return null != gdbPID && gdbPID.matches("[\\d]+") ? Integer.parseInt(gdbPID) : 0; } private static SecurityClientAgent securityClientAgent = new SecurityClientAgent(); public static SecurityClientAgent getSecurityClientAgent() { return securityClientAgent; } // Tests show that GC compacts and releases at least the equivalent of 10,000 in-mem rows at a time private static final int GC_INCREMENTAL_COLLECTION = 10000; private static long clearedArrayElements = 0; private static final ArrayList<VTIWrapper> oldvtis = new ArrayList<VTIWrapper>(); private static Vector<GaianTable> scannedGaianTables = new Vector<GaianTable>(); private static Vector<GaianTable> scannedGaianTablesPossiblyStale = new Vector<GaianTable>(); public synchronized static void notifyArrayElementsCleared( long numberOfArrayElements ) { clearedArrayElements += numberOfArrayElements; } public synchronized static void notifyArrayElementsAdded( long numberOfArrayElements ) { clearedArrayElements -= numberOfArrayElements; if ( 0 > clearedArrayElements ) clearedArrayElements = 0; } public synchronized static void notifyGaianTableScanned( GaianTable gt ) { scannedGaianTables.add(gt); } public synchronized static void notifyGaianTableBeingReScanned( GaianTable gt ) { scannedGaianTables.remove(gt); scannedGaianTablesPossiblyStale.remove(gt); } protected static void notifyDataSourcesToClose( Collection<VTIWrapper> vtis ) { synchronized( oldvtis ) { oldvtis.addAll( vtis ); } } // private static boolean deleteDirectory(File path) { // if( path.exists() ) { // File[] files = path.listFiles(); // // for(int i=0; i<files.length; i++) // files[i].delete(); // } // return( path.delete() ); // } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String exitReason = "No Exception"; try { new GaianNode().start( args ); } catch ( Throwable e ) { exitReason = e.toString(); } System.out.println("\nGaianNode exiting: " + exitReason); // // Experimented here with restarting a node after termination... could only be done when the previous instance isStopped() // System.out.println("\nisStopped: " + isStopped()); // Thread[] gdbThreads = new Thread[ gdbNodeThreadGroup.activeCount() + 10 ]; // gdbNodeThreadGroup.enumerate( gdbThreads ); // for ( Thread t : gdbThreads ) if ( null != t && t != Thread.currentThread() ) t.interrupt(); // Thread.sleep(1000); // gdbNodeThreadGroup.list(); // // need to ignore the watchdog thread here in isStopped()... (or have main running in a parent thread) // System.out.println("\nisStopped: " + isStopped()); // // try { new GaianNode().start( args ); } // catch ( Throwable e ) { exitReason = e.toString(); } // This is the only place where we can call System.exit() - as we should not be inside wrapping code. // The purpose is to pass the exit code to the calling script... if ( -1 != exitCode ) System.exit( exitCode ); } // private Object initLock = null; private static GaianNode gdbNodeSingleton = null; public void start( final String[] args ) throws Exception { gdbNodeSingleton = this; if ( RUN_STATUS_OFF != getRunStatus() ) throw new Exception("Node must be in RUN_STATUS_OFF before it can be started, current status: " + runStatus); runStatus.set( RUN_STATUS_PENDING_ON ); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); localHostAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); // System.out.println("HOSTNAME: " + localHostAddress.getHostName()); final long timeDiff = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if ( 1000 < timeDiff ) System.out.println("WARNING: Java invocation of 'InetAddress.getLocalHost()' took a long time to complete: " + timeDiff + "ms." + "\nPlease check your network interfaces and disable or restart any that are unused or trying/failing to connect.\n"); mNodeName = null; mPort = -1; mHost = null; mGateways = null; mConfig = null; mqttTopic = null; mLogLevel = null; ThreadGroup tg = gdbNodeThreadGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); while ( null != tg ) { parentThreadGroup = tg; tg = tg.getParent(); } try { // DERBY_SYSTEM_HOME cannot be set statically in the field definition higher up because that would be executed before the calling code has // a chance to set this property in java before calling GaianNode.start()... final String DERBY_SYSTEM_HOME = System.getProperty("derby.system.home"); // NOTE: We DO NOT use the install path (INSTALL_PATH) as a fallback location, because we may not have write permission to that folder... GDB_WORKSPACE = LOG_DIR = null != DERBY_SYSTEM_HOME ? DERBY_SYSTEM_HOME : null != USER_DIR ? USER_DIR : "."; // synchronized ( initLock = new Object() ) { final String[] tb = Util.splitByTrimmedDelimiter( GDB_TIMEBOMB, '/' ); // contains format: dd/mm/yyyy if ( 2 < tb.length ) { // Convert to arguments: (Year, Month, Day) - Note the month is 0-based !!! java.util.Calendar autoDestructDeadline = new java.util.GregorianCalendar( Integer.parseInt(tb[2]), Integer.parseInt(tb[1])-1, Integer.parseInt(tb[0]), 0, 0 ); // System.out.println("Comparing times: now = " + System.currentTimeMillis() + " > tb = " + autoDestructDeadline.getTimeInMillis() + " ?"); if ( System.currentTimeMillis() > autoDestructDeadline.getTimeInMillis() ) { System.out.println("___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n"); System.out.println("This Gaian install expired on " + GDB_TIMEBOMB + ". Please check your license."); System.out.println("The latest public version is available at: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks (search for 'gaiandb')\n"); System.out.println("Please contact members of the ETS team in IBM-Hursley (UK) if you have a business need for an up-to-date version:\n"); System.out.println("David Vyvyan: drvyvyan@uk.ibm.com\nGraham Bent: GrahamBent@uk.ibm.com\nPatrick Dantressangle: dantress@uk.ibm.com"); System.out.println("___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n"); // deleteDirectory(new File("lib")); System.exit(1); } } showStartupTime( 0, "Timebomb check" ); Thread.currentThread().setName("INIT"); setArgs( null == args ? new String[0] : args ); if ( RUN_STATUS_PENDING_ON != getRunStatus() ) { shutdownRequestReason = "Incorrect GaianNode arguments (check gaiandb.log) " + shutdownRequestReason; return; // via finally } // Note that establishNodeIdentity() spawns off a separate initialisation thread which // connects to the database, this is done in parallel to make the startup faster. // This connection is needed by initialiseNode(). establishNodeIdentity(); showStartupTime( 0, "establishNodeIdentity" ); // if ( false == establishNodeIdentity() ) return; initialiseNode(); if ( false == runStatus.compareAndSet( RUN_STATUS_PENDING_ON, RUN_STATUS_ON ) ) { shutdownRequestReason = "Early shutdown request (RUN_STATUS " + getRunStatus() + "): " + shutdownRequestReason; return; // via finally } // } runWatchdog(); } catch (Throwable e) { String msgPrefix = "GaianNode terminating due to Exception, cause: "; logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.NODE_START_EXCEPTION_ERROR, msgPrefix + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); // Util.getExceptionAsString(e)); if ( null != mLogFile ) { System.out.println("\n" + msgPrefix + e); } if ( null == shutdownRequestReason ) shutdownRequestReason = msgPrefix + e; } finally { runStatus.set( RUN_STATUS_PENDING_OFF ); logger.logAlways( "Gaian Node Exiting: " + shutdownRequestReason ); try { if ( null != messageStorer ) messageStorer.terminate(); if ( null != mqttMessageStorerDBConnection ) mqttMessageStorerDBConnection.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.logException(GDBMessages.NODE_UNSUBSCRIBE_ERROR, "Gaian Node Exception whilst unsubscribing to topic and disconnecting from MQTT and DB: ", e); } try { logger.logAlways("Number of remaining GaianResult objects to close: " + GaianTable.getGresults().size()); Set<GaianResult> gResults = GaianTable.getGresults(); synchronized( gResults ) { for ( Iterator<GaianResult> gaianResultsIterator = gResults.iterator(); gaianResultsIterator.hasNext(); ) try { gaianResultsIterator.next().close(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.logAlways("Unable to close a GaianResult, cause: " + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); } } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.logAlways("Unable to get set of GaianResult objects to close, cause: " + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); } try { GaianResult.purgeThreadPools(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.logAlways("Unable to purge GaianResult Thread Pools, cause: " + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); } if ( false == isDerbyPortUsedByAnotherProcess ) { try { if ( null != nsc ) { nsc.shutdown(); boolean isFirstCheck = true; while ( true ) { try { nsc.ping(); if ( isFirstCheck ) logger.logAlways("Waiting for DerbyNetworkServer to stop responding..."); Thread.sleep( 100 ); isFirstCheck = false; } catch (Exception e) { break; } // Server is gone... could also check that the actual tcp socket/port was released? } } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.logAlways("Unable to shutdown Derby Network Server, cause: " + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); } } // Don't try and do anything about interrupting or killing any remaining gaiandb threads (from gdbThreadGroup) - // This could impact threads of code wrapping us. logger.logAlways("Node thread count before exit: " + gdbNodeThreadGroup.activeCount()); // gdbNodeThreadGroup.list(); // System.out.println("Run status = " + getRunStatus() + ", isShutdownComplete() ? " + isShutdownComplete()); runStatus.set( RUN_STATUS_OFF ); // Assume shutdown is complete... later we should revisit this to check more thoroughly thread + object cleanup if ( 0 != exitCode ) // Need to pass diags up to potentially wrapping code throw new Exception( shutdownRequestReason ); } } /* public void waitForStartedStatus() { while ( null == initLock ) { try { System.out.println("Sleeping 50ms"); Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} }; synchronized( initLock ) {} } */ private static boolean isInitDataUpToDate = false; private static long gdbDbTimestampAtStartup = 0L; private static Thread parallelInitThread = null; /** * This method performs a variety of initialisation actions including * establishing the configuration file, loading the default database driver and * registering the connection maintenance procedure (which is done in a separate thread * to avoid holding up other initialisation activities). * * @throws Exception */ private void establishNodeIdentity() throws Throwable { // Note each GaianNode starts in its own JVM - so each has its own "instance" of the static GaianDBConfig class // Establish basic config properties before logging can start GaianDBConfig.setDerbyServerListenerPort( mPort ); GaianDBConfig.setGaianNodeName( mNodeName ); // GaianDBConfig.setWorkspace( mWorkspace ); // Set the config file name GaianDBConfig.setConfigFile( mConfig ); showStartupTime( 0, "Set derbyPort, nodeName and configFile" ); // Cater for the fact that the java.lang.management classes are not always available (e.g. when cross-compiling to Dalvik) String processName = null; try { showStartupTime( 0, "PID resol0" ); processName = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); showStartupTime( 0, "PID resol" ); } catch ( Throwable e ) { logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.NODE_PID_RESOLVE_ERROR, "Unable to resolve process name or pid (ignored): " + e); } showStartupTime( 0, "PID resolution" ); gdbPID = null == processName || -1 == processName.indexOf('@') ? "Unresolved" : processName.substring(0, processName.indexOf('@')); String pidText = "PROCESS ID:\t\t" + gdbPID; String nodeIDText = "NODE ID:\t\t" + GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeID(); String wdText = "WORKING DIRECTORY:\t" + new File(USER_DIR).getCanonicalPath(); String bytecodePathMsg = "BYTECODE PATH:\t\t" + new File(BYTECODE_PATH).getCanonicalPath(); String workspaceText = "WORKSPACE:\t\t" + new File(GDB_WORKSPACE).getCanonicalPath(); if ( null == mLogPrintStream ) { System.out.println( pidText ); System.out.println( nodeIDText ); System.out.println( wdText ); // System.out.println( bytecodePathMsg ); System.out.println( workspaceText ); // System.out.println( "DERBY SYSTEMHOME:\t" + System.getProperty("derby.system.home") ); String dbName = GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName(); new File(LOG_DIR).mkdir(); for ( String extn : new String[] { "", "#0", "#1" } ) { String fName = dbName + extn + ".log"; String fNameOld = dbName + "-previous" + extn + ".log"; new File( LOG_DIR, fNameOld ).delete(); new File( LOG_DIR, fName ).renameTo( new File( LOG_DIR, fNameOld ) ); } // The print stream is not already set to System.out, so we log to file // Note log file must be different for every gaiandb instance running off the same working directory (i.e. one per db and port) mLogFile = dbName +".log"; mLogPrintStream = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( new File(LOG_DIR, mLogFile) )); Logger.setPrintStream( mLogPrintStream ); } if ( !isLite() ) { GaianDBConfig.loadDriver( GaianDBConfig.DERBY_CLIENT_DRIVER ); final File gdbJarFile = new File(BYTECODE_PATH); final File gdbDbFolder = new File(GDB_WORKSPACE, GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName()); gdbDbTimestampAtStartup = gdbDbFolder.lastModified(); final String gdbJarMD5_previous = GaianDBConfig.getUserProperty("GAIANDB_JAR_MD5"); // The UDFs required by GaianDB and all API & utility spfs are "up-to-date" if the GAIANDB.jar has not changed AND if the gaiandb derby db exists and is more recent than the Jar. // Otherwise, we will be reloading these procedures and functions. isInitDataUpToDate = GAIANDB_JAR_MD5.equals(gdbJarMD5_previous) && gdbDbTimestampAtStartup > gdbJarFile.lastModified(); logger.logAlways("isInitDataUpToDate = " + isInitDataUpToDate + " = GAIANDB_JAR_MD5 " + GAIANDB_JAR_MD5 + " = gdbJarMD5_previous " + gdbJarMD5_previous + " && gdbDbTimestampAtStartup "+gdbDbTimestampAtStartup + " > gdbJarFile.lastModified() " + gdbJarFile.lastModified()); // Load API and Views on the loaded logical tables using an embedded connection to the gaiandb database so that // no other process can also connect to it while we are doing this. parallelInitThread = new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { // System.out.println("Checking socket port"); long st = System.currentTimeMillis(); // new ServerSocket(mPort).close(); ServerSocket tcpSocket = new ServerSocket(); tcpSocket.setReuseAddress(true); // critical step to avoid "ADDRESS ALREADY IN USE" messages when socket is in TIME_WAIT state. tcpSocket.bind( new InetSocketAddress(mPort) ); tcpSocket.close(); // System.out.println("Checked socket port in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - st) + "ms"); } catch ( IOException e ) { isDerbyPortUsedByAnotherProcess = true; exitRequest = "Unable to start GaianNode on port " + mPort + " (GaianDB may already be running), cause: "+e; } if ( null == exitRequest /*&& false == isInitDataUpToDate*/ ) try { initialiseGaianNodeData0(); } catch ( Throwable e ) { exitRequest = "Unable to initialise GaianNode data (aborting): Another GaianNode or Derby instance may be attached to db folder 'gaiandb'? " + "Otherwise, authentication may have failed or the database may be corrupted (delete it & restart to recycle it). Also check optional messages below."; // - database may be booted by another instance? String digest = exitRequest + "\n" + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e); // getAllExceptionCauses(e); // if ( null != mLogFile ) { System.out.println(digest); } // logger.logWarning( exitRequest + e ); logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.NODE_ID_EXCEPTION_ERROR, "GaianNode terminating due to Exception: " + digest); // Util.getExceptionAsString(e)); if ( null != mLogFile ) { System.out.println("\n" + digest); } // System.exit(1); // throw new Exception( digest ); } showStartupTime( 1, "init data 0 + check on whether a GaianNode is already started on this port" ); } },"InitialisationThread"); parallelInitThread.start(); } logger.logRaw( VERSION_INFO ); logger.logRaw( "\n" + pidText ); logger.logRaw( "\n" + nodeIDText ); logger.logRaw( "\n" + wdText ); logger.logRaw( bytecodePathMsg ); logger.logRaw( workspaceText ); // Quick logging to show file structure when deployed in BlueMix // for ( String xpr : new String[] { "*", "apps/*", "apps/myapp/*", "apps/myapp/*/*" } ) // for ( String f : Util.findFilesTreeMatchingMask(xpr, false) ) // logger.logRaw("ls " + xpr + ": " + f); } // public static int getProcessId() { // try { // // Only works with Sun Java // java.lang.reflect.Field jvmField = Class.forName("sun.management.RuntimeImpl").getDeclaredField("jvm"); // java.lang.reflect.Method getProcessIdMethod = Class.forName("sun.management.VMManagementImpl").getDeclaredMethod("getProcessId"); // jvmField.setAccessible(true); // getProcessIdMethod.setAccessible(true); // return (Integer) getProcessIdMethod.invoke( jvmField.get( ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean() ) ); // } catch (Exception e) { // initLogger.logWarning("Unable to resolve PID: " + e); // return -1; // } // } private void initialiseNode() throws Throwable { // createLogicalTableViews(); // String configFileName = GaianDBConfig.getConfigFile().getCanonicalPath(); String dbmsg = "PHYSICAL DATABASE:\t" + new File(GDB_WORKSPACE, GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName()).getCanonicalPath() + "\n"; String logmsg = "LOG FILE:\t\t" + ( null == mLogFile ? "None (console)" : new File(LOG_DIR, mLogFile).getCanonicalPath()) + "\n"; String cfgmsg = "CONFIG FILE:\t\t" + GaianDBConfig.getConfigFilePath() + "\n"; if ( !isLite() ) logger.logRaw("\n" + dbmsg + logmsg + cfgmsg + "\nDERBY SERVER PORT:\t" + mPort + "\nPROVENANCE HOST(S):\t" + mHost + "\n"); if ( !IS_UDP_DRIVER_EXCLUDED_FROM_RELEASE && GaianNode.isNetworkDriverGDB() ) logger.logRaw( (!isLite() ? "" : "\n") + "UDP SERVER PORT:\t" + mPort + "\n" ); // Don't repeat the above if logging goes to System.out anyway if ( null != mLogFile ) { System.out.print(dbmsg); System.out.print(logmsg); System.out.print(cfgmsg); System.out.println( "VERSION INFO:\t\tV" + GDB_VERSION + (null!=GDB_TIMEBOMB && 9<GDB_TIMEBOMB.length() ? " (expires "+GDB_TIMEBOMB+")" : "") + " - JAR sizes: " + Util.longArrayAsString(JAR_SIZES) + ", timestamps: " + Arrays.asList(JAR_TSTAMPS) ); } String hostname = localHostAddress.getHostName(); Enumeration<NetworkInterface> en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); logger.logRaw("Network Interfaces: "); while ( en.hasMoreElements() ) { NetworkInterface ni = en.nextElement(); Enumeration<InetAddress> ias = ni.getInetAddresses(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if ( ias.hasMoreElements() ) sb.append(ias.nextElement()); while( ias.hasMoreElements() ) sb.append(", " + ias.nextElement()); // System.out.println("Next ni: " + ni); // Java 6 only:... if (isJavaVersion6OrMore) { for ( InterfaceAddress ifa : ni.getInterfaceAddresses() ) { String ifaString = null == ifa ? null : "Address: " + ifa.getAddress() + " -> Broadcast: " + ifa.getBroadcast(); if ( 0 == sb.length() ) sb.append(ifaString); else sb.append(", " + ifaString); } } logger.logRaw( ni.getName() + ": " + // Util.byteArray2HexString(ni.getHardwareAddress(),true) + ": " + ni.getDisplayName() + " " + sb ); } logger.logRaw("\nHostname: " + hostname + "\nJava localhost ip: " + localHostAddress.getHostAddress() + "\nLocal address designating initial default interface for multicast: " + GaianNodeSeeker.getDefaultLocalIP() ); logger.logRaw("\n"); showStartupTime( 0, "Net interfaces" ); // int min = 33, max = 127; // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // for ( int i=min; i<max; i++ ) sb.append((char) i); // logger.logRaw("Character sets should match for ascii range 33-126:"); // logger.logRaw("local: " + sb); // logger.logRaw("reference: !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"); // Initialise everything logger.logAlways("Initialising GaianNode..."); if ( isInitDataUpToDate ) logger.logAlways("GAIANDB.jar library has not been changed (and db folder is more recent), so initialisation data (e.g. stored procs/funcs) is expected to be already loaded"); else logger.logAlways("GAIANDB.jar library has been changed (or db folder didn't exist or was older), so initialisation data (stored procs/funcs) is being re-loaded"); logger.logAlways("Node details: " + GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeID() + " " + GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeUser() + " <password>" ); // + GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodePasswordScrambled() ); String dip = GaianDBConfig.getDiscoveryIP(), dg = GaianDBConfig.getDiscoveryGateways(), mi = GaianDBConfig.getMulticastInterfaces(), ac = GaianDBConfig.getAccessClusters(), ahp = GaianDBConfig.getAccessHostsPermitted(), ahd = GaianDBConfig.getAccessHostsDenied(); logger.logAlways("Autonomic Discovery: Maintained connections sought through discovery: " + GaianDBConfig.MIN_DISCOVERED_CONNECTIONS + " = " + GaianDBConfig.getMinConnectionsToDiscover() ); logger.logAlways("Autonomic Discovery: " + GaianDBConfig.DISCOVERY_IP + " = " + (null==dip?"<Default="+GaianNodeSeeker.DEFAULT_MULTICAST_GROUP_IP+">":dip) ); logger.logAlways("Autonomic Discovery: " + GaianDBConfig.DISCOVERY_GATEWAYS + " = " + (null==dg?"<Default=No gateways to other networks>":dg) ); logger.logAlways("Autonomic Discovery: " + GaianDBConfig.MULTICAST_INTERFACES + " = " + (null==mi?"<DefaultInterface="+InetAddress.getByName(GaianNodeSeeker.getDefaultLocalIP())+">":mi) ); logger.logAlways("Connectivity: " + GaianDBConfig.ACCESS_CLUSTERS + " = " + (null==ac?"<Default=Connect to nodes which are not cluster members>":ac) ); logger.logAlways("Connectivity: " + GaianDBConfig.ACCESS_HOSTS_PERMITTED + " = " + (null==ahp?"<Default=Accept further connections from any host outside the defined clusters>":ahp) ); logger.logAlways("Connectivity: " + GaianDBConfig.ACCESS_HOSTS_DENIED + " = " + (null==ahd?"<Default=Do not deny connections from any host in or outside the defined clusters>":ahd) ); // Assign the log level early on GaianDBConfig.assignLogLevel( mLogLevel ); logger.logAlways( "Log level set to: " + Logger.POSSIBLE_LEVELS[Logger.logLevel] ); showStartupTime( 0, "Config reporting" ); // Load logical tables and their data sources // Also run through the persist code to scramble any PWDs that are in the clear before initialising/loading data structures - also set GAIANDB_JAR_MD5 property Map<String, String> initUpdates = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6272844140878031300L; { put ( "GAIANDB_JAR_MD5", GAIANDB_JAR_MD5 ); } }; if ( null != mGateways ) initUpdates.put(GaianDBConfig.DISCOVERY_GATEWAYS, mGateways ); // if ( null != mExecTimeout ) initUpdates.put(GaianDBConfig.EXEC_TIMEOUT_MS, mExecTimeout ); showStartupTime( 0, "JAR_MD5 and DISCOVERY_GATEWAYS init" ); GaianDBConfig.persistAndApplyConfigUpdates( initUpdates ); showStartupTime( 0, "Config + LT + DS init" ); // Initialise access credentials - potentially needed when first queries come through GaianDBConfig.refreshRemoteAccessCredentials(securityClientAgent); Statement tmpStmt = null; if ( !isLite() ) { // Start a Derby network server which we will use to connect to the initialised gaiandb database // NetworkServerControl.main( new String[] { "start", "-h", mHost, "-p", new Integer(mPort).toString() } ); InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(mHost); logger.logAlways("Starting Derby Network Server, host mask " + addr.getHostAddress() + ", port " + mPort ); nsc = new NetworkServerControl( addr, mPort, GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeUser(), GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodePassword() ); logger.logRaw(""); // Put a new line in before Derby prints out its Network Server started status showStartupTime( 0, "Derby NS constructor" ); // If sslMode is set, ensure we have properties for the keystore file name and password (use defaults if necessary). final String sslMode = GaianDBConfig.getSSLMode(); if ( "basic".equals(sslMode) || "peerAuthentication".equals(sslMode) ) { String keyStoreFileName = System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStore"); String keyStorePassword = System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword"); if ( null == keyStoreFileName ) System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStore", keyStoreFileName = GDB_WORKSPACE + "/.keyStore"); if ( null == keyStorePassword ) System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword", keyStorePassword = GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodePassword()); // // Auto-generation of Key-pair into a keystore for this server node - to avoid requirement to create one manually... // // See comments in derby.properties for more detail on manual configuration. // // Parked because: // // 1) Use of Java security methods requires a new Export Regs classification, and // // 2) below implementation doesn't work (keystore needs more to it I think..) and maybe keystore/pwd could also be managed by the JVM. // // // Create keyStore file if it doesn't exist // if ( false == new File( GDB_WORKSPACE + '/' + keyStoreFileName ).exists() ) { // // KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); // final char[] passwordChars = keyStorePassword.toCharArray(); // ks.load(null, passwordChars); // FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( GDB_WORKSPACE + '/' + keyStoreFileName ); // ks.store(fos, passwordChars); // fos.close(); // } } // The parallelInitThread was run by establishNodeIdentity and connected to the database to perform // Initialisation actions. It must be finished at this point so that subsequent database calls in // initialiseGaianNodeData below succeed. parallelInitThread.join(); // must be done before initialiseGaianNodeData() is called showStartupTime( 0, "init thread joining" ); if ( null != exitRequest ) throw new Exception(exitRequest); // Load API and Views on the loaded logical tables using an embedded connection to the gaiandb database so that // no other process can also connect to it while we are doing this. try { initialiseGaianNodeData(); } catch ( Throwable e ) { String msg = "Unable to initialise GaianNode data - aborting - (Derby db folder 'gaiandb' may be corrupted - delete it & restart to recycle it)"; // - database may be booted by another instance? // String digest = msg + "\n" + Util.getAllExceptionCauses(e); // if ( null != mLogFile ) { System.out.println(digest); } // logger.logWarning( msg + e ); // throw new Exception( digest ); throw new Exception( msg + "\nStack:" + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); } nsc.start( new PrintWriter( mLogPrintStream ) ); // System.out.println("nsc descr: " + nsc.toString() ); // System.out.println("nsc sysinfo: " + nsc.getSysinfo() + ", runtime info: " + nsc.getRuntimeInfo()); // System.out.println("nsc properties: " + Arrays.asList( nsc.getCurrentProperties() )); while ( true ) { // logger.logRaw("Network Server Ping..."); try { nsc.ping(); break; } catch (Exception e) { if ( -1 < e.getMessage().indexOf("Keystore") ) throw e; // Abort startup if we have incorrect SSL keystore or pwd logger.logInfo("Re-trying Derby NetworkServer ping() after Exception: " + e); } Thread.sleep( 100 ); } showStartupTime( 0, "Derby NS start/ping" ); // logger.logDetail( "NSC status: " + nsc.getSysinfo() ); // Derby Network Server Started if ( showStartupTimes ) System.out.println("\nGaianDB startup time incl Derby: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - initt)); String derbySysInfo = nsc.getSysinfo(); int idx = derbySysInfo.indexOf("Version:"); int idx2 = derbySysInfo.indexOf("Build", idx); if ( -1 == idx2 ) idx2 = derbySysInfo.indexOf('\n', idx); String derbyVersionInfo = derbySysInfo.substring(idx, idx2); String startedMsg = "\n" + "Derby " + derbyVersionInfo + "- Java Version: " + javaVersionS + " (" + System.getProperty("java.vm.name") + ")\n\n" + "GaianNode started for Derby network server with sslMode="+nsc.getCurrentProperties().getProperty("derby.drda.sslMode") + " on port: " + mPort + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ", startup time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - initt) + "ms\n"; if ( null != mLogFile ) System.out.println( startedMsg ); logger.logAlways( /*"GaianNode started\n" +*/ startedMsg ); logger.logInfo("Derby Network Server maxThreads: " + nsc.getMaxThreads() + ", timeSliceBeforeYieldPerThread: " + nsc.getTimeSlice() ); // Get connection for periodic refresh of LT views - also validates that we can get a connection to the Derby NS Connection initConn = GaianDBConfig.getEmbeddedDerbyConnection(); // DriverManager.getConnection( // "jdbc:derby://localhost:" + mPort + "/" + GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName() + ";ssl=" + GaianDBConfig.getSSLMode(), // GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeUser(), GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodePassword() ); // Prepare a statement that will give us the ability to derive return capabilities of stored procedures. // This is needed because: // Procedures that don't return a result can be targeted at remote nodes (using GaianQuery()) without having to execute them locally. // This is because we can just use a basic static result structure (int update_count) to return when derby calls GaianTable.getMetaData(). // DatabaseMetaData is not completed by Derby. therefore unreliable. // To get Derby procedure return capabilities, we have to look at their registration alias info string... procDefStatement = initConn.prepareStatement("select aliasinfo from sys.sysaliases where alias = ?"); try { tmpStmt = initConn.createStatement(); } catch ( SQLException e ) { String digest = "Cannot obtain connection to GaianDB database: " + GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName() + ", causes: " + Util.getAllExceptionCauses(e); logger.logInfo( digest ); throw new Exception( digest ); } showStartupTime( 0, "First Derby Connection" ); // Refresh LT views immediately after startup - // Note that we cannot avoid running this code if the timestamp of the gaiandb_config.properties file is older than timestamp of the database because // the config file may have been copied from another location, keeping its old timestamp. DataSourcesManager.resetUpToDateViews( tmpStmt ); showStartupTime( 0, "Recomputed up-to-date views" ); try { DataSourcesManager.checkUpdateLogicalTableViewsOnAllDBs(); } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.NODE_LT_VIEW_UPDATE_ERROR, "Failed to update some logical table views (ignored): " + e); } showStartupTime( 0, "Updated logical table views on all dbs" ); if ( null != gdbInitFileSQL && new File(gdbInitFileSQL).exists() ) sdr.processSQLs( gdbInitFileSQL ); showStartupTime( 0, "Init SQL script " + gdbInitFileSQL); // Do some early cleanup AbstractVTI.dropCacheTables( tmpStmt ); //sdr.createStatementOffInternalConnection() ); // DataSourcesManager.registerDatabaseStatementForLogicalTableViewsLoading( GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName(), tmpStmt ); too late... test code is already setting a new LT and trying to use this statement to create its views... showStartupTime( 0, "Cache table dropping" ); } // Denis: Start UDP JDBC server on mPort if ( !IS_UDP_DRIVER_EXCLUDED_FROM_RELEASE && GaianNode.isNetworkDriverGDB() ) { logger.logInfo( "Starting UDP Driver server: datagramSize : "+ GaianDBConfig.getNetworkDriverGDBUDPDatagramSize()+" bytes - timeout : "+ GaianDBConfig.getNetworkDriverGDBUDPTimeout()+ " ms" ); SocketHelper.setBufferSize( GaianDBConfig.getNetworkDriverGDBUDPSocketBufferSize() ); UDPDriverServer udpJDBCServer = new UDPDriverServer( mHost, mPort, GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName() ); udpJDBCServer.setDatagramSize( GaianDBConfig.getNetworkDriverGDBUDPDatagramSize() ); udpJDBCServer.start(); if ( showStartupTimes ) System.out.println("\nGaianDB startup time incl UDP server: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - initt)); String startedMsg = (!isLite() ? "" : "\n") + "GaianNode startup complete for UDP network server on port: " + mPort + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "\n"; if ( null != mLogFile ) System.out.println( startedMsg ); logger.logRaw( /*"GaianNode started\n" +*/ startedMsg ); } //TODO:PDA add Web server start here: // Preload JDBC data sources // Also done on config updates and seeker node discovery or loss DataSourcesManager.cleanAndPreloadDataSources(); // Load specialised EntityAssociations for all files specified in config... // loadNewEntityAssociations(); // MetricMonitor metricMonitor = MetricMonitor.getInstance(conn); // metricMonitor.addJVMMonitors(); // Test whether MQTTMessageStorer can be used and started - i.e. if wmqtt.jar was placed somewhere under the lib folder try { getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(MQTTMessageStorer.class.getName()); isMessageStorerAvailable = true; } catch ( Throwable e ) { logger.logInfo("Could not load MessageStorer (install wmqtt.jar from IBM Microbroker): " + e); } } private static final PrintStream BIT_BUCKET = new PrintStream(new OutputStream() { @Override public void write(int b) {} }); private static Thread watchdogThread = null; private void runWatchdog() throws Exception { try { DatabaseConnectionsChecker.checkConnectionsInBackground(); boolean logConnections = false; int maxDerbyInboundConnectionThreads = -1; int lastLoggedthreadCount = -1; double memoryUsedPrevious = 0; watchdogThread = Thread.currentThread(); watchdogThread.setName(THREADNAME_WATCHDOG); // Commented out initialisation for-loop below. // We want to explicitly register ALL jdbc drivers that were on the system class-path - so users don't have to specify driver names in config. // DriverManager itself only auto-registers a selected few well-known drivers at startup (so it will ommit Hive for example). // for ( String libDir : new String[] { "lib", "lib/ext" } ) { // String[] newLibs = new File( GDB_WORKSPACE + "/" + libDir ).list(); // if (null != newLibs) for ( String lib : newLibs ) if ( lib.endsWith(".jar") ) // loadedUsrLibURLs.add( new File(GDB_WORKSPACE+"/"+libDir+"/"+lib).toURI().toURL() ); // } computeCPUsForThreadsAndNodeInPeriod(); // get an early measure before the first sleep while ( THREADNAME_WATCHDOG.equals( Thread.currentThread().getName() ) && isStarted() ) { GaianNodeSeeker.maintainSeeker(); // try { autoExpandClassPathAndLoadNewlyAvailableJDBCDriversWithDynamicClassLoading(); } // catch ( Exception e ) { logger.logException("ENGINE_WATCHDOG_AUTO_LOAD_JDBC_DRIVER", "Unable to auto-load JDBC drivers", e); } boolean isDataServiceCidUpdatesWereRegistered = false; // Auto-load RDBMS connections for available RDBMS services in BlueMix - exposed through system environment properties try { isDataServiceCidUpdatesWereRegistered = autoLoadGaianConnectionsForNewlyAvailableBlueMixRDBMSServices(); } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.logException("ENGINE_WATCHDOG_AUTO_LOAD_RDBMS_CID_ERROR", "Unable to auto-load BlueMix RDBMS services", e); } if ( isMessageStorerAvailable && null == messageStorer ) initialiseMessageStorer(); try { if ( -1 < memoryUsedPrevious ) { double memoryUsed = GaianDBUtilityProcedures.jMemory(); if ( Math.abs( memoryUsed - memoryUsedPrevious ) > 10000000 ) { logger.logAlways("Used Heap Memory changed by >10MB. jMemory (MB): " + (memoryUsed/1000000) + " (= " + GaianDBUtilityProcedures.jMemoryPercent() + "%, jMemoryMax (MB): " + (double)GaianDBUtilityProcedures.jMemoryMax()/1000000 + ")" + ". jMemoryNonHeap (MB): " + (double)GaianDBUtilityProcedures.jMemoryNonHeap()/1000000 + " - (suspected hanging queries being checked: "+DatabaseConnectionsChecker.getNumberOfSuspectedHangingQueriesBeingChecked()+")"); memoryUsedPrevious = memoryUsed; } } } catch ( Throwable e ) { logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.NODE_MEMORYMXBEAM_ERROR, "Unable to access/process MemoryMXBean for monitoring used memory (ignored): " + e); memoryUsedPrevious = -1; } // printSystemStats(); // Refresh resources if necessary synchronized( DataSourcesManager.class ) { if ( GaianDBConfig.isRegistryNeedsReloadingFromFile() ) { // If an update has just been made to config by the seeker, tell it not to bother loading // it as we have the lock on it and are about to do it now. logger.logInfo("Watchdog reloading registry config..."); GaianDBConfig.persistAndApplyConfigUpdates(null); // scramble out any newly entered pwds - also does a DataSourcesManager.refresh(); } else if ( isDataServiceCidUpdatesWereRegistered ) DataSourcesManager.refresh(); else DataSourcesManager.cleanAndPreloadDataSources(); // try loading data sources that may have just become available... // loadNewEntityAssociations(); } try { DataSourcesManager.checkUpdateLogicalTableViewsOnAllDBs(); } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.NODE_LT_VIEW_UPDATE_ERROR, "Failed to update some logical table views (ignored): " + e); } // Initialise newly defined policy classes // NOTE: static code in an old class should clean itself down if/when it detects it is no longer set to be the SQL_RESULT_FILTER class. GaianDBConfig.initialisePolicyClasses(); for ( int i=0; i<THROUGHPUT_PERIODS_PER_WATCHDOG_PERIOD; i++ ) { Thread.sleep( THROUGHPUT_SAMPLING_PERIOD ); dataThroughputInLastPeriod = GaianTable.getDataThroughput(); queryActivityInLastPeriod = GaianTable.getQueryActivity(); int numCancelled = GaianTable.checkAndActOnTimeouts(); if ( 0 < numCancelled ) logger.logThreadInfo("Number of queries cancelled by timeouts: " + numCancelled); computeCPUsForThreadsAndNodeInPeriod(); } // Thread.sleep( WATCHDOG_POLL_TIMEOUT ); VTIWrapper.reloadCachedRowsForAllDataSourceWrappersRequiringIt(); // Refresh credentials every time we loop GaianDBConfig.refreshRemoteAccessCredentials(securityClientAgent); // DataSourcesManager.createLogicalTableViews( null ); // must be outside of synchronized block to avoid deadlock // Drop connections to unwanted nodes from main watchdog loop because housekeeping must continue when discovery is disabled GaianNodeSeeker.dropConnectionsToNodesNotMeetingAccessRestrictions(); if ( null != messageStorer ) { messageStorer.checkRefreshConfig(); messageStorer.runRoutinePeriodicTasks(); } synchronized( oldvtis ) { for ( VTIWrapper dsWrapper : oldvtis ) try { dsWrapper.close(); } catch ( SQLException e ) { logger.logException( GDBMessages.NODE_START_CLOSE_OLD_VTI_ERROR_SQL, "Unable to close old VTIWrapper: ", e); } oldvtis.clear(); } for ( GaianTable gt : scannedGaianTablesPossiblyStale ) gt.close(); scannedGaianTablesPossiblyStale.removeAllElements(); synchronized ( scannedGaianTables ) { scannedGaianTablesPossiblyStale.addAll(scannedGaianTables); scannedGaianTables.removeAllElements(); } if ( clearedArrayElements >= GC_INCREMENTAL_COLLECTION ) { System.gc(); logger.logInfo("** Called GC, estimated blocks freed: " + GC_INCREMENTAL_COLLECTION + "/" + clearedArrayElements); clearedArrayElements -= GC_INCREMENTAL_COLLECTION; if ( 0 > clearedArrayElements ) clearedArrayElements = 0; } // Log to a new log file (under logs/ (todo)) every hour - and (TBD) remove old and empty ones... // if ( 0 == cycles % (360000/WATCHDOG_POLL_TIMEOUT) ) { //mLogPrintStream.checkError() ) { // Swap log files when max log size is reached if ( null != mLogFile && 1000000 * GaianDBConfig.getLogfileMaxSizeMB() < new File(LOG_DIR, mLogFile).length() ) { PrintStream oldPrintStream = mLogPrintStream; // mLogFile = GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName() + "-" + sdf.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())) + ".log"; String suf = mLogFile.equals(GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName()+".log") || mLogFile.endsWith("#1.log") ? "#0.log" : "#1.log"; mLogFile = GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName() + suf; mLogPrintStream = new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream( new File(LOG_DIR, mLogFile) ) ); Logger.setPrintStream( mLogPrintStream ); oldPrintStream.close(); logger.logAlways("Recycled Log File PrintStream" ); } // gdbNodeThreadGroup.list(); int threadCount = gdbNodeThreadGroup.activeCount(); if ( lastLoggedthreadCount != threadCount ) { lastLoggedthreadCount = threadCount; logger.logInfo("New node thread count: " + lastLoggedthreadCount); } if ( !isLite() ) { if ( Logger.LOG_NONE < Logger.logLevel ) { if ( false == logConnections) { nsc.logConnections(true); logConnections = true; } } else if ( true == logConnections ) { nsc.logConnections(false); logConnections = false; } int newMaxThreads = GaianDBConfig.getMaxInboundConnectionThreads(); if ( newMaxThreads != maxDerbyInboundConnectionThreads ) { nsc.setMaxThreads(newMaxThreads); logger.logInfo("Derby Network Server maxThreads set to: " + nsc.getMaxThreads()); maxDerbyInboundConnectionThreads = newMaxThreads; } } } } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { shutdownRequestReason = THREADNAME_WATCHDOG + " was explicitly interrupted: " + e + (null==shutdownRequestReason?"":", linked reason: " + shutdownRequestReason); watchdogThread = null; exitCode = 0; } catch ( Throwable e ) { // This exception might be silently replaced with another exception from the finally block - so we need to print it here. String msgPrefix = "Gaian Node Exception in Watchdog loop (shutting down), cause: "; logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.NODE_WATCHDOG_LOOP_ERROR, msgPrefix + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); throw new Exception( msgPrefix + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e) ); } finally { DatabaseConnectionsChecker.interruptConnectionsChecker(); } // metricMonitor.stop(); } // Dynamic classloader code (yet to be tested) - To add a Jar at runtime, use: myCL.addURL( file.toURI().toURL() ) private DynamicClassLoader gdbCL = null; private DynamicClassLoader getGdbCL() { return null != gdbCL ? gdbCL : (gdbCL = new DynamicClassLoader( (URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() )); } private class DynamicClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { public DynamicClassLoader(URLClassLoader cl) { super(cl.getURLs()); } @Override public void addURL(URL url) { super.addURL(url); } } private HashSet<URL> loadedUsrLibURLs = new HashSet<URL>(); private final static Class<Driver> JDBC_DRIVER_INTERFACE = Driver.class; private final void autoExpandClassPathAndLoadNewlyAvailableJDBCDriversWithDynamicClassLoading() throws Exception { final Set<URL> jarURLs = new HashSet<URL>(); ArrayList<String> libDirs = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList(GDB_WORKSPACE + "/lib") ); while ( false == libDirs.isEmpty() ) { String libDir = libDirs.remove( libDirs.size()-1 ); final String[] fnames = new File( libDir ).list(); if ( null != fnames ) for ( String fname : fnames ) { String fpath = libDir + "/" + fname; File f = new File( fpath ); if ( f.isDirectory() ) { libDirs.add( fpath ); continue; } if ( fname.endsWith(".jar") ) jarURLs.add( f.toURI().toURL() ); } } jarURLs.removeAll( loadedUsrLibURLs ); if ( 0 < jarURLs.size() ) { logger.logInfo("Auto-expanding classpath and loading JDBC drivers from newly found user libs: " + jarURLs); // Expand the system class-loader, so classes other than JDBC drivers can also be loaded dynamically for ( URL url : jarURLs ) getGdbCL().addURL(url); // final URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader((URL[]) fileURLs.toArray(new URL[0])); int numFiles = 0, numDriverClasses = 0, numDrivers = 0; List<Class<?>> loadedClasses = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); List<String> registeredDrivers = new ArrayList<String>(); final PrintStream originalSysOut = System.out, originalSysErr = System.err; System.setOut( BIT_BUCKET ); System.setErr( BIT_BUCKET ); for ( URL url : jarURLs ) for ( Enumeration list = new ZipFile(url.getFile()).entries(); list.hasMoreElements(); numFiles++ ) { final String zipEntryName = ((ZipEntry) list.nextElement()).getName(); if ( false == zipEntryName.endsWith("Driver.class") ) continue; numDriverClasses++; final String className = zipEntryName.substring(0, zipEntryName.length()-6).replace('/','.').replace('\\','.'); try { loadedClasses.add( Class.forName(className, false, getGdbCL()) ); } // just load the class for now catch ( Throwable e ) { logger.logDetail("Unable to load class: " + className + ", cause: " + e); } // ignore/skip } // Collections.sort( loadedClasses, // sort classes by length of their fully qualified names.. to register most likely required ones first // new Comparator<Class<?>>() { public int compare(Class<?> c1, Class<?> c2) { return c1.getName().length() - c2.getName().length(); }} // ); for ( Class<?> candidateDriverClass : loadedClasses ) { if ( JDBC_DRIVER_INTERFACE.isAssignableFrom( candidateDriverClass ) ) { numDrivers++; try { // Explicitly register this driver - (DriverManager only pre-registers known drivers from system class-loader..) DriverManager.registerDriver( new DriverWrapper( (Driver) candidateDriverClass.newInstance() )); registeredDrivers.add( candidateDriverClass.getName() ); } catch ( Throwable e ) { logger.logDetail("Unable to register jdbc driver: " + candidateDriverClass.getName() + ", cause: " + e); } // ignore/skip } } System.setOut(originalSysOut); System.setErr(originalSysErr); loadedUsrLibURLs.addAll(jarURLs); logger.logInfo("Added jars to child classloader: " + jarURLs.size() + " (new total " + loadedUsrLibURLs.size() + ")" + ". Total files in new jars: " + numFiles + "; Driver classes loaded: " + loadedClasses.size() + "/" + numDriverClasses + "; registered JDBC drivers: " + registeredDrivers.size() + "/" + numDrivers + " = " + registeredDrivers); } } static Class<?> getClassUsingGaianClassLoader(final String className) throws Exception { // Android Studio has an issue with converting URLClassLoader to Dalvik - so don't attempt to use URLCLassLoader (used by getGdbCL()) for Lite nodes. if ( isLite() ) return Class.forName(className); else { try { return Class.forName(className); } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { return Class.forName(className, true, gdbNodeSingleton.getGdbCL()); } } } private static final String ENV_VARIABLE_HOLDING_SERVICE_HANDLE_INFO_IN_BLUEMIX = "VCAP_SERVICES"; private static final String VCAP_SERVICES_CREDS_START = "\"credentials\":{"; /** * Auto-synch (i.e. load/unload) Gaian connections that newly appear/disappear from set of bound BlueMix data services. * * @return whether connections were added or removed. false if no changes occured. */ private final boolean autoLoadGaianConnectionsForNewlyAvailableBlueMixRDBMSServices() { String vcapServicesJsonString = System.getenv( ENV_VARIABLE_HOLDING_SERVICE_HANDLE_INFO_IN_BLUEMIX ); if ( null == vcapServicesJsonString ) return false; // config did not change Map<String,String> availableConnectionsToSynchTo = null; int idxOfNextCredsBlock = 0; while (true) { idxOfNextCredsBlock = vcapServicesJsonString.indexOf( VCAP_SERVICES_CREDS_START, idxOfNextCredsBlock ); if ( -1 == idxOfNextCredsBlock ) break; idxOfNextCredsBlock += VCAP_SERVICES_CREDS_START.length(); String[] nextCredsBlockInSingleElementList = Util.splitByTrimmedDelimiterNonNestedInCurvedBracketsOrQuotes( vcapServicesJsonString.substring(idxOfNextCredsBlock), '}', false, 1, null, null); // Use this method to specify maxElmts = 1 if ( 1 != nextCredsBlockInSingleElementList.length ) break; String[] props = Util.splitByCommas( nextCredsBlockInSingleElementList[0] ); String url = null, usr = null, pwd = null; for ( String s : props ) { // get each property String[] tuple = Util.splitByTrimmedDelimiterNonNestedInCurvedBracketsOrDoubleQuotes(s, ':'); if ( 2 > tuple.length ) continue; final String prop = tuple[0].toLowerCase(), val = tuple[1]; if ( prop.equals("\"jdbcurl\"") ) url = val.substring(1, val.length()-1); else if ( prop.equals("\"username\"") ) usr = val.substring(1, val.length()-1); else if ( prop.equals("\"password\"") ) pwd = val.substring(1, val.length()-1); if ( null != url && null != usr && null != pwd && url.startsWith("jdbc:") ) { // String driver = RDBProvider.fromURL(url).knownDrivers.get(0); // No need to resolve a driver - optional int idx1 = "jdbc:".length(), idx2 = url.indexOf(':', idx1); if ( 0 > idx2 ) break; // invalid jdbcurl in credentials block if ( null == availableConnectionsToSynchTo ) availableConnectionsToSynchTo = new HashMap<String,String>(); String redundantUsrPwdInURL = usr+":"+pwd+"@"; if ( -1 < (idx1 = url.indexOf(redundantUsrPwdInURL)) ) url = url.substring(0, idx1) + url.substring(idx1+redundantUsrPwdInURL.length()); availableConnectionsToSynchTo.put(url+"'"+usr, pwd); break; // Done: found/registered this RDBMS service - move on to the next ones.. } } } // Register cids as system/transient ones. Only add if doesn't exist + generate new cids (avoiding clashes with user ones). Also remove old ones. return GaianDBConfig.synchronizeSystemRDBMSConnections("BLUEMIX", availableConnectionsToSynchTo); } // NOTE: Kill methods must not kill the whole JVM with potential parent and sibling threads of GDB. There should be no System.exit() calls anywhere. // public static int killNode( int exitCode ) { stopNode(exitCode); return 1; } // isKillRequested = true; killExitCode = exitCode; return 1; } private static String shutdownRequestReason = null; private static int exitCode = -1; public void stop() { stop(0); } public static int stop( int exitCode ) { stop("Explicit stop. Exit code: " + exitCode); GaianNode.exitCode = exitCode; return 1; } public static void stop( String stopReason ) { stop(stopReason, null); } public static void stop( String stopReason, Throwable e ) { byte rStatus = getRunStatus(); if ( RUN_STATUS_OFF == rStatus || RUN_STATUS_PENDING_OFF == rStatus ) return; if ( null == shutdownRequestReason ) shutdownRequestReason = stopReason + (null==e?"":": " + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); if ( -1 == exitCode && null != e && e instanceof OutOfMemoryError ) exitCode = 2; runStatus.set( RUN_STATUS_PENDING_OFF ); if ( null != watchdogThread ) watchdogThread.interrupt(); } // private static boolean isKillRequested = false; // private static int killExitCode = 0; lkjl // public static boolean isKillRequested() { return isKillRequested; } // public static int getKillExitCode() { return killExitCode; } private static long dataThroughputInLastPeriod = 0; public static long getDataThroughput() { return dataThroughputInLastPeriod; } private static int queryActivityInLastPeriod = 0; public static int getQueryActivity() { return queryActivityInLastPeriod; } private static int nodeCPUInLastPeriod = 0; public static int getNodeCPUInLastPeriod() { return nodeCPUInLastPeriod; } public static final String THREADINFO_COLNAMES = "ID, GRP, NAME, PRIORITY, STATE, CPU, CPUSYS, ISSUSPENDED, ISINNATIVE, BLOCKCOUNT, BLOCKTIME, WAITCOUNT, WAITTIME"; // private static int dsCpuInLastPeriod = 0; // public static int getDsCpuInLastPeriod() { return dsCpuInLastPeriod; } private static ThreadMXBean threadMXBean; static { try { threadMXBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); } catch( Throwable e ) { logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.NODE_THREADMXBEAM_ERROR, "Unable to get threadMXBean - will not be able to compute CPU utilisation (ignored): " + e); } } // Limit total number of threads that we hold time values for - this caused memory leak with Tivoli APM product in August 2015. private static final Map<Long, Long> previousCPUTimes = new CachedHashMap<Long, Long>(10000); private static final Map<Long, Long> previousUserCPUTimes = new CachedHashMap<Long, Long>(10000); private static final Map<Long, Short> threadsCPU = new CachedHashMap<Long, Short>(10000); // percentage values private static final Map<Long, Short> threadsUserCPU = new CachedHashMap<Long, Short>(10000); // percentage values private static long lastSampleTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private static void computeCPUsForThreadsAndNodeInPeriod() { try { long totalCpuTimeInPeriod = 0; // int sumds=0, sumother=0; final long timeNow = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long timeInterval = timeNow - lastSampleTime; final int numProcs = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); lastSampleTime = timeNow; Thread[] threads = new Thread[ parentThreadGroup.activeCount()+100 ]; final int numThreads = parentThreadGroup.enumerate(threads); Set<Long> currentThreadIDs = new HashSet<Long>(); for ( Thread t : threads ) if ( null != t ) currentThreadIDs.add( t.getId() ); // Clean up HashMaps - removing entries for old threads previousCPUTimes.keySet().retainAll( currentThreadIDs ); previousUserCPUTimes.keySet().retainAll( currentThreadIDs ); threadsCPU.keySet().retainAll( currentThreadIDs ); threadsUserCPU.keySet().retainAll( currentThreadIDs ); currentThreadIDs.clear(); // System.out.println("\n*** Updated Threads CPU Information ***"); // System.out.println("Num threads/size of array holding them: " + numThreads + '/' + threads.length); // long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); for ( int i=0; i<numThreads; i++ ) { final Thread t = threads[i]; if ( null == t ) continue; final long tid = t.getId(); // Compute %cpu values, given that cpuTime is in nanos and timeInterval is in millis // Note the ratio of millis to nanos is 1 million, so to obtain a percentage value we divide by 10000 // int cpuPercent = -1, cpuUsrPercent = -1; final long cpuTime = null == threadMXBean ? -1 : threadMXBean.getThreadCpuTime(tid); if ( -1 != cpuTime ) { long cpuTimePrevious = previousCPUTimes.containsKey(tid) ? previousCPUTimes.get(tid) : 0; threadsCPU.put( tid, (short) ( (cpuTime-cpuTimePrevious) / (timeInterval*10000*numProcs) ) ); previousCPUTimes.put(tid, cpuTime); totalCpuTimeInPeriod += cpuTime - cpuTimePrevious; // if ( -1 == tInfo.getThreadName().indexOf(GaianResult.DS_EXECUTOR_THREAD_PREFIX) ) sumother += cpuTime - cpuTimePrevious; // else sumds += cpuTime - cpuTimePrevious; } final long cpuUsrTime = null == threadMXBean ? -1 : threadMXBean.getThreadUserTime(tid); if ( -1 != cpuUsrTime ) { long cpuUsrTimePrevious = previousUserCPUTimes.containsKey(tid) ? previousUserCPUTimes.get(tid) : 0; threadsUserCPU.put( tid, (short) ( (cpuUsrTime-cpuUsrTimePrevious) / (timeInterval*10000*numProcs) ) ); previousUserCPUTimes.put(tid, cpuUsrTime); } } // System.out.println("Num threads checked: " + numThreads + ", time taken (ms): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ts)); // Compute a % value, given that totalCpuTimeInPeriod is in nanos and timeInterval is in millis // Note the ratio of millis to nanos is 1 million, so to obtain a percentage value we divide by 10000 nodeCPUInLastPeriod = (int) (totalCpuTimeInPeriod/(timeInterval*10000*numProcs)); // dsCpuInLastPeriod = (int) (sumds/(timeInterval*10000*numProcs)); // System.out.println("\nSum Non DS: " + ((double)sumother)/1000000 + ", Sum DS: " + ((double)sumds)/1000000 + ", CPU %: " + nodeCPUInLastPeriod); // System.out.println("CPU values: total (ns): " + totalCpuTimeInPeriod // + ", timeInterval (ms): " + timeInterval + ", available processors: " + numProcs + " -> CPU (%): " + nodeCPUInLastPeriod); } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.NODE_CPU_COMPUTE_ERROR, "Unable to compute thread info or node CPU: " + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); } } public static List<String> getJvmThreadsInfo() { final List<String> jvmThreadsInfo = new ArrayList<String>(); try { Thread[] threads = new Thread[ parentThreadGroup.activeCount()+100 ]; final int numThreads = parentThreadGroup.enumerate(threads); // System.out.println("\n*** Getting Threads Information ***"); // System.out.println("Num threads/size of array holding them: " + numThreads + '/' + threads.length); // long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); for ( int i=0; i<numThreads; i++ ) { final Thread t = threads[i]; if ( null == t ) continue; final long tid = t.getId(); final ThreadGroup tGroup = t.getThreadGroup(); final String tGroupName = null == tGroup ? null : Util.escapeSingleQuotes( tGroup.getName() ); final String tInfoNull = "cast (null as boolean), cast (null as boolean), cast (null as int), " + "cast (null as int), cast (null as int), cast (null as int)"; final String tName = Util.escapeSingleQuotes( t.getName() ); final int tPriority = t.getPriority(); final String tState = Util.escapeSingleQuotes( t.getState().toString() ); // Columns are: // ID, GRP, NAME, PRIORITY, STATE, CPU, CPUSYS, ISSUSPENDED, ISINNATIVE, BLOCKCOUNT, BLOCKTIME, WAITCOUNT, WAITTIME if ( null == threadMXBean ) { jvmThreadsInfo.add( tid + ",'" + tGroupName + "','" + tName + "'," + tPriority + ",'" + tState + "'," + "cast (null as int), cast (null as int)," + tInfoNull // Add Locks, Block+Wait count/time, Lock monitors/synchronizers ? ); continue; } ThreadInfo tInfo = threadMXBean.getThreadInfo(tid); // not supported by some gnu versions of java short cpuPercent = threadsCPU.containsKey(tid) ? threadsCPU.get(tid) : 0; short cpuUsrPercent = threadsUserCPU.containsKey(tid) ? threadsUserCPU.get(tid) : 0; // Columns are: // ID, GRP, NAME, PRIORITY, STATE, CPU, CPUSYS, ISSUSPENDED, ISINNATIVE, BLOCKCOUNT, BLOCKTIME, WAITCOUNT, WAITTIME String tInfoString = tid + ",'" + tGroupName + "','" + tName + "'," + tPriority + ",'" + tState + "'," + cpuPercent + "," + (cpuPercent - cpuUsrPercent) + "," + ( null == tInfo ? tInfoNull : tInfo.isSuspended() + "," + tInfo.isInNative() + "," + tInfo.getBlockedCount() + "," + tInfo.getBlockedTime() + "," + tInfo.getWaitedCount() + "," + tInfo.getWaitedTime() // Add Locks, Block+Wait count/time, Lock monitors/synchronizers ? ); jvmThreadsInfo.add( tInfoString ); } // System.out.println("Num threads checked: " + numThreads + ", time taken (ms): " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ts)); } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.NODE_CPU_COMPUTE_ERROR, "Unable to compute thread info or node CPU: " + Util.getStackTraceDigest(e)); } return jvmThreadsInfo; } // private static void printSystemStats() { // OperatingSystemMXBean operatingSystemMXBean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean(); // ThreadMXBean threadMXBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); //// MemoryMXBean memoryMXBean = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean(); // for (Method method : operatingSystemMXBean.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) printSystemStat(operatingSystemMXBean, method); //// for (Method method : memoryMXBean.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) printJvmStat(memoryMXBean, method); // for (Method method : threadMXBean.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) printSystemStat(threadMXBean, method); // } // // private static void printSystemStat( Object bean, Method method ) { // method.setAccessible(true); //// if ( method.getName().startsWith("get") && Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers()) ) { //// Object value; try { value = method.invoke(bean); } catch (Exception e) { value = e; } //// System.out.println(method.getName() + " = " + value); //// } //// System.out.println("Trying to execute private methods..."); // if ( method.getName().startsWith("get") && Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers()) ) { // Object value; try { value = method.invoke(bean); } catch (Exception e) { value = e; } // System.out.println(method.getName() + " = " + value); // } // } // private String inputFileName = null; // private String previousFileName = null; // private String maxGroupSizeProperty = null; // private String previousGroupSize = null; // private String numEntitiesProperty = null; // private String previousEntities = null; // private String outputFileNameProperty = null; // private String previousOutputFile = null; // private void loadNewEntityAssociations() { // int maxGroupSize = 0; // int numEntities = 0; // // try { // inputFileName = GaianDBConfig.getVTIProperty( EntityAssociations.class, EntityAssociations.PROPERTY_ENTITY_ASSOCIATIONS_INPUT_FILE ); // numEntitiesProperty = GaianDBConfig.getVTIProperty( EntityAssociations.class, EntityAssociations.PROPERTY_ENTITY_ASSOCIATIONS_NUM_ENTITIES ); // maxGroupSizeProperty = GaianDBConfig.getVTIProperty( EntityAssociations.class, EntityAssociations.PROPERTY_ENTITY_ASSOCIATIONS_GROUP_SIZE ); // outputFileNameProperty = GaianDBConfig.getVTIProperty( EntityAssociations.class, EntityAssociations.PROPERTY_ENTITY_ASSOCIATIONS_OUTPUT_FILE ); // // boolean configIsDefined = // null != inputFileName && null != numEntitiesProperty && null != maxGroupSizeProperty; // // if ( ! configIsDefined ) { // if ( null != previousFileName ) { // EntityAssociations.unloadMatrix( previousFileName ); // previousFileName = null; // } // } else { // // If the config was modified, unload and reload the entity associations // // boolean configWasDefined = // null != previousFileName && null != previousEntities && null != previousGroupSize; // // // Check that config was defined so we dont always load at startup // boolean configChanged = configWasDefined && ( ! inputFileName.equals( previousFileName ) || // ! numEntitiesProperty.equals( previousEntities ) || ! maxGroupSizeProperty.equals( previousGroupSize ) || // ( null == outputFileNameProperty ? null != previousOutputFile : !outputFileNameProperty.equals( previousOutputFile ) )); // // // Also check if input file is more recent than output file // // File ipf = new File( inputFileName ); // File opf = new File( outputFileNameProperty ); // long loadedTime = null == outputFileNameProperty ? EntityAssociations.getLoadTime(inputFileName) : // ( 0 == opf.length() ? 0 : opf.lastModified() ); // boolean inputFileNeedsReloading = loadedTime < ipf.lastModified(); // // if ( configChanged || inputFileNeedsReloading ) { // EntityAssociations.unloadMatrix( previousFileName ); // does nothing if previousFileName is null // // numEntities = Integer.parseInt( numEntitiesProperty ); // maxGroupSize = Integer.parseInt( maxGroupSizeProperty ); // // String msg = "Loading Entity Associations for file " + inputFileName + // ", numEntities: " + numEntities + ", maxGroupSize: " + maxGroupSize + // (null == outputFileNameProperty ? "" : ", outputFile: " + outputFileNameProperty); // // logger.logInfo( msg ); // System.out.println( msg + " (please wait) ... " ); // long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); // // if ( ! ipf.exists() ) { // msg = "Failed: File does not exist"; // logger.logWarning( GDBMessages.NODE_ENTITY_ASSOC_LOAD_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Load of EntityAssociations " + msg ); // System.out.println( msg ); // } else { // // boolean rc = EntityAssociations.loadMatrix( inputFileName, numEntities, maxGroupSize, outputFileNameProperty ); // // if ( false == rc ) // System.out.println( "Failed - Could not load Entity Associations - please check logs" ); // else { // System.out.println( "Done - Entity Associations Loaded in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + "ms" ); // // previousFileName = inputFileName; // previousEntities = numEntitiesProperty; // previousGroupSize = maxGroupSizeProperty; // previousOutputFile = outputFileNameProperty; // } // } // } // } // // } catch ( Exception e ) { // logger.logException( GDBMessages.NODE_LOAD_ENTITY_ERROR, "Unable to read EntityAssociations properties (fileName: " + // inputFileName + ", numEntities: " + numEntities + ", maxGroupSize: " + maxGroupSize + ")", e); // } // } // public static void reloadRegistryIfConfigChanged() throws Exception { // // synchronized ( DataSourcesManager.class ) { // // Refresh resources if they have changed // if ( GaianDBConfig.refreshRegistryIfNecessary() ) // DataSourcesManager.refresh(); // } // } private void initialiseMessageStorer() { String brokerHost = GaianDBConfig.getBrokerHost(); int brokerPort = GaianDBConfig.getBrokerPort(); if ( null == brokerHost || -1 == brokerPort ) return; boolean cmdLineTopic = null != mqttTopic; if ( !cmdLineTopic ) mqttTopic = GaianDBConfig.getBrokerTopic(); logger.logInfo("Initialising Message Storer: host " + brokerHost + ", port " + brokerPort + ", topic " + mqttTopic); try { if ( null == mqttMessageStorerDBConnection ) mqttMessageStorerDBConnection = GaianDBConfig.getEmbeddedDerbyConnection(); // Use embedded connection - not the one below... // DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:derby://localhost:" + mPort + "/" + GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName(), // GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeUser(), GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodePassword() ); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.logInfo("Unable to obtain connection to local gaiandb derby database (will retry periodically): " + e); return; } try { String ip = localHostAddress.getHostAddress(); messageStorer = new MQTTMessageStorer( "GDB" + ip + ":" + mPort, brokerHost, brokerPort, mqttTopic, cmdLineTopic, mqttMessageStorerDBConnection, true ); // last boolean says if we are using refreshable broker config from gaiandb config file } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.logException(GDBMessages.NODE_MQTT_CONSTRUCT_ERROR, "Exception caught constructing " + MQTTMessageStorer.MQTTMessageStorerBaseClassName, e); } } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { DataSourcesManager.closeAllDataSourcesAndSourceHandles(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { super.finalize(); } } private void setArgs(String[] args) { for( int i=0; i<args.length; i+=2 ) { String arg = args[i]; if ( "-console".equals( arg ) ) { mLogPrintStream = System.out; i--; continue; } if ( "-lite".equals( arg ) ) { isLiteNode = true; i--; continue; } if ( "-test".equals( arg ) ) { isTestModeOn = true; i--; continue; } if ( "-showtimes".equals( arg ) ) { showStartupTimes = true; i--; continue; } if ( i+1 == args.length ) syntaxError( args, "Aborting on argument: " + arg); String val = args[i+1]; // logger.logAlways("arg: " + arg + ", val: " + val); if ( "-n".equals( arg ) ) { if ( null != mNodeName ) syntaxError(args, "mNodeName value cannot be defined more than once"); mNodeName = val; } else if ( "-p".equals( arg ) ) { if ( mPort != -1 ) syntaxError(args, "Port value cannot be defined more than once"); mPort = Integer.parseInt( val ); } else if ( "-h".equals( arg ) ) { // hidden option... wouldn't normally be used but may come in handy (?) if ( null != mHost ) syntaxError(args, "Host value cannot be defined more than once"); mHost = val; } else if ( "-g".equals( arg ) ) { // list of gateways if ( null != mGateways ) syntaxError(args, "Gateways value cannot be defined more than once"); mGateways = val; // } else if ( "-exto".equals( arg ) ) { // execute timeout for hanging data sources - config hack for Android demo which used UDP driver. // if ( null != mExecTimeout ) syntaxError("Exec timeout value cannot be defined more than once"); // mExecTimeout = val; // } else if ( "-w".equals( arg ) ) { // if ( null != mWorkspace ) syntaxError("Workspace value cannot be defined more than once"); // mWorkspace = val; } else if ( "-c".equals( arg ) ) { if ( null != mConfig || !val.endsWith(".properties") ) syntaxError(args, "Config file name must be specified once only and have the extention '.properties'"); mConfig = val.substring(0, val.indexOf( ".properties" )); } else if ( "-mt".equals( arg ) ) { if ( mqttTopic != null ) syntaxError(args, "Topic argument cannot be specified more than once"); mqttTopic = val; // } else if ( "-initsql".equals( arg ) ) { // if ( null != initsql ) syntaxError("initsql cannot be defined more than once"); // initsql = val; } else if ( "-initscript".equals( arg ) ) { gdbInitFileSQL = val; } else if ( "-log".equals( arg ) ) { if ( null != mLogLevel /*|| null != mLogFile*/ ) syntaxError(args, "-log argument cannot be specified more than once"); // if ( mLogFile == null && val.endsWith(".log") ) { // mLogFile = val.substring(0, val.indexOf( ".log" )); // if ( i+2 == args.length || args[i+2].startsWith("-") ) // continue; // val = args[ i+ 2 ]; // } mLogLevel = val; if ( !Logger.isValidLogLevel( mLogLevel ) ) syntaxError(args, "Cannot set log level to: " + mLogLevel + ", possible levels are: " + Arrays.asList( Logger.POSSIBLE_LEVELS )); // syntaxError("-log arguments must have a .log extention or be one of the valid log levels: " + Arrays.asList( Logger.POSSIBLE_LEVELS )); } else { syntaxError(args, "Unrecognised argument: " + arg); } } if ( -1 != mPort ) { // if ( null == mConfig ) syntaxError("A config file must be specified when a port value is specified"); // A config file is required if a different port is specified } else { mPort = DEFAULT_PORT; } if ( null == mConfig ) mConfig = GDB_WORKSPACE + "/" + DEFAULT_CONFIG; if ( null == mHost ) mHost = DEFAULT_PROVENANCE_HOST; // if ( null == mWorkspace ) mWorkspace = ""; } // private static void syntaxError() { // logger.logAlways( USAGE ); System.exit(1); // } private static void syntaxError(String[] args, String help) { logger.logRaw( "\n" + help + "\nGaianNode args[] = " + Arrays.asList(args) + "\n" + USAGE + "\n" ); stop("Usage error on start-up: " + help); } private static void showStartupTime( int threadIndex, String codeDescription ) { if ( showStartupTimes ) { // if ( 0 == t1[threadIndex] ) System.out.println(); t1[threadIndex] = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Thread " + threadIndex + " did " + codeDescription + " in (ms): " + (t1[threadIndex]-t0[threadIndex])); t0[threadIndex] = t1[threadIndex]; } } // define a query runner against which we can perform node initialisation. private static SQLDerbyRunner sdr = null; /** * Performs part initialisation of the Gaian Node. * This creates the connection maintenance procedure for a new database. * * @throws Exception */ private void initialiseGaianNodeData0() throws Exception { // Use the SQLDerbyRunner because it has extra functionality to define positional parms and // to ignore failing DROP commands easily (with a '!' prefix); and it remembers prepared statements on it sdr = new SQLDerbyRunner( GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeUser(), GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodePassword(), GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName() ); sdr.processSQLs( "-quiet" ); sdr.processSQLs( "-standalone" ); // Already done when starting the network server // sdr.processSQLs( s, "CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('"+ // GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeUser()+"', '"+GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodePassword()+"')", "" ); // long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Run any user specific initialisation SQL sdr.processSQLs( stripSQLDropsIfInitialisingNewGDB( DatabaseConnectionsChecker.INIT_SQL ) ); showStartupTime( 1, "standalone connection and INIT_SQL" ); } /** * Performs part initialisation of the Gaian Node. * If the database is new (the gaian jar file is the same and the modification * date of the database is newer than the Jar date) then we perform initialisation: * creating default tables, registers procedures and functions, grants the default * user priviledge, other security configuration and then executes any initialisation script * that may have been specified on the command line. * This is only performed for new databases and not checked on existing databases to speed * up the startup of GaianDB * * NOTE: When this method is called, the logical tables are loaded but not necessarily their * wrapping views (only if they were created on a previous node initialisation). * * @throws Exception */ private void initialiseGaianNodeData() throws Exception { //// Use the SQLDerbyRunner because it has extra functionality to define positional parms and //// to ignore failing DROP commands easily (with a '!' prefix); and it remembers prepared statements on it // SQLDerbyRunner sdr = new SQLDerbyRunner( // GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeUser(), // GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodePassword(), // GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName() ); // // sdr.processSQLs( "-quiet" ); // sdr.processSQLs( "-standalone" ); // // // Already done when starting the network server //// sdr.processSQLs( s, "CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('"+ //// GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeUser()+"', '"+GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodePassword()+"')", "" ); //// long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // // // Run any user specific initialisation SQL // sdr.processSQLs( DatabaseConnectionsChecker.INIT_SQL ); // showStartupTime( "standalone connection and INIT_SQL" ); Statement stmt = sdr.createStatementOffInternalConnection(); DataSourcesManager.registerDatabaseStatementForLogicalTableViewsLoading( GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeDatabaseName(), stmt ); if ( false == isInitDataUpToDate ) { sdr.processSQLs( stripSQLDropsIfInitialisingNewGDB( GaianDBConfigProcedures.GAIANDB_API ) ); // Setup the API sdr.processSQLs( stripSQLDropsIfInitialisingNewGDB( GaianDBUtilityProcedures.PROCEDURES_SQL ) ); // Setup utility procedures // Replaced 3 lines here with code further down that checks if the tables already exist // sdr.processSQLs( "!" + MetricMonitor.getCreateMetricsTableSQL() ); // sdr.processSQLs( "!" + HttpQueryInterface.getCreateQueriesTableSQL() ); // sdr.processSQLs( "!" + HttpQueryInterface.getCreateQueryFieldsTableSQL() ); // GRANT access to the GDBINIT_USERDB() procedure to everyone if schema privacy is enabled - so that alternate users can clone our database. if ( "TRUE".equals( Util.getDerbyDatabaseProperty(stmt, "derby.database.sqlAuthorization") ) ) stmt.executeQuery( "grant execute on procedure GDBINIT_USERDB to public" ); final String schema = GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeUser().toUpperCase(); // MUST BE UPPER CASE! // Create special table for metric monitoring (e.g. CPU, Memory etc) Util.executeCreateIfDerbyTableDoesNotExist( stmt, schema, MetricMonitor.PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME, MetricMonitor.getCreateMetricsTableSQL() ); // Create special tables for storing encapsulated queries, e.g. for the Web Query Module (part of DWQT - Database Web Query Tools) Util.executeCreateIfDerbyTableDoesNotExist( stmt, schema, HttpQueryInterface.QUERIES_TABLE_NAME, HttpQueryInterface.getCreateQueriesTableSQL() ); Util.executeCreateIfDerbyTableDoesNotExist( stmt, schema, HttpQueryInterface.QUERY_FIELDS_TABLE_NAME, HttpQueryInterface.getCreateQueryFieldsTableSQL() ); sdr.processSQLs( // Allow access by user GAIANDB on database GAIANDB - this is necessary in case users wish to disable default user access by enabling // the following system property in derby.properties: derby.database.defaultConnectionMode=noAccess "CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.database.fullAccessUsers', '"+ GaianDBConfig.getGaianNodeUser() +"');" // Defect 93155 - Avoid adding Derby property settings in code here, because it will appear as hidden behaviour that differs from a plain Derby install. ); showStartupTime( 0, "data GAIANDB_API and utility procedures" ); // Views check/update is done in DataSourcesManager.resetUpToDateViews() // // Setup the logical table views // try { DataSourcesManager.checkUpdateLogicalTableViews( sdr.createStatementOffInternalConnection() ); } // catch ( Exception e ) { logger.logWarning(GDBMessages.NODE_LT_VIEWS_SETUP_ERROR, "Failed to setup logical table views: " + e); } // // showStartupTime( 0, "data LT VIEWS" ); SecurityManager.initialiseUsersTableAndItsUpdateTrigger( sdr ); showStartupTime( 0, "users table initialisation" ); } } private static String stripSQLDropsIfInitialisingNewGDB( final String initSQL ) { // logger.logInfo("SQL with stripped DROPs: " + initSQL.replaceAll("!DROP[^;]*;", "")); return 0L < gdbDbTimestampAtStartup ? initSQL : initSQL.replaceAll("!DROP[^;]*;", ""); } }